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<PRE><B>Issue:</B> <A HREF="iss003.htm">ADJUST-ARRAY-DISPLACEMENT</A><P>
Reference: <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_adjust.htm#adjust-array"><B>ADJUST-ARRAY</B></A> (CLtL p.297)<P>
<B>Category:</B> Clarification<P>
<B>Edit history:</B> Version 1 by Fahlman, 18-Apr-87 (from Steele's list)<P>
Version 2 by Masinter<P>
Version 3 by Masinter, 5-Jun-87 (respond to comments)<P>
Version 4 by Masinter, 23-Nov-87<P>
<B>Problem Description:<P>
The interaction of <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_adjust.htm#adjust-array"><B>ADJUST-ARRAY</B></A> and displaced arrays is insufficiently specified<P>
in the case where the array being adjusted is displaced. <P>
Interaction of adjusting and displacement:<P>
Suppose we are adjusting array A, which is perhaps displaced to B before the<P>
<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_adjust.htm#adjust-array"><B>ADJUST-ARRAY</B></A> call and perhaps to C after the call.<P>
(1) A is not displaced before or after: The dimensions of A are altered, and the<P>
contents rearranged as appropriate. Additional elements of A are taken from the<P>
:INITIAL-ELEMENT. The use of :INITIAL-CONTENTS causes all old contents to be<P>
(2) A is not displaced before, but is displaced to C after. As specified in<P>
CLtL, none of the original contents of A appears in A afterwards; A now contains<P>
the contents of C, without any rearrangement of C.<P>
(3) A is displaced to B before the call, and is displaced to C after the call.<P>
(B and C may be the same.) As in case (2), the contents of B do not appear in A<P>
afterward (unless such contents also happen to be in C). If<P>
:DISPLACED-INDEX-OFFSET is not specified in the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_adjust.htm#adjust-array"><B>ADJUST-ARRAY</B></A> call, it defaults<P>
to zero; the old offset (into B) is not retained.<P>
(4) A is displaced to B before the call, but not displaced afterward. A gets a<P>
new &quot;data region&quot;, and contents of B are copied into it as appropriate to<P>
maintain the existing old contents; additional elements of A are taken from the<P>
:INITIAL-ELEMENT. However, the use of :INITIAL-CONTENTS causes all old contents<P>
to be discarded.<P>
If array X is displaced to array Y, and array Y is displaced to array Z, and<P>
array Y is altered by <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_adjust.htm#adjust-array"><B>ADJUST-ARRAY</B></A>, array X must now refer to the adjusted<P>
contents of Y. This means that an implementation may not collapse the chain to<P>
make X refer to Z directly and forget that the chain of reference passes through<P>
array Y. (Cacheing techniques are of course permitted, as long as they preserve<P>
the semantics specified here and in CLtL.)<P>
If X is displaced to Y, it is an error to adjust Y in such a way that it no<P>
longer has enough elements to satisfy X. This error may be signalled at the<P>
time of the adjustment, but this is not required.<P>
Note: Omitting the :DISPLACED-TO argument to <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_adjust.htm#adjust-array"><B>ADJUST-ARRAY</B></A> is equivalent to<P>
specifying :DISPLACED-TO NIL; in either case, the array is not displaced after<P>
the call and case (1) or (4) hold.<P>
This interaction must be clarified. This set of rules was proposed some time<P>
ago, as a result of discussions on the Common Lisp mailing list, and this model<P>
has been adopted by many Common Lisp implementations.<P>
<B>Current Practice:<P>
Many implementations currently follow the model proposed here, although they<P>
differ in some detail. For example, Symbolics Common Lisp behaves as indicated<P>
except for case (4); in that case, it never copies the contents of B, and all<P>
elements are taken from the :INITIAL-ELEMENT.<P>
<B>Cost to implementors:<P>
Some existing implementations may have to be changed, but adopting any other<P>
model would be worse. Public-domain code implementing this model is available<P>
from CMU.<P>
<B>Cost to users:<P>
This is a relatively uncommon situation, which is the reason it didn't occur to<P>
the original language designers to specify how it works. Any user code that<P>
cares about this issue probably already follows the proposed model.<P>
Clarification of a situation that is currently not addressed by the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/07_ffb.htm#standard"><B>standard</B></A>.<P>
The cleanup committee supports this clarification.<P>
Some consideration was given to adding DISPLACED-ARRAY-P or ARRAY-DISPLACED-TO<P>
and ARRAY-DISPLACED-INDEX-OFFSET which would allow access to information as to<P>
whether an array was or was not displaced. However, these are not part of the<P>
current proposal.<P>
A similar issue arises with <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_adjust.htm#adjust-array"><B>ADJUST-ARRAY</B></A> and fill pointers, and will be the<P>
subject of a separate issue.<P>
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