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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Object Reorientation: Classes</TITLE><LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="style.css"/></HEAD><BODY><DIV CLASS="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2003-2005, Peter Seibel</DIV><H1>17. Object Reorientation: Classes</H1><P>If generic functions are the verbs of the object system, classes are
the nouns. As I mentioned in the previous chapter, all values in a
Common Lisp program are instances of some class. Furthermore, all
classes are organized into a single hierarchy rooted at the class
<CODE><B>T</B></CODE>.</P><P>The class hierarchy consists of two major families of classes,
built-in and user-defined classes. Classes that represent the data
types you've been learning about up until now, classes such as
<CODE><B>INTEGER</B></CODE>, <CODE><B>STRING</B></CODE>, and <CODE><B>LIST</B></CODE>, are all built-in. They live
in their own section of the class hierarchy, arranged into appropriate
sub- and superclass relationships, and are manipulated by the
functions I've been discussing for much of the book up until now. You
can't subclass these classes, but, as you saw in the previous chapter,
you can define methods that specialize on them, effectively extending
the behavior of those classes.<SUP>1</SUP></P><P>But when you want to create new nouns--for instance, the classes used
in the previous chapter for representing bank accounts--you need to
define your own classes. That's the subject of this chapter.</P><A NAME="defclass"><H2>DEFCLASS</H2></A><P>You create user-defined classes with the <CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE> macro. Because
behaviors are associated with a class by defining generic functions
and methods specialized on the class, <CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE> is responsible
only for defining the class as a data type.</P><P>The three facets of the class as a data type are its name, its
relation to other classes, and the names of the slots that make up
instances of the class.<SUP>2</SUP> The basic form of a <CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE> is quite simple.</P><PRE>(defclass <I>name</I> (<I>direct-superclass-name</I>*)
(<I>slot-specifier</I>*))</PRE><DIV CLASS="sidebarhead">What Are &quot;User-Defined Classes&quot;?</DIV><DIV CLASS="sidebar"><P>The term <I>user-defined classes</I> isn't a term from the
language standard--technically what I'm talking about when I say
<I>user-defined classes</I> are classes that subclass
<CODE><B>STANDARD-OBJECT</B></CODE> and whose metaclass is <CODE><B>STANDARD-CLASS</B></CODE>. But
since I'm not going to talk about the ways you can define classes that
don't subclass <CODE><B>STANDARD-OBJECT</B></CODE> and whose metaclass isn't
<CODE><B>STANDARD-CLASS</B></CODE>, you don't really have to worry about that.
<I>User-defined</I> isn't a perfect term for these classes since the
implementation may define certain classes the same way. However, to
call them <I>standard</I> classes would be even more confusing since the
built-in classes, such as <CODE><B>INTEGER</B></CODE> and <CODE><B>STRING</B></CODE>, are just as
standard, if not more so, because they're defined by the language
standard but they don't extend <CODE><B>STANDARD-OBJECT</B></CODE>. To further
complicate matters, it's also possible for users to define new classes
that <I>don't</I> subclass <CODE><B>STANDARD-OBJECT</B></CODE>. In particular, the macro
<CODE><B>DEFSTRUCT</B></CODE> also defines new classes. But that's largely for
backward compatibility--<CODE><B>DEFSTRUCT</B></CODE> predated CLOS and was
retrofitted to define classes when CLOS was integrated into the
language. But the classes it creates are fairly limited compared to
<CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE>ed classes. So in this chapter I'll be discussing only
classes defined with <CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE> that use the default metaclass of
<CODE><B>STANDARD-CLASS</B></CODE>, and I'll refer to them as <I>user-defined</I> for
lack of a better term.</P></DIV><P>As with functions and variables, you can use any symbol as the name
of a new class.<SUP>3</SUP> Class names are in a separate
namespace from both functions and variables, so you can have a class,
function, and variable all with the same name. You'll use the class
name as the argument to <CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE>, the function that creates
new instances of user-defined classes.</P><P>The <I>direct-superclass-names</I> specify the classes of which the new
class is a subclass. If no superclasses are listed, the new class
will directly subclass <CODE><B>STANDARD-OBJECT</B></CODE>. Any classes listed must
be other user-defined classes, which ensures that each new class is
ultimately descended from <CODE><B>STANDARD-OBJECT</B></CODE>. <CODE><B>STANDARD-OBJECT</B></CODE>
in turn subclasses <CODE><B>T</B></CODE>, so all user-defined classes are part of
the single class hierarchy that also contains all the built-in
classes.</P><P>Eliding the slot specifiers for a moment, the <CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE> forms of
some of the classes you used in the previous chapter might look like
this:</P><PRE>(defclass bank-account () ...)
(defclass checking-account (bank-account) ...)
