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;;; kubernetes-popups.el --- Magit popups for Kubernetes buffers. -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'magit-popup)
(require 'kubernetes-state)
(defgroup kubernetes nil
"Emacs porcelain for Kubernetes."
:group 'tools
:prefix "kubernetes-")
;; Utilities
(defun kubernetes-popups--read-existing-file (prompt &optional default)
(read-file-name prompt nil default t nil #'file-regular-p))
(defun kubernetes-popups--read-server-and-port (&optional _option defaults)
(-let* (((server port) (split-string (or defaults "") ":" t))
(port (or (ignore-errors (string-to-number port)) 8080)))
(format "%s:%s" (read-string "Server: " server) (read-number "Port: " port))))
;; Popup definitions
(magit-define-popup kubernetes-logs-popup
"Popup console for pod logging commands."
:group 'kubernetes
'((?p "Print logs for previous instances of the container in this pod" "-p"))
'("Options for customizing logging behaviour"
(?t "Number of lines to display" "--tail=" read-number)
(?c "Container to read logs from" "--container=" kubernetes-utils-read-container-name)
"Time controls"
(?s "Since relative time" "--since=" kubernetes-utils-read-time-value)
(?d "Since absolute datetime" "--since-time=" kubernetes-utils-read-iso-datetime))
'((?l "Logs" kubernetes-logs-fetch-all)
(?f "Logs (stream and follow)" kubernetes-logs-follow))
:max-action-columns 2
:default-action 'kubernetes-logs)
(magit-define-popup kubernetes-overview-popup
"Popup console for showing an overview of available popup commands."
:group 'kubernetes
(?c "Configuration" kubernetes-config-popup)
(?D "Delete" kubernetes-mark-for-delete)
(?u "Unmark" kubernetes-unmark)
(?U "Unmark all" kubernetes-unmark-all)
"Popup commands"
(?d "Describe" kubernetes-describe-popup)
(?e "Exec" kubernetes-exec-popup)
(?L "Labels" kubernetes-labels-popup)
(?l "Logs" kubernetes-logs-popup)
(?h "Describe mode and keybindings" describe-mode)))
(magit-define-popup kubernetes-exec-popup
"Popup console for exec commands for POD."
:group 'kubernetes
:default-arguments '("-i" "-t")
'((?i "Pass stdin to container" "-i" t)
(?t "Stdin is a TTY" "-t" t))
'("Options for customizing exec behaviour"
(?c "Container to exec within" "--container=" kubernetes-utils-read-container-name))
'((?e "Exec" kubernetes-exec-into))
:default-action 'kubernetes-exec-into)
(magit-define-popup kubernetes-describe-popup
"Popup console for describe commands."
:group 'kubernetes
'((?d "Dwim" kubernetes-describe-dwim)
(?p "Pod" kubernetes-describe-pod))
:default-action 'kubernetes-logs)
(magit-define-popup kubernetes-labels-popup
"Popup console for commands relating to labels."
:group 'kubernetes
'((?p "Pods" kubernetes-show-pods-for-label))
:default-action 'kubernetes-show-pods-for-label)
;; Config popup
;; The macro definition is expanded here and modified to support marshalling
;; state between the state manager and the magit popup's global state.
(defconst kubernetes-config-popup
(list :group 'kubernetes
:variable 'kubernetes-kubectl-flags
(?f "Kubeconfig file" "--kubeconfig=" kubernetes-popups--read-existing-file)
(?l "Cluster name in config" "--cluster=" read-string)
(?s "Server address and port" "--server=" kubernetes-popups--read-server-and-port)
(?u "User in kubeconfig" "--user=" read-string)
(?a "CA cert file" "--certificate-authority=" kubernetes-popups--read-existing-file)
(?k "Client key file" "--client-key=" kubernetes-popups--read-existing-file)
(?r "Client cert file" "--client-certificate=" kubernetes-popups--read-existing-file)
(?t "API token" "--token=" read-string))
'((?c "Change context" kubernetes-use-context)
(?n "Set namespace" kubernetes-set-namespace))))
(defun kubernetes-popups--update-kubectl-state ()
;; HACK: Need to use internal magit vars, since this is run inside the popup
;; refresh hook.
(when (eq magit-this-popup 'kubernetes-config-popup)
(kubernetes-state-update-kubectl-flags (magit-popup-get-args))))
(defun kubernetes-config-popup (&optional arg)
"Popup console for showing an overview of available config commands.
With ARG, execute default command."
(interactive "P")
(let ((flags (kubernetes-state-kubectl-flags (kubernetes-state))))
(setq kubernetes-kubectl-flags flags))
(add-hook 'magit-refresh-popup-buffer-hook #'kubernetes-popups--update-kubectl-state)
(magit-invoke-popup 'kubernetes-config-popup nil arg))
(magit-define-popup-keys-deferred 'kubernetes-config-popup)
(provide 'kubernetes-popups)
;;; kubernetes-popups.el ends here