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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Beyond Exception Handling: Conditions and Restarts</TITLE><LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="style.css"/></HEAD><BODY><DIV CLASS="copyright">Copyright © 2003-2005, Peter Seibel</DIV><H1>19. Beyond Exception Handling: Conditions and Restarts</H1><P>One of Lisp's great features is its <I>condition</I> system. It serves a
similar purpose to the exception handling systems in Java, Python, and
C++ but is more flexible. In fact, its flexibility extends beyond
error handling--conditions are more general than exceptions in that a
condition can represent any occurrence during a program's execution
that may be of interest to code at different levels on the call stack.
For example, in the section "Other Uses for Conditions," you'll see
that conditions can be used to emit warnings without disrupting
execution of the code that emits the warning while allowing code
higher on the call stack to control whether the warning message is
printed. For the time being, however, I'll focus on error handling.</P><P>The condition system is more flexible than exception systems because
instead of providing a two-part division between the code that
signals an error<SUP>1</SUP> and the code that handles it,<SUP>2</SUP> the condition system splits the
responsibilities into three parts--<I>signaling</I> a condition,
<I>handling</I> it, and <I>restarting</I>. In this chapter, I'll describe
how you could use conditions in part of a hypothetical application
for analyzing log files. You'll see how you could use the condition
system to allow a low-level function to detect a problem while
parsing a log file and signal an error, to allow mid-level code to
provide several possible ways of recovering from such an error, and
to allow code at the highest level of the application to define a
policy for choosing which recovery strategy to use.</P><P>To start, I'll introduce some terminology: <I>errors</I>, as I'll use
the term, are the consequences of Murphy's law. If something can go
wrong, it will: a file that your program needs to read will be
missing, a disk that you need to write to will be full, the server
you're talking to will crash, or the network will go down. If any of
these things happen, it may stop a piece of code from doing what you
want. But there's no bug; there's no place in the code that you can
fix to make the nonexistent file exist or the disk not be full.
However, if the rest of the program is depending on the actions that
were going to be taken, then you'd better deal with the error somehow
or you <I>will</I> have introduced a bug. So, errors aren't caused by
bugs, but neglecting to handle an error is almost certainly a bug.</P><P>So, what does it mean to handle an error? In a well-written program,
each function is a black box hiding its inner workings. Programs are
then built out of layers of functions: high-level functions are built
on top of the lower-level functions, and so on. This hierarchy of
functionality manifests itself at runtime in the form of the call
stack: if <CODE>high</CODE> calls <CODE>medium</CODE>, which calls <CODE>low</CODE>,
when the flow of control is in <CODE>low</CODE>, it's also still in
<CODE>medium</CODE> and <CODE>high</CODE>, that is, they're still on the call
stack.</P><P>Because each function is a black box, function boundaries are an
excellent place to deal with errors. Each function--<CODE>low</CODE>, for
example--has a job to do. Its direct caller--<CODE>medium</CODE> in this
case--is counting on it to do its job. However, an error that
prevents it from doing its job puts all its callers at risk:
<CODE>medium</CODE> called <CODE>low</CODE> because it needs the work done that
<CODE>low</CODE> does; if that work doesn't get done, <CODE>medium</CODE> is in
trouble. But this means that <CODE>medium</CODE>'s caller, <CODE>high</CODE>, is
also in trouble--and so on up the call stack to the very top of the
program. On the other hand, because each function is a black box, if
any of the functions in the call stack can somehow do their job
despite underlying errors, then none of the functions above it needs
to know there was a problem--all those functions care about is that
the function they called somehow did the work expected of it.</P><P>In most languages, errors are handled by returning from a failing
function and giving the caller the choice of either recovering or
failing itself. Some languages use the normal function return
mechanism, while languages with exceptions return control by
<I>throwing</I> or <I>raising</I> an exception. Exceptions are a vast
improvement over using normal function returns, but both schemes
suffer from a common flaw: while searching for a function that can
recover, the stack unwinds, which means code that might recover has
to do so without the context of what the lower-level code was trying
to do when the error actually occurred.</P><P>Consider the hypothetical call chain of <CODE>high</CODE>, <CODE>medium</CODE>,
