
120 lines
3.8 KiB
Common Lisp

;;;; -*- mode: common-lisp; coding: utf-8; -*-
(defpackage ml-survey/app
(:use #:cl)
(:export #:extract-from
(in-package #:ml-survey/app)
(defparameter *html-lang* "en")
(defparameter *use-cdn* nil)
(defparameter *url-key-map*
'((:survey-id . 1)
(:lang . 2)
(:questionnaire . 3)))
(defun split-uri (uri)
(check-type uri string)
(remove-if #'string-empty-p
(uiop:split-string uri :separator "/")))
(defun extract-from (url key)
(let* ((parts (split-uri url))
(index (cdr (assoc key *url-key-map*))))
(when (and parts index)
(nth index parts))))
(defun today ()
"Return today's date formatted as ISO-8601."
(local-time:format-timestring nil
:format '(:year "-" (:month 2) "-" (:day 2))))
(defun now ()
"Return current time formatted as ISO-8601."
(local-time:format-timestring nil
:format '((:hour 2) ":" (:min 2) ":" (:sec 2))))
(defun today+now ()
(format nil "~a ~a" (today) (now)))
(defun generate-uuid ()
(parse-integer (format nil "~A~A~A"
(random 1000000))))
(defun generate-random-id (length)
(let ((charset "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"))
(coerce (loop repeat length
collect (char charset (random (length charset))))
(defun string-empty-p (string) (= (length string) 0))
(defun set-default-directory (directory)
(setf *default-pathname-defaults* (truename (merge-pathnames directory))))
(defun create-server (name port &key address document-root access-log-destination)
(let ((acceptor (make-instance 'hunchentoot:easy-acceptor
:address address
:name name
:document-root document-root
:access-log-destination access-log-destination
:port port)))
(defun start-server (acceptor &key document-root)
(if document-root
(setf (hunchentoot:acceptor-document-root acceptor) document-root))
(hunchentoot:start acceptor))
(defun stop-server (acceptor)
(hunchentoot:stop acceptor))
(defun restart-server (acceptor)
(hunchentoot:stop acceptor)
(hunchentoot:start acceptor))
(defvar *app* (create-server 'app
"The web server.")
(defun start ()
"Start here. Start the web server."
(start-server *app*))
(defun main ()
"Call this function automatically from binary lisp image. Out of a REPL use
`start' function."
;; let the webserver run.
;; warning: hardcoded "hunchentoot".
;; You can simply run (sleep most-positive-fixnum)
(handler-case (bt:join-thread (find-if (lambda (th)
(search "hunchentoot" (bt:thread-name th)))
;; Catch a user's C-c
(#+sbcl sb-sys:interactive-interrupt
#+ccl ccl:interrupt-signal-condition
#+clisp system::simple-interrupt-condition
#+ecl ext:interactive-interrupt
#+allegro excl:interrupt-signal
() (progn
(format *error-output* "Aborting.~&")
(error (c) (format t "Woops, an unknown error occured:~&~a~&" c))))