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<span class="hidden">CLiki - IRC Quotes</span>
<div id="content"><div id="content-area"><div id="article-title">IRC Quotes</div><div id="article">Some moments from <a href="IRC.html" class="category">IRC</a>, preserved for posterity, some <a href="humor.html" class="category">humor</a>ous.<p>2002-07-04
* Krystof just gets _why_ dan_b has been obsessing with &quot;entomotomy&quot;
[wnewman] because dan_b likes &quot;you say entomatomy&quot; jokes?
[dan-b] wnewman: look, if you _want_ a bug database called &quot;off&quot;
[dan-b] ...
[dan`b] where do symbols come from? well, when a reader and a package love
each other very much ...
(referring to <a href="https://tnx.nl/php.html">https://tnx.nl/php.html</a>)
[antifuchs] Mean PHP core function name length: 13.67
[antifuchs] &quot;yeah, but what&#039;s the standard error?&quot; (-:
[dan-b] the standard error is to use PHP, I think
[noss] what is the terminology to separate lisp code as its textual
representation and the data is code language? i.e. what you pass to
READ and what you pass to EVAL?
[segv] you pass strings to read and forms to eval.
[segv] strings or streams.
[antifuchs] you pass streams to READ (;
[segv] what antifuchs said.
[antifuchs] unless your read is read-from-string, right (:
[eval] I hate my IRC client, it pops up everytime my name is said
[kmr] xophe: is cmucl amd64 working?
[Xophe] probably not to the extent of &quot;working&quot;, no
[emarsden] I don&#039;t think that binaries are available
[Xophe] minion, reply to alemmens&#039; survey!
[minion] does torturing a poor bot with things beyond its
comprehension please you?
[nyef] Hrm... a 50-line file, and I suspect that 13 lines of it
say that I&#039;m completely insane.
[antifuchs] nyef: so what? 37 say that you&#039;re the exact opposite (-:
[wnewman] Maybe 37 say he&#039;s a pleasant kind of insane, and 13 say
that he&#039;s a SBCL/x86 calling convention kind.
[Luke] I have a small program that has been looking &quot;basically right&quot;
for about two days, but has never worked,
and I find fundamental problems with it every few hours :)
[slothrop] it&#039;s tough to build apparently
[slothrop] cmucl, I mean
[wnewman] I did finally figure out how to do it, in my own way.
[Krystof] ah, to be young again
[emu] Krystof: don&#039;t think you missed much
[dan-b] premature standardization is the root of all Java
[dan-b] it would be nice if more people knew the difference
between i.e. and e.g.
[wnewman] If you write the canonical web browser to displace
Internet Explorer, and name it Evil Genius, then for at
least fifteen minutes afterwards you should have a good
conversational excuse to remind people of the
[Xophe] BROKEN MD4
[ingvar] Modelling forest damage by storms with egular expressions is... a curious idea.
[Xach] before: ||| after: //_
[Xach] seems easy enough to me
[frodef] wow, someone wrote ext2fs reading for movitz.. so now movitz can
be confused about logical pathnames too..
[Xof] I just delivered my first Lisp application
[Xof] thank you, clx hackers, mcclim hackers, climacs hackers.
[Xof] sbcl hackers
[Xof] hmm, all of those are me :-)
[gusl] btw, do you know which symbol returns the result of the last evaluation?
[Xof] *
[gusl] great
[gusl] and what was the other one which returns the function it&#039;s in?
[gusl] thanks, Xof. This will help me a lot in debugging.
[gusl] what does the ENOSENSE part mean, btw?
[jdz] gusl: it means that the question does not compute
[gusl] jdz: but his answer was right
[gusl] - is what I was looking for
[Clemens] Xophe: what&#039;s a cluebat?
[sdschulze] In the Hurd, you&#039;ll be able to write filesystems in Lisp.
[sdschulze] You can already write /dev/zero in Scheme.
[sdschulze] IIRC
[ayrnieu] how useful!
[sdschulze] and Ruby and Python
[Xof] I&#039;m not going to be sarcastic at this point. I am simply going to hold
my head in my hands and say a short, silent prayer for humanity
[sdschulze] More complex filesystems are being discussed.
</pre><p><hr><p>2005-10-05<p><pre>* slyrus (gives-up-trying-to-understand-ir1-transforms)</pre><p>
2005-10-31<p><pre>[Xof] heh. I was about to recommend the dragon book, but my brain said
&quot;no, his name can&#039;t be Sethi, that&#039;s a sparc opcode&quot;
</pre><p><hr><p>2005-12-26<p><pre>20:33 [mgr] gilberth: Merry Christmas! (A bit late, but not too late. :)
20:34 [gilberth] mgr: Well we celebrated Newton&#039;s birthday; but thanks
anyway :)
20:36 [lichtblau] so what are going to tell your children (once you&#039;ve
got some) about who brings the presents? &quot;oh just look
under the newtontree what old newton brought this night?&quot; ;-)
20:36 [hefner] gravity?
20:36 [gilberth] Well, I&#039;ll tell them Netwon found out about gravity, not
because an apple fell from the tree, but a present.