<CODE>low</CODE>. If <CODE>low</CODE> fails and <CODE>medium</CODE> can't recover, the
ball is in <CODE>high</CODE>'s court. For <CODE>high</CODE> to handle the error,
it must either do its job without any help from <CODE>medium</CODE> or
somehow change things so calling <CODE>medium</CODE> will work and call it
again. The first option is theoretically clean but implies a lot of
extra code--a whole extra implementation of whatever it was
<CODE>medium</CODE> was supposed to do. And the further the stack unwinds,
the more work that needs to be redone. The second option--patching
things up and retrying--is tricky; for <CODE>high</CODE> to be able to
change the state of the world so a second call into <CODE>medium</CODE>
won't end up causing an error in <CODE>low</CODE>, it'd need an unseemly
knowledge of the inner workings of both <CODE>medium</CODE> and <CODE>low</CODE>,
contrary to the notion that each function is a black box.</P><A NAME="the-lisp-way"><H2>The Lisp Way</H2></A><P>Common Lisp's error handling system gives you a way out of this
conundrum by letting you separate the code that actually recovers
from an error from the code that decides how to recover. Thus, you
can put recovery code in low-level functions without committing to
actually using any particular recovery strategy, leaving that
decision to code in high-level functions.</P><P>To get a sense of how this works, let's suppose you're writing an
application that reads some sort of textual log file, such as a Web
server's log. Somewhere in your application you'll have a function to
parse the individual log entries. Let's assume you'll write a
function, <CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE>, that will be passed a string
containing the text of a single log entry and that is supposed to
return a <CODE>log-entry</CODE> object representing the entry. This
function will be called from a function, <CODE>parse-log-file</CODE>, that
reads a complete log file and returns a list of objects representing
all the entries in the file.</P><P>To keep things simple, the <CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE> function will not
be required to parse incorrectly formatted entries. It will, however,
be able to detect when its input is malformed. But what should it do
when it detects bad input? In C you'd return a special value to
indicate there was a problem. In Java or Python you'd throw or raise
an exception. In Common Lisp, you signal a condition.</P><A NAME="conditions"><H2>Conditions</H2></A><P>A <I>condition</I> is an object whose class indicates the general nature
of the condition and whose instance data carries information about
the details of the particular circumstances that lead to the
condition being signaled.<SUP>3</SUP> In this
hypothetical log analysis program, you might define a condition
class, <CODE>malformed-log-entry-error</CODE>, that <CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE>
will signal if it's given data it can't parse.</P><P>Condition classes are defined with the <CODE><B>DEFINE-CONDITION</B></CODE> macro,
which works essentially the same as <CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE> except that the
default superclass of classes defined with <CODE><B>DEFINE-CONDITION</B></CODE> is
<CODE><B>CONDITION</B></CODE> rather than <CODE><B>STANDARD-OBJECT</B></CODE>. Slots are specified
in the same way, and condition classes can singly and multiply
inherit from other classes that descend from <CODE><B>CONDITION</B></CODE>. But for
historical reasons, condition classes aren't required to be instances
of <CODE><B>STANDARD-OBJECT</B></CODE>, so some of the functions you use with
<CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE>ed classes aren't required to work with conditions. In
particular, a condition's slots can't be accessed using
<CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE>; you must specify either a <CODE>:reader</CODE> option or
an <CODE>:accessor</CODE> option for any slot whose value you intend to
use. Likewise, new condition objects are created with
<CODE><B>MAKE-CONDITION</B></CODE> initializes the slots of the new condition based
on the <CODE>:initarg</CODE>s it's passed, but there's no way to further
customize a condition's initialization, equivalent to
<CODE><B>INITIALIZE-INSTANCE</B></CODE>.<SUP>4</SUP></P><P>When using the condition system for error handling, you should define
your conditions as subclasses of <CODE><B>ERROR</B></CODE>, a subclass of
<CODE><B>CONDITION</B></CODE>. Thus, you might define
<CODE>malformed-log-entry-error</CODE>, with a slot to hold the argument
that was passed to <CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE>, like this:</P><PRE>(define-condition malformed-log-entry-error (error)
((text :initarg :text :reader text)))</PRE><A NAME="condition-handlers"><H2>Condition Handlers</H2></A><P>In <CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE> you'll signal a
<CODE>malformed-log-entry-error</CODE> if you can't parse the log entry.
