2019-11-23 09:10:03 +01:00
#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base)
(lazy-require ["debug-annotator.rkt" (annotate-for-single-stepping)])
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(provide (rename-out [on-break-channel debug-notify-channel])
(define debug-repl-ns (make-base-namespace))
(define (set-debug-repl-namespace! ns)
(set! debug-repl-ns ns))
;; A gui-debugger/marks "mark" is a thunk that returns a
;; full-mark-struct -- although gui-debugger/marks doesn't provide
;; that struct. Instead the thunk can be passed to various accessor
;; functions.
(define mark/c (-> any/c))
;; A "mark-binding" is a list whose first element is syntax of the
;; identifier, and whose second element is a get/set! procedure.
(define get/set!/c (case-> (-> any/c)
(-> any/c void)))
(define breakable-positions/c (hash/c path? (set/c #:cmp 'eq pos/c)))
(define/contract breakable-positions breakable-positions/c (make-hash))
(define/contract (breakable-position? src pos)
(-> path? pos/c boolean?)
(set-member? (hash-ref breakable-positions src (seteq)) pos))
(define/contract (annotate stx)
(-> syntax? syntax?)
(define source (syntax-source stx))
(display-commented (format "Debug annotate ~v" source))
(define-values (annotated breakables)
(annotate-for-single-stepping stx break? break-before break-after))
(hash-update! breakable-positions
(λ (s) (set-union s (list->seteq breakables)))
2020-02-22 12:54:34 +01:00
;; The first contract is suitable for "edge" with Emacs Lisp. Second
;; is important for actual `next-break` value so that `break?` compare
;; of source works; see #425.
(define break-when/c (or/c 'all 'none (cons/c path-string? pos/c)))
(define break-when-strict/c (or/c 'all 'none (cons/c path? pos/c)))
2019-11-23 09:10:03 +01:00
(define/contract next-break
2020-02-22 12:54:34 +01:00
(case-> (-> break-when-strict/c)
(-> break-when-strict/c void))
2019-11-23 09:10:03 +01:00
(let ([v 'none])
(case-lambda [() v]
[(v!) (set! v v!)])))
;; If this returns #t, either break-before or break-after will be
;; called next.
(define ((break? src) pos)
(match (next-break)
['none #f]
['all #t]
[(cons (== src) (== pos)) #t]
[_ #f]))
(define/contract (break-before top-mark ccm)
(-> mark/c continuation-mark-set? (or/c #f (listof any/c)))
(break 'before top-mark ccm #f))
(define/contract (break-after top-mark ccm . vals)
(->* (mark/c continuation-mark-set?) #:rest (listof any/c)
(apply values (break 'after top-mark ccm vals)))
(define/contract (break before/after top-mark ccm vals)
(-> (or/c 'before 'after) mark/c continuation-mark-set? (or/c #f (listof any/c))
(or/c #f (listof any/c)))
(define stx (mark-source top-mark))
(define src (syntax-source stx))
(define pos (case before/after
[(before) (syntax-position stx)]
[(after) (+ (syntax-position stx) (syntax-span stx) -1)]))
(define locals
(for*/list ([binding (in-list (mark-bindings top-mark))]
[stx (in-value (first binding))]
[get/set! (in-value (second binding))]
#:when (and (syntax-original? stx) (syntax-source stx)))
(list (syntax-source stx)
(syntax-position stx)
(syntax-span stx)
(syntax->datum stx)
(~v (get/set!)))))
;; Start a debug repl on its own thread, because below we're going to
;; block indefinitely with (channel-get on-resume-channel), waiting for
;; the Emacs front end to issue a debug-resume command.
(define repl-thread (parameterize ([current-namespace debug-repl-ns])
(thread (repl src pos top-mark))))
;; The on-break-channel is how we notify the Emacs front-end. This
;; is a synchronous channel-put but it should return fairly quickly,
;; as soon as the TCP command server gets and writes it. In other
;; words, this is sent as a notification, unlike a command response
;; as a result of a request.
