Add new theme
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 2176 additions and 68 deletions
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
'(column-number-mode t)
("4639288d273cbd3dc880992e6032f9c817f17c4a91f00f3872009a099f5b3f84" "14c848e2c4a0a11fcd118e2519078aa50bb6020f89035423b40fff421fb24fbd" "cdb4ffdecc682978da78700a461cdc77456c3a6df1c1803ae2dd55c59fa703e3" "9e31aff9afe3c20a33dd966b4c54c6a5151f07659362e4b06bde38ded5370dae" "24fc62afe2e5f0609e436aa2427b396adf9a958a8fa660edbaab5fb13c08aae6" "82358261c32ebedfee2ca0f87299f74008a2e5ba5c502bde7aaa15db20ee3731" "4515feff287a98863b7b7f762197a78a7c2bfb6ec93879e7284dff184419268c" default)))
("85d1dbf2fc0e5d30f236712b831fb24faf6052f3114964fdeadede8e1b329832" "4639288d273cbd3dc880992e6032f9c817f17c4a91f00f3872009a099f5b3f84" "14c848e2c4a0a11fcd118e2519078aa50bb6020f89035423b40fff421fb24fbd" "cdb4ffdecc682978da78700a461cdc77456c3a6df1c1803ae2dd55c59fa703e3" "9e31aff9afe3c20a33dd966b4c54c6a5151f07659362e4b06bde38ded5370dae" "24fc62afe2e5f0609e436aa2427b396adf9a958a8fa660edbaab5fb13c08aae6" "82358261c32ebedfee2ca0f87299f74008a2e5ba5c502bde7aaa15db20ee3731" "4515feff287a98863b7b7f762197a78a7c2bfb6ec93879e7284dff184419268c" default)))
((fullscreen . maximized)
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
'(package-enable-at-startup t)
(htmlize scss-mode berrys-theme web-mode elpy python-docstring sphinx-doc sphinx-frontend sphinx-mode ox-nikola racket-mode slime gherkin-mode powershell typescript-mode ob-http ob-ipython ob-restclient nord-theme restclient request restclient-test yaml-mode magit)))
(leuven-theme htmlize scss-mode berrys-theme web-mode elpy python-docstring sphinx-doc sphinx-frontend sphinx-mode ox-nikola racket-mode slime gherkin-mode powershell typescript-mode ob-http ob-ipython ob-restclient nord-theme restclient request restclient-test yaml-mode magit)))
'(python-shell-interpreter "python3" t)
'(register-preview-delay 2)
'(register-separator 43)
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
(when (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
(when (display-graphic-p)
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(undecorated . nil))
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "Iosevka Term-11"))))
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "Iosevka Term Slab-11"))))
(when (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)
(when (display-graphic-p)
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
(yang-mode . [(20190507 724) nil "major mode for editing YANG files" single ((:commit . "4b4ab4d4a79d37d6c31c6ea7cccbc425e0b1eded") (:authors ("Martin Bjorklund" . "")) (:maintainer "Martin Bjorklund" . ""))])
(yandex-weather . [(20160311 2037) nil "Fetch Yandex Weather forecasts." tar ((:commit . "6f823fd9e04ff9efb2aa65f333079e9f7e6e5b28"))])
(yaml-tomato . [(20151123 753) ((s (1 9))) "copy or show the yaml path currently under cursor." single ((:commit . "f9df1c9bdfcec629b03031b2d2032f9dc533cb14") (:keywords "yaml") (:authors ("qrczeno")) (:maintainer "qrczeno"))])
(yaml-mode . [(20190625 1740) ((emacs (24 1))) "Major mode for editing YAML files" single ((:commit . "0aceaf3888dc484d1f5246d5a9462a4780844081") (:keywords "data" "yaml") (:authors ("Yoshiki Kurihara" . "") ("Marshall T. Vandegrift" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . ""))])
(yaml-mode . [(20191127 2314) ((emacs (24 1))) "Major mode for editing YAML files" single ((:commit . "cecf4b106b0c4236931b14919fdf87ff3546e2c9") (:keywords "data" "yaml") (:authors ("Yoshiki Kurihara" . "") ("Marshall T. Vandegrift" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . ""))])
(yaml-imenu . [(20181001 627) ((emacs (24 4)) (yaml-mode (0))) "Enhancement of the imenu support in yaml-mode." tar ((:commit . "78a383098807014d9e7f2941196d8271677158cd") (:keywords "outlining" "convenience" "imenu") (:authors ("Akinori MUSHA" . "")) (:maintainer "Akinori MUSHA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(yalinum . [(20130217 1043) nil "yet another display line numbers." single ((:commit . "d3e0cbe3f4f5ca311e3298e684901d6fea3ad973") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:authors ("tm8st" . "")) (:maintainer "tm8st" . ""))])
