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<h3 class="section">3.3 Accessor Discriminating Functions</h3>
<p>Accessor Discriminating Functions are used when the effective method of
all calls is an access to a slot, either reading, writing or checking
boundness<a rel="footnote" href="Accessor-Discriminating-Functions.html#fn-1" name="fnd-1"><sup>1</sup></a>; for this path to apply, there must be no non-standard
methods on <code>SB-MOP:SLOT-VALUE-USING-CLASS</code> and its siblings. The
first state is <code>SB-PCL::ONE-CLASS</code>, entered when one class of
instance has been accessed; the discriminating function here closes over
the wrapper of the class and the slot index, and accesses the slot of
the instance directly.
<p>If a direct instance of another class is passed to the generic function
for slot access, then another accessor discriminating function is
created: if the index of the slot in the slots vector of each instance
is the same, then a <code>SB-PCL::TWO-CLASS</code> function is created,
closing over the two class wrappers and the index and performing the
simple dispatch. If the slot indexes are not the same, then we go to
the <code>SB-PCL::N-N</code> state.
<p>For slot accesses for more than two classes with the same index, we move
to the <code>SB-PCL::ONE-INDEX</code> state which maintains a cache of
wrappers for which the slot index is the same. If at any point the slot
index for an instance is not the same, the state moves to
<code>SB-PCL::N-N</code>, which maintains a cache of wrappers and their
associated indexes; if at any point an effective method which is not a
simple slot access is encountered, then the discriminating function
moves into the <code>SB-PCL::CHECKING</code>, <code>SB-PCL::CACHING</code> or
<code>SB-PCL::DISPATCH</code> states.
<div class="footnote">
<h4>Footnotes</h4><p class="footnote"><small>[<a name="fn-1" href="Accessor-Discriminating-Functions.html#fnd-1">1</a>]</small> Although there is ordinarily no way for a user to
define a boundp method, some automatically generated generic functions
have them.</p>