You signal errors with the function <CODE><B>ERROR</B></CODE>, which calls the
lower-level function <CODE><B>SIGNAL</B></CODE> and drops into the debugger if the
condition isn't handled. You can call <CODE><B>ERROR</B></CODE> two ways: you can
pass it an already instantiated condition object, or you can pass it
the name of the condition class and any initargs needed to construct
a new condition, and it will instantiate the condition for you. The
former is occasionally useful for resignaling an existing condition
object, but the latter is more concise. Thus, you could write
<CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE> like this, eliding the details of actually
parsing a log entry:</P><PRE>(defun parse-log-entry (text)
(if (well-formed-log-entry-p text)
(make-instance 'log-entry ...)
(error 'malformed-log-entry-error :text text)))</PRE><P>What happens when the error is signaled depends on the code above
<CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE> on the call stack. To avoid landing in the
debugger, you must establish a <I>condition handler</I> in one of the
functions leading to the call to <CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE>. When a
condition is signaled, the signaling machinery looks through a list
of active condition handlers, looking for a handler that can handle
the condition being signaled based on the condition's class. Each
condition handler consists of a type specifier indicating what types
of conditions it can handle and a function that takes a single
argument, the condition. At any given moment there can be many active
condition handlers established at various levels of the call stack.
When a condition is signaled, the signaling machinery finds the most
recently established handler whose type specifier is compatible with
the condition being signaled and calls its function, passing it the
condition object.</P><P>The handler function can then choose whether to handle the condition.
The function can decline to handle the condition by simply returning
normally, in which case control returns to the <CODE><B>SIGNAL</B></CODE> function,
which will search for the next most recently established handler with
a compatible type specifier. To handle the condition, the function
must transfer control out of <CODE><B>SIGNAL</B></CODE> via a <I>nonlocal exit</I>. In
the next section, you'll see how a handler can choose where to
transfer control. However, many condition handlers simply want to
unwind the stack to the place where they were established and then
run some code. The macro <CODE><B>HANDLER-CASE</B></CODE> establishes this kind of
condition handler. The basic form of a <CODE><B>HANDLER-CASE</B></CODE> is as
follows:</P><PRE>(handler-case <I>expression</I>
<I>error-clause</I>*)</PRE><P>where each <I>error-clause</I> is of the following form:</P><PRE>(<I>condition-type</I> ([<I>var</I>]) <I>code</I>)</PRE><P>If the <I>expression</I> returns normally, then its value is returned by
the <CODE><B>HANDLER-CASE</B></CODE>. The body of a <CODE><B>HANDLER-CASE</B></CODE> must be a
single expression; you can use <CODE><B>PROGN</B></CODE> to combine several
expressions into a single form. If, however, the expression signals a
condition that's an instance of any of the <I>condition-type</I>s
specified in any <I>error-clause</I>, then the code in the appropriate
error clause is executed and its value returned by the
<CODE><B>HANDLER-CASE</B></CODE>. The <I>var</I>, if included, is the name of the
variable that will hold the condition object when the handler code is
executed. If the code doesn't need to access the condition object,
you can omit the variable name.</P><P>For instance, one way to handle the <CODE>malformed-log-entry-error</CODE>
signaled by <CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE> in its caller,
<CODE>parse-log-file</CODE>, would be to skip the malformed entry. In the
following function, the <CODE><B>HANDLER-CASE</B></CODE> expression will either
return the value returned by <CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE> or return
<CODE><B>NIL</B></CODE> if a <CODE>malformed-log-entry-error</CODE> is signaled. (The
<CODE>it</CODE> in the <CODE><B>LOOP</B></CODE> clause <CODE>collect it</CODE> is another
<CODE><B>LOOP</B></CODE> keyword, which refers to the value of the most recently
evaluated conditional test, in this case the value of <CODE>entry</CODE>.)</P><PRE>(defun parse-log-file (file)
(with-open-file (in file :direction :input)
(loop for text = (read-line in nil nil) while text
for entry = (handler-case (parse-log-entry text)
(malformed-log-entry-error () nil))
when entry collect it)))</PRE><P>When <CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE> returns normally, its value will be
