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<span class="hidden">CLiki - Mathematics</span>
<div id="content"><div id="content-area"><div id="article-title">Mathematics</div><div id="article"><a href="Mathematics.html" class="internal">Mathematics</a> <a href="Library.html" class="internal">Library</a> and <a href="Application.html" class="internal">Application</a> packages<p><ul>
<a href="Antik.html" class="internal">Antik</a> -
A library for computational <a href="mathematics.html" class="category">mathematics</a>, <a href="science.html" class="category">science</a>, and engineering
<a href="axiom.html" class="internal">axiom</a> -
<a href="http://axiom-developer.org">Axiom</a> is a general purpose Computer Algebra <a href="application.html" class="category">application</a>
<a href="Bordeaux-FFT.html" class="internal">Bordeaux-FFT</a> -
Bordeaux-FFT is a fast, pure-Lisp implementation of Fast Fourier Transforms
<a href="cl-ana.html" class="internal">cl-ana</a> -
<a href="https://github.com/ghollisjr/cl-ana">cl-ana</a> aims to provide the basic tools necessary to analyze large/medium-large datasets
<a href="cl-buchberger.html" class="internal">cl-buchberger</a> -
cl-buchberger is a Common Lisp implementation of Buchberger's <a href="algorithm.html" class="category">algorithm</a> for the computation of <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gr%C3%B6bner_basis">Gröbner bases</a>
<a href="cl-factoradic.html" class="internal">cl-factoradic</a> -
cl-factoradic is a <a href="Mathematics.html" class="category">Mathematics</a>/<a href="https://www.cliki.net/Combinatorics" class="new">Combinatorics</a> library that implements calculation and iteration of permutations based on the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factoradic">factoradic numbers system</a>
<a href="cl-fftw3.html" class="internal">cl-fftw3</a> -
cl-fftw3 provides a <a href="CFFI.html" class="category">CFFI</a> interface for Common Lisp programs to use the FFTW3 Fourier transform library
<a href="cl-geometry.html" class="internal">cl-geometry</a> -
cl-geometry is a Common Lisp package for simple two dimensional computational geometry
<a href="cl-graph.html" class="internal">cl-graph</a> -
CL-Graph is a set of Common Lisp utilities for manipulating graphs
<a href="cl-gsl.html" class="internal">cl-gsl</a> -
cl-gsl provides bindings to the <a href="GNU.html" class="internal">GNU</a> Scientific Library (<a href="https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/">GSL</a>) of <a href="mathematics.html" class="category">mathematics</a> routines
<a href="cl-jointgen.html" class="internal">cl-jointgen</a> -
CL-JOINTGEN is a Common Lisp implementation of the Joint Generation <a href="Algorithm.html" class="category">Algorithm</a> for computing the dual of a monotone boolean function
<a href="cl-mathstats.html" class="internal">cl-mathstats</a> -
CL-MathStats is a set of miscellaneous Common Lisp <a href="mathematics.html" class="category">mathematics</a> and <a href="statistics.html" class="category">statistics</a> utilities
<a href="CL-NUM-UTILS.html" class="internal">CL-NUM-UTILS</a> -
Simple numerical functions, including intervals, Chebyshev polynomials and univariate rootfinding
<a href="cl-permutation.html" class="internal">cl-permutation</a> -
CL-PERMUTATION is a <a href="Mathematics.html" class="category">Mathematics</a> library for doing permutation and permutation group calculations written by <a href="Robert Smith.html" class="internal">Robert Smith</a>
<a href="cl-rmath.html" class="internal">cl-rmath</a> -
[unmaintained, maintainers welcome] A simple, autogenerated foreign interface for the standalone R API
<a href="cl-satwrap.html" class="internal">cl-satwrap</a> -
A thin generic SAT (propositional satisfiability problem) solver interface to your favorite “industrial-strength” SAT solver
<a href="CLLIB.html" class="internal">CLLIB</a> -
CLLIB is a varied collection of Common lisp tools and routines in <a href="CLOCC.html" class="internal">CLOCC</a>
