Combine org settings in bundle--org
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 143 additions and 141 deletions
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
(add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'delete-trailing-whitespace)
(add-hook 'diary-list-entries-hook 'diary-include-other-diary-files)
(add-hook 'diary-mark-entries-hook 'diary-mark-included-diary-files)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
(add-hook 'newsticker-mode-hook 'imenu-add-menubar-index)
(if (display-graphic-p)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook (lambda ()
@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c l") 'org-store-link)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c a") 'org-agenda)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c c") 'org-capture)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c b") 'org-switchb)
;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-x m") 'org-pomodoro)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x g") 'magit-status)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x M-g") 'magit-dispatch)
@ -57,23 +57,6 @@
(interactive "nTransparency Value 0 - 100 opaque: ")
(set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'alpha value))
(defun me/org-copy-subtree-contents ()
"Get the content text of the subtree at point and add it to the `kill-ring'.
Excludes the heading and any child subtrees."
(if (org-before-first-heading-p)
(message "Not in or on an org heading")
;; If inside heading contents, move the point back to the heading
;; otherwise `org-agenda-get-some-entry-text' won't work.
(unless (org-on-heading-p) (org-previous-visible-heading 1))
(let ((contents (substring-no-properties
(message "Copied: %s" contents)
(kill-new contents)))))
(defun jnf/magit-browse-pull-request ()
"In `magit-log-mode', open the associated pull request at point."
@ -91,28 +74,3 @@ Excludes the heading and any child subtrees."
(s-replace ".git" "" remote-url)
(match-string 1 region)))))))
;; work with org-agenda dispatcher [c] "Today Clocked Tasks" to view today's clocked tasks.
(defun org-agenda-log-mode-colorize-block ()
"Set different line spacing based on clock time duration."
(let* ((colors (cl-case (alist-get 'background-mode (frame-parameters))
('light (list "#d8dee9" "#e5e9f0" "#eceff4"))
('dark (list "#bf616a" "#d08770" "#ebcb8b" "#a3be8c" "#b48ead"))))
(nconc colors colors)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (setq pos (next-single-property-change (point) 'duration))
(goto-char pos)
(when (and (not (equal pos (point-at-eol)))
(setq duration (org-get-at-bol 'duration)))
;; larger duration bar height
(let ((line-height (if (< duration 15) 1.0 (+ 0.5 (/ duration 30))))
(ov (make-overlay (point-at-bol) (1+ (point-at-eol)))))
(overlay-put ov 'face `(:background ,(car colors) :foreground "black"))
(setq colors (cdr colors))
(overlay-put ov 'line-height line-height)
(overlay-put ov 'line-spacing (1- line-height))))))))
(add-hook 'org-agenda-finalize-hook #'org-agenda-log-mode-colorize-block)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
(use-package ob-go)
(use-package ob-http)
(use-package ob-rust)
(use-package ob-typescript)
(use-package org
(org-babel-lob-ingest "~/.emacs.d/")
(org-hide-emphasis-markers t)
(org-default-notes-file "")
(org-insert-mode-line-in-empty-file t)
(org-adapt-indentation nil)
'((agenda . " %i %-12:c%?-12t%-6e% s")
(todo . " %i %-12:c %-6e")
(tags . " %i %-12:c")
(search . " %i %-12:c")))
(org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks nil)
(org-agenda-inhibit-startup nil)
(org-agenda-span 7)
(org-agenda-start-on-weekday 1)
(org-agenda-include-diary t)
'(("n" "Note" entry
(file+headline "" "Notes") "* %k\n%U\n- %l\n- %K\n%i\n%?")
("t" "Task" entry
(file+headline "" "Tasks") "* TODO %?\n%u\n%a")
("a" "Appointment" entry
(file+headline "" "Appointments") "* %?\n%T\n")
("m" "Meeting" entry
(file+headline "" "Meetings") "* %? :MEETING:\n%T" :clock-in t)
("j" "Journal" entry
(file+olp+datetree "" "Journal") "* %^{Activity}\nEntered on %U\n%i\n%?" :tree-type week)
("l" "Log" entry
(file+olp+datetree "" "Logbook") "* %U - %^{Activity} :LOG:")))
(org-clock-out-remove-zero-time-clocks t)
(org-clock-persist t)
(org-clock-rounding-minutes 30)
(org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
(org-duration-format (quote h:mm))
(org-export-with-sub-superscripts nil)
(org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui nil)
'(ascii beamer html icalendar latex md odt))
'(("EFFORT_ALL" . "0:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 5:00 8:00")))
(org-html-doctype "html5")
(org-html-html5-fancy t)
(org-html-htmlize-output-type nil)
'("latexmk -xelatex -shell-escape -quiet -f %f"))
(org-latex-compiler "xelatex")
(org-latex-listings t)
(org-log-done (quote time))
(org-refile-targets '((nil :maxlevel . 3)))
(org-startup-folded t)
(org-startup-truncated nil)
(org-src-fontify-natively t)
(org-src-tab-acts-natively t)
(org-src-window-setup 'other-window)
'(("bash" . sh)
("elisp" . emacs-lisp)
("beamer" . latex)
("calc" . fundamental)
("dot" . fundamental)
("screen" . shell-script)
("shell" . sh)
("C" . c)
("sqlite" . sql)
("scheme" . racket)
("plantuml" . plantuml)))
(org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes '(30 30))
'((sequence "TODO" "DOING(!)" "DONE(!)")))
