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<H2> Splicing in Modified BNF Syntax</H2> <P>
The primary extension used is the following: <P>
<P> [[O]]<P> <P>
An expression of this form appears whenever a list of elements is to be spliced into a larger structure and the elements can appear in any order. The symbol O represents a description of the syntax of some number of syntactic elements to be spliced; that description must be of the form <P>
<P> O1 | ... | Ol<P> <P>
where each Oi can be of the form S or of the form S* or of the form {S}1 . The expression [[O]] means that a list of the form <P>
<P> (Oi1...Oij) 1&lt;=j<P> <P>
is spliced into the enclosing expression, such that if n /=m and 1&lt;=n,m&lt;=j, then either Oin/=Oim or Oin = Oim = Qk, where for some 1&lt;=k &lt;=n, Ok is of the form Qk*. Furthermore, for each Oin that is of the form {Qk}1 , that element is required to appear somewhere in the list to be spliced. <P>
For example, the expression <P>
<TT>(x </TT>[[<TT>A </TT>|<TT> B</TT>*<TT> </TT>|<TT> C</TT>]]<TT> y)</TT> <P>
means that at most one <TT>A</TT>, any number of <TT>B</TT>'s, and at most one <TT>C</TT> can occur in any order. It is a description of any of these: <P>
(x y)
(x B A C y)
(x A B B B B B C y)
(x C B A B B B y)
</TT> <P>
but not any of these: <P>
(x B B A A C C y)
(x C B C y)
</TT> <P>
In the first case, both <TT>A</TT> and <TT>C</TT> appear too often, and in the second case <TT>C</TT> appears too often. <P>
The notation [[O1 | O2 | ...]]+ adds the additional restriction that at least one item from among the possible choices must be used. For example: <P>
<TT>(x </TT>[[<TT>A </TT>|<TT> B</TT>*<TT> </TT>|<TT> C</TT>]]<TT></TT>+<TT> y)</TT> <P>
means that at most one <TT>A</TT>, any number of <TT>B</TT>'s, and at most one <TT>C</TT> can occur in any order, but that in any case at least one of these options must be selected. It is a description of any of these: <P>
(x B y)
(x B A C y)
(x A B B B B B C y)
(x C B A B B B y)
</TT> <P>
but not any of these: <P>
(x y)
(x B B A A C C y)
(x C B C y)
</TT> <P>
In the first case, no item was used; in the second case, both <TT>A</TT> and <TT>C</TT> appear too often; and in the third case <TT>C</TT> appears too often. <P>
Also, the expression: <P>
<TT>(x </TT>[[<TT></TT>{<TT>A</TT>}1 <TT> </TT>|<TT> </TT>{<TT>B</TT>}1 <TT> </TT>|<TT> C</TT>]]<TT> y)</TT> <P>
can generate exactly these and no others: <P>
(x A B C y)
(x A C B y)
(x A B y)
(x B A C y)
(x B C A y)
(x B A y)
(x C A B y)
(x C B A y)
</TT> <P>
<P><HR>The following <A REL=META HREF="../Front/X3J13Iss.htm">X3J13 cleanup issue</A>, <I>not part of the specification</I>, applies to this section:<P><UL><LI> <A REL=CHILD HREF="../Issues/iss223.htm">LOOP-MISCELLANEOUS-REPAIRS:FIX</A><P></UL><HR>
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