<a href="clmath.html" class="internal">clmath</a> -
<a href="https://github.com/brown131/clmath">CLMATH</a> is a modern re-packaging of an old Common Lisp scientific library by Gerald Roylance
<a href="COMPUTABLE-REALS.html" class="internal">COMPUTABLE-REALS</a> -
COMPUTABLE-REALS is a <a href="Mathematics.html" class="category">Mathematics</a> library for dealing with arbitrary precision reals
<a href="Decimals.html" class="internal">Decimals</a> -
A decimal number parser and formatting package for Common Lisp
<a href="embeddable-maxima.html" class="internal">embeddable-maxima</a> -
embeddable-maxima is the fork of <a href="Maxima.html" class="internal">Maxima</a> CAS to make it embeddable into common lisp <a href="application.html" class="internal">application</a>
<a href="Factorial.html" class="internal">Factorial</a> -
The <a href="Factorial.html" class="internal">Factorial</a> of n is the product of all the integers between 1
<a href="FEMLISP.html" class="internal">FEMLISP</a> -
FEMLISP is a <a href="Mathematics.html" class="category">Mathematics</a> <a href="Application.html" class="category">Application</a> which solves partial differential equations with the help of the finite element method (FEM)
<a href="FFT.html" class="internal">FFT</a> -
A <a href="http://nklein.com/software/cl-fft/">Common Lisp library to do Fast Fourier Transform</a> on a multi-dimensional array of numbers
<a href="Fibonacci.html" class="internal">Fibonacci</a> -
The Fibonacci sequence of numbers was described in a <a href="mathematics.html" class="category">mathematics</a> book by Leonardo da Pisa (Fibonacci) called Liber Abaci
<a href="float-features.html" class="internal">float-features</a> -
float-features is a portability library for IEEE float features that are not covered by the CL standard
<a href="floating-point.html" class="internal">floating-point</a> -
Floating-point is a Common Lisp library with functions for calculating
<a href="Forward Discrete Cosine Transform.html" class="internal">Forward Discrete Cosine Transform</a> -
forward-dct! is a function implementing forward Discrete Cosine Transform, as used in JPEG
<a href="graph-utils.html" class="internal">graph-utils</a> -
graph-utils: graph analysis <a href="utilities.html" class="internal">utilities</a> for Common Lisp
<a href="GSLL.html" class="internal">GSLL</a> -
GNU Scientific Library for Lisp allows you to use the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/">GNU Scientific Library (GSL)</a> from Common Lisp
<a href="IMPS.html" class="internal">IMPS</a> -
IMPS is an Interactive Mathematical Proof System developed by W
<a href="Integrate.html" class="internal">Integrate</a> -
<a href="Integrate.html" class="internal">Integrate</a> is a package to aid in solving differential equations, currently slightly limited in scope
<a href="LispLab.html" class="internal">LispLab</a> -
The main purpose of Lisplab is to to integrate all kinds of <a href="mathematics.html" class="category">mathematics</a> capabilities into one framework
<a href="Mandelbrot set explorer.html" class="internal">Mandelbrot set explorer</a> -
<a href="http://weitz.de/mandelbrot/">This</a> <a href="mathematics.html" class="category">mathematics</a> <a href="application.html" class="category">application</a> was written in Common Lisp (by <a href="Edi Weitz.html" class="internal">Edi Weitz</a>)
<a href="MatLisp.html" class="internal">MatLisp</a> -
A <a href="http://www.netlib.org/blas/index.html">BLAS</a> and <a href="http://www.netlib.org/lapack/index.html">LAPACK</a> <a href="linear algebra.html" class="category">linear algebra</a> library wrapper which makes their features accessible through a set of <a href="CLOS.html" class="internal">CLOS</a> classes
<a href="Maxima.html" class="internal">Maxima</a> -
Maxima is a <a href="GPL.html" class="category">GPL</a>'d Common Lisp <a href="mathematics.html" class="category">mathematics</a> <a href="application.html" class="category">application</a> for computer based algebra (an implementation of <a href="MIT.html" class="internal">MIT</a>'s <a href="http://www.symbolics-dks.com/Macsyma-1.htm">Macsyma</a> system)
