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<H2> Examples of clause grouping</H2>
;; Group conditional clauses.
(loop for i in '(1 324 2345 323 2 4 235 252)
when (oddp i)
do (print i)
and collect i into odd-numbers
and do (terpri)
else ; I is even.
collect i into even-numbers
(return (values odd-numbers even-numbers)))
&gt;&gt; 1
&gt;&gt; 2345
&gt;&gt; 323
&gt;&gt; 235
=&gt; (1 2345 323 235), (324 2 4 252)
;; Collect numbers larger than 3.
(loop for i in '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
when (and (&gt; i 3) i)
collect it) ; IT refers to (and (&gt; i 3) i).
=&gt; (4 5 6)
;; Find a number in a list.
(loop for i in '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
when (and (&gt; i 3) i)
return it)
=&gt; 4
;; The above example is similar to the following one.
(loop for i in '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
thereis (and (&gt; i 3) i))
=&gt; 4
;; Nest conditional clauses.
(let ((list '(0 3.0 apple 4 5 9.8 orange banana)))
(loop for i in list
when (numberp i)
when (floatp i)
collect i into float-numbers
else ; Not (floatp i)
collect i into other-numbers
else ; Not (numberp i)
when (symbolp i)
collect i into symbol-list
else ; Not (symbolp i)
do (error &quot;found a funny value in list ~S, value ~S~%&quot; list i)
finally (return (values float-numbers other-numbers symbol-list))))
=&gt; (3.0 9.8), (0 4 5), (APPLE ORANGE BANANA)
;; Without the END preposition, the last AND would apply to the
;; inner IF rather than the outer one.
(loop for x from 0 to 3
do (print x)
if (zerop (mod x 2))
do (princ &quot; a&quot;)
and if (zerop (floor x 2))
do (princ &quot; b&quot;)
and do (princ &quot; c&quot;))
&gt;&gt; 0 a b c
&gt;&gt; 1
&gt;&gt; 2 a c
&gt;&gt; 3
=&gt; NIL
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