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<span class="hidden">CLiki - Gustavo Lacerda</span>
<div id="content"><div id="content-area"><div id="article-title">Gustavo Lacerda</div><div id="article">== The following was written in early 2005. I've changed a lot since then. :-) ==<p>I, Gustavo Lacerda, am an <a href="AI.html" class="internal">AI</a> <a href="Person.html" class="category">Person</a> (but not an AI-Person), and a beginner at Lisp. I have a <a href="http://www.optimizelife.com">website</a> and a <a href="http://www.livejournal.com/users/gustavolacerda">blog</a>.<p>My main interest is applying formal logic to helping people reason. I'm into formalization of arguments, intelligence analysis and general cognitive aids (e.g. memory aids); but I'm also into structuring text, representing arguments diagrammatically, "theory engineering": the dynamic non-monotonic process of formalizing knowledge; argumentation-based tutoring (where the system teaches subject X by actually having knowledge of X in the form of formal theories) and cognitive tutors (i.e. systems that have a model of the learner). I am also interested in Computational Philosophy of Science.<p>
== How Lisp is good for me ==<p>By feature:<p>* <b>functions as 1st class objects</b> saves me from writing for-loops, by using mapcar.<p>* <b>data is executable</b>: I use eval in my backward-chaining theorem-provers, in order to check that the steps actually follow. The function calls are inference rules of the logic.<p>* <b>no types to get in the way</b><p>
== Projects ==<p><b>SOLVER - Equational Solver</b> (in alpha)
For my EBE project, I have written an equation solver in Lisp. It's currently hackish, and I want to make it neater by defining the set of "valid moves"
and extend it to incorporate proof-planning.<p><b>ARGAME - Argumentation Games</b> (in passive development)
is an implementation of the standard Lorenzen argumentation game (the existence of a winning strategy corresponds to intuitionistic validity). A variation on the rules will implement classical FOL.</div></div>
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