(define this-break-id (new-break-id))
;; If it is not possible to round-trip serialize/deserialize the
;; values, use the original values when stepping (don't attempt to
;; substitute user-supplied values).
(define cannot-serialize "'cannot-serialize")
(define serialized-vals (if (serializable? vals) (~s vals) cannot-serialize))
(channel-put on-break-channel
(list 'debug-break
(cons src pos)
(cons this-break-id
(case before/after
[(before) (list 'before)]
[(after) (list 'after serialized-vals)]))))
;; Wait for debug-resume command to put to on-resume-channel. If
;; wrong break ID, ignore and wait again.
(let wait ()
(match (channel-get on-resume-channel)
[(list break-when (list (== this-break-id) 'before))
(next-break (calc-next-break before/after break-when top-mark ccm))
[(list break-when (list (== this-break-id) (or 'before 'after) vals-str))
(next-break (calc-next-break before/after break-when top-mark ccm))
(if (equal? serialized-vals cannot-serialize)
(read-str/default vals-str vals))]
[_ (wait)])
(kill-thread repl-thread)
(define (serializable? v)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:read? (λ _ #f)])
(equal? v (write/read v))))
(module+ test
(check-true (serializable? 42))
(check-true (serializable? 'foo))
(check-false (serializable? (open-output-string))))
(define (write/read v)
(define out (open-output-string))
(write v out)
(define in (open-input-string (get-output-string out)))
(read in))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (write/read 42) 42)
(check-equal? (write/read 'foo) 'foo))
(define (read-str/default str default)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:read? (λ _ default)])
(read (open-input-string str))))
(define/contract (calc-next-break before/after break-when top-mark ccm)
(-> (or/c 'before 'after) (or/c break-when/c 'over 'out) mark/c continuation-mark-set?
2020-02-22 12:54:34 +01:00
2019-11-23 09:10:03 +01:00
(define (big-step frames)
(define num-marks (length (debug-marks (current-continuation-marks))))
(or (for/or ([frame (in-list frames)]
[depth (in-range (length frames) -1 -1)]
#:when (<= num-marks depth))
(let* ([stx (mark-source frame)]
[src (syntax-source stx)]
[left (syntax-position stx)]
[right (and left (+ left (syntax-span stx) -1))])
(and right
(breakable-position? src right)
(cons src right))))
(match* [break-when before/after]
2020-02-22 12:54:34 +01:00
[['all _] 'all]
2019-11-23 09:10:03 +01:00
[['out _] (big-step (debug-marks ccm))]
[['over 'before] (big-step (cons top-mark (debug-marks ccm)))]
[['over 'after] 'all]
2020-02-22 12:54:34 +01:00
[[(cons (? path? path) pos) _]
(cons path pos)]
[[(cons (? path-string? path-str) pos) _]
(cons (string->path path-str) pos)]))
2019-11-23 09:10:03 +01:00
(define break-id/c nat/c)
(define/contract new-break-id
(-> break-id/c)
(let ([n 0]) (λ () (begin0 n (set! n (add1 n))))))
(define/contract (debug-marks ccm)
(-> continuation-mark-set? (listof mark/c))
(continuation-mark-set->list ccm debug-key))
;;; Debug REPL
(define ((repl src pos top-mark))
(parameterize ([current-prompt-read (make-prompt-read src pos top-mark)])
(define ((make-prompt-read src pos top-mark))
(define-values (_base name _dir) (split-path src))
(define stx (get-interaction (format "[~a:~a]" name pos)))
(with-locals stx (mark-bindings top-mark)))
(define (with-locals stx bindings)
;; Note that mark-bindings is ordered from inner to outer scopes --
;; and can include outer variables shadowed by inner ones. So use
;; only the first occurence of each identifier symbol we encounter.
;; e.g. in (let ([x _]) (let ([x _]) ___)) we want only the inner x.
(define ht (make-hasheq))
(for* ([binding (in-list bindings)]
[sym (in-value (syntax->datum (first binding)))]
#:unless (hash-has-key? ht sym)
[get/set! (in-value (second binding))])
(hash-set! ht sym get/set!))