20:37 [lichtblau] oh, of course!
20:37 [gilberth] And the present is from &lt;a href=&quot;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_spaghetti_monster&quot;&gt;the spaghetti monster&lt;/a&gt; of
20:37 [lichtblau] gravity, the basic recipe for a romantic childhood story!
20:38 [mgr] gilberth: :) That seems to be a better occasion! Though
you are probably &lt;a href=&quot;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Newton&quot;&gt;a bit early&lt;/a&gt; for our Gregorian calendar. ;)</pre><p><hr><p>2006-03-29<p><pre>17:11 [slyrus] did anyone see the eclipse?
17:14 [dan`b] no, it was too dark</pre><p><hr><p>2006-03-30<p><pre>
13:41 [lemonodor_] chandler: what&#039;s the status of unmutual.info? (i&#039;m
specifically wondering about a 404 when trying to asdf-install colorize)
13:41 [chandler`] lemonodor_: not all of my asdf-installable software is
actually asdf-installable. When in doubt, svn co svn://unmutual.info/whatever
<hr><p>2006-07-12<p><pre>[Xof] speaking of painful things
[Xof] does anyone here use &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.lisp.org/mop/dictionary.html#finalize-inheritance&quot;&gt;FINALIZE-INHERITANCE&lt;/a&gt;?
[Xof] it was very subtly broken
[Xof] but to unbreak it its behaviour has to be changed rather grossly
[rudi] does &lt;a href=&quot;http://common-lisp.net/project/mcclim/&quot;&gt;mcclim&lt;/a&gt; still work?
[Xof] no idea
[rudi] mcclim, the (_H(*) 2 3) of clos</pre>
[nyef] And when you have a specific question (not &quot;please write it for me&quot;
or &quot;why doesn&#039;t this work?&quot;), we may be more inclined to answer.
[logic_grrl] nyef, i never askd anyone to write it
[PseudoCapitana] nyef: jesus ure such a cruel persona
[antifuchs] agh... I want to disagree with so many things in c.l.l that I get
rsi even thinking about them.
[rahul] a sufficiently intrusive compiler is indistinguishable from God.
[pjb] The walls inside the lisp house are paperthin like in Japanese houses.
They&#039;re purely symbolic. Some other language may have reinforced
concrete interior walls. Choose where you want to live! ;-)
[nyef] pjb: Surely that has acoustic as well as thermal implications....
[pjb] Yes, you need to be more civilized in a Japanese house :-)
[Xach] chilly during the AI winter
[mogunus] How do I deal with a HEAP EXHAUSTED ERROR?
[AshyIsMe] let it rest
[starseeker] We should do an annual &quot;lisp quote contest&quot; or something
[schme] I&#039;d like to enter &#039; into this contest.
[schme] It was FUNNY!
*** nikodemus attacks gencgc
*** gengc fights back!
*** nikodemus dies
nikodemus left the room (&quot;RIP&quot;).
gengc left the room (&quot;SIGKILL&quot;).
[dan_b] good design taste is easier to identify in its absence
<hr><p>2009-06-24 (in a discussion of efficiency)
[tcr] shorter code conses less in Lisp... in the reader!
[weareyourfriends] (how-do-i-get-laid)
[mathrick] that&#039;s implementation specific
[weareyourfriends] heh
[metawilm] weareyourfriends: get Closer and use define-layered-function
[Fare] francogrex, you read the EVAL-WHEN documentation and you lose 1d6 SAN
[schme] tic: Pffft! Don&#039;t listen to beach. Start a new project each day.
Flip a dice every day to see which one to hack on. Get very confused every day :D
[beach] schme: I am trying to tell tic &quot;do as I say&quot; rather than &quot;do as I do&quot;.
* tic does whatever spiderpig do
[Krystof] some day I would like to move to a server which has a ban list, rather than a non-adjustable ban vector
[Azuvix] Bigger channel than I expected.
[Xach] Most are bots.
[tcr] Lisp and AI, you know
[nyef] This is where all the AI systems come to hang out and chat about making AI systems... Thus, it&#039;s a weird form of cybersex.
[tcr] they mostly don&#039;t talk because they&#039;re so slow though because it&#039;s interpreted, but hey
[stassats`] i think earmuffs were invented during AI Winter, to keep it warm
[billyr] hi how do you declare a &quot;byref&quot; parameter in emacs lisp? thx
[|3b|] #emacs knows more about emacs lisp
[billyr] thank you
[joshe] Yes they do, the poor bastards
[joshe] oops, did I say that out loud?
** discussion about how some Lisp functions are named after assembly instructions **
[Quadrescence] there&#039;s also DPB
[Quadrescence] Historically, the name ``dpb&#039;&#039; comes from a DEC PDP-10 assembly language instruction meaning ``deposit byte.&#039;&#039;
[qu1j0t3] yes.
[qu1j0t3] on the other hand, TERPRI is named for the highest scoring word in a drunken scrabble game played between Gosper and Greenblatt on 14th March, 1977.
[Fare] the advantage of cl is that it&#039;s so easy to reinvent the wheel
[Fare] the disadvantage is that everyone invents their own wheel
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