(defclass savings-account (bank-account) ...)</PRE><P>I'll discuss in the section &quot;Multiple Inheritance&quot; what it means to
list more than one direct superclass in <I>direct-superclass-names</I>.</P><A NAME="slot-specifiers"><H2>Slot Specifiers</H2></A><P>The bulk of a <CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE> form consists of the list of slot
specifiers. Each slot specifier defines a slot that will be part of
each instance of the class. Each slot in an instance is a place that
can hold a value, which can be accessed using the <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE>
function. <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE> takes an object and the name of a slot as
arguments and returns the value of the named slot in the given
object. It can be used with <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE> to set the value of a slot in
an object.</P><P>A class also inherits slot specifiers from its superclasses, so the
set of slots actually present in any object is the union of all the
slots specified in a class's <CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE> form and those specified
in all its superclasses.</P><P>At the minimum, a slot specifier names the slot, in which case the
slot specifier can be just a name. For instance, you could define a
<CODE>bank-account</CODE> class with two slots, <CODE>customer-name</CODE> and
<CODE>balance</CODE>, like this:</P><PRE>(defclass bank-account ()
balance))</PRE><P>Each instance of this class will contain two slots, one to hold the
name of the customer the account belongs to and another to hold the
current balance. With this definition, you can create new
<CODE>bank-account</CODE> objects using <CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE>.</P><PRE>(make-instance 'bank-account) ==&gt; #&lt;BANK-ACCOUNT @ #x724b93ba&gt;</PRE><P>The argument to <CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> is the name of the class to
instantiate, and the value returned is the new object.<SUP>4</SUP> The printed representation of an object is
determined by the generic function <CODE><B>PRINT-OBJECT</B></CODE>. In this case,
the applicable method will be one provided by the implementation,
specialized on <CODE><B>STANDARD-OBJECT</B></CODE>. Since not every object can be
printed so that it can be read back, the <CODE><B>STANDARD-OBJECT</B></CODE> print
method uses the <CODE>#&lt;&gt;</CODE> syntax, which will cause the reader to
signal an error if it tries to read it. The rest of the
representation is implementation-defined but will typically be
something like the output just shown, including the name of the class
and some distinguishing value such as the address of the object in
memory. In Chapter 23 you'll see an example of how to define a method
on <CODE><B>PRINT-OBJECT</B></CODE> to make objects of a certain class be printed in
a more informative form.</P><P>Using the definition of <CODE>bank-account</CODE> just given, new objects
will be created with their slots <I>unbound</I>. Any attempt to get the
value of an unbound slot signals an error, so you must set a slot
before you can read it.</P><PRE>(defparameter *account* (make-instance 'bank-account)) ==&gt; *ACCOUNT*
(setf (slot-value *account* 'customer-name) &quot;John Doe&quot;) ==&gt; &quot;John Doe&quot;
(setf (slot-value *account* 'balance) 1000) ==&gt; 1000</PRE><P>Now you can access the value of the slots.</P><PRE>(slot-value *account* 'customer-name) ==&gt; &quot;John Doe&quot;
(slot-value *account* 'balance) ==&gt; 1000</PRE><A NAME="object-initialization"><H2>Object Initialization</H2></A><P>Since you can't do much with an object with unbound slots, it'd be
nice to be able to create objects with their slots already
initialized. Common Lisp provides three ways to control the initial
value of slots. The first two involve adding options to the slot
specifier in the <CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE> form: with the <CODE>:initarg</CODE> option,
you can specify a name that can then be used as a keyword parameter
to <CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> and whose argument will be stored in the slot.
A second option, <CODE>:initform</CODE>, lets you specify a Lisp expression
that will be used to compute a value for the slot if no
<CODE>:initarg</CODE> argument is passed to <CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE>. Finally,
for complete control over the initialization, you can define a method
on the generic function <CODE><B>INITIALIZE-INSTANCE</B></CODE>, which is called by
<CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE>.<SUP>5</SUP></P><P>A slot specifier that includes options such as <CODE>:initarg</CODE> or
<CODE>:initform</CODE> is written as a list starting with the name of the
slot followed by the options. For example, if you want to modify the
definition of <CODE>bank-account</CODE> to allow callers of
<CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> to pass the customer name and the initial balance
and to provide a default value of zero dollars for the balance, you'd
write this:</P><PRE>(defclass bank-account ()
:initarg :customer-name)
:initarg :balance
:initform 0)))</PRE><P>Now you can create an account and specify the slot values at the same
time.</P><PRE>(defparameter *account*
(make-instance 'bank-account :customer-name &quot;John Doe&quot; :balance 1000))
(slot-value *account* 'customer-name) ==&gt; &quot;John Doe&quot;
(slot-value *account* 'balance) ==&gt; 1000</PRE><P>If you don't supply a <CODE>:balance</CODE> argument to <CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE>,
the <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE> of <CODE>balance</CODE> will be computed by evaluating
the form specified with the <CODE>:initform</CODE> option. But if you don't
supply a <CODE>:customer-name</CODE> argument, the <CODE>customer-name</CODE>
slot will be unbound, and an attempt to read it before you set it
will signal an error.</P><PRE>(slot-value (make-instance 'bank-account) 'balance) ==&gt; 0
(slot-value (make-instance 'bank-account) 'customer-name) ==&gt; <I>error</I></PRE><P>If you want to ensure that the customer name is supplied when the
account is created, you can signal an error in the initform since it
will be evaluated only if an initarg isn't supplied. You can also use
initforms that generate a different value each time they're
evaluated--the initform is evaluated anew for each object. To
experiment with these techniques, you can modify the
<CODE>customer-name</CODE> slot specifier and add a new slot,
<CODE>account-number</CODE>, that's initialized with the value of an
ever-increasing counter.</P><PRE>(defvar *account-numbers* 0)
(defclass bank-account ()
:initarg :customer-name
:initform (error &quot;Must supply a customer name.&quot;))
:initarg :balance
:initform 0)
:initform (incf *account-numbers*))))</PRE><P>Most of the time the combination of <CODE>:initarg</CODE> and
<CODE>:initform</CODE> options will be sufficient to properly initialize an
object. However, while an initform can be any Lisp expression, it has
no access to the object being initialized, so it can't initialize one
slot based on the value of another. For that you need to define a
method on the generic function <CODE><B>INITIALIZE-INSTANCE</B></CODE>.</P><P>The primary method on <CODE><B>INITIALIZE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> specialized on
<CODE><B>STANDARD-OBJECT</B></CODE> takes care of initializing slots based on their
<CODE>:initarg</CODE> and <CODE>:initform</CODE> options. Since you don't want to
disturb that, the most common way to add custom initialization code
is to define an <CODE>:after</CODE> method specialized on your
For instance, suppose you want to add a slot <CODE>account-type</CODE> that
needs to be set to one of the values <CODE>:gold</CODE>, <CODE>:silver</CODE>, or
<CODE>:bronze</CODE> based on the account's initial balance. You might
change your class definition to this, adding the <CODE>account-type</CODE>
slot with no options:</P><PRE>(defclass bank-account ()
:initarg :customer-name
:initform (error &quot;Must supply a customer name.&quot;))
:initarg :balance
:initform 0)
:initform (incf *account-numbers*))
account-type))</PRE><P>Then you can define an <CODE>:after</CODE> method on
<CODE><B>INITIALIZE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> that sets the <CODE>account-type</CODE> slot based
on the value that has been stored in the <CODE>balance</CODE>
slot.<SUP>7</SUP></P><PRE>(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((account bank-account) &amp;key)
(let ((balance (slot-value account 'balance)))
(setf (slot-value account 'account-type)
((&gt;= balance 100000) :gold)
((&gt;= balance 50000) :silver)
(t :bronze)))))</PRE><P>The <CODE><B>&amp;key</B></CODE> in the parameter list is required to keep the method's
parameter list congruent with the generic function's--the parameter
list specified for the <CODE><B>INITIALIZE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> generic function
includes <CODE><B>&amp;key</B></CODE> in order to allow individual methods to supply
their own keyword parameters but doesn't require any particular ones.