<a href="maxima-json-rpc.html" class="internal">maxima-json-rpc</a> -
maxima-json-rpc is http post json-rpc server for <a href="embeddable-maxima.html" class="internal">embeddable-maxima</a>
<a href="micmac.html" class="internal">micmac</a> -
Common Lisp <a href="Mathematics.html" class="category">Mathematics</a> library by <a href="Gabor Melis.html" class="internal">Gabor Melis</a> that implements alpha-beta, beam search, UCT and Metropolis-Hastings MCMC
<a href="Mitch's LISP Mathematical Library.html" class="internal">Mitch's LISP Mathematical Library</a> -
Large <a href="Mathematics.html" class="category">Mathematics</a> library by Mitch Richling: numerical analysis, dynamical systems, symbolic algebra, combinatorial enumeration and counting algorithms, computational group theory, probabilistic modeling and simulation
<a href="Nuprl.html" class="internal">Nuprl</a> -
The <a href="http://www.nuprl.org/html/NuprlSystem.html">Nuprl system</a>, based on the type theory of Martin-Löf, is a system for manipulating proofs
<a href="Oct.html" class="internal">Oct</a> -
Lisp implementation of quad-double floats
<a href="patxi-2.html" class="internal">patxi-2</a> -
PatXi-2 is a library for doing numerical computations in Common Lisp
<a href="plot-2d.html" class="internal">plot-2d</a> -
Plot-2D is a 2-dimensional data representation and <a href="plotting.html" class="category">plotting</a> <a href="application.html" class="category">application</a> for <a href="Mathematics.html" class="category">Mathematics</a> and scientific data
<a href="plotting.html" class="internal">plotting</a> -
<a href="Library.html" class="internal">Library</a> and <a href="Application.html" class="internal">Application</a> packages to produce 2D and 3D plots
<a href="primecount.html" class="internal">primecount</a> -
Sublinear (in time and space) counting and summing of integer primes using optimized sieving method
<a href="PRL.html" class="internal">PRL</a> -
The <a href="http://www.nuprl.org/">Proof (or Program) Refinement Logic</a> program, led by Robert Constable of Cornell
<a href="Quantile estimator.html" class="internal">Quantile estimator</a> -
Biased Quantiles over Data Streams
<a href="ratmath.html" class="internal">ratmath</a> -
Utilities for Rational Numbers in Common Lisp (rational approximations and interval arithmetic)
<a href="SimLab.html" class="internal">SimLab</a> -
<a href="SimLab.html" class="internal">SimLab</a> Is a scientific simulation and analysis tool that uses the weyl computer algebra system
<a href="TPS.html" class="internal">TPS</a> -
<a href="TPS.html" class="internal">TPS</a>, standing for Theorem Proving System, is a theorem prover for first-order logic and type theory
<a href="ulimyhmpqs.html" class="internal">ulimyhmpqs</a> -
ulimyhmpqs is an implementation of the Hypercube Multiple Polynomial Quadratic Sieve (HMPQS), an <a href="algorithm.html" class="category">algorithm</a> for the factorisation of large (up to about 110 digits, where the Number Field Sieve (NFS) algorithms become more efficient) integers
<a href="Weyl.html" class="internal">Weyl</a> -
A computer algebra substrate for Common Lisp
<a href="wu-decimal.html" class="internal">wu-decimal</a> -
Wu-Decimal is a decimal number package developed by Wukix
</ul><p><b>Linear algebra:</b> (main topic: <a href="linear algebra.html" class="internal">linear algebra</a>)
<a href="3d-matrices.html" class="internal">3d-matrices</a> -
This is a library implementing common matrix operations, mainly intended as the counterpiece to 3d-vectors and thus being aimed at operations in 3D space
<a href="3d-vectors.html" class="internal">3d-vectors</a> -
This is a simple library for 3D vectors
<a href="april.html" class="internal">april</a> -
A subset of APL (A Programming Language) compiling to Common Lisp
<a href="cl-blapack.html" class="internal">cl-blapack</a> -
A wrapper around the Fortran BLAS and LAPACK libraries for dense linear algebra
