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<H2>Issue FORMAT-OP-C Writeup</H2>
<PRE><B>Issue:</B> <A HREF="iss168.htm">FORMAT-OP-C</A><P>
<B>References:</B> <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_wr_cha.htm#write-char"><B>WRITE-CHAR</B></A> (p384), ~C (p389)<P>
<B>Edit History:</B> 23-Feb-87, Version 1 by Pitman<P>
29-Apr-87, Versions 2,3 by Pitman<P>
5-Jun-87, Version 4 by Masinter (copy-editing)<P>
11-Jun-87, Version 5 release to X3J13<P>
(remove confusing paragraph)<P>
<B>Problem Description:<P>
CLtL is not adequately specific about the function of the format<P>
operation ~C. The description on p389 says that &quot;~C prints the character<P>
in an implementation-dependent abbreviated format. This format should be<P>
culturally compatible with the host environment.&quot; This description is<P>
not very useful in practice.<P>
Presumably the authors intended the `cultural compatibility' part to<P>
gloss issues like how the SAIL character set printed, but unfortunately<P>
another completely reasonable (albeit unplanned) interpretation arose:<P>
some implementations have (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_format.htm#format"><B>FORMAT</B></A> <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_nil.htm#nil"><B>NIL</B></A> &quot;~C&quot; #\Space) =&gt; &quot;Space&quot; rather<P>
than &quot; &quot;.<P>
Since the behavior of ~A is also vague on characters (a separate<P>
proposal will address this), the only way to safely output a literal<P>
character is to WRITE-CHAR; currently, <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_format.htm#format"><B>FORMAT</B></A> does not suffice.<P>
Change the behavior of ~C to say that, when given a character with zero<P>
bits, it will perform the same action as <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_wr_cha.htm#write-char"><B>WRITE-CHAR</B></A>. (This proposal<P>
leaves the behavior of ~C with non-zero bits incompletely specified.)<P>
For example, the description of the ~C format directive on p389 of CLTL<P>
might read:<P>
~C prints the character using <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_wr_cha.htm#write-char"><B>WRITE-CHAR</B></A> if it has zero bits.<P>
Characters with bits are not necessarily printed as <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_wr_cha.htm#write-char"><B>WRITE-CHAR</B></A><P>
would do, but are displayed in an implementation-dependent<P>
abbreviated format that is culturally compatible with the host<P>
<B>Test Case:<P>
(<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_equal.htm#equal"><B>EQUAL</B></A> (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_format.htm#format"><B>FORMAT</B></A> <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_nil.htm#nil"><B>NIL</B></A> &quot;~C&quot; #\Space) &quot; &quot;)<P>
This was probably the intent of the Common Lisp designers. <P>
It makes things clear enough that programmers can know what to expect in<P>
the normal case (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/07_ffb.htm#standard"><B>standard</B></A> characters with zero bits).<P>
Users can use (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_format.htm#format"><B>FORMAT</B></A> <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_nil.htm#nil"><B>NIL</B></A> &quot;~:C&quot; #\Space) to get &quot;Space&quot; if they want it.<P>
It seems as if the implementations which return &quot;Space&quot; treat ~C and ~:C<P>
equivalently or very similarly.<P>
<B>Current Practice:<P>
Implementations are divided. Some implementations have<P>
(<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_format.htm#format"><B>FORMAT</B></A> <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_nil.htm#nil"><B>NIL</B></A> &quot;~C&quot; #\Space) =&gt; &quot;Space&quot;.<P>
Others have the same form return &quot; &quot;.<P>
<B>Adoption Cost:<P>
Those implementations which did not already implement ~C as <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_wr_cha.htm#write-char"><B>WRITE-CHAR</B></A><P>
would <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_provid.htm#require"><B>require</B></A> an incompatible change.<P>
User code that uses ~C would have a chance of being portable. As things<P>
stand, users who use ~C can't reliably port their code.<P>
~C and ~:C would perform usefully distinct operations.<P>
<B>Conversion Cost:<P>
Standard ``Query Replace'' technology for finding occurrences of &quot;~C&quot;<P>
and changing them to &quot;~:C&quot; semi-automatically should suffice.<P>
Making ~C do something well-defined will probably be perceived as a<P>
The cleanup committee generally supports this clarification.<P>
The original version of this proposal (which tried to make <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_wr_cha.htm#write-char"><B>WRITE-CHAR</B></A><P>
and ~C identical in all cases) prompted the following comment:<P>
&quot;I believe the error in CLtL is that it was not stated explicitly that<P>
the `implementation-dependent abbreviated format' applies only to<P>
characters with non-zero char-bits. Thus instead of removing the<P>
mumbling about cultural compatibility, I suggest simply adding a<P>
sentence saying that ~C is the same as <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_wr_cha.htm#write-char"><B>WRITE-CHAR</B></A> for characters with<P>
zero char-bits. I don't think we want to <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_provid.htm#require"><B>require</B></A> ~C and <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_wr_cha.htm#write-char"><B>write-char</B></A> to<P>
do the same thing for characters with bits.&quot;<P>
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