Thus, every method must specify <CODE><B>&amp;key</B></CODE> even if it doesn't specify
any <CODE><B>&amp;key</B></CODE> parameters.</P><P>On the other hand, if an <CODE><B>INITIALIZE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> method specialized
on a particular class does specify a <CODE><B>&amp;key</B></CODE> parameter, that
parameter becomes a legal parameter to <CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> when
creating an instance of that class. For instance, if the bank
sometimes pays a percentage of the initial balance as a bonus when an
account is opened, you could implement that using a method on
<CODE><B>INITIALIZE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> that takes a keyword argument to specify the
percentage of the bonus like this:</P><PRE>(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((account bank-account)
&amp;key opening-bonus-percentage)
(when opening-bonus-percentage
(incf (slot-value account 'balance)
(* (slot-value account 'balance) (/ opening-bonus-percentage 100)))))</PRE><P>By defining this <CODE><B>INITIALIZE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> method, you make
<CODE>:opening-bonus-percentage</CODE> a legal argument to
<CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> when creating a <CODE>bank-account</CODE> object. </P><PRE>CL-USER&gt; (defparameter *acct* (make-instance
:customer-name &quot;Sally Sue&quot;
:balance 1000
:opening-bonus-percentage 5))
CL-USER&gt; (slot-value *acct* 'balance)
1050</PRE><A NAME="accessor-functions"><H2>Accessor Functions</H2></A><P>Between <CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> and <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE>, you have all the
tools you need for creating and manipulating instances of your
classes. Everything else you might want to do can be implemented in
terms of those two functions. However, as anyone familiar with the
principles of good object-oriented programming practices knows,
directly accessing the slots (or fields or member variables) of an
object can lead to fragile code. The problem is that directly
accessing slots ties your code too tightly to the concrete structure
of your class. For example, suppose you decide to change the
definition of <CODE>bank-account</CODE> so that, instead of storing the
current balance as a number, you store a list of time-stamped
withdrawals and deposits. Code that directly accesses the
<CODE>balance</CODE> slot will likely break if you change the class
definition to remove the slot or to store the new list in the old
slot. On the other hand, if you define a function, <CODE>balance</CODE>,
that accesses the slot, you can redefine it later to preserve its
behavior even if the internal representation changes. And code that
uses such a function will continue to work without modification.</P><P>Another advantage to using accessor functions rather than direct
access to slots via <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE> is that they let you limit the
ways outside code can modify a slot.<SUP>8</SUP> It may be fine for users of
the <CODE>bank-account</CODE> class to get the current balance, but you may
want all modifications to the balance to go through other functions
you'll provide, such as <CODE>deposit</CODE> and <CODE>withdraw</CODE>. If
clients know they're supposed to manipulate objects only through the
published functional API, you can provide a <CODE>balance</CODE> function
but not make it <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE>able if you want the balance to be
read-only.</P><P>Finally, using accessor functions makes your code tidier since it
helps you avoid lots of uses of the rather verbose <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE>
function.</P><P>It's trivial to define a function that reads the value of the
<CODE>balance</CODE> slot.</P><PRE>(defun balance (account)
(slot-value account 'balance))</PRE><P>However, if you know you're going to define subclasses of
<CODE>bank-account</CODE>, it might be a good idea to define <CODE>balance</CODE>
as a generic function. That way, you can provide different methods on
<CODE>balance</CODE> for those subclasses or extend its definition with
auxiliary methods. So you might write this instead:</P><PRE>(defgeneric balance (account))
(defmethod balance ((account bank-account))
(slot-value account 'balance))</PRE><P>As I just discussed, you don't want callers to be able to directly
set the balance, but for other slots, such as <CODE>customer-name</CODE>,
you may also want to provide a function to set them. The cleanest way
to define such a function is as a <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE> function.</P><P>A <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE> function is a way to extend <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE>, defining a new
kind of place that it knows how to set. The name of a <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE>
function is a two-item list whose first element is the symbol
<CODE>setf</CODE> and whose second element is a symbol, typically the name
of a function used to access the place the <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE> function will
set. A <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE> function can take any number of arguments, but the
first argument is always the value to be assigned to the
place.<SUP>9</SUP> You could, for
instance, define a <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE> function to set the <CODE>customer-name</CODE>
slot in a <CODE>bank-account</CODE> like this:</P><PRE>(defun (setf customer-name) (name account)
(setf (slot-value account 'customer-name) name))</PRE><P>After evaluating that definition, an expression like the following
one:</P><PRE>(setf (customer-name my-account) &quot;Sally Sue&quot;)</PRE><P>will be compiled as a call to the <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE> function you just defined
with &quot;Sally Sue&quot; as the first argument and the value of
<CODE>my-account</CODE> as the second argument.</P><P>Of course, as with reader functions, you'll probably want your
<CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE> function to be generic, so you'd actually define it like
this:</P><PRE>(defgeneric (setf customer-name) (value account))
(defmethod (setf customer-name) (value (account bank-account))
(setf (slot-value account 'customer-name) value))</PRE><P>And of course you'll also want to define a reader function for
<CODE>customer-name</CODE>.</P><PRE>(defgeneric customer-name (account))
(defmethod customer-name ((account bank-account))
(slot-value account 'customer-name))</PRE><P>This allows you to write the following:</P><PRE>(setf (customer-name *account*) &quot;Sally Sue&quot;) ==&gt; &quot;Sally Sue&quot;
(customer-name *account*) ==&gt; &quot;Sally Sue&quot;</PRE><P>There's nothing hard about writing these accessor functions, but it
wouldn't be in keeping with The Lisp Way to have to write them all by
hand. Thus, <CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE> supports three slot options that allow you
to automatically create reader and writer functions for a specific
slot.</P><P>The <CODE>:reader</CODE> option specifies a name to be used as the name of
a generic function that accepts an object as its single argument.