(syntax-case stx ()
;; I couldn't figure out how to get a set! transformer to work for
;; Typed Racket -- how to annotate or cast a get/set! as (-> Any
;; Void). So instead, just intercept (set! id e) as a datum and
;; effectively (get/set! (eval e debug-repl-ns)) here. In other
;; words treat the stx like a REPL "command". Of course this
;; totally bypasses type-checking, but this is a debugger. YOLO!
[(set! id e)
(and (module-declared? 'typed/racket/base)
(eq? 'set! (syntax->datum #'set!))
(identifier? #'id)
(hash-has-key? ht (syntax->datum #'id)))
(let ([set (hash-ref ht (syntax->datum #'id))]
[v (eval #'e debug-repl-ns)])
(set v)
;; Wrap stx in a let-syntax form with a make-set!-transformer for
;; every local variable in the mark-bindings results.
(let ([syntax-bindings
(for/list ([(sym get/set!) (in-hash ht)])
(define id (datum->syntax #f sym))
(define xform
(λ (stx)
(syntax-case stx (set!)
[(set! id v) (identifier? #'id) #`(#%plain-app #,get/set! v)]
[id (identifier? #'id) #`'#,(get/set!)]))))
#`(#,id #,xform))])
#`(let-syntax #,syntax-bindings
;;; Command interface
;; Intended use is for `code` to be a function definition form. It
;; will be re-defined annotated for single stepping: When executed it
;; will call our break?, break-before, and break-after functions.
(define/contract (debug-eval source-str line col pos code)
(-> path-string? pos/c nat/c pos/c string? #t)
(define source (string->path source-str))
(define in (open-input-string code))
(port-count-lines! in)
(set-port-next-location! in line col pos)
(eval (annotate (expand (read-syntax source in))))
(next-break 'all)
(define locals/c (listof (list/c path-string? pos/c pos/c symbol? string?)))
(define break-vals/c (cons/c break-id/c
(or/c (list/c 'before)
(list/c 'after string?))))
(define on-break/c (list/c 'debug-break
(define/contract on-break-channel (channel/c on-break/c) (make-channel))
(define resume-vals/c (cons/c break-id/c
(or/c (list/c 'before)
(list/c 'before string?)
(list/c 'after string?))))
(define on-resume/c (list/c (or/c break-when/c 'out 'over) resume-vals/c))
(define/contract on-resume-channel (channel/c on-resume/c) (make-channel))
(define/contract (debug-resume resume-info)
(-> on-resume/c #t)
(channel-put on-resume-channel resume-info)
(define (debug-disable)
(next-break 'none)
(for ([k (in-hash-keys breakable-positions)])
(hash-remove! breakable-positions k)))
;;; Make eval handler to instrument entire files
(define eval-handler/c (-> any/c any))
(define/contract ((make-debug-eval-handler files [orig-eval (current-eval)]) v)
(->* ((set/c path?)) (eval-handler/c) eval-handler/c)
(cond [(compiled-expression? (syntax-or-sexpr->sexpr v))
(orig-eval v)]
(define stx (syntax-or-sexpr->syntax v))
(define top-stx (expand-syntax-to-top-form stx))
(cond [(set-member? files (syntax-source stx))
(next-break 'all)
(parameterize* ([current-eval orig-eval]
(let ([orig (current-load/use-compiled)])
(λ (file mod)
(cond [(set-member? files file)
(load-module/annotate file mod)]
(orig file mod)])))])
(eval-syntax (annotate (expand-syntax top-stx))))]
[else (orig-eval top-stx)])]))
;; This never seems to be called ???
(define (load-module/annotate file m)
(display-commented (format "~v" `(load-module/annotate ,file ,m)))
(define-values (base _ __) (split-path file))
(call-with-input-file* file
(λ (in)
(port-count-lines! in)
(parameterize ([read-accept-compiled #f]
[current-load-relative-directory base])
(λ ()
(define e (parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
(expand (read-syntax file in))))
(eval (annotate (check-module-form e m file)))))))))