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<TITLE>22.1.3. Macro Characters</TITLE>
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<b>Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition</b>
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<B> Next:</B> <A NAME=tex2html3916 HREF="node191.html"> Standard Dispatching Macro </A>
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<H2><A NAME=SECTION002613000000000000000>22.1.3. Macro Characters</A></H2>
<A NAME=20903>the</A>
<A NAME=20904>reader</A>
encounters a macro
character, then the function associated with that macro character is
invoked and may produce an object to be returned. This function may read
following characters in the stream in whatever syntax it likes (it may
even call <tt>read</tt> recursively) and return the object represented by
that syntax. Macro characters may or may not be recognized, of course,
when read as part of other special syntaxes (such as for strings).
The reader is therefore organized into two parts: the basic dispatch loop,
which also distinguishes symbols and numbers, and the collection
of macro characters. Any character can be reprogrammed as a macro character;
this is a means by which the reader can be extended.
The macro characters normally defined are as follows:
<DL COMPACT><DT><tt>(</tt>
The left-parenthesis character initiates reading of a pair or list.
The function <tt>read</tt> is called recursively to read successive objects
until a right parenthesis is found to be next in the input stream.
A list of the objects read is returned. Thus the input sequence
(a b c)
is read as a list of three objects (the symbols <tt>a</tt>, <tt>b</tt>, and <tt>c</tt>).
The right parenthesis need not immediately follow the printed representation of
the last object; whitespace
characters and comments may precede it.
This can be useful for putting one object
on each line and making it easy to add new objects:
(defun traffic-light (color)
(case color
(red (stop))
(amber (accelerate)) ;Insert more colors after this line
It may be that <i>no</i> objects precede the right parenthesis, as in <tt>()</tt>
or <tt>( )</tt>; this reads as a list of zero objects (the empty list).
If a token that is just a dot,
not preceded by an escape character,
is read after some object,
then exactly one more object must follow the dot,
possibly followed by whitespace,
followed by the right parenthesis:
(a b c . d)
This means that the <i>cdr</i> of the last pair in the list is not <tt>nil</tt>,
but rather the object whose representation followed the dot.
The above example might have been the result of evaluating
(cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c 'd))) => (a b c . d)
Similarly, we have
(cons 'znets 'wolq-zorbitan) => (znets . wolq-zorbitan)
It is permissible for the object following the dot to be a list:
(a b c d . (e f . (g)))
is the same as
(a b c d e f g)
but a list following a dot
is a non-standard form that <tt>print</tt> will never produce.
The right-parenthesis character is part of various constructs
(such as the syntax for lists) using the left-parenthesis character and
is invalid except when used in such a construct.
<A NAME=25485> </A>
The single-quote (accent acute) character provides
an abbreviation to make it easier to put constants in programs.
The form
<tt>'<i>foo</i></tt> reads the same as <tt>(quote <i>foo</i>)</tt>: a list of the symbol
<tt>quote</tt> and <i>foo</i>.
Semicolon is used to write comments.
<A NAME=25489> </A>
<A NAME=20942> </A>
The semicolon and all characters
up to and including the next newline are ignored.
Thus a comment can be put at
the end of any line without affecting the reader.
(A comment will terminate a token, but a newline would terminate the
token anyway.)
<img align=bottom alt="change_begin" src="gif/change_begin.gif">
<dl compact><dd>
There is no functional difference between using one semicolon and using
more than one, but the conventions shown here are in common use.
<img align=bottom alt="change_end" src="gif/change_end.gif">
<dl compact><dd>
;;;; COMMENT-EXAMPLE function.
;;; This function is useless except to demonstrate comments.
;;; (Actually, this example is much too cluttered with them.)
(defun comment-example (x y) ;X is anything; Y is an a-list.
(cond ((listp x) x) ;If X is a list, use that.
;; X is now not a list. There are two other cases.
((symbolp x)
;; Look up a symbol in the a-list.
(cdr (assoc x y))) ;Remember, (cdr <tt>nil</tt>) is <tt>nil</tt>.
;; Do this when all else fails:
(t (cons x ;Add x to a default list.
'((lisp t) ;LISP is okay.
(fortran nil) ;FORTRAN is not.
(pl/i -500) ;Note that you can put comments in
(ada .001) ; "data" as well as in "programs".
;; COBOL??
(teco -1.0e9))))))
In this example, comments may begin with one to four semicolons.<p>
Single-semicolon comments are all aligned to the same column at
the right; usually each comment concerns only the code it is next to.
Occasionally a comment is long enough to occupy two or three
lines; in this case, it is conventional to indent the
continued lines of the comment one space (after the
Double-semicolon comments are aligned to the level of indentation
of the code. A space conventionally follows the two semicolons.