When the <CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE> is evaluated, the generic function is created,
if it doesn't already exist. Then a method specializing its single
argument on the new class and returning the value of the slot is
added to the generic function. The name can be anything, but it's
typical to name it the same as the slot itself. Thus, instead of
explicitly writing the <CODE>balance</CODE> generic function and method as
shown previously, you could change the slot specifier for the
<CODE>balance</CODE> slot in the definition of <CODE>bank-account</CODE> to this:</P><PRE>(balance
:initarg :balance
:initform 0
:reader balance)</PRE><P>The <CODE>:writer</CODE> option is used to create a generic function and
method for setting the value of a slot. The function and method
created follow the requirements for a <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE> function, taking the
new value as the first argument and returning it as the result, so
you can define a <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE> function by providing a name such as
<CODE>(setf customer-name)</CODE>. For instance, you could provide reader
and writer methods for <CODE>customer-name</CODE> equivalent to the ones
you just wrote by changing the slot specifier to this:</P><PRE>(customer-name
:initarg :customer-name
:initform (error &quot;Must supply a customer name.&quot;)
:reader customer-name
:writer (setf customer-name))</PRE><P>Since it's quite common to want both reader and writer functions,
<CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE> also provides an option, <CODE>:accessor</CODE>, that creates
both a reader function and the corresponding <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE> function. So
instead of the slot specifier just shown, you'd typically write this:</P><PRE>(customer-name
:initarg :customer-name
:initform (error &quot;Must supply a customer name.&quot;)
:accessor customer-name)</PRE><P>Finally, one last slot option you should know about is the
<CODE>:documentation</CODE> option, which you can use to provide a string
that documents the purpose of the slot. Putting it all together and
adding a reader method for the <CODE>account-number</CODE> and
<CODE>account-type</CODE> slots, the <CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE> form for the
<CODE>bank-account</CODE> class would look like this:</P><PRE>(defclass bank-account ()
:initarg :customer-name
:initform (error &quot;Must supply a customer name.&quot;)
:accessor customer-name
:documentation &quot;Customer's name&quot;)
:initarg :balance
:initform 0
:reader balance
:documentation &quot;Current account balance&quot;)
:initform (incf *account-numbers*)
:reader account-number
:documentation &quot;Account number, unique within a bank.&quot;)
:reader account-type
:documentation &quot;Type of account, one of :gold, :silver, or :bronze.&quot;)))</PRE><A NAME="with-slots-and-with-accessors"><H2>WITH-SLOTS and WITH-ACCESSORS</H2></A><P>While using accessor functions will make your code easier to
maintain, they can still be a bit verbose. And there will be times,
when writing methods that implement the low-level behaviors of a
class, that you may specifically want to access slots directly to set
a slot that has no writer function or to get at the slot value
without causing any auxiliary methods defined on the reader function
to run.</P><P>This is what <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE> is for; however, it's still quite
verbose. To make matters worse, a function or method that accesses
the same slot several times can become clogged with calls to accessor
functions and <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE>. For example, even a fairly simple
method such as the following, which assesses a penalty on a
<CODE>bank-account</CODE> if its balance falls below a certain minimum, is
cluttered with calls to <CODE>balance</CODE> and <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE>:</P><PRE>(defmethod assess-low-balance-penalty ((account bank-account))
(when (&lt; (balance account) *minimum-balance*)
(decf (slot-value account 'balance) (* (balance account) .01))))</PRE><P>And if you decide you want to directly access the slot value in order
to avoid running auxiliary methods, it gets even more cluttered.</P><PRE>(defmethod assess-low-balance-penalty ((account bank-account))
(when (&lt; (slot-value account 'balance) *minimum-balance*)
(decf (slot-value account 'balance) (* (slot-value account 'balance) .01))))</PRE><P>Two standard macros, <CODE><B>WITH-SLOTS</B></CODE> and <CODE><B>WITH-ACCESSORS</B></CODE>, can
help tidy up this clutter. Both macros create a block of code in
which simple variable names can be used to refer to slots on a
particular object. <CODE><B>WITH-SLOTS</B></CODE> provides direct access to the
slots, as if by <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE>, while <CODE><B>WITH-ACCESSORS</B></CODE> provides a
shorthand for accessor methods.</P><P>The basic form of <CODE><B>WITH-SLOTS</B></CODE> is as follows:</P><PRE>(with-slots (<I>slot</I>*) <I>instance-form</I>
<I>body-form</I>*)</PRE><P>Each element of <I>slots</I> can be either the name of a slot, which is
also used as a variable name, or a two-item list where the first item
is a name to use as a variable and the second is the name of the
slot. The <I>instance-form</I> is evaluated once to produce the object
whose slots will be accessed. Within the body, each occurrence of one
of the variable names is translated to a call to <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE> with
the object and the appropriate slot name as arguments.<SUP>10</SUP> Thus, you can write
<CODE>assess-low-balance-penalty</CODE> like this:</P><PRE>(defmethod assess-low-balance-penalty ((account bank-account))
(with-slots (balance) account
(when (&lt; balance *minimum-balance*)
(decf balance (* balance .01)))))</PRE><P>or, using the two-item list form, like this:</P><PRE>(defmethod assess-low-balance-penalty ((account bank-account))
(with-slots ((bal balance)) account
(when (&lt; bal *minimum-balance*)
(decf bal (* bal .01)))))</PRE><P>If you had defined <CODE>balance</CODE> with an <CODE>:accessor</CODE> rather
than just a <CODE>:reader</CODE>, then you could also use
<CODE><B>WITH-ACCESSORS</B></CODE>. The form of <CODE><B>WITH-ACCESSORS</B></CODE> is the same as
<CODE><B>WITH-SLOTS</B></CODE> except each element of the slot list is a two-item
list containing a variable name and the name of an accessor function.