(yahtzee . [(20171022 1412) ((emacs (24 3))) "The yahtzee game" single ((:commit . "7cea3314ad9f1f00543afb578c97e45acbfc3fa7") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("Dimitar Dimitrov" . "")) (:maintainer "Dimitar Dimitrov" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
(wolfram . [(20190805 1007) nil "Wolfram Alpha Integration" single ((:commit . "a172712d5045834f5434cca2843a7c3506805db8") (:keywords "math") (:authors ("Hans Sjunnesson" . "")) (:maintainer "Hans Sjunnesson" . ""))])
(wn-mode . [(20151110 552) ((emacs (24))) "numeric window switching shortcuts" single ((:commit . "f05c3151523e529af5a0a3fa8c948b61fb369f6e") (:keywords "buffers" "windows" "switching-windows") (:authors ("Anonymous")) (:maintainer "Luís Oliveira" . "") (:url . ""))])
(with-venv . [(20190516 606) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 4))) "Execute with Python virtual environment activated" single ((:commit . "3728d3a60c600d7ac505ce281cd2579a8992c14d") (:keywords "processes" "python" "venv") (:authors ("10sr <8.slashes [at] gmail [dot] com>")) (:maintainer "10sr <8.slashes [at] gmail [dot] com>") (:url . ""))])
(with-simulated-input . [(20190913 1524) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (2 0)) (s (0))) "A macro to simulate user input non-interactively" single ((:commit . "3d881793521c5618cdb0968a85879e0e49da7fca") (:keywords "lisp" "tools" "extensions") (:authors ("Ryan C. Thompson")) (:maintainer "Ryan C. Thompson"))])
(with-simulated-input . [(20191127 2116) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (2 0)) (s (0))) "A macro to simulate user input non-interactively" single ((:commit . "7b044003150ee39505234080b86f474c60ad3471") (:keywords "lisp" "tools" "extensions") (:authors ("Ryan C. Thompson")) (:maintainer "Ryan C. Thompson"))])
(with-proxy . [(20190920 24) ((emacs (24 4))) "Evaluate expressions with proxy" single ((:commit . "a7506af86ffc943f5d4cba712ec661125799c30b") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("Gong Qijian" . "")) (:maintainer "Gong Qijian" . "") (:url . ""))])
(with-namespace . [(20130407 1822) ((dash (1 1 0)) (loop (1 1))) "interoperable elisp namespaces" single ((:commit . "8ac52da3a09cf46087720e30cf730d00f140cde6") (:keywords "namespaces") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . ""))])
(with-emacs . [(20191125 117) ((emacs (24 4))) "Evaluate Emacs Lisp expressions in a separate Emacs process" single ((:commit . "257a3c4381f4d1672ca0b071d4e9bf6fd285ecef") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Gong Qijian" . "")) (:maintainer "Gong Qijian" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
(white-sand-theme . [(20151117 1648) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs theme with a light background." single ((:commit . "97621edd69267dd143760d94393db2c2558c9ea4") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler"))])
(whitaker . [(20150814 1122) ((dash (2 10 0))) "Comint interface for Whitaker's Words" single ((:commit . "eaf26ea647b729ca705b73ea70312d5ffdf89448") (:keywords "processes") (:authors ("Matus Goljer" . "")) (:maintainer "Matus Goljer" . ""))])
(which-key-posframe . [(20190427 1103) ((emacs (26 0)) (posframe (0 4 3)) (which-key (3 3 2))) "Using posframe to show which-key" single ((:commit . "e7f28608c7fc9507e407c6b840dff09062df533a") (:keywords "convenience" "bindings" "tooltip") (:authors ("Yanghao Xie")) (:maintainer "Yanghao Xie" . "") (:url . ""))])
(which-key . [(20191111 1951) ((emacs (24 4))) "Display available keybindings in popup" single ((:commit . "a916c9ae28e961922d8d8419e633f9321fcdbe53") (:authors ("Justin Burkett" . "")) (:maintainer "Justin Burkett" . "") (:url . ""))])
(which-key . [(20191127 1700) ((emacs (24 4))) "Display available keybindings in popup" single ((:commit . "dcb9820c2decd326465ec3dfc792d30429cec564") (:authors ("Justin Burkett" . "")) (:maintainer "Justin Burkett" . "") (:url . ""))])