Such comments usually describe the state of the program at that point
or the code section that follows the comment.
Triple-semicolon comments are aligned to the left margin.
They usually document whole programs or large code blocks.
Quadruple-semicolon comments usually indicate titles of whole programs or large code blocks.
<b>Compatibility note:</b> These conventions arose among users of MacLisp
and have been found to be very useful.
The conventions are conveniently exploited by certain software tools,
such as the EMACS editor and the
ATSIGN listing program developed at MIT.
<img align=bottom alt="change_begin" src="gif/change_begin.gif"><br>
The ATSIGN listing program, alas, is no longer in use, but EMACS is
widely available, especially the GNU EMACS implementation, which is available
from the Free Software Foundation, 675 Massachusetts Avenue,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139.
Remember, <b>G</b>NU's <b>N</b>ot <b>U</b>NIX.
<br><img align=bottom alt="change_end" src="gif/change_end.gif">
<dl compact>
The double quote character begins the printed representation
of a string.
Successive characters are read from the input stream and accumulated until
another double quote is encountered.
An exception to this occurs if a <i>single escape</i> character
is seen; the escape character is discarded,
the next character is accumulated, and accumulation
continues. When a matching double quote is seen, all the accumulated
characters up to but not including the matching double quote are
made into a simple string and returned.
The backquote (accent grave) character
makes it easier to write programs to construct complex data structures by
using a template.
<img align=bottom alt="change_begin" src="gif/change_begin.gif">
<dl compact><dd>
<i>Notice of correction.</i>
In the first edition, the backquote character <b><</b><tt>`</tt><b>></b>
appearing at the left margin above was inadvertently omitted.
<img align=bottom alt="change_end" src="gif/change_end.gif">
<dl compact><dd>
As an example, writing
`(cond ((numberp ,x) ,@y) (t (print ,x) ,@y))
is roughly equivalent to writing
(list 'cond
(cons (list 'numberp x) y)
(list* 't (list 'print x) y))
The general idea is that the backquote is followed by a template,
a picture of a data structure to be built. This template is copied,
except that within the template commas can appear. Where a comma
occurs, the form following the comma is to be evaluated to produce an object to
be inserted at that point. Assume <tt>b</tt> has the value <tt>3</tt>; then
evaluating the form denoted by <tt>`(a b ,b ,(+ b 1) b)</tt> produces
the result <tt>(a b 3 4 b)</tt>.
If a comma is immediately followed by an at-sign (<tt>@</tt>), then the
form following the at-sign is evaluated to produce a <i>list</i> of objects.
These objects are then ``spliced'' into place in the template. For
example, if <tt>x</tt> has the value <tt>(a b c)</tt>, then
`(x ,x ,@x foo ,(cadr x) bar ,(cdr x) baz ,@(cdr x))
=> (x (a b c) a b c foo b bar (b c) baz b c)
The backquote syntax can be summarized formally as follows.
For each of several situations in which backquote can be used,
a possible interpretation of that situation as an equivalent form
is given. Note that the form is equivalent only
in the sense that when it is evaluated it will calculate the
correct result.
An implementation is quite free to interpret backquote in any way
such that a backquoted form, when evaluated, will produce a result
<tt>equal</tt> to that produced by the interpretation shown here.<p>
<tt>`<i>basic</i></tt> is the same as <tt>'<i>basic</i></tt>,
that is, <tt>(quote <i>basic</i>)</tt>, for any form <i>basic</i> that is not a
list or a general vector.
<tt>`,<i>form</i></tt> is the same as <i>form</i>, for any <i>form</i>, provided
that the representation of <i>form</i> does not begin with ``<tt>@</tt>''
or ``<tt>.</tt>''. (A similar caveat holds for all occurrences of a form
after a comma.)
<tt>`,@<i>form</i></tt> is an error.
<tt>`(<i>x1</i> <i>x2</i> <i>x3</i> ... <i>xn</i> . <i>atom</i>)</tt> may be interpreted to mean
(append [<i>x1</i>] [<i>x2</i>]
[<i>x3</i>] ... [<i>xn</i>] (quote <i>atom</i>))
where the brackets are used to indicate
a transformation of an <i>xj</i> as follows:
[<i>form</i>] is interpreted as <tt>(list `<i>form</i>)</tt>, which
contains a backquoted form that must then be further interpreted.
[<tt>,<i>form</i></tt>] is interpreted as <tt>(list <i>form</i>)</tt>.
[<tt>,@<i>form</i></tt>] is interpreted simply as <i>form</i>.