assigned to <CODE>entry</CODE> and collected by the <CODE><B>LOOP</B></CODE>. But if
<CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE> signals a <CODE>malformed-log-entry-error</CODE>,
then the error clause will return <CODE><B>NIL</B></CODE>, which won't be collected.</P><DIV CLASS="sidebarhead">JAVA-STYLE EXCEPTON HANDLING</DIV><DIV CLASS="sidebar"><P><CODE><B>HANDLER-CASE</B></CODE> is the nearest analog in Common Lisp to
Java- or Python-style exception handling. Where you might write this
in Java:</P><PRE>try {
} catch (SomeException se) {
}</PRE><P>or this in Python:</P><PRE>try:
except SomeException, se:
recover(se)</PRE><P>in Common Lisp you'd write this:</P><PRE>(handler-case
(some-exception (se) (recover se)))</PRE></DIV><P>This version of <CODE>parse-log-file</CODE> has one serious deficiency:
it's doing too much. As its name suggests, the job of
<CODE>parse-log-file</CODE> is to parse the file and produce a list of
<CODE>log-entry</CODE> objects; if it can't, it's not its place to decide
what to do instead. What if you want to use <CODE>parse-log-file</CODE> in
an application that wants to tell the user that the log file is
corrupted or one that wants to recover from malformed entries by
fixing them up and re-parsing them? Or maybe an application is fine
with skipping them but only until a certain number of corrupted
entries have been seen.</P><P>You could try to fix this problem by moving the <CODE><B>HANDLER-CASE</B></CODE> to
a higher-level function. However, then you'd have no way to implement
the current policy of skipping individual entries--when the error was
signaled, the stack would be unwound all the way to the higher-level
function, abandoning the parsing of the log file altogether. What you
want is a way to provide the current recovery strategy without
requiring that it always be used.</P><A NAME="restarts"><H2>Restarts</H2></A><P>The condition system lets you do this by splitting the error handling
code into two parts. You place code that actually recovers from
errors into <I>restarts</I>, and condition handlers can then handle a
condition by invoking an appropriate restart. You can place restart
code in mid- or low-level functions, such as <CODE>parse-log-file</CODE> or
<CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE>, while moving the condition handlers into the
upper levels of the application.</P><P>To change <CODE>parse-log-file</CODE> so it establishes a restart instead
of a condition handler, you can change the <CODE><B>HANDLER-CASE</B></CODE> to a
<CODE><B>RESTART-CASE</B></CODE>. The form of <CODE><B>RESTART-CASE</B></CODE> is quite similar to
a <CODE><B>HANDLER-CASE</B></CODE> except the names of restarts are just names, not
necessarily the names of condition types. In general, a restart name
should describe the action the restart takes. In
<CODE>parse-log-file</CODE>, you can call the restart <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE>
since that's what it does. The new version will look like this:</P><PRE>(defun parse-log-file (file)
(with-open-file (in file :direction :input)
(loop for text = (read-line in nil nil) while text
for entry = (restart-case (parse-log-entry text)
(skip-log-entry () nil))
when entry collect it)))</PRE><P>If you invoke this version of <CODE>parse-log-file</CODE> on a log file
containing corrupted entries, it won't handle the error directly;
you'll end up in the debugger. However, there among the various
restarts presented by the debugger will be one called
<CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE>, which, if you choose it, will cause
<CODE>parse-log-file</CODE> to continue on its way as before. To avoid
ending up in the debugger, you can establish a condition handler that
invokes the <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE> restart automatically.</P><P>The advantage of establishing a restart rather than having
<CODE>parse-log-file</CODE> handle the error directly is it makes
<CODE>parse-log-file</CODE> usable in more situations. The higher-level
code that invokes <CODE>parse-log-file</CODE> doesn't have to invoke the
<CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE> restart. It can choose to handle the error at a
higher level. Or, as I'll show in the next section, you can add
restarts to <CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE> to provide other recovery
strategies, and then condition handlers can choose which strategy
they want to use.</P><P>But before I can talk about that, you need to see how to set up a
condition handler that will invoke the <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE> restart.