(what-the-commit . [(20150901 1316) nil "Random commit message generator" single ((:commit . "868c80a1b8614bcbd2225cd0290142c72f2a7956") (:keywords "git" "commit" "message") (:authors ("Dan Barbarito" . "")) (:maintainer "Dan Barbarito" . "") (:url . ""))])
(wgrep-pt . [(20140510 2231) ((wgrep (2 1 5))) "Writable pt buffer and apply the changes to files" single ((:commit . "379afd89ebd76f63842c8589127d66096a8bb595") (:keywords "grep" "edit" "extensions") (:authors ("Masahiro Hayashi <>, Bailey Ling" . "")) (:maintainer "Masahiro Hayashi <>, Bailey Ling" . "") (:url . ""))])
(wgrep-helm . [(20190401 2156) ((wgrep (2 1 1))) "Writable helm-grep-mode buffer and apply the changes to files" single ((:commit . "379afd89ebd76f63842c8589127d66096a8bb595") (:keywords "grep" "edit" "extensions") (:authors ("Masahiro Hayashi" . "")) (:maintainer "Masahiro Hayashi" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
(waher-theme . [(20141115 1230) ((emacs (24 1))) "Emacs 24 theme based on waher for st2 by dduckster" single ((:commit . "60d31519fcfd8e797723d47961b255ae2f2e2c0a") (:authors ("Jasonm23" . "")) (:maintainer "Jasonm23" . "") (:url . ""))])
(waf-mode . [(20170403 1940) nil "Waf integration for Emacs" single ((:commit . "20c75eabd1d54fbce8e0dbef785c9fb68577ee4f") (:authors ("Denys Valchuk" . "")) (:maintainer "Denys Valchuk" . "") (:url . ""))])
(wacspace . [(20180311 2350) ((dash (1 2 0)) (cl-lib (0 2))) "The WACky WorkSPACE manager for emACS" tar ((:commit . "54d19aab6fd2bc5945b7ffc58104e695064927e2"))])
(w3m . [(20191127 724) nil "an Emacs interface to w3m" tar ((:commit . "bf2bbadf4bb0da0ba97f3fbd9d442e87db6a3b8e") (:keywords "w3m" "www" "hypermedia"))])
(w3m . [(20191128 343) nil "an Emacs interface to w3m" tar ((:commit . "20976387f5f43db537b05561a359e9f43bbfed27") (:keywords "w3m" "www" "hypermedia"))])
(w32-browser . [(20170101 1954) nil "Run Windows application associated with a file." single ((:commit . "e5c60eafd8f8d3546a0fa295ad5af2414d36b4e6") (:keywords "mouse" "dired" "w32" "explorer") (:authors ("Emacs Wiki, Drew Adams")) (:maintainer nil . "Drew Adams (concat \"drew.adams\" \"@\" \"oracle\" \".com\")") (:url . ""))])
(vyper-mode . [(20180707 1935) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for the Vyper programming language" single ((:commit . "323dfddfc38f0b11697e9ebaf04d1b53297e54e5") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Alex Stokes" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Stokes" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vue-mode . [(20190415 231) ((mmm-mode (0 5 5)) (vue-html-mode (0 2)) (ssass-mode (0 2)) (edit-indirect (0 1 4))) "Major mode for vue component based on mmm-mode" single ((:commit . "031edd1f97db6e7d8d6c295c0e6d58dd128b9e71") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("codefalling" . "")) (:maintainer "codefalling" . ""))])
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
(viking-mode . [(20160705 2027) nil "kill first, ask later" single ((:commit . "c76aa265d13ad91d6890d242e142d05e31f0340b") (:keywords "kill" "delete") (:authors ("T.v.Dein" . "")) (:maintainer "T.v.Dein" . "") (:url . ""))])
(viewer . [(20170107 202) nil "View-mode extension" single ((:commit . "6c8db025bf4021428f7f2c3ef9d74fb13f5d267a") (:keywords "view" "extensions") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vi-tilde-fringe . [(20141028 242) ((emacs (24))) "Displays tildes in the fringe on empty lines a la Vi." single ((:commit . "f1597a8d54535bb1d84b442577b2024e6f910308") (:keywords "emulation") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vhdl-tools . [(20190929 1532) ((ggtags (0 8 13)) (emacs (26 2)) (helm-rg (0 1)) (outshine (0))) "Utilities for navigating vhdl sources." single ((:commit . "9cf9ae509afb79c5579f645907387b8253db167a") (:keywords "languages" "convenience") (:authors ("Cayetano Santos")) (:maintainer "Cayetano Santos") (:url . ""))])
(vhdl-tools . [(20191127 2102) ((ggtags (0 8 13)) (emacs (26 2)) (helm-rg (0 1)) (outshine (0))) "Utilities for navigating vhdl sources." single ((:commit . "e174a7077eb8b80cd76bb9688a4a5f08a747f212") (:keywords "languages" "convenience") (:authors ("Cayetano Santos")) (:maintainer "Cayetano Santos") (:url . ""))])
