138 lines
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Common Lisp
138 lines
4.7 KiB
Common Lisp
;;; Chapter 12 - Structures and The Type System
;;; Exercises
;;; Ex 12.4
;;; In this exercise we will create a discrimination net for automotive diagnosis that mimics the behaviour of the system shown before.
;;; a.
;;; Write a DEFSTRUCT for a structure called NODE, with four components called NAME,QUESTION, YES-CASE, and NO-CASE.
(defstruct node
(name nil)
(question nil)
(yes-case nil)
(no-case nil))
;;; b.
;;; Define a global variable *NODE-LIST* that will hold all the nodes in the discrimination net. Write a function INIT that initializes the network by setting *NODE-LIST* to NIL.
(setf *NODE-LIST* nil)
(defun init ()
(setf *NODE-LIST* nil)
;;; c.
;;; Write ADD-NODE. It should return the name of the node it added.
(defun add-node (name question yes-case no-case)
(push (make-node :name name
:question question
:yes-case yes-case
:no-case no-case)
;;; d. Write FIND-NODE, which takes a node name as input and returns the node if it appears in *NODE-LIST*, or NIL if it doesn't.
(defun find-node (name)
(dolist (n *NODE-LIST*)
(when (equal name (node-name n))
(return n))))
;;; e.
;;; Write PROCESS-NODE. It takes a node name as input. If it can't find the node, it prints a message that the node hasn't been defined yet, and returns NIL.
;;; Otherwise it asks the user the question associated with that node, and then returns the node's yes action or no action depending on how the user responds.
(defun process-node (name)
(let ((n (find-node name)))
(cond ((null n)
(format t "~&The node hasn't been defined yet."))
(t (format t "~&~A " (node-question n))
(node-question n)
(let ((ans (read)))
(cond ((equal ans 'yes) (node-yes-case n))
((equal ans 'no) (node-no-case n))
(t (process-node name))))))))
;;; alternative solution
(defun process-node (name)
(let ((nd (find-node name)))
(if nd
(if (y-or-n-p "~&~A "
(node-question nd))
(node-yes-case nd)
(node-no-case nd))
(format t
"~&Node ~S not yet defined." name))))
;;; f.
;;; Write the function RUN. It maintains a local variable named CURRENT-NODE, whose initial value is START.
;;; It loops, calling PROCESS-NODE to process the current node, and storing the value returned by PROCESS-NODE back into CURRENT-NODE.
;;; If the value returned is a string, the function prints the string and stops. If the value returned is NIL, it also stops.
(defun run ()
(do ((current-node 'start (process-node current-node)))
((or (stringp current-node)
(null current-node))
(format t "~&~A" current-node))))
;;; alternative solution
(defun run ()
(do ((current-node 'start
(process-node current-node)))
((null current-node) nil)
(cond ((stringp current-node)
(format t "~&~A" current-node)
(return nil)))))
;;; g.
;;; Write an interactive function to add a new node. It should prompt the user for the node name, the question, and the yes and no actions.
;;; Remember that the question must be a string, enclosed in double quotes.
;;; Your function should add the new node to the net.
(defun get-node-data ()
(format t "~&Enter the node's name: ")
(let ((name (read)))
(format t "~&Enter the node's question: ")
(let ((question (read)))
(format t "~&Enter the yes action: ")
(let ((yes (read)))
(format t "~&Enter the no action: ")
(let ((no (read)))
(add-node name question yes no))))))
;;; Alternative solution
(defun interactive-add ()
(let ((question nil)
(name nil)
(yes-case nil)
(no-case nil))
(format t "~&Name? ")
(setf name (read))
(format t "~&Question? ")
(setf question (read))
(format t "~&Yes action? ")
(setf yes (read))
(format t "~&No action? ")
(setf no (read))
(add-node name question yes no)))
;;; Ex 12.5
;;; Create a defstruct for CAPTAIN with fields NAME, AGE, and SHIP.
;;; Make a structure describing James T Kirk, captain of the Enterprise, age 35.
;;; Make the Enterprise point back to Kirk through its CAPTAIN component.
;;; Notice that when you print Kirk, you see his ship as well.
;;; Now define a print function for CAPTAIN that displays only the name, such as #<CAPTAIN "James T. Kirk">.
(defstruct (captain (:print-function print-captain))
(name nil)
(age nil)
(ship nil))
(defun print-captain (x stream depth)
(format stream "#<CAPTAIN ~A>"
(captain-name x)))
(setf s1 (make-captain :name "James T Kirk"
:age 35
:ship "Enterprise"))