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<A NAME="dotimes"><I>Macro</I> <B>DOTIMES</B></A> <P>
<B>dotimes</B> <I>(var count-form [result-form]) <I>declaration</I><B>*</B> {tag | statement}*</I><P> =&gt; <I><I>result</I><B>*</B></I><P>
<P><B>Arguments and Values:</B><P>
<I>var</I>---a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_s.htm#symbol"><I>symbol</I></A>. <P>
<I>count-form</I>---a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_f.htm#form"><I>form</I></A>. <P>
<I>result-form</I>---a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_f.htm#form"><I>form</I></A>. <P>
<I>declaration</I>---a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="s_declar.htm#declare"><B>declare</B></A> <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_e.htm#expression"><I>expression</I></A>; not evaluated. <P>
<I>tag</I>---a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_g.htm#go_tag"><I>go tag</I></A>; not evaluated. <P>
<I>statement</I>---a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#compound_form"><I>compound form</I></A>; evaluated as described below. <P>
<I>results</I>---if a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="m_return.htm#return"><B>return</B></A> or <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="s_ret_fr.htm#return-from"><B>return-from</B></A> form is executed, the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_v.htm#value"><I>values</I></A> passed from that <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_f.htm#form"><I>form</I></A>; otherwise, the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_v.htm#value"><I>values</I></A> returned by the <I>result-form</I> or <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="a_nil.htm#nil"><B>nil</B></A> if there is no <I>result-form</I>. <P>
<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="#dotimes"><B>dotimes</B></A> iterates over a series of <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_i.htm#integer"><I>integers</I></A>. <P>
<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="#dotimes"><B>dotimes</B></A> evaluates <I>count-form</I>, which should produce an <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_i.htm#integer"><I>integer</I></A>. If <I>count-form</I> is zero or negative, the body is not executed. <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="#dotimes"><B>dotimes</B></A> then executes the body once for each <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_i.htm#integer"><I>integer</I></A> from 0 up to but not including the value of <I>count-form</I>, in the order in which the <I>tags</I> and <I>statements</I> occur, with <I>var</I> bound to each <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_i.htm#integer"><I>integer</I></A>. Then <I>result-form</I> is evaluated. At the time <I>result-form</I> is processed, <I>var</I> is bound to the number of times the body was executed. <I>Tags</I> label <I>statements</I>. <P>
An <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_i.htm#implicit_block"><I>implicit block</I></A> named <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="a_nil.htm#nil"><B>nil</B></A> surrounds <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="#dotimes"><B>dotimes</B></A>. <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="m_return.htm#return"><B>return</B></A> may be used to terminate the loop immediately without performing any further iterations, returning zero or more <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_v.htm#value"><I>values</I></A>. <P>
The body of the loop is an <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_i.htm#implicit_tagbody"><I>implicit tagbody</I></A>; it may contain tags to serve as the targets of <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="s_go.htm#go"><B>go</B></A> statements. Declarations may appear before the body of the loop. <P>
The <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_s.htm#scope"><I>scope</I></A> of the binding of <I>var</I> does not include the <I>count-form</I>, but the <I>result-form</I> is included. <P>
It is <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_i.htm#implementation-dependent"><I>implementation-dependent</I></A> whether <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="#dotimes"><B>dotimes</B></A> <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_e.htm#establish"><I>establishes</I></A> a new <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_b.htm#binding"><I>binding</I></A> of <I>var</I> on each iteration or whether it <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_e.htm#establish"><I>establishes</I></A> a binding for <I>var</I> once at the beginning and then <I>assigns</I> it on any subsequent iterations. <P>
(dotimes (temp-one 10 temp-one)) =&gt; 10
(setq temp-two 0) =&gt; 0
(dotimes (temp-one 10 t) (incf temp-two)) =&gt; T
temp-two =&gt; 10
</TT> <P>
Here is an example of the use of <TT>dotimes</TT> in processing strings: <P>
;;; True if the specified subsequence of the string is a
;;; palindrome (reads the same forwards and backwards).
(defun palindromep (string <TT>&amp;optional</TT>
(start 0)
(end (length string)))
(dotimes (k (floor (- end start) 2) t)
(unless (char-equal (char string (+ start k))
(char string (- end k 1)))
(return nil))))
(palindromep &quot;Able was I ere I saw Elba&quot;) =&gt; T
(palindromep &quot;A man, a plan, a canal--Panama!&quot;) =&gt; NIL
(remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p ;Remove punctuation.
&quot;A man, a plan, a canal--Panama!&quot;)
=&gt; &quot;AmanaplanacanalPanama&quot;
(remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p
&quot;A man, a plan, a canal--Panama!&quot;)) =&gt; T
&quot;Unremarkable was I ere I saw Elba Kramer, nu?&quot;)) =&gt; T
&quot;A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak,
a yam, a hat, a canal--Panama!&quot;)) =&gt; T
</TT> <P>
<P><B>Side Effects:</B> None.
<P><B>Affected By:</B> None.
<P><B>Exceptional Situations:</B> None.
<P><B>See Also:</B><P>
<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="m_do_do.htm#do"><B>do</B></A>, <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="m_dolist.htm#dolist"><B>dolist</B></A>, <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="s_tagbod.htm#tagbody"><B>tagbody</B></A> <P>
<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="s_go.htm#go"><B>go</B></A> may be used within the body of <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="#dotimes"><B>dotimes</B></A> to transfer control to a statement labeled by a <I>tag</I>. <P>
<P><HR>The following <A REL=META HREF="../Front/X3J13Iss.htm">X3J13 cleanup issue</A>, <I>not part of the specification</I>, applies to this section:<P><UL><LI> <A REL=CHILD HREF="../Issues/iss097.htm">DECLS-AND-DOC</A><P></UL><HR>
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