(vhdl-capf . [(20160221 1734) nil "Completion at point function (capf) for vhdl-mode." single ((:commit . "290abe217050f33532bc9ccb04f894123402f414") (:keywords "convenience" "usability" "vhdl" "completion") (:authors ("sh-ow" . "")) (:maintainer "sh-ow" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vertigo . [(20180829 2230) ((dash (2 11 0))) "Jump across lines using the home row." single ((:commit . "6303d17270ea92290a6960890bca515274f1682b") (:keywords "vim" "vertigo") (:authors ("Fox Kiester" . "")) (:maintainer "Fox Kiester" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vertica-snippets . [(20191007 1546) ((yasnippet (0 6 1))) "Yasnippets for Vertica" tar ((:commit . "5750f359de2956f853b131c46cf56726a5a5dfd3") (:keywords "convenience" "snippets") (:authors ("Andreas Gerler" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreas Gerler" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -242,8 +242,8 @@
(vcsh . [(20191007 1102) ((emacs (25))) "vcsh integration" single ((:commit . "cbb2b387ea035ee4f95455964144d699f573491d") (:keywords "vc" "files") (:authors ("Štěpán Němec" . "")) (:maintainer "Štěpán Němec" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vcomp . [(20190128 20) nil "compare version strings" single ((:commit . "f839b3b3257a564b19d7f9557dc8bcbbe0b95842") (:keywords "versions") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vc-osc . [(20190402 2349) nil "non-resident support for osc version-control" single ((:commit . "bf5a515ed85f7d7cdfe66ed5bf4ef7554f8561e5") (:authors ("Adam Spiers (see vc.el for full credits)")) (:maintainer "Adam Spiers" . ""))])
(vc-msg . [(20191125 557) ((emacs (24 4)) (popup (0 5 0))) "Show commit information of current line" tar ((:commit . "5eb5a1bfe2a1229f83d5dd4fbf29950b52740ab2") (:keywords "git" "vc" "svn" "hg" "messenger") (:authors ("Chen Bin <chenbin DOT sh AT gmail DOT com>")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin <chenbin DOT sh AT gmail DOT com>") (:url . ""))])
(vc-hgcmd . [(20191126 1437) ((emacs (25 1))) "VC mercurial backend that uses hg command server" single ((:commit . "45000c801e4e5ffe8f454fe10980afc0d54b8e38") (:keywords "vc") (:authors ("Andrii Kolomoiets" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrii Kolomoiets" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vc-msg . [(20191127 1343) ((emacs (24 4)) (popup (0 5 0))) "Show commit information of current line" tar ((:commit . "fe6ce7cdf9ad7c12fab6ead4b8ce0e9ecd642183") (:keywords "git" "vc" "svn" "hg" "messenger") (:authors ("Chen Bin <chenbin DOT sh AT gmail DOT com>")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin <chenbin DOT sh AT gmail DOT com>") (:url . ""))])
(vc-hgcmd . [(20191127 2213) ((emacs (25 1))) "VC mercurial backend that uses hg command server" single ((:commit . "2b1b87ba16195c19ff0ebf808bfb26eae40eb8af") (:keywords "vc") (:authors ("Andrii Kolomoiets" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrii Kolomoiets" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vc-fossil . [(20180215 1635) nil "VC backend for the fossil sofware configuraiton management system" tar ((:commit . "7c5af95181213db38f81f5f9586f3334301a3ea0") (:authors ("Venkat Iyer" . "")) (:maintainer "Venkat Iyer" . ""))])
(vc-darcs . [(20170905 320) ((emacs (24))) "a VC backend for darcs" single ((:commit . "390fb1ebdda1ffac45b9be02626dde3b6d95ac11") (:keywords "vc") (:authors ("Jorgen Schaefer" . "") ("Juliusz Chroboczek" . "")) (:maintainer "Libor Čapák" . ""))])
(vc-check-status . [(20170107 1334) nil "Warn you when quitting emacs and leaving repo dirty." tar ((:commit . "37734beb16bfd8633ea328059bf9a47eed826d5c") (:keywords "vc" "convenience") (:authors ("Sylvain Rousseau <thisirs at gmail dot com>")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Rousseau <thisirs at gmail dot com>") (:url . ""))])
@ -330,11 +330,11 @@
(trinary . [(20180904 2313) ((emacs (24))) "Trinary logic." single ((:commit . "886232c6d7e92a8e9fe573eef46754ebe321f90d") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(trident-mode . [(20190410 2036) ((emacs (24)) (slime (20130526)) (skewer-mode (1 5 0)) (dash (1 0 3))) "Live Parenscript interaction" single ((:commit . "109a1bc10bd0c4b47679a6ca5c4cd27c7c8d4ccb") (:keywords "languages" "lisp" "processes" "tools") (:authors ("John Mastro" . "")) (:maintainer "John Mastro" . "") (:url . ""))])