<a href="cl-clsparse.html" class="internal">cl-clsparse</a> -
Common Lisp bindings for <a href="https://github.com/clMathLibraries/clSPARSE">clSPARSE</a>
<a href="cl-octave.html" class="internal">cl-octave</a> -
An <a href="FFI.html" class="internal">FFI</a> to the Octave <a href="linear algebra.html" class="category">linear algebra</a> language (<a href="CMUCL.html" class="category">CMUCL</a>-only)
<a href="cl-tuples.html" class="internal">cl-tuples</a> -
cl-tuples is a library for writing optimised vector math
<a href="clem.html" class="internal">clem</a> -
A library for representing and performing various operations on matrices
<a href="CLLIB.html" class="internal">CLLIB</a> -
CLLIB is a varied collection of Common lisp tools and routines in <a href="CLOCC.html" class="internal">CLOCC</a>
<a href="FSVD.html" class="internal">FSVD</a> -
FSVD is a Common Lisp implementation of Simon Funk's quasi SVD as described at <a href="http://sifter.org/~simon/journal/20061211.html">http://sifter.org/~simon/journal/20061211.html</a> in the context of its application to the netflix prize
<a href="GSLL.html" class="internal">GSLL</a> -
GNU Scientific Library for Lisp allows you to use the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/">GNU Scientific Library (GSL)</a> from Common Lisp
<a href="l-math.html" class="internal">l-math</a> -
L-MATH is a library for simple <a href="linear algebra.html" class="category">linear algebra</a> in geometric applications
<a href="Linear-algebra.html" class="internal">Linear-algebra</a> -
<a href="Linear-algebra.html" class="internal">Linear-algebra</a> is a Common Lisp library of numeric <a href="linear algebra.html" class="category">linear algebra</a> routines
<a href="lisp-matrix.html" class="internal">lisp-matrix</a> -
A <a href="matrix.html" class="category">matrix</a> <a href="linear algebra.html" class="category">linear algebra</a> library for common lisp building on work by Mark Hoemmen, Evan Monroig, Tamas Papp and Rif
<a href="LispLab.html" class="internal">LispLab</a> -
The main purpose of Lisplab is to to integrate all kinds of <a href="mathematics.html" class="category">mathematics</a> capabilities into one framework
<a href="LLA.html" class="internal">LLA</a> -
[unmaintained, maintainers welcome] “Lisp <a href="Linear Algebra.html" class="category">Linear Algebra</a>”, LLA for short, aims to provide convenient and fast matrix operations by binding to LAPACK
<a href="magicl.html" class="internal">magicl</a> -
Matrix Algebra proGrams In Common Lisp: numerical linear algebra routines with auto-generated bindings to BLAS, LAPACK and Expokit
<a href="MatLisp.html" class="internal">MatLisp</a> -
A <a href="http://www.netlib.org/blas/index.html">BLAS</a> and <a href="http://www.netlib.org/lapack/index.html">LAPACK</a> <a href="linear algebra.html" class="category">linear algebra</a> library wrapper which makes their features accessible through a set of <a href="CLOS.html" class="internal">CLOS</a> classes
<a href="MGL-MAT.html" class="internal">MGL-MAT</a> -
MAT is a <a href="linear algebra.html" class="category">linear algebra</a> library for working with multi-dimensional arrays which supports efficient interfacing to foreign and CUDA code
<a href="NLISP.html" class="internal">NLISP</a> -
NLISP is an environment for numerical computation and visualisation like IDL or Matlab
<a href="sb-cga.html" class="internal">sb-cga</a> -
<a href="http://nikodemus.github.io/sb-cga/">SB-CGA</a> is a computer graphics algebra library for Common Lisp
<a href="Sheafhom.html" class="internal">Sheafhom</a> -
Sheafhom is a package by Mark McConnell for large sparse <a href="linear algebra.html" class="category">linear algebra</a> computations over the integers and other exact number types
<a href="spartns.html" class="internal">spartns</a> -
Spartns is a SPARse TeNSor representation library
</ul><p><b>Statistics:</b> (main topic: <a href="statistics.html" class="internal">statistics</a>)
<a href="cl-ana.html" class="internal">cl-ana</a> -
