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2020-03-24 18:20:37 +01:00
#lang racket/base
(require (only-in openssl/md5 md5)
(only-in racket/path path-only)
(provide with-expanded-syntax-caching-evaluator
(define-logger racket-mode-syntax-cache)
;; Return a syntax object for the contents of `path`. The resulting
;; syntax is applied to `k` while the parameter
;; current-load-relative-directory is set correctly for `path`.
(define/contract (file->syntax path [k values])
(->* (path-string?)
((-> syntax? any))
(define dir (path-only path))
(parameterize ([current-load-relative-directory dir]
[current-directory dir])
(λ ()
(with-input-from-file path
(λ ()
(port-count-lines! (current-input-port))
(match (read-syntax)
[(? eof-object?) #'""]
[stx stx]))))))))
;; Same but from a string, where `path` is used for the load relative
;; directory and given to read-syntax as the source
(define/contract (string->syntax path code-str [k values])
(->* (path-string? string?)
((-> syntax? any))
(define dir (path-only path))
(parameterize ([current-load-relative-directory dir]
[current-directory dir])
(λ ()
(define in (open-input-string code-str))
(port-count-lines! in)
(match (read-syntax path in)
[(? eof-object?) #'""]
[stx stx]))))))
;;; expanded syntax caching
(define/contract (call-with-expanded-syntax-caching-evaluator maybe-mod thk)
(-> (or/c mod? #f) (-> any) any)
(before-run maybe-mod)
(parameterize ([current-eval (make-eval-handler maybe-mod)])
(after-run maybe-mod)))
(define-simple-macro (with-expanded-syntax-caching-evaluator mm:expr e:expr ...+)
(call-with-expanded-syntax-caching-evaluator mm (λ () e ...)))
;; Call this early in a file run, _before_ any evaluation.
(define (before-run _maybe-mod)
;; Don't actually flush the entire cache anymore. Because we're also
;; using this for check-syntax. TODO: Some new strategy, or, let the
;; cache grow indefinitely?
;; Note: The case of same path with different digest is handled when
;; we lookup items from the hash. It's considered a cache miss, we
;; expand again, and that is the new value in the hash for that
;; path.
(define ((make-eval-handler _maybe-mod [orig-eval (current-eval)]) e)
(cond [(and (syntax? e)
(syntax-source e)
(path-string? (syntax-source e))
(not (compiled-expression? (syntax-e e))))
(define expanded-stx (expand e))
(cache-set! (syntax-source e)
(file->digest (syntax-source e))
(orig-eval expanded-stx)]
[else (orig-eval e)]))
(define (after-run _maybe-mod)
;; cache : (hash/c path? cache-entry?)
(struct cache-entry (stx exp-stx digest namespace load-relative-directory))
(define cache (make-hash))
(define last-mod #f)
(define/contract (cache-set! path stx exp-stx digest namespace load-rel-dir)
(-> path? syntax? syntax? string? namespace? path-string? any)
(hash-set! cache path
(cache-entry stx
(define (->path v)
(cond [(path? v) v]
[(path-string? v) (string->path v)]
[else (error '->path "not path? or path-string?" v)]))
;; Returns the result of applying `k` to the expanded syntax, with the
;; correct parameterization of current-namespace and
;; current-load-relative-directory. Note that `k` deliberately does
;; not default to `values` because trying to use the syntax without
;; the correct parameterizations will often result in bugs, sometimes
;; subtle and confusing. So this "CPS" approach guides you to do the
;; right thing.
(define/contract (file->expanded-syntax path-str k)
(-> path-string? (-> syntax? any) any)
(define path (->path path-str))
(define digest (file->digest path))
(match (hash-ref cache path #f)
[(cache-entry _stx exp-stx (== digest) namespace load-rel-dir)
(log-racket-mode-syntax-cache-info "file->expanded-syntax cache hit ~v ~v" path digest)
(parameterize ([current-namespace namespace]
[current-load-relative-directory load-rel-dir]
[current-directory load-rel-dir])
(k exp-stx))]
(log-racket-mode-syntax-cache-info "file->expanded-syntax cache MISS ~v ~v" path digest)
(λ (stx)
;; Create and parameterize a namespace here. file->syntax
;; already parameterized the directory before calling us.
(parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
(define exp-stx (expand stx))
(cache-set! path stx exp-stx digest (current-namespace) (current-load-relative-directory))
(k exp-stx))))]))
;; Same but when you don't have a file.
(define/contract (string->expanded-syntax path-str code-str k)
(-> path-string? string? (-> syntax? any) any)
(define path (->path path-str))
(define digest (string->digest code-str))
(match (hash-ref cache path #f)
[(cache-entry _stx exp-stx (== digest) namespace load-rel-dir)
(log-racket-mode-syntax-cache-info "string->expanded-syntax cache hit ~v ~v" path digest)
(parameterize ([current-namespace namespace]
[current-load-relative-directory load-rel-dir]
[current-directory load-rel-dir])
(k exp-stx))]
(log-racket-mode-syntax-cache-info "string->expanded-syntax cache MISS ~v ~v" path digest)
path-str code-str
(λ (stx)
;; Create and parameterize a namespace here. string->syntax
;; already parameterized the directory before calling us.
(parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
(define exp-stx (expand stx))
(cache-set! path stx exp-stx digest (current-namespace) (current-load-relative-directory))
(k exp-stx))))]))
(define/contract (file->digest path)
(-> path? string?)
(call-with-input-file path md5))
(define/contract (string->digest str)
(-> string? string?)
(md5 (open-input-string str)))
;; Like string->syntax but given only the path-str and only if syntax
;; already in the cache, as a result of previously calling
;; string->expanded-syntax. Intended for use by identifier.rkt.
(define/contract (path->existing-syntax path-str k)
(-> path-string? (-> syntax? any) any)
(define path (->path path-str))
(match (hash-ref cache path #f)
[(cache-entry stx _exp-stx _digest namespace load-rel-dir)
(log-racket-mode-syntax-cache-info "path->existing-syntax cache hit ~v (ignoring digest)" path)
(parameterize ([current-namespace namespace]
[current-load-relative-directory load-rel-dir]
[current-directory load-rel-dir])
(k stx))]
(log-racket-mode-syntax-cache-warning "path->existing-syntax cache MISS ~v (ignoring digest)" path)
;; Like string->expanded-syntax but given only the path-str and only
;; if expanded syntax already in the cache, as a result of previously
;; calling string->expanded-syntax. Intended for use by
;; identifier.rkt.
(define/contract (path->existing-expanded-syntax path-str k)
(-> path-string? (-> syntax? any) any)
(define path (->path path-str))
(match (hash-ref cache path #f)
[(cache-entry _stx exp-stx _digest namespace load-rel-dir)
(log-racket-mode-syntax-cache-info "path->existing-expanded-syntax cache hit ~v (ignoring digest)" path)
(parameterize ([current-namespace namespace]
[current-load-relative-directory load-rel-dir]
[current-directory load-rel-dir])
(k exp-stx))]
(log-racket-mode-syntax-cache-warning "path->existing-expanded-syntax cache MISS ~v (ignoring digest)" path)
(module+ test
(require rackunit
(define this-path (syntax-source #'here))
(define this-string (file->string this-path))
(check-equal? (file->digest this-path)
(string->digest this-string))
(check-equal? (file->expanded-syntax this-path values)
(string->expanded-syntax this-path this-string values))
(check-equal? (path->existing-expanded-syntax this-path (λ (_stx) 42))