<tt>`(<i>x1</i> <i>x2</i> <i>x3</i> ... <i>xn</i>)</tt> may be interpreted to mean
the same as the backquoted form
<tt>`(<i>x1</i> <i>x2</i> <i>x3</i> ... <i>xn</i> . <tt>nil</tt>)</tt>,
thereby reducing it to the previous case.
<tt>`(<i>x1</i> <i>x2</i> <i>x3</i> ... <i>xn</i> . ,<i>form</i>)</tt> may be interpreted to mean
(append [<i>x1</i>] [<i>x2</i>]
[<i>x3</i>] ... [<i>xn</i>] <i>form</i>)
where the brackets indicate a transformation of an <i>xj</i> as described above.
<tt>`(<i>x1</i> <i>x2</i> <i>x3</i> ... <i>xn</i> . ,@<i>form</i>)</tt> is an error.
<tt>`#(<i>x1</i> <i>x2</i> <i>x3</i> ... <i>xn</i>)</tt> may be interpreted to mean
(apply #'vector `(<i>x1</i> <i>x2</i> <i>x3</i> ... <i>xn</i>))
No other uses of comma are permitted; in particular, it may not appear within
the <tt>#A</tt> or <tt>#S</tt> syntax.
Anywhere ``<tt>,@</tt>'' may be used, the syntax ``<tt>,.</tt>'' may be used instead
to indicate that it is permissible to destroy the list produced by the form
following the ``<tt>,.</tt>''; this may permit more efficient code, using
<tt>nconc</tt> instead of <tt>append</tt>, for example.
If the backquote syntax is nested, the innermost backquoted form
should be expanded first. This means that if several commas occur
in a row, the leftmost one belongs to the innermost backquote.
Once again, it is emphasized that an implementation is free to interpret
a backquoted form as any form that, when evaluated, will produce a result
that is <tt>equal</tt> to the result implied by the above definition.
In particular, no guarantees are made as to whether the constructed
copy of the template will or will not share list structure with the
template itself. As an example, the above definition implies that
`((,a b) ,c ,@d)
will be interpreted as if it were
(append (list (append (list a) (list 'b) '<tt>nil</tt>)) (list c) d '<tt>nil</tt>)
but it could also be legitimately interpreted to mean any of the following.
(append (list (append (list a) (list 'b))) (list c) d)
(append (list (append (list a) '(b))) (list c) d)
(append (list (cons a '(b))) (list c) d)
(list* (cons a '(b)) c d)
(list* (cons a (list 'b)) c d)
(list* (cons a '(b)) c (copy-list d))
(There is no good reason why <tt>copy-list</tt> should be performed, but
it is not prohibited.)
<img align=bottom alt="change_begin" src="gif/change_begin.gif">
<dl compact><dd>
Some users complain that backquote syntax is difficult to read,
especially when it is nested. I agree that it can get complicated,
but in some situations (such as writing macros that expand into
definitions for other macros) such complexity is to be expected,
and the alternative is much worse.
After I gained some experience in writing nested backquote forms,
I found that I was not stopping to analyze the various patterns
of nested backquotes and interleaved commas and quotes; instead, I was
recognizing standard idioms wholesale, in the same manner that I recognize <tt>cadar</tt>
as the primitive for ``extract the lambda-list from the
form <tt>((lambda ...) ...)</tt>)'' without stopping to analyze it into
``<tt>car</tt> of <tt>cdr</tt> of <tt>car</tt>.'' For example, <tt>,x</tt> within
a doubly-nested backquote form means ``the value of <tt>x</tt> available
during the second evaluation
will appear here once the form has been twice
evaluated,'' whereas <tt>,',x</tt> means ``the value of <tt>x</tt> available during the
first evaluation will appear here once the form has been twice
evaluated'' and <tt>,,x</tt> means ``the value of the value of <tt>x</tt> will appear here.''
See appendix <A HREF="node367.html#BACKQUOTESIMULATOR">C</A> for a systematic set of examples
of the use of nested backquotes.
<img align=bottom alt="change_end" src="gif/change_end.gif">
<dl compact>
The comma character is part of the backquote syntax
and is invalid if used other than inside the body of a backquote
construction as described above.
<A NAME=25510> </A>
This is a <i>dispatching</i> macro character.
It reads an optional digit string and then one more character,
and uses that character to select a function to run as a macro-character
The <tt>#</tt> character also happens to be a non-terminating
macro character. This is completely independent of the fact that
it is a dispatching macro character; it is a coincidence that
the only standard dispatching macro character in Common Lisp is
also the only standard non-terminating macro character.
See the next section for predefined <tt>#</tt> macro-character constructions.
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