Update lob

This commit is contained in:
Marcus Kammer 2021-06-07 17:43:50 +02:00
parent 92731b3bc6
commit 24e11ffb89

View file

@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ this default behavior. Below is a list of such options:
feed_name = item[0].upper()
feed_url = item[1]
parse_feed = feedparser.parse(req_feed(feed_url))
entries = parse_feed.entries[:10]
entries = parse_feed.entries[:15]
feeds[feed_name] = '\n'.join([entry_str.format(entry.link, entry.title)
for entry in entries])
@ -658,22 +658,23 @@ this default behavior. Below is a list of such options:
return f"return tabulate({df}, headers={df}.columns, tablefmt='orgtbl')"
** Contributing to git
#+name: git-contributing
#+begin_src python :results output drawer :exports results
import os
from git import Repo
repo = Repo(os.path.abspath('.'))
def org_list(l)
def org_list(l):
return [f"\n- {i}\n" for i in l]
def unique(l)
def unique(l):
return sorted(set(l))
def authors(commits)
def authors(commits):
return [f"{i.author.name} <{i.author.email}>" for i in commits]
def commits(repo)
def commits(repo):
return list(repo.iter_commits("master"))