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<span class="hidden">CLiki - decisiontree</span>
<div id="content"><div id="content-area"><div id="article-title">decisiontree</div><div id="article">This package provides an implementation of an <a href="algorithm.html" class="category">algorithm</a> that creates a decision tree.<p>It provides the following features<p><ul>
<li> Classification of multiple classes of instances
<li> Handling attributes with continuous values (A bit clunky for the timebeing)
<li> Function for selecting attributes can be modified by changing the <tt>*attribute-selection-function*</tt> variable
</ul><p>Repository: <a href="https://github.com/reubencornel/cl-decisiontree">https://github.com/reubencornel/cl-decisiontree</a><p><h2>Usage</h2>
To train a decision tree call the function <tt>create-classifier</tt> function.
This function requires a list of training instances.<p>A training instance can be created by calling the macro <tt>define-instance</tt>.
This macro requires the first argument to be the name of the class to
which the instance belongs and the rest are list of attribute values.<p>The <tt>create-classifier</tt> returns the root
node of the decision tree. This inturn is used by
the <tt>classify</tt> function that classifies new
instances.<p><h3>Continuous values</h3>
Before passing a list of continous values to
the <tt>create-classifier</tt> function the
continous values need to be removed. As of now this is what the
algorithm that I have written does.<p><ul>
<li> It sorts the instances based on the values of the attribute in
ascending order
<li> Then for every instance in the list it check the value of the
attribute and the class and identifies ranges where the classes are same
<li> It then replaces all the continuous values with symbols that were
idenified by the previous step
<li> It returns a list of ranges and the corresponding symbols
</ul> <p>This is done by the
function <tt>generate-range-symbols</tt>. When
trying to classify any new instance the continuous values need to be
replaced, this is done by the
function <tt>replace-continuous-values</tt>. This
function requires the range list generated by
the <tt>generate-range-symbols</tt> function, the
instance and the attribute that is supposed to be continous<p><h2>Todo</h2>
<li> Addition of rule post pruning
<li> A set of newer attribute selection functions
<li> Better method to define and use attributes with continous values
(requesting suggestions)
<li> I want to know if there is a means by which I can define
instances with continous values such that when defining new
instances the continous values are replaced automatically.
</ul><p>If there are any suggestions/bugs please mail me at reuben dot cornel at gmail dot com. Thank you!!!<p><hr>
<a href="Artificial&#32;Intelligence.html" class="category">Artificial Intelligence</a></div></div>
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