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Reference: X3J13/92-102 (dpANS 12.24)<P>
Section Constraints on the COMMON-LISP Package<P>
for Conforming Implementations (p.11-5)<P>
Section Constraints on the COMMON-LISP Package<P>
for Conforming Programs (p.11-5..6)<P>
Section Some Exceptions to Constraints on the<P>
COMMON-LISP Package for Conforming Programs (p.11-6)<P>
X3J13/90-419 <A HREF="iss214.htm">LISP-SYMBOL-REDEFINITION</A> (Version 8)<P>
X3J13/92-1412 Barry Margolin comment #12<P>
X3J13/92-2517 Kim Barrett comment #17<P>
&quot;The Art of the Metaobject Protocol&quot;, Section 5.3.1, p.142<P>
<B>Edit History:</B> Version 1, 12/31/92, Kim Barrett<P>
<B>Status:</B> Proposal MORE-FIXES passed (10+1)-0 on letter ballot 93-302.<P>
<B>Problem Description:<P>
The set of restrictions on conforming programs specified in is<P>
incomplete. Some constraints added by X3J13/90-419 were not included, and<P>
there are some additional restrictions that were missed entirely.<P>
1. Make the following changes to existing items in<P>
a. Add &quot;undefining&quot; to item 2, prohibiting the removal of function<P>
b. Add &quot;undefining&quot; to item 3, prohibiting the removal of macro and<P>
<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_docume.htm#compiler-macro"><B>compiler-macro</B></A> definitions.<P>
2. Add the following items to<P>
a. Defining a \term{setf expander} for it (via \funref{defsetf} or<P>
b. Defining, undefining, or binding its \term{setf function name}.<P>
c. Defining it as a \term{method combination} type (via<P>
d. Using it as the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_class_.htm#class-name"><B>class-name</B></A> argument to \funref{setf} of<P>
e. Binding it as a \term{catch tag}.<P>
f. Binding it as a \term{restart} \term{name}.<P>
g. Defining a \term{method} for a \term{standardized} \term{generic<P>
function} which is \term{applicable} when all of the \term{arguments}<P>
are \term{direct instances} of \term{standardized} \term{classes}.<P>
3. Add the following as an additional paragraph for<P>
If an \term{external symbol} of \thepackage{common-lisp} is not defined as<P>
a \term{standardized} \term{function}, \term{macro}, or \term{special<P>
operator}, it is allowed to lexically \term{bind} its \term{setf function<P>
name} as a \term{function}, and to declare the \declref{ftype} of that<P>
4. Add the following entry to the glossary.<P>
\gentry{setf function name} \Noun\ (of a \term{symbol})<P>
the \term{list} \f{(<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_setf.htm#setf"><B>setf</B></A> \term{symbol})}.<P>
<B>Editorial Impact:<P>
Several small additions described above.<P>
Items 1, 2a through 2d, and 3 were in <A HREF="iss214.htm">LISP-SYMBOL-REDEFINITION</A> (v8) but were<P>
not included in the draft. Items 2a, 2b, and 3 also respond to Margolin's<P>
Item 4 defines terminology for the other items to use.<P>
Items 2e and 2f are cases that were previously overlooked.<P>
Item 2g was also previously overlooked. It is a recasting of the first<P>
bullet on p.143 of AMOP. It responds to both Margolin's and Barrett's<P>
It's unfortunate that section doesn't contain any rationale for the<P>
specified restrictions, but changing that is beyond the scope of this proposal.<P>
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