<a href="https://github.com/ghollisjr/cl-ana">cl-ana</a> aims to provide the basic tools necessary to analyze large/medium-large datasets
<a href="cl-mathstats.html" class="internal">cl-mathstats</a> -
CL-MathStats is a set of miscellaneous Common Lisp <a href="mathematics.html" class="category">mathematics</a> and <a href="statistics.html" class="category">statistics</a> utilities
<a href="cl-randist.html" class="internal">cl-randist</a> -
This package is a manual translation from C to common lisp of some random number generation functions of <a href="http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl">GSL</a> library
<a href="cl-random.html" class="internal">cl-random</a> -
[unmaintained, maintainers welcome] A library for uni- and multivariate probability distributions and <a href="statistics.html" class="category">statistics</a> functions
<a href="CLLIB.html" class="internal">CLLIB</a> -
CLLIB is a varied collection of Common lisp tools and routines in <a href="CLOCC.html" class="internal">CLOCC</a>
<a href="common-lisp-stat.html" class="internal">common-lisp-stat</a> -
Common Lisp <a href="Statistics.html" class="category">Statistics</a> -- based on <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XLispStat">LispStat</a> but updated for Common Lisp and incorporating lessons from <a href="http://www.r-project.org/">R</a>
<a href="Mersenne Twister.html" class="internal">Mersenne Twister</a> -
The Mersenne Twister is a pseudorandom number generation <a href="algorithm.html" class="category">algorithm</a> created by Makoto Matsumoto
<a href="py-random.html" class="internal">py-random</a> -
A translation of the random module in the Python standard library
<a href="RCL.html" class="internal">RCL</a> -
RCL is an <a href="FFI.html" class="category">FFI</a> to communicate with the R <a href="statistics.html" class="category">statistics</a> environment
<a href="rclg.html" class="internal">rclg</a> -
An <a href="http://www.r-project.org/">R</a> (<a href="statistics.html" class="category">statistics</a> programming language) <a href="FFI.html" class="category">FFI</a> for Common Lisp
<a href="sapaclisp.html" class="internal">sapaclisp</a> -
sapaclisp is a collection of Common Lisp functions for spectral analysis
<a href="SimpSamp.html" class="internal">SimpSamp</a> -
<a href="http://www.thoughtcrime.us/software/simpsamp/">SimpSamp</a> is a <a href="statistics.html" class="category">statistics</a> library for simple random sampling without replacement
<a href="Stats.html" class="internal">Stats</a> -
Stats by Larry Hunter is a <a href="statistics.html" class="category">statistics</a> library
</ul><p><b>Other stuff:</b>
<a href="http://common-lisp.net/project/rcl/">RCL</a> is a library for interfacing Common Lisp with the <a href="http://www.r-project.org/">R environment</a> using CFFI. (October 7 2007) rukubites: RCL doesn't work in SBCL, and requires some small modifications in alien-defs.lisp to accomodate CFFI API changes for defcvar.</li>
<a href="http://common-lisp.net/project/rclg/">RCLG</a> is an unfinished R interface that works for sbcl but not clisp (as of git version October 7 2007). It seems to have a similar interface as RCL.</li>
<a href="http://fricas.sourceforge.net/">FriCAS</a> is a fork of the Axiom computer algebra system.</li>
<a href="https://github.com/ghollisjr/cl-ana">cl-ana</a> is Common Lisp data analysis library. </li>
<a href="http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~sergerar/Kenzo/">Kenzo</a> is a program for doing computational algebraic topology.
<a href="http://repo.or.cz/w/CommonLispStat.git">CommonLispStat</a> (see also <a href="http://github.com/blindglobe/common-lisp-stat/">GitHub location</a>), is a port/rewrite/re-intentioning of XLispStat to Common Lisp. The goal is to develop an "<a href="http://www.r-project.org/">R like</a>" set of packages which deliver additional functionality to Common Lisp for applied statistical data analysis.
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