2023-07-15 22:36:49 +02:00

65 lines
2.1 KiB
Common Lisp

(defpackage cl-sbt-album
(:use :cl)
(:import-from :cl-sbt-grid :container :row :col)
(:import-from :cl-sbt-navbar :navbar :brand :toggler)
(in-package :cl-sbt-album)
(defvar *navbar-header-id* "navbarHeader")
(defmacro about (&body body)
(:h4 "About"
(:p :class "text-body-secondary"
(defmacro contact (&rest rest)
(:h4 "Contact")
(:ul :class "list-unstyled"
,@(loop for item in rest
collect (destructuring-bind (&key url label) item
`(:li (:a :class "text-white"
:href ,url
(defmacro navbar-header (id &body body)
(:div :id ,id
:class "collapse"
(defmacro header (&body body)
(:header ,@body)))
(defmacro main (&body body)
(:main ,@body)))
(defmacro footer (&body body)
(:footer :class "text-body-secondary py-5"
(defmacro album-page (title &body body)
`(cl-sbt:with-page (:title title)
(header (navbar-header *navbar-header-id*
(container ()
(row ()
(col (:sm (8 nil) :md (7 nil))
(about "Add some information about the album below, the author, or any other background context. Make it a few sentences long so folks can pick up some informative tidbits. Then, link them off to some social networking sites or contact information."))
(col (:sm (8 nil) :md (nil 1))
(contact (:url "#" :label "Follow on Twitter")
(:url "#" :label "Like on Facebook")
(:url "#" :label "Email me"))))))
(navbar (:fluid nil)
(brand () "Album")
(toggler *navbar-header-id*)))
(main ,@body)
(footer (container ()
(:p :class "float-end mb-1"
(:a :href "#" "Back to top"))
(:p :class "mb-0")))))