(treepy . [(20191108 2217) ((emacs (25 1))) "Generic tree traversal tools" single ((:commit . "306f7031d26e4ebfc9ff36614acdc6993f3e23c3") (:keywords "lisp" "maint" "tools") (:authors ("Daniel Barreto" . "")) (:maintainer "Daniel Barreto" . "") (:url . ""))])
(treemacs-projectile . [(20190619 1516) ((projectile (0 14 0)) (treemacs (0 0))) "Projectile integration for treemacs" single ((:commit . "ed365a93c429f8b7ed1e751c89017f6291d7962d") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(treemacs-magit . [(20190731 540) ((emacs (25 2)) (treemacs (0 0)) (pfuture (1 3)) (magit (2 90 0))) "Magit integration for treemacs" single ((:commit . "ed365a93c429f8b7ed1e751c89017f6291d7962d") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(treemacs-icons-dired . [(20190719 815) ((treemacs (0 0)) (emacs (25 2)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Treemacs icons for dired" single ((:commit . "ed365a93c429f8b7ed1e751c89017f6291d7962d") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(treemacs-evil . [(20190927 542) ((evil (1 2 12)) (treemacs (0 0))) "Evil mode integration for treemacs" single ((:commit . "ed365a93c429f8b7ed1e751c89017f6291d7962d") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(treemacs . [(20191126 1731) ((emacs (25 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 11 0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 11 0)) (ace-window (0 9 0)) (pfuture (1 7)) (hydra (0 13 2)) (ht (2 2))) "A tree style file explorer package" tar ((:commit . "ed365a93c429f8b7ed1e751c89017f6291d7962d") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(treemacs-projectile . [(20190619 1516) ((projectile (0 14 0)) (treemacs (0 0))) "Projectile integration for treemacs" single ((:commit . "239b4595d7bccf9a2d5b390f95bd1db92804e540") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(treemacs-magit . [(20190731 540) ((emacs (25 2)) (treemacs (0 0)) (pfuture (1 3)) (magit (2 90 0))) "Magit integration for treemacs" single ((:commit . "239b4595d7bccf9a2d5b390f95bd1db92804e540") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(treemacs-icons-dired . [(20190719 815) ((treemacs (0 0)) (emacs (25 2)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Treemacs icons for dired" single ((:commit . "239b4595d7bccf9a2d5b390f95bd1db92804e540") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(treemacs-evil . [(20190927 542) ((evil (1 2 12)) (treemacs (0 0))) "Evil mode integration for treemacs" single ((:commit . "239b4595d7bccf9a2d5b390f95bd1db92804e540") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(treemacs . [(20191128 607) ((emacs (25 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 11 0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 11 0)) (ace-window (0 9 0)) (pfuture (1 7)) (hydra (0 13 2)) (ht (2 2))) "A tree style file explorer package" tar ((:commit . "239b4595d7bccf9a2d5b390f95bd1db92804e540") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(tree-mode . [(20151104 1331) nil "A mode to manage tree widgets" single ((:commit . "b06078826d5875d74b0e7b7ac47b0d0917610534") (:keywords "help" "convenience" "widget") (:authors (nil . "")) (:maintainer nil . ""))])
(travis . [(20150825 1138) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 9 0)) (pkg-info (0 5 0)) (request (0 1 0))) "Emacs client for Travis" tar ((:commit . "754ef07c17fed17ab03664ad11e2b0b2ef5e78ed") (:keywords "travis") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "") (:url . ""))])
(trashed . [(20191124 1351) ((emacs (25 1))) "Viewing/editing system trash can" single ((:commit . "cc0243c9a4f01dc889f5c5ced3e311f918fe0750") (:keywords "files" "convenience" "unix") (:authors ("Shingo Tanaka" . "")) (:maintainer "Shingo Tanaka" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -386,10 +386,10 @@
