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<h3 class="section">3.2 Method-Based Discriminating Functions</h3>
<p><a name="index-no_002dapplicable_002dmethod-3"></a>
The method-based discriminating functions are used if all the methods of
the generic function at the time of the first call are suitable:
therefore, these discriminating function strategies do not transition
into any of the other states unless the generic function is
reinitialized. Of these discriminating functions, the simplest is the
<code>SB-PCL::NO-METHODS</code>, which is appropriate when the generic
function has no methods. In this case, the discriminating function
simply performs an argument count check<a rel="footnote" href="Method_002dBased-Discriminating-Functions.html#fn-1" name="fnd-1"><sup>1</sup></a> and then calls
<code>NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD</code> with the appropriate arguments.
<p>If all of the specializers in all methods of the generic function are
the root of the class hierarchy, <code>t</code>, then no discrimination need
be performed: all of the methods are applicable on every
call<a rel="footnote" href="Method_002dBased-Discriminating-Functions.html#fn-2" name="fnd-2"><sup>2</sup></a>. In this case, the <code>SB-PCL::DEFAULT-METHOD-ONLY</code>
discriminating function can call the effective method directly, as it
will be the same for every generic function call.<a rel="footnote" href="Method_002dBased-Discriminating-Functions.html#fn-3" name="fnd-3"><sup>3</sup></a>
<p>If all methods of the generic function are known by the system to be
side-effect-free and return constants, and the generic function has
standard-method-combination and no eql-specialized methods, then the
<code>SB-PCL::CONSTANT-VALUE</code> discriminating function can simply cache
the return values for given argument types. Though this may initially
appear to have limited applicability, type predicates are usually of
this form, as in <a href="ex_003apred.html#ex_003apred">ex:pred</a><a rel="footnote" href="Method_002dBased-Discriminating-Functions.html#fn-4" name="fnd-4"><sup>4</sup></a>.
<div class="float">
<a name="ex_003apred"></a>
<pre class="example"> (defgeneric foop (x))
(defmethod foop ((foo foo)) t)
(defmethod foop (object) nil)
<p><strong class="float-caption">Example 3.1</strong></p></div>
<p>More details of the cacheing mechanism are given in <a href="The-Cacheing-Mechanism.html#The-Cacheing-Mechanism">The Cacheing Mechanism</a> below.
<div class="footnote">
<h4>Footnotes</h4><p class="footnote"><small>[<a name="fn-1" href="Method_002dBased-Discriminating-Functions.html#fnd-1">1</a>]</small> Actually, this bit
isn't currently done. Oops.</p>
<p class="footnote"><small>[<a name="fn-2" href="Method_002dBased-Discriminating-Functions.html#fnd-2">2</a>]</small> Hm, there might be another problem with argument count
<p class="footnote"><small>[<a name="fn-3" href="Method_002dBased-Discriminating-Functions.html#fnd-3">3</a>]</small> I wonder if
we're invalidating this right if we define a method on
<p class="footnote"><small>[<a name="fn-4" href="Method_002dBased-Discriminating-Functions.html#fnd-4">4</a>]</small> There is vestigial code in SBCL
for a currently unused specialization of <code>SB-PCL::CONSTANT-VALUE</code>
for boolean values only.</p>