(org-use-property-inheritance nil)
'((emacs-lisp . t)
(js . t)
(lisp . t)
(python . t)
(sqlite . t)
(shell . t)
(plantuml . t)
(typescript . t)
(http . t))))
;; work with org-agenda dispatcher [c] "Today Clocked Tasks" to view today's clocked tasks.
(defun org-agenda-log-mode-colorize-block ()
"Set different line spacing based on clock time duration."
(let* ((colors (cl-case (alist-get 'background-mode (frame-parameters))
('light (list "#d8dee9" "#e5e9f0" "#eceff4"))
('dark (list "#bf616a" "#d08770" "#ebcb8b" "#a3be8c" "#b48ead"))))
(nconc colors colors)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (setq pos (next-single-property-change (point) 'duration))
(goto-char pos)
(when (and (not (equal pos (point-at-eol)))
(setq duration (org-get-at-bol 'duration)))
;; larger duration bar height
(let ((line-height (if (< duration 15) 1.0 (+ 0.5 (/ duration 30))))
(ov (make-overlay (point-at-bol) (1+ (point-at-eol)))))
(overlay-put ov 'face `(:background ,(car colors) :foreground "black"))
(setq colors (cdr colors))
(overlay-put ov 'line-height line-height)
(overlay-put ov 'line-spacing (1- line-height))))))))
(add-hook 'org-agenda-finalize-hook #'org-agenda-log-mode-colorize-block)
(defun me/org-copy-subtree-contents ()
"Get the content text of the subtree at point and add it to the `kill-ring'.
Excludes the heading and any child subtrees."
(if (org-before-first-heading-p)
(message "Not in or on an org heading")
;; If inside heading contents, move the point back to the heading
;; otherwise `org-agenda-get-some-entry-text' won't work.
(unless (org-on-heading-p) (org-previous-visible-heading 1))
(let ((contents (substring-no-properties
(message "Copied: %s" contents)
(kill-new contents)))))
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c l") 'org-store-link)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c a") 'org-agenda)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c c") 'org-capture)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c b") 'org-switchb)
@ -118,11 +118,6 @@
(add-hook 'js-mode-hook 'eglot-ensure)
(use-package ob-go)
(use-package ob-http)
(use-package ob-rust)
(use-package ob-typescript)
(use-package web-mode
;; :hook html-mode
:mode "\\.html?\\'"
@ -147,95 +142,6 @@
(use-package org
(org-babel-lob-ingest "~/.emacs.d/")
(org-hide-emphasis-markers t)
(org-default-notes-file "")
(org-insert-mode-line-in-empty-file t)
(org-adapt-indentation nil)
'((agenda . " %i %-12:c%?-12t%-6e% s")
(todo . " %i %-12:c %-6e")
(tags . " %i %-12:c")
(search . " %i %-12:c")))
(org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks nil)
(org-agenda-inhibit-startup nil)
(org-agenda-span 7)
(org-agenda-start-on-weekday 1)
(org-agenda-include-diary t)
'(("n" "Note" entry
(file+headline "" "Notes") "* %k\n%U\n- %l\n- %K\n%i\n%?")
("t" "Task" entry
(file+headline "" "Tasks") "* TODO %?\n%u\n%a")
("a" "Appointment" entry
(file+headline "" "Appointments") "* %?\n%T\n")
("m" "Meeting" entry
(file+headline "" "Meetings") "* %? :MEETING:\n%T" :clock-in t)
("j" "Journal" entry
(file+olp+datetree "" "Journal") "* %^{Activity}\nEntered on %U\n%i\n%?" :tree-type week)
("l" "Log" entry
(file+olp+datetree "" "Logbook") "* %U - %^{Activity} :LOG:")))
(org-clock-out-remove-zero-time-clocks t)
(org-clock-persist t)
(org-clock-rounding-minutes 30)
(org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
(org-duration-format (quote h:mm))
(org-export-with-sub-superscripts nil)
(org-export-dispatch-use-expert-ui nil)
'(ascii beamer html icalendar latex md odt))
'(("EFFORT_ALL" . "0:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 5:00 8:00")))
(org-html-doctype "html5")
(org-html-html5-fancy t)
(org-html-htmlize-output-type nil)
'("latexmk -xelatex -shell-escape -quiet -f %f"))
(org-latex-compiler "xelatex")
(org-latex-listings t)
(org-log-done (quote time))
(org-refile-targets '((nil :maxlevel . 3)))
(org-startup-folded t)
(org-startup-truncated nil)
(org-src-fontify-natively t)
(org-src-tab-acts-natively t)
(org-src-window-setup 'other-window)
'(("bash" . sh)
("elisp" . emacs-lisp)
("beamer" . latex)
("calc" . fundamental)
("dot" . fundamental)
("screen" . shell-script)
("shell" . sh)
("C" . c)
("sqlite" . sql)
("scheme" . racket)
("plantuml" . plantuml)))
(org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes '(30 30))
'((sequence "TODO" "DOING(!)" "DONE(!)")))
(org-use-property-inheritance nil)
'((emacs-lisp . t)
(js . t)
(lisp . t)
(python . t)
(sqlite . t)
(shell . t)
(plantuml . t)
(typescript . t)
(http . t))))
(use-package helpful
:commands (helpful-callable helpful-variable helpful-command helpful-key)
@ -419,4 +325,5 @@
(use-package elpher)
(load "bundle--org")
(load "bundle--irc")
Add table
Reference in a new issue