Within the body of <CODE><B>WITH-ACCESSORS</B></CODE>, a reference to one of the
variables is equivalent to a call to the corresponding accessor
function. If the accessor function is <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE>able, then so is the
variable.</P><PRE>(defmethod assess-low-balance-penalty ((account bank-account))
(with-accessors ((balance balance)) account
(when (&lt; balance *minimum-balance*)
(decf balance (* balance .01)))))</PRE><P>The first <CODE>balance</CODE> is the name of the variable, and the second
is the name of the accessor function; they don't have to be the same.
You could, for instance, write a method to merge two accounts using
two calls to <CODE><B>WITH-ACCESSORS</B></CODE>, one for each account.</P><PRE>(defmethod merge-accounts ((account1 bank-account) (account2 bank-account))
(with-accessors ((balance1 balance)) account1
(with-accessors ((balance2 balance)) account2
(incf balance1 balance2)
(setf balance2 0))))</PRE><P>The choice of whether to use <CODE><B>WITH-SLOTS</B></CODE> versus
<CODE><B>WITH-ACCESSORS</B></CODE> is the same as the choice between <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE>
and an accessor function: low-level code that provides the basic
functionality of a class may use <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE> or <CODE><B>WITH-SLOTS</B></CODE>
to directly manipulate slots in ways not supported by accessor
functions or to explicitly avoid the effects of auxiliary methods
that may have been defined on the accessor functions. But you should
generally use accessor functions or <CODE><B>WITH-ACCESSORS</B></CODE> unless you
have a specific reason not to.</P><A NAME="class-allocated-slots"><H2>Class-Allocated Slots</H2></A><P>The last slot option you need to know about is <CODE>:allocation</CODE>.
The value of <CODE>:allocation</CODE> can be either <CODE>:instance</CODE> or
<CODE>:class</CODE> and defaults to <CODE>:instance</CODE> if not specified. When
a slot has <CODE>:class</CODE> allocation, the slot has only a single
value, which is stored in the class and shared by all instances.</P><P>However, <CODE>:class</CODE> slots are accessed the same as
<CODE>:instance</CODE> slots--they're accessed with <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE> or an
accessor function, which means you can access the slot value only
through an instance of the class even though it isn't actually stored
in the instance. The <CODE>:initform</CODE> and <CODE>:initarg</CODE> options
have essentially the same effect except the initform is evaluated
once when the class is defined rather than each time an instance is
created. On the other hand, passing an initarg to <CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE>
will set the value, affecting all instances of the class.</P><P>Because you can't get at a class-allocated slot without an instance
of the class, class-allocated slots aren't really equivalent to
<I>static</I> or <I>class</I> fields in languages such as Java, C++, and
Python.<SUP>11</SUP> Rather,
class-allocated slots are used primarily to save space; if you're
going to create many instances of a class and all instances are going
to have a reference to the same object--say, a pool of shared
resources--you can save the cost of each instance having its own
reference by making the slot class-allocated.</P><A NAME="slots-and-inheritance"><H2>Slots and Inheritance</H2></A><P>As I discussed in the previous chapter, classes inherit behavior from
their superclasses thanks to the generic function machinery--a method
specialized on class <CODE>A</CODE> is applicable not only to direct
instances of <CODE>A</CODE> but also to instances of <CODE>A</CODE>'s subclasses.
