Split questionnaire into different files but keep package

This commit is contained in:
Marcus Kammer 2025-02-14 21:47:44 +01:00
parent c7cde8a1d0
commit 26d6d43eec
Signed by: marcuskammer
GPG key ID: C374817BE285268F
5 changed files with 145 additions and 142 deletions

View file

@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
;;;; -*- mode: common-lisp; coding: utf-8; -*-
(defpackage ml-survey/questionnaire
(:use :cl)
(:import-from #:hunchentoot
(:import-from #:ml-sbt
(:import-from #:ml-sbt/btn
(:import-from #:ml-sbt/form
(:import-from #:ml-sbt/utility
(in-package :ml-survey/questionnaire)
(defstruct questionnaire
(lang "" :type string)
(name "" :type string))
(defun form-path (q)
(uiop:merge-pathnames* (format nil "~a/~a.lisp"
(questionnaire-lang q)
(questionnaire-name q))
(defun load-form (q)
(declare (type questionnaire q))
"Load a Lisp file containing form definitions."
(let ((form-path (form-path q)))
(progn (load form-path) nil)
(file-error (e)
(warn "File error occurred: ~A" e))
(reader-error (e)
(warn "Syntax error occurred: ~A" e)))))
(defmacro with-form (&body body)
"Create a standardized HTML form wrapped in a <main> tag with a pre-defined
class and structure, using the Spinneret library. The form is designed to be
used within a web application served by Hunchentoot, utilizing common layout
and localization practices. The macro automatically sets the forms action to
the current request URI and expects certain functions and variables to be
available in its environment for full functionality."
(:main :id "main-content"
:class "container-fluid my-5"
(:p "Please fill out the following forms and press the submit button.")
;; action is defined as hunchentoot:request-uri* function
(:form :id "questionnaire-form"
:action (hunchentoot:request-uri*)
:method "post"
:class (spacing :property "m" :side "y" :size 5)
(btn-primary (:type "submit")
(t9n "submit" (questionnaire-lang q)))))))
(defun view (q)
(declare (type questionnaire q))
(with-page (:title "Questionnaire Form" :lang (questionnaire-lang q))
(with-body-header "fluid" "Questionnaire Form" (questionnaire-lang q))
(with-form (load-form q))))
(defun view-submit (q)
(declare (type questionnaire q))
(with-page (:title "Confirmation")
(with-body-header "fluid" "Confirmation" (questionnaire-lang q))
(:main :id "main-content"
:class "container"
(:div :class "alert alert-info"
:role "alert"
"Thank you for filling out the questionnaire."))))
(defun questionnaire-uri-p (uri)
"Check if the request URI matches the pattern '/survey/<numeric>/lang/type'"
(let ((parts (ml-survey/app:split-uri uri)))
(and (= (length parts) 4)
(string= (first parts) "survey")
(every #'digit-char-p (second parts))
(= 2 (length (third parts))))))
(defun questionnaire-uri (request)
(questionnaire-uri-p (hunchentoot:request-uri request)))
(defvar *likert-scale*
'(:sus :nps :ueq :mecue :seq :umux :pwu :smeq :intui :visawi))
(defun likert-p (q)
(let ((q-keyword (if (stringp q) (intern (string-upcase q) :keyword) q)))
(if (member q-keyword *likert-scale*)
(defun process-questionnaire-get (q)
(declare (type questionnaire q))
(view q))
(defun questionnaire-data-structure (post-params q)
(list :type (if (likert-p (questionnaire-name q))
:name (questionnaire-name q)
:timestamp (ml-survey/app:today+now)
:post-data post-params))
(defun questionnaire-write-to-file (data-file post-params q)
(ml-survey/fileops:write-to-file data-file (questionnaire-data-structure post-params q)))
(defun process-questionnaire-post (post-params survey q)
(declare (type questionnaire q))
(let* ((survey-id (ml-survey/survey:survey-id survey))
(questionnaire-id (ml-survey/app:generate-uuid))
(questionnaire-data-file (ml-survey/fileops:ensure-data-file-exist survey-id questionnaire-id)))
(questionnaire-write-to-file questionnaire-data-file post-params q)
(view-submit q)))
(defun extract-uri-param (param)
(ml-survey/app:extract-from (hunchentoot:request-uri*) param))
(defun create-survey (survey-id)
(make-instance 'ml-survey/survey:survey :id survey-id))
(defun create-questionnaire (lang name)
(make-questionnaire :lang lang :name name))
(defun process-request (survey questionnaire)
(ecase (hunchentoot:request-method*)
(:get (process-questionnaire-get questionnaire))
(:post (process-questionnaire-post (hunchentoot:post-parameters*) survey questionnaire))))
(define-easy-handler (questionnaire-handler :uri #'questionnaire-uri) ()
(let* ((survey-id (extract-uri-param :survey-id))
(lang (extract-uri-param :lang))
(questionnaire-name (extract-uri-param :questionnaire))
(survey (create-survey survey-id))
(questionnaire (create-questionnaire lang questionnaire-name)))
(process-request survey questionnaire)))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
;;; -*- mode: lisp; coding: utf-8; -*-
(in-package :ml-survey/questionnaire)
(defun questionnaire-uri-p (uri)
"Check if the request URI matches the pattern '/survey/<numeric>/lang/type'"
(let ((parts (ml-survey/app:split-uri uri)))
(and (= (length parts) 4)
(string= (first parts) "survey")
(every #'digit-char-p (second parts))
(= 2 (length (third parts))))))
(defun questionnaire-uri (request)
(questionnaire-uri-p (hunchentoot:request-uri request)))
(defvar *likert-scale*
'(:sus :nps :ueq :mecue :seq :umux :pwu :smeq :intui :visawi))
(defun likert-p (q)
(let ((q-keyword (if (stringp q) (intern (string-upcase q) :keyword) q)))
(if (member q-keyword *likert-scale*)
(defun process-questionnaire-get (q)
(declare (type questionnaire q))
(view q))
(defun questionnaire-data-structure (post-params q)
(list :type (if (likert-p (questionnaire-name q))
:name (questionnaire-name q)
:timestamp (ml-survey/app:today+now)
:post-data post-params))
(defun questionnaire-write-to-file (data-file post-params q)
(ml-survey/fileops:write-to-file data-file (questionnaire-data-structure post-params q)))
(defun process-questionnaire-post (post-params survey q)
(declare (type questionnaire q))
(let* ((survey-id (ml-survey/survey:survey-id survey))
(questionnaire-id (ml-survey/app:generate-uuid))
(questionnaire-data-file (ml-survey/fileops:ensure-data-file-exist survey-id questionnaire-id)))
(questionnaire-write-to-file questionnaire-data-file post-params q)
(view-submit q)))
(defun extract-uri-param (param)
(ml-survey/app:extract-from (hunchentoot:request-uri*) param))
(defun create-survey (survey-id)
(make-instance 'ml-survey/survey:survey :id survey-id))
(defun create-questionnaire (lang name)
(make-questionnaire :lang lang :name name))
(defun process-request (survey questionnaire)
(ecase (hunchentoot:request-method*)
(:get (process-questionnaire-get questionnaire))
(:post (process-questionnaire-post (hunchentoot:post-parameters*) survey questionnaire))))
(define-easy-handler (questionnaire-handler :uri #'questionnaire-uri) ()
(let* ((survey-id (extract-uri-param :survey-id))
(lang (extract-uri-param :lang))
(questionnaire-name (extract-uri-param :questionnaire))
(survey (create-survey survey-id))
(questionnaire (create-questionnaire lang questionnaire-name)))
(process-request survey questionnaire)))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
;;; -*- mode: lisp; coding: utf-8; -*-
(in-package :ml-survey/questionnaire)
(defstruct questionnaire
(lang "" :type string)
(name "" :type string))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
;;; -*- mode: lisp; coding: utf-8; -*-
(defpackage :ml-survey/questionnaire
(:use :cl)
(:import-from #:hunchentoot
(:import-from #:ml-sbt
(:import-from #:ml-sbt/btn
(:import-from #:ml-sbt/form
(:import-from #:ml-sbt/utility