You can set up the handler anywhere in the chain of calls leading to
<CODE>parse-log-file</CODE>. This may be quite high up in your application,
not necessarily in <CODE>parse-log-file</CODE>'s direct caller. For
instance, suppose the main entry point to your application is a
function, <CODE>log-analyzer</CODE>, that finds a bunch of logs and
analyzes them with the function <CODE>analyze-log</CODE>, which eventually
leads to a call to <CODE>parse-log-file</CODE>. Without any error handling,
it might look like this:</P><PRE>(defun log-analyzer ()
(dolist (log (find-all-logs))
(analyze-log log)))</PRE><P>The job of <CODE>analyze-log</CODE> is to call, directly or indirectly,
<CODE>parse-log-file</CODE> and then do something with the list of log
entries returned. An extremely simple version might look like this:</P><PRE>(defun analyze-log (log)
(dolist (entry (parse-log-file log))
(analyze-entry entry)))</PRE><P>where the function <CODE>analyze-entry</CODE> is presumably responsible for
extracting whatever information you care about from each log entry and
stashing it away somewhere.</P><P>Thus, the path from the top-level function, <CODE>log-analyzer</CODE>, to
<CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE>, which actually signals an error, is as
follows:</P><P><IMG CLASS="figure" SRC="figures/restart-call-stack.png"/></P><P>Assuming you always want to skip malformed log entries, you could
change this function to establish a condition handler that invokes
the <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE> restart for you. However, you can't use
<CODE><B>HANDLER-CASE</B></CODE> to establish the condition handler because then the
stack would be unwound to the function where the <CODE><B>HANDLER-CASE</B></CODE>
appears. Instead, you need to use the lower-level macro
<CODE><B>HANDLER-BIND</B></CODE>. The basic form of <CODE><B>HANDLER-BIND</B></CODE> is as follows:</P><PRE>(handler-bind (<I>binding</I>*) <I>form</I>*)</PRE><P>where each binding is a list of a condition type and a handler
function of one argument. After the handler bindings, the body of the
<CODE><B>HANDLER-BIND</B></CODE> can contain any number of forms. Unlike the handler
code in <CODE><B>HANDLER-CASE</B></CODE>, the handler code must be a function
object, and it must accept a single argument. A more important
difference between <CODE><B>HANDLER-BIND</B></CODE> and <CODE><B>HANDLER-CASE</B></CODE> is that
the handler function bound by <CODE><B>HANDLER-BIND</B></CODE> will be run without
unwinding the stack--the flow of control will still be in the call to
<CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE> when this function is called. The call to
<CODE><B>INVOKE-RESTART</B></CODE> will find and invoke the most recently bound
restart with the given name. So you can add a handler to
<CODE>log-analyzer</CODE> that will invoke the <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE>
restart established in <CODE>parse-log-file</CODE> like this:<SUP>5</SUP></P><PRE>(defun log-analyzer ()
(handler-bind ((malformed-log-entry-error
#'(lambda (c)
(invoke-restart 'skip-log-entry))))
(dolist (log (find-all-logs))
(analyze-log log))))</PRE><P>In this <CODE><B>HANDLER-BIND</B></CODE>, the handler function is an anonymous
function that invokes the restart <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE>. You could
also define a named function that does the same thing and bind it
instead. In fact, a common practice when defining a restart is to
define a function, with the same name and taking a single argument,
the condition, that invokes the eponymous restart. Such functions are
