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<A NAME="handler-case"><I>Macro</I> <B>HANDLER-CASE</B></A> <P>
<B>handler-case</B> <I><I>expression</I> [[{<I>error-clause</I>}<B>*</B> | <I>no-error-clause</I>]]</I> =&gt; <I><I>result</I><B>*</B></I><P>
clause::= error-clause | no-error-clause
error-clause::= (typespec ([var]) declaration* form*)
no-error-clause::= (:no-error lambda-list declaration* form*)
<P><B>Arguments and Values:</B><P>
<I>expression</I>---a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_f.htm#form"><I>form</I></A>. <P>
<I>typespec</I>---a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_t.htm#type_specifier"><I>type specifier</I></A>. <P>
<I>var</I>---a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_v.htm#variable"><I>variable</I></A> <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_n.htm#name"><I>name</I></A>. <P>
<I>lambda-list</I>---an <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_o.htm#ordinary_lambda_list"><I>ordinary lambda list</I></A>. <P>
<I>declaration</I>---a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="s_declar.htm#declare"><B>declare</B></A> <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_e.htm#expression"><I>expression</I></A>; not evaluated. <P>
<I>form</I>---a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_f.htm#form"><I>form</I></A>. <P>
<I>results</I>---In the normal situation, the values returned are those that result from the evaluation of <I>expression</I>; in the exceptional situation when control is transferred to a <I>clause</I>, the value of the last <I>form</I> in that <I>clause</I> is returned. <P>
<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="#handler-case"><B>handler-case</B></A> executes <I>expression</I> in a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_d.htm#dynamic_environment"><I>dynamic environment</I></A> where various handlers are active. Each <I>error-clause</I> specifies how to handle a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#condition"><I>condition</I></A> matching the indicated <I>typespec</I>. A <I>no-error-clause</I> allows the specification of a particular action if control returns normally. <P>
If a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#condition"><I>condition</I></A> is signaled for which there is an appropriate <I>error-clause</I> during the execution of <I>expression</I> (i.e., one for which <TT>(typep <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#condition"></TT><I>condition</I><TT></A> '</TT><I>typespec</I><TT>)</TT> returns <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_t.htm#true"><I>true</I></A>) and if there is no intervening handler for a <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#condition"><I>condition</I></A> of that <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_t.htm#type"><I>type</I></A>, then control is transferred to the body of the relevant <I>error-clause</I>. In this case, the dynamic state is unwound appropriately (so that the handlers established around the <I>expression</I> are no longer active), and <I>var</I> is bound to the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_c.htm#condition"><I>condition</I></A> that had been signaled. If more than one case is provided, those cases are made accessible in parallel. That is, in <P>
(handler-case form
(typespec1 (var1) form1)
(typespec2 (var2) form2))
</TT> <P>
if the first <I>clause</I> (containing <I>form1</I>) has been selected, the handler for the second is no longer visible (or vice versa). <P>
The <I>clauses</I> are searched sequentially from top to bottom. If there is <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_t.htm#type"><I>type</I></A> overlap between <I>typespecs</I>, the earlier of the <I>clauses</I> is selected. <P>
If <I>var</I> is not needed, it can be omitted. That is, a <I>clause</I> such as: <P>
(typespec (var) (declare (ignore var)) form)
</TT> <P>
can be written <TT>(</TT><I>typespec</I><TT> () </TT><I>form</I><TT>)</TT>. <P>
If there are no <I>forms</I> in a selected <I>clause</I>, the case, and therefore <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="#handler-case"><B>handler-case</B></A>, returns <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="a_nil.htm#nil"><B>nil</B></A>. If execution of <I>expression</I> returns normally and no <I>no-error-clause</I> exists, the values returned by <I>expression</I> are returned by <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="#handler-case"><B>handler-case</B></A>. If execution of <I>expression</I> returns normally and a <I>no-error-clause</I> does exist, the values returned are used as arguments to the function described by constructing <TT>(lambda </TT><I>lambda-list</I><TT> </TT><I>form</I><TT></TT><B>*</B><TT>)</TT> from the <I>no-error-clause</I>, and the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="26_glo_v.htm#value"><I>values</I></A> of that function call are returned by <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="#handler-case"><B>handler-case</B></A>. The handlers which were established around the <I>expression</I> are no longer active at the time of this call. <P>
(defun assess-condition (condition)
(handler-case (signal condition)
(warning () &quot;Lots of smoke, but no fire.&quot;)
((or arithmetic-error control-error cell-error stream-error)
(format nil &quot;~S looks especially bad.&quot; condition))
(serious-condition (condition)
(format nil &quot;~S looks serious.&quot; condition))
(condition () &quot;Hardly worth mentioning.&quot;)))
(assess-condition (make-condition 'stream-error :stream *terminal-io*))
=&gt; &quot;#&lt;STREAM-ERROR 12352256&gt; looks especially bad.&quot;
(define-condition random-condition (condition) ()
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(declare (ignore condition))
(princ &quot;Yow&quot; stream))))
(assess-condition (make-condition 'random-condition))
=&gt; &quot;Hardly worth mentioning.&quot;
</TT> <P>
<P><B>Affected By:</B> None.
<P><B>Exceptional Situations:</B> None.
<P><B>See Also:</B><P>
<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="m_handle.htm#handler-bind"><B>handler-bind</B></A>, <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="m_ignore.htm#ignore-errors"><B>ignore-errors</B></A>, <A REL=CHILD HREF="09_a.htm">Section 9.1 (Condition System Concepts)</A> <P>
(handler-case form
(type1 (var1) . body1)
(type2 (var2) . body2) ...)
</TT> is approximately equivalent to: <P>
(block #1=#:g0001
(let ((#2=#:g0002 nil))
(handler-bind ((type1 #'(lambda (temp)
(setq #1# temp)
(go #3=#:g0003)))
(type2 #'(lambda (temp)
(setq #2# temp)
(go #4=#:g0004))) ...)
(return-from #1# form))
#3# (return-from #1# (let ((var1 #2#)) . body1))
#4# (return-from #1# (let ((var2 #2#)) . body2)) ...)))
</TT> <P>
(handler-case form
(type1 (var1) . body1)
(:no-error (varN-1 varN-2 ...) . bodyN))
</TT> is approximately equivalent to: <P>
(block #1=#:error-return
(multiple-value-call #'(lambda (varN-1 varN-2 ...) . bodyN)
(block #2=#:normal-return
(return-from #1#
(handler-case (return-from #2# form)
(type1 (var1) . body1) ...)))))
</TT> <P>
<P><HR>The following <A REL=META HREF="../Front/X3J13Iss.htm">X3J13 cleanup issue</A>, <I>not part of the specification</I>, applies to this section:<P><UL><LI> <A REL=CHILD HREF="../Issues/iss097.htm">DECLS-AND-DOC</A><P></UL><HR>
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