View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
;;; -*- mode: lisp; coding: utf-8; -*-
(in-package :ml-survey/questionnaire)
(defun form-path (q)
(uiop:merge-pathnames* (format nil "~a/~a.lisp"
(questionnaire-lang q)
(questionnaire-name q))
(defun load-form (q)
(declare (type questionnaire q))
"Load a Lisp file containing form definitions."
(let ((form-path (form-path q)))
(progn (load form-path) nil)
(file-error (e)
(warn "File error occurred: ~A" e))
(reader-error (e)
(warn "Syntax error occurred: ~A" e)))))
(defmacro with-form (&body body)
"Create a standardized HTML form wrapped in a <main> tag with a pre-defined
class and structure, using the Spinneret library. The form is designed to be
used within a web application served by Hunchentoot, utilizing common layout
and localization practices. The macro automatically sets the forms action to
the current request URI and expects certain functions and variables to be
available in its environment for full functionality."
(:main :id "main-content"
:class "container-fluid my-5"
(:p "Please fill out the following forms and press the submit button.")
;; action is defined as hunchentoot:request-uri* function
(:form :id "questionnaire-form"
:action (hunchentoot:request-uri*)
:method "post"
:class (spacing :property "m" :side "y" :size 5)
(btn-primary (:type "submit")
(t9n "submit" (questionnaire-lang q)))))))
(defun view (q)
(declare (type questionnaire q))
(with-page (:title "Questionnaire Form" :lang (questionnaire-lang q))
(with-body-header "fluid" "Questionnaire Form" (questionnaire-lang q))
(with-form (load-form q))))
(defun view-submit (q)
(declare (type questionnaire q))
(with-page (:title "Confirmation")
(with-body-header "fluid" "Confirmation" (questionnaire-lang q))
(:main :id "main-content"
:class "container"
(:div :class "alert alert-info"
:role "alert"
"Thank you for filling out the questionnaire."))))