Classes also inherit slots from their superclasses, but the mechanism
is slightly different.</P><P>In Common Lisp a given object can have only one slot with a
particular name. However, it's possible that more than one class in
the inheritance hierarchy of a given class will specify a slot with a
particular name. This can happen either because a subclass includes a
slot specifier with the same name as a slot specified in a superclass
or because multiple superclasses specify slots with the same name.</P><P>Common Lisp resolves these situations by merging all the specifiers
with the same name from the new class and all its superclasses to
create a single specifier for each unique slot name. When merging
specifiers, different slot options are treated differently. For
instance, since a slot can have only a single default value, if
multiple classes specify an <CODE>:initform</CODE>, the new class uses the
one from the most specific class. This allows a subclass to specify a
different default value than the one it would otherwise inherit.</P><P>On the other hand, <CODE>:initarg</CODE>s needn't be exclusive--each
<CODE>:initarg</CODE> option in a slot specifier creates a keyword
parameter that can be used to initialize the slot; multiple
parameters don't create a conflict, so the new slot specifier
contains all the <CODE>:initarg</CODE>s. Callers of <CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> can
use any of the <CODE>:initarg</CODE>s to initialize the slot. If a caller
passes multiple keyword arguments that initialize the same slot, then
the leftmost argument in the call to <CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> is used.</P><P>Inherited <CODE>:reader</CODE>, <CODE>:writer</CODE>, and <CODE>:accessor</CODE>
options aren't included in the merged slot specifier since the
methods created by the superclass's <CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE> will already apply
to the new class. The new class can, however, create its own accessor
functions by supplying its own <CODE>:reader</CODE>, <CODE>:writer</CODE>, or
<CODE>:accessor</CODE> options.</P><P>Finally, the <CODE>:allocation</CODE> option is, like <CODE>:initform</CODE>,
determined by the most specific class that specifies the slot. Thus,
it's possible for all instances of one class to share a <CODE>:class</CODE>
slot while instances of a subclass may each have their own
<CODE>:instance</CODE> slot of the same name. And a sub-subclass may then
redefine it back to <CODE>:class</CODE> slot, so all instances of <I>that</I>
class will again share a single slot. In the latter case, the slot
shared by instances of the sub-subclass is different than the slot
shared by the original superclass.</P><P>For instance, suppose you have these classes:</P><PRE>(defclass foo ()
((a :initarg :a :initform &quot;A&quot; :accessor a)
(b :initarg :b :initform &quot;B&quot; :accessor b)))
(defclass bar (foo)
((a :initform (error &quot;Must supply a value for a&quot;))
(b :initarg :the-b :accessor the-b :allocation :class)))</PRE><P>When instantiating the class <CODE>bar</CODE>, you can use the inherited
initarg, <CODE>:a</CODE>, to specify a value for the slot <CODE>a</CODE> and, in
fact, must do so to avoid an error, since the <CODE>:initform</CODE>
supplied by <CODE>bar</CODE> supersedes the one inherited from <CODE>foo</CODE>.
To initialize the <CODE>b</CODE> slot, you can use either the inherited
initarg :<CODE>b</CODE> or the new initarg <CODE>:the-b</CODE>. However, because
of the <CODE>:allocation</CODE> option on the <CODE>b</CODE> slot in <CODE>bar</CODE>,
the value specified will be stored in the slot shared by all
instances of <CODE>bar</CODE>. That same slot can be accessed either with
the method on the generic function <CODE>b</CODE> that specializes on
<CODE>foo</CODE> or with the new method on the generic function
<CODE>the-b</CODE> that specializes directly on <CODE>bar</CODE>. To access the
<CODE>a</CODE> slot on either a <CODE>foo</CODE> or a <CODE>bar</CODE>, you'll continue
to use the generic function <CODE>a</CODE>.</P><P>Usually merging slot definitions works quite nicely. However, it's
important to be aware when using multiple inheritance that two
unrelated slots that happen to have the same name can be merged into
a single slot in the new class. Thus, methods specialized on
different classes could end up manipulating the same slot when
applied to a class that extends those classes. This isn't much of a
problem in practice since, as you'll see in Chapter 21, you can use
the package system to avoid collisions between names in independently
developed pieces of code.</P><A NAME="multiple-inheritance"><H2>Multiple Inheritance</H2></A><P>All the classes you've seen so far have had only a single direct
superclass. Common Lisp also supports multiple inheritance--a class
can have multiple direct superclasses, inheriting applicable methods
and slot specifiers from all of them.</P><P>Multiple inheritance doesn't dramatically change any of the
mechanisms of inheritance I've discussed so far--every user-defined
class already has multiple superclasses since they all extend
<CODE><B>STANDARD-OBJECT</B></CODE>, which extends <CODE><B>T</B></CODE>, and so have at least two
superclasses. The wrinkle that multiple inheritance adds is that a
class can have more than one <I>direct</I> superclass. This complicates
the notion of class specificity that's used both when building the
effective methods for a generic function and when merging inherited
slot specifiers.</P><P>That is, if classes could have only a single direct superclass,
ordering classes by specificity would be trivial--a class and all its
superclasses could be ordered in a straight line starting from the
class itself, followed by its single direct superclass, followed by
<I>its</I> direct superclass, all the way up to <CODE><B>T</B></CODE>. But when a class
has multiple direct superclasses, those superclasses are typically
not related to each other--indeed, if one was a subclass of another,
you wouldn't need to subclass both directly. In that case, the rule
that subclasses are more specific than their superclasses isn't
enough to order all the superclasses. So Common Lisp uses a second
rule that sorts unrelated superclasses according to the order they're
listed in the <CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE>'s direct superclass list--classes earlier
in the list are considered more specific than classes later in the
list. This rule is admittedly somewhat arbitrary but does allow every
class to have a linear <I>class precedence list</I>, which can be used
to determine which superclasses should be considered more specific
than others. Note, however, there's no global ordering of
classes--each class has its own class precedence list, and the same
classes can appear in different orders in different classes' class
precedence lists.</P><P>To see how this works, let's add a class to the banking app:
<CODE>money-market-account</CODE>. A money market account combines the
