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<span class="hidden">CLiki - vim</span>
<div id="content"><div id="content-area"><div id="article-title">vim</div><div id="article">The Vi family of editors (with vim probably being the most frequently used implementation) is almost universally "the other editor" to <a href="Emacs.html" class="internal">Emacs</a>. In the Lisp community, however, its use seems rather suppressed due to Emacs's tight connection with Lisp.<p>Still, there are some vim lispers out there. This page should point them to some ways to make life easier.<p>Currently the best solution is <a href="http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2531">Slimv</a> by Tamas Kovacs, which attempts to do for Vim what SLIME does for Emacs, including a built in REPL, hyperspec lookup and completion, paredit mode, etc. It is implemented as a filetype plugin and relatively easy to get started with.<p>Out of the box, [D and [d should work (find definition/jump to definition), as well as [I and [i, but only in the open bufffers.<p>Some suggestions to vim settings (partly based on articles below). Stuff them to ~/.vim/ftplugin/lisp.vim, and be sure to have :filetype plugin on.
setlocal lisp autoindent showmatch cpoptions-=mp
" Possible folding method
setlocal foldmethod=marker foldmarker=(,) foldminlines=1
" This allows gf and :find to work. Fix path to your needs
setlocal suffixesadd=.lisp,cl path=/usr/src/lisp/**
" This allows [d [i [D [I work across files if you have asdf buffer present.
" If I used load, it would be there too.
setlocal include=(:file\
Exuberant Ctags (comes with Vim) works quite well with Lisp.<p><h2>Deprecated Tools</h2><p><a href="Limp.html" class="internal">Limp</a> by Mikael Jansson used to be the plugin of choice, but is no longer maintained. It uses scripting and GNU screen to integrate a Lisp session and vim/gvim, and is still useful if Slimv doesn't work for you and you can look past a few quirks.<p>Another recent and noble attempt at getting Vim to talk to slime was
<a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20080516055232/http://wiki.alu.org/Slim-Vim">slim-vim</a>,
which used a vim compiled with <a href="ECL.html" class="internal">ECL</a> to talk to SWANK, just like <a href="SLIME.html" class="internal">SLIME</a>. It has now been abandoned.<p>Previous efforts also include <a href="http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~gini/lisp/vi-for-lisp.html">Using vi with Lisp</a> text and <a href="https://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=221">VILisp.vim</a> utility. There is also <a href="http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=903">fvl.vim</a>.<p>Other things to describe/do:
<li>Fix system to recognize asdf files as lisp file (either change filetype.vim, or add autocommands to your vimrc file)
<li>How make CLHS into file to be used as jump tags (attempt at <a href="https://github.com/mikaelj/limp/blob/master/bin/hypertags/hypertags.py">hypertags.py in the Limp repos</a>).
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