called <I>restart functions</I>. You could define a restart function for
<CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE> like this:</P><PRE>(defun skip-log-entry (c)
(invoke-restart 'skip-log-entry))</PRE><P>Then you could change the definition of <CODE>log-analyzer</CODE> to this:</P><PRE>(defun log-analyzer ()
(handler-bind ((malformed-log-entry-error #'skip-log-entry))
(dolist (log (find-all-logs))
(analyze-log log))))</PRE><P>As written, the <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE> restart function assumes that a
<CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE> restart has been established. If a
<CODE>malformed-log-entry-error</CODE> is ever signaled by code called from
<CODE>log-analyzer</CODE> without a <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE> having been
established, the call to <CODE><B>INVOKE-RESTART</B></CODE> will signal a
<CODE><B>CONTROL-ERROR</B></CODE> when it fails to find the <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE>
restart. If you want to allow for the possibility that a
<CODE>malformed-log-entry-error</CODE> might be signaled from code that
doesn't have a <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE> restart established, you could
change the <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE> function to this:</P><PRE>(defun skip-log-entry (c)
(let ((restart (find-restart 'skip-log-entry)))
(when restart (invoke-restart restart))))</PRE><P><CODE><B>FIND-RESTART</B></CODE> looks for a restart with a given name and returns
an object representing the restart if the restart is found and
<CODE><B>NIL</B></CODE> if not. You can invoke the restart by passing the restart
object to <CODE><B>INVOKE-RESTART</B></CODE>. Thus, when <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE> is
bound with <CODE><B>HANDLER-BIND</B></CODE>, it will handle the condition by
invoking the <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE> restart if one is available and
otherwise will return normally, giving other condition handlers,
bound higher on the stack, a chance to handle the condition.</P><A NAME="providing-multiple-restarts"><H2>Providing Multiple Restarts</H2></A><P>Since restarts must be explicitly invoked to have any effect, you can
define multiple restarts, each providing a different recovery
strategy. As I mentioned earlier, not all log-parsing applications
will necessarily want to skip malformed entries. Some applications
might want <CODE>parse-log-file</CODE> to include a special kind of object
representing malformed entries in the list of <CODE>log-entry</CODE>
objects; other applications may have some way to repair a malformed
entry and may want a way to pass the fixed entry back to
<CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE>.</P><P>To allow more complex recovery protocols, restarts can take arbitrary
arguments, which are passed in the call to <CODE><B>INVOKE-RESTART</B></CODE>. You
can provide support for both the recovery strategies I just mentioned
by adding two restarts to <CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE>, each of which takes
a single argument. One simply returns the value it's passed as the
return value of <CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE>, while the other tries to
parse its argument in the place of the original log entry.</P><PRE>(defun parse-log-entry (text)
(if (well-formed-log-entry-p text)
(make-instance 'log-entry ...)
(restart-case (error 'malformed-log-entry-error :text text)
(use-value (value) value)
(reparse-entry (fixed-text) (parse-log-entry fixed-text)))))</PRE><P>The name <CODE><B>USE-VALUE</B></CODE> is a standard name for this kind of restart.