characteristics of a checking account and a savings account: a
customer can write checks against it, but it also earns interest. You
might define it like this:</P><PRE>(defclass money-market-account (checking-account savings-account) ())</PRE><P>The class precedence list for <CODE>money-market-account</CODE> will be as
t)</PRE><P>Note how this list satisfies both rules: every class appears before
all its superclasses, and <CODE>checking-account</CODE> and
<CODE>savings-account</CODE> appear in the order specified in
<CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE>.</P><P>This class defines no slots of its own but will inherit slots from
both of its direct superclasses, including the slots they inherit
from their superclasses. Likewise, any method that's applicable to
any class in the class precedence list will be applicable to a
<CODE>money-market-account</CODE> object. Because all slot specifiers for
the same slot are merged, it doesn't matter that
<CODE>money-market-account</CODE> inherits the same slot specifiers from
<CODE>bank-account</CODE> twice. <SUP>12</SUP></P><P>Multiple inheritance is easiest to understand when the different
superclasses provide completely independent slots and behaviors. For
instance, <CODE>money-market-account</CODE> will inherit slots and
behaviors for dealing with checks from <CODE>checking-account</CODE> and
slots and behaviors for computing interest from
<CODE>savings-account</CODE>. You don't have to worry about the class
precedence list for methods and slots inherited from only one
superclass or another.</P><P>However, it's also possible to inherit different methods for the same
generic function from different superclasses. In that case, the class
precedence list does come into play. For instance, suppose the
banking application defined a generic function <CODE>print-statement</CODE>
used to generate monthly statements. Presumably there would already
be methods for <CODE>print-statement</CODE> specialized on both
<CODE>checking-account</CODE> and <CODE>savings-account</CODE>. Both of these
methods will be applicable to instances of
<CODE>money-market-account</CODE>, but the one specialized on
<CODE>checking-account</CODE> will be considered more specific than the one
on <CODE>savings-account</CODE> because <CODE>checking-account</CODE> precedes
<CODE>savings-account</CODE> in <CODE>money-market-account</CODE>'s class
precedence list.</P><P>Assuming the inherited methods are all primary methods and you
haven't defined any other methods, the method specialized on
<CODE>checking-account</CODE> will be used if you invoke
<CODE>print-statement</CODE> on <CODE>money-market-account</CODE>. However, that
won't necessarily give you the behavior you want since you probably
want a money market account's statement to contain elements of both a
checking account and a savings account statement.</P><P>You can modify the behavior of <CODE>print-statement</CODE> for
<CODE>money-market-account</CODE>s in a couple ways. One straightforward
way is to define a new primary method specialized on
<CODE>money-market-account</CODE>. This gives you the most control over the
new behavior but will probably require more new code than some other
options I'll discuss in a moment. The problem is that while you can
use <CODE><B>CALL-NEXT-METHOD</B></CODE> to call &quot;up&quot; to the next most specific
method, namely, the one specialized on <CODE>checking-account</CODE>,
there's no way to invoke a particular less-specific method, such as
the one specialized on <CODE>savings-account</CODE>. Thus, if you want to
be able to reuse the code that prints the <CODE>savings-account</CODE> part
of the statement, you'll need to break that code into a separate
function, which you can then call directly from both the
<CODE>money-market-account</CODE> and <CODE>savings-account</CODE>
<CODE>print-statement</CODE> methods.</P><P>Another possibility is to write the primary methods of all three
classes to call <CODE><B>CALL-NEXT-METHOD</B></CODE>. Then the method specialized on
<CODE>money-market-account</CODE> will use <CODE><B>CALL-NEXT-METHOD</B></CODE> to invoke
the method specialized on <CODE>checking-account</CODE>. When that method
calls <CODE><B>CALL-NEXT-METHOD</B></CODE>, it will result in running the
<CODE>savings-account</CODE> method since it will be the next most specific
method according to <CODE>money-market-account</CODE>'s class precedence
list.</P><P>Of course, if you're going to rely on a coding convention--that every
method calls <CODE><B>CALL-NEXT-METHOD</B></CODE>--to ensure all the applicable
methods run at some point, you should think about using auxiliary
methods instead. In this case, instead of defining primary methods on
<CODE>print-statement</CODE> for <CODE>checking-account</CODE> and
<CODE>savings-account</CODE>, you can define those methods as <CODE>:after</CODE>
methods, defining a single primary method on <CODE>bank-account</CODE>.
Then, <CODE>print-statement</CODE>, called on a
<CODE>money-market-account</CODE>, will print a basic account statement,
output by the primary method specialized on <CODE>bank-account</CODE>,
followed by details output by the <CODE>:after</CODE> methods specialized
on <CODE>savings-account</CODE> and <CODE>checking-account</CODE>. And if you
want to add details specific to <CODE>money-market-account</CODE>s, you can
define an <CODE>:after</CODE> method specialized on
<CODE>money-market-account</CODE>, which will run last of all.</P><P>The advantage of using auxiliary methods is that it makes it quite
clear which methods are primarily responsible for implementing the
generic function and which ones are only contributing additional bits
of functionality. The disadvantage is that you don't get fine-grained
control over the order in which the auxiliary methods run--if you
wanted the <CODE>checking-account</CODE> part of the statement to print
before the <CODE>savings-account</CODE> part, you'd have to change the order
in which the <CODE>money-market-account</CODE> subclasses those classes. But
that's a fairly dramatic change that could affect other methods and
inherited slots. In general, if you find yourself twiddling the order
of the direct superclass list as a way of fine-tuning the behavior of
specific methods, you probably need to step back and rethink your
approach.</P><P>On the other hand, if you don't care exactly what the order is but
want it to be consistent across several generic functions, then using
auxiliary methods may be just the thing. For example, if in addition
to <CODE>print-statement</CODE> you have a <CODE>print-detailed-statement</CODE>
generic function, you can implement both functions using <CODE>:after</CODE>
methods on the various subclasses of <CODE>bank-account</CODE>, and the
order of the parts of both a regular and a detailed statement will be
the same.</P><A NAME="good-object-oriented-design"><H2>Good Object-Oriented Design</H2></A><P>That's about it for the main features of Common Lisp's object system.
