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2019-11-23 09:10:03 +01:00
#lang at-exp racket/base
2020-03-24 18:20:37 +01:00
(require (only-in pkg/db get-catalogs)
(only-in pkg/lib pkg-catalog-suggestions-for-module)
2019-11-23 09:10:03 +01:00
(only-in racket/path path-only)
(provide display-exn
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
(define (display-exn exn)
(our-error-display-handler (exn-message exn) exn))
(define (our-error-display-handler str v)
(cond [(exn? v)
(unless (equal? "Check failure" (exn-message v)) ;rackunit check fails
(display-commented (fully-qualify-error-path str))
(display-srclocs v)
(unless (exn:fail:user? v)
(display-context v))
(maybe-suggest-packages v))]
(display-commented str)]))
(define (display-srclocs exn)
(when (exn:srclocs? exn)
(define srclocs
(match ((exn:srclocs-accessor exn) exn)
;; Some exceptions like exn:fail:read? include the first
;; srcloc in exn-message -- don't show it again.
[(cons _ xs)
#:when (or (exn:fail:read? exn)
(exn:fail:contract:variable? exn))
;; Some exceptions like exn:fail:syntax? with Typed Racket
;; include _all_ in exn-message -- don't show _any_.
#:when (exn:fail:syntax? exn)
[xs xs]))
(for ([s (in-list srclocs)])
(display-commented (source-location->string s)))))
(define (display-context exn)
(cond [(instrumenting-enabled)
(define p (open-output-string))
(print-error-trace p exn)
(match (get-output-string p)
["" (void)]
[s (display-commented (string-append "Context (errortrace):"
;; et prepends a \n
(match (context->string
(continuation-mark-set->context (exn-continuation-marks exn)))
["" (void)]
[s (display-commented (string-append "Context:\n"
(define (context->string xs)
;; Limit the context in two ways:
;; 1. Don't go beyond error-print-context-length
;; 2. Don't go into "system" context that's just noisy.
(string-join (for/list ([x xs]
[_ (error-print-context-length)]
#:unless (system-context? x))
(context-item->string x))
(define-runtime-path here "error.rkt")
(define (system-context? ci)
(match-define (cons id src) ci)
(or (not src)
(let ([src (srcloc-source src)])
(and (path? src)
(or (equal? (path-only src) (path-only here))
(under-system-path? src))))))
(define (under-system-path? path)
(match (path->collects-relative path)
[`(collects #"mred" . ,_) #t]
[`(collects #"racket" #"contract" . ,_) #t]
[`(collects #"racket" #"private" . ,_) #t]
[`(collects #"typed-racket" . ,_) #t]
[_ #f]))
(define (context-item->string ci)
(match-define (cons id src) ci)
(string-append (if (or src id) " " "")
(if src (source-location->string src) "")
(if (and src id) " " "")
(if id (format "~a" id) "")))
;; Don't use source-location->string from syntax/srcloc. Don't want
;; the setup/path-to-relative behavior that replaces full pathnames
;; with <collects>, <pkgs> etc. Instead want full pathnames for Emacs'
;; compilation-mode. HOWEVER note that <collects> or <pkgs> might be
;; baked into exn-message string already; we handle that in
;; `fully-qualify-error-path`. Here we handle only strings we create
;; ourselves, such as for the Context "stack trace".
(define (source-location->string x)
2020-03-24 18:20:37 +01:00
(define src
;; Although I want to find/fix this properly upstream -- is
;; something a path-string? when it should be a path? -- for now
;; just catch here the case where the source is a string like
;; "\"/path/to/file.rkt\"" i.e. in quotes.
(match (srcloc-source x)
[(pregexp "^\"(.+)\"$" (list _ unquoted)) unquoted]
[v v]))
(define line (or (srcloc-line x) "1"))
(define col (or (srcloc-column x) "1"))
(format "~a:~a:~a" src line col))
2019-11-23 09:10:03 +01:00
;; Fully qualified pathnames in error messages, so that Emacs
;; compilation-mode can do its stuff.
;; srcloc->string uses current-directory-for-user to shorten error
;; messages. But we always want full pathnames. Setting it to
;; 'pref-dir -- very unlikely user .rkt file will be there -- is
;; least-worst way AFAIK.
(define (show-full-path-in-errors)
(current-directory-for-user (find-system-path 'pref-dir)))
;; If this looks like a Racket error message, but the filename is
;; not fully-qualified, prepend curdir to the filename.
;; This covers Racket 5.3.6 and earlier. In fact, this might be
;; sufficient for _all_ versions of Racket and we don't need the
;; `show-full-path-in-errors` thing above, at all. Not yet sure.
(define (fully-qualify-error-path s)
(match s
[(pregexp "^([^:]+):(\\d+)[:.](\\d+)(.*)$"
(list _ path line col more))
#:when (not (absolute-path? path))
(string-join (list (path->string (build-path (current-directory) path))
[s s]))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(case (system-type 'os)
(parameterize ([current-directory "c:\\tmp"])
(fully-qualify-error-path "foo.rkt:3:0: f: unbound identifier\n in: f"))
"c:\\tmp\\foo.rkt:3:0: f: unbound identifier\n in: f")
(fully-qualify-error-path "c:\\tmp\\foo.rkt:3:0: f: unbound identifier\n in: f")
"c:\\tmp\\foo.rkt:3:0: f: unbound identifier\n in: f")]
[(macosx unix)
(parameterize ([current-directory "/tmp/"])
(fully-qualify-error-path "foo.rkt:3:0: f: unbound identifier\n in: f"))
"/tmp/foo.rkt:3:0: f: unbound identifier\n in: f")
(fully-qualify-error-path "/tmp/foo.rkt:3:0: f: unbound identifier\n in: f")
"/tmp/foo.rkt:3:0: f: unbound identifier\n in: f")])
(let ([o (open-output-string)])
(parameterize ([current-error-port o])
(display-srclocs (make-exn:fail:read "..."
(check-equal? (get-output-string o) "")))
2020-03-24 18:20:37 +01:00
(define (maybe-suggest-packages exn)
(when (exn:missing-module? exn)
(match (get-catalogs)
Can't suggest packages to install, because pkg/db get-catalogs is '().
To configure:
1. Start DrRacket.
2. Choose "File | Package Manager".
3. Click "Available from Catalog".
4. When prompted, click "Update".
(define mod ((exn:missing-module-accessor exn) exn))
(match (pkg-catalog-suggestions-for-module mod)
[(list) void]
[(list p)
@~a{Try "raco pkg install @|p|" ?})]
[(? list? ps)
@~a{Try "raco pkg install" one of @(string-join ps ", ") ?})]
[_ void])])))
2019-11-23 09:10:03 +01:00