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Marcus Kammer 2024-06-01 16:26:59 +02:00
parent 8f65efb80a
commit 80065852ea
Signed by: marcuskammer
GPG key ID: C374817BE285268F

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@ -1,31 +1,5 @@
(in-package :ml-survey)
;; (define-easy-handler (sus :uri "/sus") (lang)
;; (setf *html-lang* lang)
;; (return-sus-form lang))
;; (define-easy-handler (submit :uri "/submit") nil
;; (setf (content-type*) "text/plain")
;; (let* ((post-params (post-parameters* *request*))
;; (stored-response (load-response (make-db-path (today) "_submit-db.lisp")))
;; (response (reverse (push (list (now) post-params) stored-response))))
;; (store-response (make-db-path (today) "_submit-db.lisp") response)
;; (format nil "~A" response)))
;; (defun starts-with-subseq (subseq seq)
;; "Check if the sequence SEQ starts with the subsequence SUBSEQ."
;; (let ((subseq-length (length subseq)))
;; (and (<= subseq-length (length seq))
;; (string= subseq (subseq seq 0 subseq-length)))))
;; (defun survey-uri-p (request)
;; "Predicate function to check if the request URI matches the survey pattern.
;; The URI should start with \"/survey/\" followed by a numeric ID."
;; (let* ((uri (hunchentoot:request-uri request))
;; (id (subseq uri (length "/survey/"))))
;; (and (starts-with-subseq "/survey/" uri)
;; (every #'digit-char-p id))))
(defun split-uri (uri)
(remove-if #'string-empty-p (uiop:split-string uri :separator "/")))