If you have lots of experience with object-oriented programming, you
can probably see how Common Lisp's features can be used to implement
good object-oriented designs. However, if you have less experience
with object orientation, you may need to spend some time absorbing
the object-oriented way of thinking. Unfortunately, that's a fairly
large topic and beyond the scope of this book. Or, as the man page
for Perl's object system puts it, &quot;Now you need just to go off and
buy a book about object-oriented design methodology and bang your
forehead with it for the next six months or so.&quot; Or you can wait for
some of the practical chapters, later in this book, where you'll see
several examples of how these features are used in practice. For now,
however, you're ready to take a break from all this theory of object
orientation and turn to the rather different topic of how to make
good use of Common Lisp's powerful, but sometimes cryptic,
<CODE><B>FORMAT</B></CODE> function.
</P><HR/><DIV CLASS="notes"><P><SUP>1</SUP>Defining new methods for an
existing class may seem strange to folks used to statically typed
languages such as C++ and Java in which all the methods of a class
must be defined as part of the class definition. But programmers with
experience in dynamically typed object-oriented languages such as
Smalltalk and Objective C will find nothing strange about adding new
behaviors to existing classes.</P><P><SUP>2</SUP>In other object-oriented languages,
slots might be called <I>fields</I>, <I>member variables</I>, or
<I>attributes</I>.</P><P><SUP>3</SUP>As when naming functions and variables, it's not
quite true that you can use <I>any</I> symbol as a class name--you can't
use names defined by the language standard. You'll see in Chapter 21
how to avoid such name conflicts.</P><P><SUP>4</SUP>The
argument to <CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> can actually be either the name of the
class or a class object returned by the function <CODE><B>CLASS-OF</B></CODE> or
<CODE><B>FIND-CLASS</B></CODE>.</P><P><SUP>5</SUP>Another way to affect the values of slots is
with the <CODE>:default-initargs</CODE> option to <CODE><B>DEFCLASS</B></CODE>. This
option is used to specify forms that will be evaluated to provide
arguments for specific initialization parameters that aren't given a
value in a particular call to <CODE><B>MAKE-INSTANCE</B></CODE>. You don't need to
worry about <CODE>:default-initargs</CODE> for now.</P><P><SUP>6</SUP>Adding an <CODE>:after</CODE> method to
<CODE><B>INITIALIZE-INSTANCE</B></CODE> is the Common Lisp analog to defining a
constructor in Java or C++ or an <CODE>__init__</CODE> method in Python.</P><P><SUP>7</SUP>One mistake you might make until you get used to using
auxiliary methods is to define a method on <CODE><B>INITIALIZE-INSTANCE</B></CODE>
but without the <CODE>:after</CODE> qualifier. If you do that, you'll get a
new primary method that shadows the default one. You can remove the
unwanted primary method using the functions <CODE><B>REMOVE-METHOD</B></CODE> and
<CODE><B>FIND-METHOD</B></CODE>. Certain development environments may provide a
graphical user interface to do the same thing.</P><PRE>(remove-method #'initialize-instance
(find-method #'initialize-instance () (list (find-class 'bank-account))))</PRE><P><SUP>8</SUP>Of course, providing an
accessor function doesn't really limit anything since other code can
still use <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE> to get at slots directly. Common Lisp
doesn't provide strict encapsulation of slots the way some languages
such as C++ and Java do; however, if the author of a class provides
accessor functions and you ignore them, using <CODE><B>SLOT-VALUE</B></CODE>
instead, you had better know what you're doing. It's also possible to
use the package system, which I'll discuss in Chapter 21, to make it
even more obvious that certain slots aren't to be accessed directly,
by not exporting the names of the slots.</P><P><SUP>9</SUP>One consequence of defining a <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE> function--say,
<CODE>(setf foo)</CODE>--is that if you also define the corresponding
accessor function, <CODE>foo</CODE> in this case, you can use all the
modify macros built upon <CODE><B>SETF</B></CODE>, such as <CODE><B>INCF</B></CODE>, <CODE><B>DECF</B></CODE>,
<CODE><B>PUSH</B></CODE>, and <CODE><B>POP</B></CODE>, on the new kind of place.</P><P><SUP>10</SUP>The
&quot;variable&quot; names provided by <CODE><B>WITH-SLOTS</B></CODE> and <CODE><B>WITH-ACCESSORS</B></CODE>
aren't true variables; they're implemented using a special kind of
macro, called a <I>symbol macro</I>, that allows a simple name to expand
into arbitrary code. Symbol macros were introduced into the language
to support <CODE><B>WITH-SLOTS</B></CODE> and <CODE><B>WITH-ACCESSORS</B></CODE>, but you can also
use them for your own purposes. I'll discuss them in a bit more
detail in Chapter 20.</P><P><SUP>11</SUP>The Meta Object Protocol (MOP), which isn't part of the
language standard but is supported by most Common Lisp
implementations, provides a function, <CODE>class-prototype</CODE>, that
returns an instance of a class that can be used to access class
slots. If you're using an implementation that supports the MOP and
happen to be translating some code from another language that makes
heavy use of static or class fields, this may give you a way to ease
the translation. But it's not all that idiomatic.</P><P><SUP>12</SUP>In other words, Common Lisp doesn't
suffer from the <I>diamond inheritance</I> problem the way, say, C++
does. In C++, when one class subclasses two classes that both inherit
a member variable from a common superclass, the bottom class inherits
the member variable twice, leading to no end of confusion.</P></DIV></BODY></HTML>