Common Lisp defines a restart function for <CODE><B>USE-VALUE</B></CODE> similar to
the <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE> function you just defined. So, if you
wanted to change the policy on malformed entries to one that created
an instance of <CODE>malformed-log-entry</CODE>, you could change
<CODE>log-analyzer</CODE> to this (assuming the existence of a
<CODE>malformed-log-entry</CODE> class with a <CODE>:text</CODE> initarg):</P><PRE>(defun log-analyzer ()
(handler-bind ((malformed-log-entry-error
#'(lambda (c)
(make-instance 'malformed-log-entry :text (text c))))))
(dolist (log (find-all-logs))
(analyze-log log))))</PRE><P>You could also have put these new restarts into <CODE>parse-log-file</CODE>
instead of <CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE>. However, you generally want to put
restarts in the lowest-level code possible. It wouldn't, though, be
appropriate to move the <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE> restart into
<CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE> since that would cause <CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE>
to sometimes return normally with <CODE><B>NIL</B></CODE>, the very thing you
started out trying to avoid. And it'd be an equally bad idea to
remove the <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE> restart on the theory that the
condition handler could get the same effect by invoking the
<CODE>use-value</CODE> restart with <CODE><B>NIL</B></CODE> as the argument; that would
require the condition handler to have intimate knowledge of how the
<CODE>parse-log-file</CODE> works. As it stands, the <CODE>skip-log-entry</CODE>
is a properly abstracted part of the log-parsing API.</P><A NAME="other-uses-for-conditions"><H2>Other Uses for Conditions</H2></A><P>While conditions are mainly used for error handling, they can be used
for other purposes--you can use conditions, condition handlers, and
restarts to build a variety of protocols between low- and high-level
code. The key to understanding the potential of conditions is to
understand that merely signaling a condition has no effect on the
flow of control.</P><P>The primitive signaling function <CODE><B>SIGNAL</B></CODE> implements the mechanism
of searching for an applicable condition handler and invoking its
handler function. The reason a handler can decline to handle a
condition by returning normally is because the call to the handler
function is just a regular function call--when the handler returns,
control passes back to <CODE><B>SIGNAL</B></CODE>, which then looks for another,
less recently bound handler that can handle the condition. If
<CODE><B>SIGNAL</B></CODE> runs out of condition handlers before the condition is
handled, it also returns normally.</P><P>The <CODE><B>ERROR</B></CODE> function you've been using calls <CODE><B>SIGNAL</B></CODE>. If the
error is handled by a condition handler that transfers control via
<CODE><B>HANDLER-CASE</B></CODE> or by invoking a restart, then the call to
<CODE><B>SIGNAL</B></CODE> never returns. But if <CODE><B>SIGNAL</B></CODE> returns, <CODE><B>ERROR</B></CODE>
invokes the debugger by calling the function stored in
<CODE><B>*DEBUGGER-HOOK*</B></CODE>. Thus, a call to <CODE><B>ERROR</B></CODE> can never return
normally; the condition must be handled either by a condition handler
or in the debugger.</P><P>Another condition signaling function, <CODE><B>WARN</B></CODE>, provides an example
of a different kind of protocol built on the condition system. Like
<CODE><B>ERROR</B></CODE>, <CODE><B>WARN</B></CODE> calls <CODE><B>SIGNAL</B></CODE> to signal a condition. But if
<CODE><B>SIGNAL</B></CODE> returns, <CODE><B>WARN</B></CODE> doesn't invoke the debugger--it prints
the condition to <CODE><B>*ERROR-OUTPUT*</B></CODE> and returns <CODE><B>NIL</B></CODE>, allowing
its caller to proceed. <CODE><B>WARN</B></CODE> also establishes a restart,
<CODE><B>MUFFLE-WARNING</B></CODE>, around the call to <CODE><B>SIGNAL</B></CODE> that can be used
by a condition handler to make <CODE><B>WARN</B></CODE> return without printing
anything. The restart function <CODE><B>MUFFLE-WARNING</B></CODE> finds and invokes
its eponymous restart, signaling a <CODE><B>CONTROL-ERROR</B></CODE> if no such
restart is available. Of course, a condition signaled with <CODE><B>WARN</B></CODE>
could also be handled in some other way--a condition handler could
"promote" a warning to an error by handling it as if it were an
error.</P><P>For instance, in the log-parsing application, if there were ways a
log entry could be slightly malformed but still parsable, you could
write <CODE>parse-log-entry</CODE> to go ahead and parse the slightly
defective entries but to signal a condition with <CODE><B>WARN</B></CODE> when it
did. Then the larger application could choose to let the warning
print, to muffle the warning, or to treat the warning like an error,
recovering the same way it would from a
<CODE>malformed-log-entry-error</CODE>.</P><P>A third error-signaling function, <CODE><B>CERROR</B></CODE>, provides yet another
protocol. Like <CODE><B>ERROR</B></CODE>, <CODE><B>CERROR</B></CODE> will drop you into the
debugger if the condition it signals isn't handled. But like
<CODE><B>WARN</B></CODE>, it establishes a restart before it signals the condition.
