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<span class="hidden">CLiki - Acclimation</span>
<div id="content"><div id="content-area"><div id="article-title">Acclimation</div><div id="article">This project is meant to provide tools for internationalizing Common
Lisp programs.<p>One important aspect of <a href="internationalization.html" class="category">internationalization</a> is of course the language
used in error messages, <a href="documentation.html" class="internal">documentation</a> strings etc. But with this
project we will provide tools for all other aspects of
internationalization as well. To get an idea of what we are aiming
for, here is a partial list of other tools we are thinking of
<li>Showing dates. This is a complex issue because it not only
involves the format of a date, but also the precision. For
example, it is probably not useful to provide more precision for
the <a href="time.html" class="internal">time</a> an email was sent than down to the minute.<p></li>
<li>Measuring weight. There are three important aspects here, namely
the type of object that is being measured, the unit to be used,
and the precision. For instance, in the UK, for measuring the
weight of people, some people like to use the units "stones" and
"pounds" for this purpose, and it is not useful to give more than
one or two digits of precision for the pounds.<p></li>
<li>Measuring temperature. The same three aspects are involved as
with weight <a href="units.html" class="category">units</a>. Some people might want to use degrees
Fahrenheit for measuring oven temperature, and it is not useful to
have more precision than 10 degrees. The same person might want
to show the temperature of liquid nitrogen in Kelvin.<p></li>
<li>Names of physical quantities. Even if English is used, some
people (including myself) do not like names of physical quantities
that tie them to a particular unit of measure, such as voltage,
mileage, amperage, wattage, etc. In addition, such quantities can
become ambiguous, because there might be several quantities that
use the same unit, such as length, height, width, or distance. We
intend to provide tools that allow programmers to configure what
names of quantities are used.<p></li>
Repository: <a href="https://github.com/robert-strandh/Acclimation">https://github.com/robert-strandh/Acclimation</a><p>License: <a href="FreeBSD.html" class="category">FreeBSD</a></div></div>
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