(time-ext . [(20170126 1215) nil "more function for time/date" single ((:commit . "d128becf660fe3f30178eb1b05cd266741f4784a") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "") (:url . ""))])
(tile . [(20161225 357) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (stream (2 2 3))) "Tile windows with layouts" single ((:commit . "22660f21f6e95de5aba55cd5d293d4841e9a4661") (:keywords "tile" "tiling" "window" "manager" "dynamic" "frames") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "") (:url . ""))])
(tide . [(20191125 917) ((dash (2 10 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (flycheck (27)) (typescript-mode (0 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Typescript Interactive Development Environment" tar ((:commit . "567717e5b81e9bf0c8bbab09d223a4ca86ba5e03") (:keywords "typescript") (:authors ("Anantha kumaran" . "")) (:maintainer "Anantha kumaran" . "") (:url . ""))])
(tidal . [(20191018 2235) ((haskell-mode (16)) (emacs (24))) "Interact with TidalCycles for live coding patterns" single ((:commit . "ec8cdea2defff9d688017996ce936cd321304fdb") (:keywords "tools") (:authors (nil . "")) (:maintainer nil . "") (:url . ""))])
(tidal . [(20191018 2235) ((haskell-mode (16)) (emacs (24))) "Interact with TidalCycles for live coding patterns" single ((:commit . "a6531308bacd072928089f64127185c59e931271") (:keywords "tools") (:authors (nil . "")) (:maintainer nil . "") (:url . ""))])
(tickscript-mode . [(20171219 203) ((emacs (24 1))) "A major mode for Tickscript files" single ((:commit . "f0579f38ff14954df5002ce30ae6d4a2c978d461") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Marc Sherry" . "")) (:maintainer "Marc Sherry" . "") (:url . ""))])
(thumb-through . [(20120119 534) nil "Plain text reader of HTML documents" single ((:commit . "08d8fb720f93c6172653e035191a8fa9c3305e63") (:keywords "html"))])
(thrift . [(20180905 1050) ((emacs (24))) "major mode for fbthrift and Apache Thrift files" single ((:commit . "8fb36b879453984b3a2c44b3075c853b9b8b6288") (:keywords "languages"))])
(thrift . [(20180905 1050) ((emacs (24))) "major mode for fbthrift and Apache Thrift files" single ((:commit . "c15d1ca3e7bc6733cba702a17f489f3c6953268b") (:keywords "languages"))])
(threes . [(20160820 1242) ((emacs (24)) (seq (1 11))) "A clone of Threes (a tiny puzzle game)" single ((:commit . "6981acb30b856c77cba6aba63fefbf102cbdfbb2") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(thread-dump . [(20170816 1850) nil "Java thread dump viewer" single ((:commit . "204c9600242756d4b514bb5ff6293e052bf4b49d") (:authors ("Dmitry Neverov")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Neverov") (:url . ""))])
(thinks . [(20170802 1128) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Insert text in a think bubble." single ((:commit . "c02f236abc8c2025d9f01460b09b89ebdc96e28d") (:keywords "convenience" "quoting") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "")) (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -482,7 +482,7 @@
(switch-window . [(20181104 340) ((emacs (24))) "A *visual* way to switch window" tar ((:commit . "204f9fc1a39868a2d16ab9370a142c8c9c7a0943") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Dimitri Fontaine" . "") ("Feng Shu" . "")) (:maintainer "Dimitri Fontaine" . "") (:url . ""))])
(switch-buffer-functions . [(20171011 1704) nil "Hook run when current buffer changed" single ((:commit . "b8d8e01e21ae8c8c84234dddeb3cc8250814f7ba") (:keywords "hook" "utility") (:authors ("10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>")) (:maintainer "10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>") (:url . ""))])
(swiper-helm . [(20180131 1744) ((emacs (24 1)) (swiper (0 1 0)) (helm (1 5 3))) "Helm version of Swiper." single ((:commit . "93fb6db87bc6a5967898b5fd3286954cc72a0008") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(swiper . [(20191114 1539) ((emacs (24 5)) (ivy (0 13 0))) "Isearch with an overview. Oh, man!" single ((:commit . "657e6b4d3f2d9783dc87389f460e1145ce26fa70") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(swiper . [(20191114 1539) ((emacs (24 5)) (ivy (0 13 0))) "Isearch with an overview. Oh, man!" single ((:commit . "4ba0944bec05c22d695fd5b89527160603649d62") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(swift3-mode . [(20160918 1250) ((emacs (24 4))) "Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language." tar ((:commit . "4e51265c6905e17d8910e35b0b37cf51e20ecdfe") (:keywords "languages" "swift") (:url . ""))])
