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<PRE><B>Issue:</B> <A HREF="iss281.htm">PUSHNEW-STORE-REQUIRED</A><P>
<B>References:</B> <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_pshnew.htm#pushnew"><B>PUSHNEW</B></A><P>
Related issues: <A HREF="iss279_m.htm">PUSH-EVALUATION-ORDER</A><P>
<A HREF="iss306.htm">SETF-GET-DEFAULT</A><P>
<B>Edit history:</B> v1, 14 Feb 1991, Sandra Loosemore<P>
v2, 26 Mar 1991, Sandra Loosemore (amendment from meeting)<P>
<B>Status:</B> v2 (proposal UNSPECIFIED) accepted by X3J13, Mar 1991<P>
<B>Problem description:<P>
The description of the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_pshnew.htm#pushnew"><B>PUSHNEW</B></A> macro says contradictory things about<P>
whether the storing form for its place subform must or must not be <P>
evaluated in the situation where the &lt;item&gt; is already a member of<P>
the list.<P>
In CLtL, <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_pshnew.htm#pushnew"><B>PUSHNEW</B></A> is first described as:<P>
If the &lt;item&gt; is not already a member of the list (...), then the <P>
&lt;item&gt; is consed onto the front of the list, and the augmented list is<P>
stored back into &lt;place&gt; and returned; otherwise the unaugmented list<P>
is returned.<P>
This passage implies that <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_pshnew.htm#pushnew"><B>PUSHNEW</B></A> is effectively (modulo order of<P>
evaluation issues and keyword arguments): <P>
(<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/s_if.htm#if"><B>if</B></A> (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_not.htm#not"><B>not</B></A> (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_member.htm#member"><B>member</B></A> &lt;item&gt; &lt;place&gt;))<P>
(<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_setf.htm#setf"><B>setf</B></A> &lt;place&gt; (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_cons.htm#cons"><B>cons</B></A> &lt;item&gt; &lt;place&gt;))<P>
which executes the storing form for &lt;place&gt; only if the member test<P>
However, later on it's said that <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_pshnew.htm#pushnew"><B>PUSHNEW</B></A> is effectively (again modulo<P>
order of evaluation issues and keyword arguments):<P>
(<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/a_setf.htm#setf"><B>setf</B></A> &lt;place&gt; (<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/f_adjoin.htm#adjoin"><B>adjoin</B></A> &lt;item&gt; &lt;place&gt;))<P>
which executes the storing form for &lt;place&gt; unconditionally.<P>
So which of these two models for its expansion is correct?<P>
Clarify that it is not specified whether <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_pshnew.htm#pushnew"><B>PUSHNEW</B></A> executes the storing<P>
form for its &lt;place&gt; subform in the situation where the &lt;item&gt; is<P>
already a member of the list.<P>
The store operation might be expensive and there's no point in doing<P>
it if the value being stored hasn't changed. On the other hand, in<P>
some implementations <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_pshnew.htm#pushnew"><B>PUSHNEW</B></A> always does the store.<P>
<B>Current Practice:<P>
In both Lucid and Allegro, <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_pshnew.htm#pushnew"><B>PUSHNEW</B></A> always does the store.<P>
<B>Cost to Implementors:<P>
None. No implementation is required to change.<P>
<B>Cost to Users:<P>
Probably none. <P>
<B>Cost of non-adoption:<P>
The description of <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_pshnew.htm#pushnew"><B>PUSHNEW</B></A> is confusing.<P>
<B>Performance impact:<P>
Not doing the store when it's not necessary can speed things up.<P>
The cost of non-adoption is avoided.<P>
<A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/m_pshnew.htm#pushnew"><B>PUSHNEW</B></A> would be less confusing if we could just agree on one or <P>
the other of the two models as being correct and remove all mention<P>
of the other from its description in the <A REL=DEFINITION HREF="../Body/07_ffb.htm#standard"><B>standard</B></A>.<P>
There is a potential for generalization to other read-modify-write <P>
macros. See the discussion section of issue <A HREF="iss306.htm">SETF-GET-DEFAULT</A>.<P>
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