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<h1>Activity Report 2021 - Projects and Community</h1>
<p>The projects and community team (PaC) manages the relationship between the
Libera.Chat volunteer staff and projects and communities that use our network.
It takes care of registrations and onboarding for projects and communities
that would like to have an official representation on Libera.Chat.
In addition to that, we keep up communications and good relationships
both on the network and also through other channels, such as social media.</p>
<h2 id="project-and-community-registration-activity">Project and community registration activity</h2>
<p>Being one of the three teams present at the foundation of Libera.Chat,
we had the benefit of having had processes and documentation ready
for when the network launched. Despite that, due to the huge amount of projects
and communities that wanted to migrate to Libera.Chat, we temporarily opened
the process of project and community registrations for all members of staff.</p>
<p>Thanks to the great work of everyone, we had over 900 projects and communities
registered at the end of the year, with very little backlog left to take care
of in 2022. Therefore project registrations are now handled by the PaC team again.
We are, however, open to all interested members of staff and our discussion
channels and decisions are transparent and open to everyone in the organisation.</p>
<h2 id="social-media-and-communications">Social media and communications</h2>
<p>Our social media accounts are doing reasonably well, with almost 1500 followers
on mastodon, a little more than 4000 on twitter and 230 on facebook.</p>
<h2 id="team-internal-organisation-and-decisions">Team internal organisation and decisions</h2>
<p>Currently the team consists of 17 members, a number that slightly increased
over 2021 but remained mostly stable, with some people leaving and some people
joining the team.</p>
<p>With regards to our organisation, the PaC team has decided to hold meetings
on an as-needed base instead of on a regular schedule.
During 2021 we held two such meetings, which were open to all interested
Libera.Chat staff members and the protocol was internally published as well.</p>
<p>These meetings were mostly held to onboard new members into the PaC team
and to decide on open questions such as whether our team discussion
channel should be open for everyone, which was agreed on.</p>
<h2 id="outlook">Outlook</h2>
<p>We start strong into 2022 and hope to be able to handle the remaining backlog
of project and community registrations soon, and we look forward to interact
with the Libera.Chat community through our many channels.</p>
<span class="copyright">&copy; Libera Chat's contributors 2021</span>
(<a rel="license noopener noreferrer" href="../../LICENSE-content.txt">Content CC BY-NC-SA</a>,
<a rel="license noopener noreferrer" href="../../LICENSE-code.txt">Code MIT</a>)
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