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<h3 class="section">7.1 Basic Implementation</h3>
<p>All of the following, while described in terms of <code>slot-value</code>,
also applies to <code>(setf slot-value)</code> and to <code>slot-boundp</code>, and
could in principle be extended to <code>slot-makunbound</code>.
<p>The basic implementation of <code>slot-value</code>, following the suggestion
in the standards document, is shown in <a href="ex_003aslot_002dvalue.html#ex_003aslot_002dvalue">ex:slot-value</a>; the
implementation of the other slot operators is similar. The work to be
done simply to arrive at the generic function call is already
substantial: we need to look up the object's class and iterate over the
class' slots to find a slot of the right name, only then are we in a
position to call the generic function which implements the slot access
<div class="float">
<a name="ex_003aslot_002dvalue"></a>
<pre class="example"> (defun slot-value (object slot-name)
(let* ((class (class-of object))
(slot-definition (find-slot-definition class slot-name)))
(if (null slot-definition)
(values (slot-missing class object slot-name 'slot-value))
(slot-value-using-class class object slot-definition))))
<p><strong class="float-caption">Example 7.1</strong></p></div>
<p>The basic implementation of <code>slot-value-using-class</code> specialized on
the standard metaobject classes is shown in
<a href="ex_003aslot_002dvalue_002dusing_002dclass.html#ex_003aslot_002dvalue_002dusing_002dclass">ex:slot-value-using-class</a>. First, we check for an obsolete
instance (that is, one whose class has been redefined since the object
was last accessed; if it has, the object must be updated by
<code>update-instance-for-redefined-class</code>); then, we acquire the slot's
storage location from the slot definition, the value from the instance's
slot vector, and then after checking the value against the internal unbound
marker, we return it.
<div class="float">
<a name="ex_003aslot_002dvalue_002dusing_002dclass"></a>
<pre class="example"> (defmethod slot-value-using-class
((class std-class)
(object standard-object)
(slotd standard-effective-slot-definition))
(check-obsolete-instance object)
(let* ((location (slot-definition-location slotd))
(etypecase location
(fixnum (clos-slots-ref (instance-slots object) location))
(cons (cdr location)))))
(if (eq value +slot-unbound+)
(values (slot-unbound class object (slot-definition-name slotd)))
<p><strong class="float-caption">Example 7.2</strong></p></div>
<p>Clearly, all of this activity will cause the performance of clos slot
access to compare poorly with structure slot access; while there will be
of necessity a slowdown between the slot accesses because the structure
class need not be redefineable (while redefinition of standard-object
classes is extremely common), the overhead presented in the above
implementation is excessive.