The restart, <CODE><B>CONTINUE</B></CODE>, causes <CODE><B>CERROR</B></CODE> to return normally--if
the restart is invoked by a condition handler, it will keep you out
of the debugger altogether. Otherwise, you can use the restart once
you're in the debugger to resume the computation immediately after
the call to <CODE><B>CERROR</B></CODE>. The function <CODE><B>CONTINUE</B></CODE> finds and invokes
the <CODE><B>CONTINUE</B></CODE> restart if it's available and returns <CODE><B>NIL</B></CODE>
otherwise.</P><P>You can also build your own protocols on <CODE><B>SIGNAL</B></CODE>--whenever
low-level code needs to communicate information back up the call
stack to higher-level code, the condition mechanism is a reasonable
mechanism to use. But for most purposes, one of the standard error or
warning protocols should suffice.</P><P>You'll use the condition system in future practical chapters, both
for regular error handling and, in Chapter 25, to help in handling a
tricky corner case of parsing ID3 files. Unfortunately, it's the fate
of error handling to always get short shrift in programming
texts--proper error handling, or lack thereof, is often the biggest
difference between illustrative code and hardened, production-quality
code. The trick to writing the latter has more to do with adopting a
particularly rigorous way of thinking about software than with the
details of any particular programming language constructs. That said,
if your goal is to write that kind of software, you'll find the
Common Lisp condition system is an excellent tool for writing robust
code and one that fits quite nicely into Common Lisp's incremental
development style.</P><DIV CLASS="sidebarhead">Writing Robust Software</DIV><DIV CLASS="sidebar"><P>For information on writing robust software, you could do
worse than to start by finding a copy of <I>Software Reliability</I>
(John Wiley & Sons, 1976) by Glenford J. Meyers. Bertrand Meyer's
writings on Design By Contract also provide a useful way of thinking
about software correctness. For instance, see Chapters 11 and 12 of
his <I>Object-Oriented Software Construction</I> (Prentice Hall, 1997).
Keep in mind, however, that Bertrand Meyer is the inventor of Eiffel,
a statically typed bondage and discipline language in the Algol/Ada
school. While he has a lot of smart things to say about object
orientation and software reliability, there's a fairly wide gap
between his view of programming and The Lisp Way. Finally, for an
excellent overview of the larger issues surrounding building
fault-tolerant systems, see Chapter 3 of the classic <I>Transaction
Processing: Concepts and Techniques</I> (Morgan Kaufmann, 1993) by Jim
Gray and Andreas Reuter.</P></DIV><P>In the next chapter I'll give a quick overview of some of the 25
special operators you haven't had a chance to use yet, at least not
</P><HR/><DIV CLASS="notes"><P><SUP>1</SUP><I>Throws</I> or <I>raises</I> an exception in
Java/Python terms</P><P><SUP>2</SUP><I>Catches</I> the
exception in Java/Python terms</P><P><SUP>3</SUP>In this respect, a condition is a lot
like an exception in Java or Python except not all conditions
represent an error or <I>exceptional</I> situation.</P><P><SUP>4</SUP>In some Common Lisp implementations,
conditions are defined as subclasses of <CODE><B>STANDARD-OBJECT</B></CODE>, in
<CODE><B>INITIALIZE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> will work, but it's not portable to rely on
compiler may complain if the parameter is never used. You can silence
that warning by adding a declaration <CODE>(declare (ignore c))</CODE> as
the first expression in the <CODE><B>LAMBDA</B></CODE> body.</P></DIV></BODY></HTML>