2024-07-07 13:46:09 +02:00
;;;; -*- mode: common-lisp; coding: utf-8; -*-
2024-07-09 20:23:19 +02:00
(defpackage ml-survey/survey
(:use #:cl)
(:import-from #:hunchentoot
(:import-from #:dev.metalisp.sbt
(:export #:survey-id
(in-package #:ml-survey/survey)
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2024-06-11 18:27:17 +02:00
(defclass survey ()
((id :initarg :id :reader survey-id)
(data-dir :initarg :data-dir :reader survey-data-dir)
(properties :initarg :properties :reader survey-properties)))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((survey survey) &key)
(with-slots (id data-dir properties) survey
(setf data-dir (uiop:merge-pathnames*
(format nil "~a/" id)
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2024-06-11 18:27:17 +02:00
(setf properties (first (rest (assoc (parse-integer id)
2024-07-09 20:23:19 +02:00
(ml-survey/fileops:read-from-file (ml-survey/fileops:make-surveys-db-file))))))))
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(defgeneric survey-id-p (survey)
(:documentation "Check if the survey ID is present in the surveys database."))
(defgeneric survey-data-dir-files (survey)
(:documentation "Get the list of files in the survey's data directory."))
(defgeneric survey-data-dir-p (survey)
(:documentation "Check if the survey's data directory exists."))
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(defgeneric survey-properties-title (survey)
(:documentation "Get title property."))
(defgeneric survey-properties-description (survey)
(:documentation "Get description property."))
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(defmethod survey-id-p ((survey survey))
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(let ((ids (mapcar #'car (read-from-file (ml-survey/fileops:make-surveys-db-file)))))
2024-06-11 18:27:17 +02:00
(if (member (parse-integer (survey-id survey)) ids) t nil)))
(defmethod survey-data-dir-files ((survey survey))
(uiop:directory-files (survey-data-dir survey)))
(defmethod survey-data-dir-p ((survey survey))
(uiop:directory-exists-p (survey-data-dir survey)))
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(defmethod survey-properties-title ((survey survey))
(cdr (assoc "title" (survey-properties survey) :test #'string-equal)))
(defmethod survey-properties-description ((survey survey))
(cdr (assoc "description" (survey-properties survey) :test #'string-equal)))
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(defun build-questionnaire-link (survey-id resource)
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(format nil "/survey/~a~a" survey-id resource))
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(defmethod survey-html ((survey survey))
2024-06-14 17:47:54 +02:00
(:dl (loop for property in (survey-properties survey)
for key = (car property)
for value = (cdr property) do
(:dt key)
(cond ((string= key "questionnaire")
2024-06-20 23:29:47 +02:00
(:dd (:a :href (build-questionnaire-link (survey-id survey) value)
(format nil "Open Questionnaire ~a" value))))
2024-06-14 17:47:54 +02:00
(t (:dd value)))))))
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(defun results-not-null (results)
(some (lambda (x) (and (listp x) (not (null x)))) results))
2024-07-10 22:28:47 +02:00
(defun group-in-chunks (lst)
"Group LST into sublists of three elements."
(loop for i from 0 by 3 while (< i (length lst))
collect (subseq lst i (min (+ i 3) (length lst)))))
2024-07-09 20:23:19 +02:00
(defun view (survey &optional results)
"Generates the view to show the survey created."
(check-type survey survey)
(let ((results-not-null (results-not-null results))
(sus-results (getf results :sus)))
(with-page (:title "Survey Details" :add-js-urls ("/app.js"))
(body-header "Survey Details" (ml-survey/navbar:navbar-en))
(:main :id "main-content"
:class "container"
(:p (format nil "ID: ~a" (survey-id survey)))
(:h2 :class "py-3" "Properties")
(survey-html survey)
(when results-not-null
(:h2 :class "py-3" "Questionnaire Results")
(if sus-results
(let ((count-answers (length (cdr (car sus-results)))))
(:h3 :class "py-1" "SUS")
(:table :class "table table-hover"
(:caption "Questionnaire results table")
(:th :scope "col" "Time")
(loop for header from 1 below count-answers
do (:th :scope "col" (format nil "Q ~a" header)))
(:th :scope "col" "SUS Score")))
(loop for row in sus-results
do (:tr (mapcar (lambda (data) (:td data)) row)))))))
(loop for (type data) on results by #'cddr unless (eq type :sus)
do (progn (:h3 :class "py-1" (format nil "~a" type))
2024-07-10 22:28:47 +02:00
(:div :class "container"
(loop for row in (group-in-chunks data)
do (:div :class "row"
(loop for col in row
do (:ul :class "col-4 list-group py-3"
(loop for entry in col
for i from 0
do (:li :class (if (zerop i)
"list-group-item active"
2024-07-09 20:23:19 +02:00
(defun extract-numbers (results)
"Extract numbers from a questionnaire RESULTS list.
Returns a list of integers."
(check-type results list)
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(parse-integer (remove-if (complement #'digit-char-p)
(cdr x)))) results))
(defun sus-calc-score (results)
(check-type results list)
(let ((counter 0))
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(setq counter (1+ counter))
(if (evenp counter)
(- 5 x)
(1- x)))
(defun sus-calc-score-per-row (results)
(check-type results list)
(reverse (cons (* (apply #'+ (sus-calc-score results)) 2.5) (reverse results))))
(defun sus-calc (files)
(check-type files list)
(cons (car files) (sus-calc-score-per-row (extract-numbers (cdr files)))))
(defstruct questionnaire-result
(defun questionnaire-result-from-file (filename)
(check-type filename (or string pathname))
(let ((data (ml-survey/fileops:read-from-file filename)))
(make-questionnaire-result :type (getf data :type)
:timestamp (getf data :timestamp)
:post-data (getf data :post-data))))
(defun list-of-categorized-results (result-objs)
"Categorize results into different lists based on their type.
Apply special calculation for results of type 'sus'."
(let ((categorized-results (list :sus nil)))
(dolist (result result-objs categorized-results)
(let ((type (intern (string-upcase (questionnaire-result-type result)) :keyword))
(data (questionnaire-result-post-data result))
(timestamp (questionnaire-result-timestamp result)))
((eq type :sus)
(setf (getf categorized-results :sus)
(cons (sus-calc (cons timestamp data))
(getf categorized-results :sus))))
(setf (getf categorized-results type)
(cons (cons timestamp (mapcar #'cdr data))
(getf categorized-results type)))))))))
(defun survey-uri-p (uri)
(let ((parts (ml-survey/app:split-uri uri)))
(and (= (length parts) 2)
(string= (first parts) "survey")
(every #'digit-char-p (second parts)))))
(defun survey-uri (request)
(survey-uri-p (hunchentoot:request-uri request)))
(define-easy-handler (survey-handler :uri #'survey-uri) ()
(let* ((s (make-instance 'survey
:id (ml-survey/app:extract-from (hunchentoot:request-uri*) :survey-id)))
(result-objs (mapcar 'questionnaire-result-from-file
(survey-data-dir-files s))))
(view s (list-of-categorized-results result-objs))))