(swift-playground-mode . [(20190730 1707) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (2 2 0))) "Run Apple's playgrounds in Swift buffers" tar ((:commit . "111cde906508824ee11d774b908df867142a8aec") (:keywords "languages" "swift") (:url . ""))])
(swift-mode . [(20191026 1223) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (2 3))) "Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language." tar ((:commit . "acfc7fdf026532845fa433ad466149063a93e859") (:keywords "languages" "swift") (:url . ""))])
@ -598,7 +598,7 @@
(sonic-pi . [(20171205 1205) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (osc (0 1)) (dash (2 2 0)) (emacs (24)) (highlight (0))) "A Emacs client for SonicPi" tar ((:commit . "3cf101b3b299735ed91658c7791ea4f04164e076") (:keywords "sonicpi" "ruby") (:authors ("Joseph Wilk" . "")) (:maintainer "Joseph Wilk" . "") (:url . ""))])
(solidity-mode . [(20190302 909) nil "Major mode for ethereum's solidity language" tar ((:commit . "47f15b2663a6cf92ae6ebf655841a9509ad79017") (:keywords "languages" "solidity") (:authors ("Lefteris Karapetsas " . "")) (:maintainer "Lefteris Karapetsas " . ""))])
(solidity-flycheck . [(20181117 1518) ((flycheck (32 -4)) (solidity-mode (0 1 9))) "Flycheck integration for solidity emacs mode" single ((:commit . "47f15b2663a6cf92ae6ebf655841a9509ad79017") (:keywords "languages" "solidity" "flycheck") (:authors ("Lefteris Karapetsas " . "")) (:maintainer "Lefteris Karapetsas " . ""))])
(solarized-theme . [(20191126 1327) ((emacs (24 1)) (dash (2 16))) "The Solarized color theme" tar ((:commit . "a6988c18be1530f928dce3227ba7447a755b0549") (:keywords "convenience" "themes" "solarized") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(solarized-theme . [(20191127 1514) ((emacs (24 1)) (dash (2 16))) "The Solarized color theme" tar ((:commit . "a11ff00bd49d2ce69702fc0c213dabc5e49b0976") (:keywords "convenience" "themes" "solarized") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(solaire-mode . [(20190721 1046) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "make certain buffers grossly incandescent" single ((:commit . "794245665c3374af74880cbc7b16b4da02ad0411") (:keywords "dim" "bright" "window" "buffer" "faces") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner <http://github/hlissner>")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(soft-stone-theme . [(20140614 835) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs 24 theme with a light background." single ((:commit . "fb475514cfb02cf30ce358a61c48e46614344d48") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler") (:url . ""))])
(soft-morning-theme . [(20150918 2041) nil "Emacs24 theme with a light background." single ((:commit . "c0f9c70c97ef2be2a093cf839c4bfe27740a111c") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler") (:url . ""))])
@ -653,7 +653,7 @@
(sly-macrostep . [(20191013 2138) ((sly (1 0 0 -2 2)) (macrostep (0 9))) "fancy macro-expansion via macrostep.el" tar ((:commit . "be2d24545092d164be1a91031d8881afd29c9ec0") (:keywords "languages" "lisp" "sly") (:url . ""))])
(sly-hello-world . [(20191013 2137) ((sly (1 0 0 -2 2))) "A template SLY contrib" tar ((:commit . "ae8fe0a0ebcce50425a1d411c027db06ddec39ce") (:keywords "languages" "lisp" "sly") (:authors ("João Távora" . "")) (:maintainer "João Távora" . "") (:url . ""))])
(sly-asdf . [(20191021 718) ((emacs (24 3)) (sly (1 0 0 -2 2))) "ASDF system support for SLY" tar ((:commit . "69123fcebe63bb4d6e40e3dcb187299622401b74") (:keywords "languages" "lisp" "sly" "asdf") (:maintainer "Matt George" . "") (:url . ""))])
(sly . [(20191122 1849) ((emacs (24 3))) "Sylvester the Cat's Common Lisp IDE" tar ((:commit . "a41e69006cf921679283896f85b6afacf91aa06f") (:keywords "languages" "lisp" "sly") (:url . ""))])
