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101 lines
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#lang racket/base
(require (only-in compiler/cm [get-file-sha1 file->digest])
(provide file->syntax
;; Return a syntax object or #f for the contents of `file`. The
;; resulting syntax is applied to `k` while the parameters
;; current-load-relative-directory and current-namespace are still set
;; appropriately.
(define/contract (file->syntax file [k values])
(->* (path-string?)
((-> syntax? syntax?))
(or/c #f syntax?))
(define-values (base _ __) (split-path file))
(parameterize ([current-load-relative-directory base]
[current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ _ #f)])
(λ ()
(with-input-from-file file read-syntax/count-lines)))))))
(define (read-syntax/count-lines)
(port-count-lines! (current-input-port))
;;; expanded syntax caching
;; cache : (hash/c file (cons/c digest-string? (or/c promise? syntax?)))
(define cache (make-hash))
(define last-mod #f)
;; Call this early in a file run, _before_ any evaluation. If it's not
;; the same file as before, we empty the cache -- to free up memory.
;; If it's the same file, we keep the cache.
(define (before-run maybe-mod)
(unless (equal? last-mod maybe-mod)
(hash-clear! cache)
(set! last-mod maybe-mod)))
(define ((make-eval-handler maybe-mod [orig-eval (current-eval)]) e)
(cond [(and (syntax? e)
(syntax-source e)
(path-string? (syntax-source e))
(not (compiled-expression? (syntax-e e))))
(define expanded-stx (expand e))
(cache-set! (syntax-source e) (λ () expanded-stx))
(orig-eval expanded-stx)]
[else (orig-eval e)]))
(define (after-run maybe-mod)
;; When the rkt file being run has a compiled zo that was used, then
;; our eval-hander above won't expand and cache any syntax. That
;; means when the user does a command that needs expanded syntax
;; (e.g. find-completion), they will need to wait for expansion. But
;; if you call this _after_ the file was run, it will cache-set! the
;; expansion using `delay/thread` -- i.e. the work will happen "in
;; the background". (Furthermore, when we already have a cache entry
;; for the file and digest, from a previous run, we'll just use
;; that.) As a result, it's likely to be mostly or entirely ready
;; when the user does a command.
(define-values (dir base _) (maybe-mod->dir/file/rmp maybe-mod))
(when (and dir base)
(define path (build-path dir base))
(cache-set! path (λ () (delay/thread (file->syntax path expand))))))
;; cache-set! takes a thunk so that, if the cache already has an entry
;; for the file and digest, it can avoid doing any work. Furthermore,
;; if you already have a digest for file, supply it to avoid redoing
;; that work, too.
(define/contract (cache-set! file thk [digest #f])
(->* (path-string? (-> (or/c promise? syntax?)))
((or/c #f string?))
(let ([digest (or digest (file->digest file))])
(match (hash-ref cache file #f)
[(cons (== digest) _)
(hash-set! cache file (cons digest (thk)))])))
(define (file->expanded-syntax file)
(define digest (file->digest file))
(match (hash-ref cache file #f)
[(cons (== digest) promise)
(force promise)]
(define stx (file->syntax file expand))
(cache-set! file (λ () stx) digest)