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<span class="title">Guides</span>
<details open>
<summary>About IRC</summary>
><span>Basics of IRC</span></a>
><span>Frequently Asked Questions</span></a>
><span>Choosing an IRC client</span></a>
<details open>
<summary>Helping you connect</summary>
><span>Connecting to Libera.Chat</span></a>
><span>Using Our Webchat</span></a>
><span>Using SASL</span></a>
><span>Using CertFP</span></a>
<details open>
<summary>Using the network</summary>
><span>Nickname Registration</span></a>
><span>Resetting your Password</span></a>
><span>Finding Channels</span></a>
><span>Using Channels</span></a>
><span>User Modes</span></a>
<details open>
<summary>Running a channel</summary>
><span>Creating Channels</span></a>
><span>Channel Modes</span></a>
><span>Network bots</span></a>
><span>Catalysing and De-escalation</span></a>
><span>Advice for Helpers</span></a>
<main id="main">
<h1>Nickname Registration</h1>
<p>Your nick is how people on Libera.Chat know you. If you register it,
you’ll be able to use the same nick over and over. If you don’t register,
someone else may end up registering the nick you want. If you register and
use the same nick, people will begin to know you by reputation.</p>
<p>Certain channels require you to register before you may speak in them.
The <a href="registration.html#unable-to-speak">Unable to Speak</a> section below explains this further.</p>
<p>Some terms you should know:</p>
<li>an “account” is your persistent identity</li>
<li>a “nickname” is your current display name and can be owned by an account</li>
<li>to “identify” means to log into your account</li>
<li>“NickServ” is a Libera.Chat service that behaves like a user
(which you can send private messages to)</li>
<h2 id="registering">Registering</h2>
<p>The following steps are the recommended method to register and set up a new
Libera.Chat account. If you have questions or doubts about the process,
a member of staff will be happy to discuss it and answer any questions you
may have.</p>
<p><strong>Select</strong> a main, “primary”, nickname. If the nickname you want is
registered but has expired, just ask a staffer and in most cases, we
will be happy to drop it for you. Please avoid using the name of a
community project or trademarked entity, to avoid conflicts.</p>
<p><strong>Switch</strong> to your desired nickname. This will also be your account name.</p>
<pre><code class="language-irc">/nick YourNick
<p>Lines starting with the <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">/</code> symbol are commands, which you can type into
the chat field in the IRC client.</p>
<p><strong>Register</strong> your IRC nick:</p>
<pre><code class="language-irc">/msg NickServ REGISTER YourPassword youremail@example.com
<p>Replace “YourPassword” with a secure, unguessable, and unique password
that you keep secret. Reusing passwords between services can result in
account compromises.</p>
<p>The email address that you select will not be given out by staff, and is
mainly used to allow us to help you recover the account in the event that
you forget your password. For this reason, you are required to use a
real, non-disposable, email address.</p>
<p>Upon registering, you will receive an email with a verification command
that you will need to run to complete the registration process.
<strong>Failure to verify</strong> the account will cause it to be automatically
<strong>dropped</strong> after about 24 hours.</p>
<p>We do not recommend sharing your NickServ password with anyone else as
this could compromise account security and make it harder for you to
recover your account in the future.</p>
<p>It’s useful, but not required, to have an alternate nick grouped to your
account. For example, if your primary nick is “YourNick”:</p>
<pre><code class="language-irc">/nick YourNick2
<p>then identify to your primary account:</p>
<pre><code class="language-irc">/msg NickServ IDENTIFY YourNick YourPassword
<p>and finally, group the new nick to your account</p>
<pre><code class="language-irc">/msg NickServ GROUP
<p>We prefer you to use just one account, and group nicks to it as described
above, rather than registering for multiple accounts. Grouping nicks in
this way gives you the benefit of having all your nicks covered by the
same cloak, should you choose to wear a cloak. The exception to this is
where you might want to run a bot. You should register a separate account
for your bot.</p>
<h2 id="logging-in">Logging In</h2>
<p>You’ll need to log in to your account each time you connect to Libera.Chat.</p>
<p>The simplest, and most robust, way to do this is to configure
<a href="sasl.html">SASL</a>, if your client supports it. If not, you can supply
your login details, in the form <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><account>:<password></code>, as a server password
and they will be forwarded to NickServ when you finish connecting.
For example:</p>
<pre><code class="language-irc">/connect irc.libera.chat 6667 YourNick:YourPassword
<p>If you are already connected to the network and do not wish to reconnect to
log in, you can manually identify:</p>
<pre><code class="language-irc">/msg NickServ IDENTIFY YourNick YourPassword
<h2 id="unable-to-speak">Unable to Speak</h2>
<p>If a channel is set to mode <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">+r</code>, you won’t be able to join it unless you
are registered and identified to NickServ. If you try to join, you might be
forwarded to a different channel. If a channel is set to quiet unregistered
users (mode <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">+q $~a</code>), you won’t be able to speak while on that channel
unless you are registered and identified.</p>
<p>Both of these modes are used by some channels to reduce channel harassment
and abuse.</p>
<p>Once you have registered and are logged in, this issue should disappear.</p>
<h2 id="nickname-expiry">Nickname Expiry</h2>
<p>Registered nicknames and accounts will expire if they’re not used for a long
time, after which they’ll be available for another user to take over. See our
<a href="../policies.html">policies</a> for details of when this occurs.</p>
<p>While nicknames and accounts do not automatically get deleted when they
expire—only when another user requests to take over the registration-we do
occasionally perform clean-up runs on the services database, in which we will
automatically drop all registrations which have been idle for a long time.
When we do this, we set the threshold for deletion considerably higher than
the documented expiry time, to ensure that users close to the limit do not
lose out.</p>
<p>Based on content © 2016-2021 <a href="https://github.com/freenode/web-7.0/graphs/contributors">freenode/web7.0’s contributors</a>
under <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons BY-NC-SA</a></p>
<span class="copyright">© Libera Chat's contributors 2021</span>
(<a rel="license noopener noreferrer" href="../LICENSE-content.txt">Content CC BY-NC-SA</a>,
<a rel="license noopener noreferrer" href="../LICENSE-code.txt">Code MIT</a>)
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