(sly . [(20191128 136) ((emacs (24 3))) "Sylvester the Cat's Common Lisp IDE" tar ((:commit . "27da5cf48be7b303492c4d76f35c07fd8a6af097") (:keywords "languages" "lisp" "sly") (:url . ""))])
(slstats . [(20170823 849) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "Acquire and display stats about Second Life" single ((:commit . "e9696066abf3f2b7b818a57c062530dfd9377033") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "")) (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(slow-keys . [(20180831 459) ((emacs (24 1))) "Slow keys mode to avoid RSI" single ((:commit . "b93ad77f9fc1d14e080d7d64864fc9cb222248b6") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Manuel Uberti" . "")) (:maintainer "Manuel Uberti" . "") (:url . ""))])
(slovak-holidays . [(20150418 855) nil "Adds a list of slovak holidays to Emacs calendar" single ((:commit . "effb16dfcd14797bf7448f5113085479db339c02") (:keywords "calendar") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . ""))])
@ -705,7 +705,7 @@
(show-css . [(20160210 1408) ((doom (1 3)) (s (1 10 0))) "Show the css of the html attribute the cursor is on" tar ((:commit . "771daeddd4df7a7c10f66419a837145649bab63b") (:keywords "hypermedia") (:authors ("Sheldon McGrandle" . "")) (:maintainer "Sheldon McGrandle" . "") (:url . ""))])
(shoulda . [(20140616 1833) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Shoulda test support for ruby" single ((:commit . "fbe8eb8efc6cfcca1713283a290882cfcdc8725e") (:keywords "ruby" "tests" "shoulda") (:authors ("Marcwebbie" . "")) (:maintainer "Marcwebbie" . ""))])
(shm . [(20180327 57) nil "Structured Haskell Mode" tar ((:commit . "7f9df73f45d107017c18ce4835bbc190dfe6782e") (:keywords "development" "haskell" "structured") (:authors ("Chris Done" . "")) (:maintainer "Chris Done" . ""))])
(shimbun . [(20190930 730) nil "interfacing with web newspapers" tar ((:commit . "bf2bbadf4bb0da0ba97f3fbd9d442e87db6a3b8e") (:keywords "news") (:authors ("TSUCHIYA Masatoshi" . "") ("Akihiro Arisawa " . "") ("Yuuichi Teranishi " . "") ("Katsumi Yamaoka " . "")) (:maintainer "TSUCHIYA Masatoshi" . ""))])
(shimbun . [(20190930 730) nil "interfacing with web newspapers" tar ((:commit . "20976387f5f43db537b05561a359e9f43bbfed27") (:keywords "news") (:authors ("TSUCHIYA Masatoshi" . "") ("Akihiro Arisawa " . "") ("Yuuichi Teranishi " . "") ("Katsumi Yamaoka " . "")) (:maintainer "TSUCHIYA Masatoshi" . ""))])
(shift-text . [(20130831 1655) ((cl-lib (1 0)) (es-lib (0 3))) "Move the region in 4 directions, in a way similar to Eclipse's" single ((:commit . "1be9cbf994000022172ceb746fe1d597f57ea8ba") (:authors ("sabof")) (:maintainer "sabof") (:url . ""))])
(shift-number . [(20170301 1459) nil "Increase/decrease the number at point" single ((:commit . "cd099a5582fc996b800ac7607f6c38a004ce9740") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "") (:url . ""))])
(shen-elisp . [(20180915 2028) ((emacs (24 4))) "Shen implementation in Elisp" tar ((:commit . "73b74c8d6e3a2ea34b667d177d9f130765bfe501") (:keywords "shen" "elisp") (:url . ""))])
@ -750,7 +750,7 @@
(seethru . [(20150218 1829) ((shadchen (1 4))) "Easily change Emacs' transparency" single ((:commit . "d87e231f99313bea75b1e69e48c0f32968c82060") (:keywords "lisp" "tools" "alpha" "transparency") (:authors ("Benaiah Mischenko" . "")) (:maintainer "Benaiah Mischenko" . "") (:url . ""))])
(seeing-is-believing . [(20170214 1320) nil "minor mode for running the seeing-is-believing ruby gem" single ((:commit . "fbbe246c0fda87bb26227bb826eebadb418a220f") (:authors ("John Cinnamond")) (:maintainer "John Cinnamond"))])
(see-mode . [(20180511 41) ((emacs (24 4)) (language-detection (0 1 0))) "Edit string in a separate buffer" single ((:commit . "b6e72ea90105b03816c334be9e43bb41dcc79abf") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Marcelo Muñoz" . "")) (:maintainer "Marcelo Muñoz" . "") (:url . ""))])
(secretaria . [(20190116 2000) ((emacs (24 4)) (alert (1 2)) (s (1 12)) (f (0 20 0)) (org (9))) "A personal assistant based on org-mode" single ((:commit . "40f2df829c8b858922559cd1dfbf13a9f78db3e8") (:keywords "org" "convenience") (:authors ("Jorge Araya Navarro" . "")) (:maintainer "Jorge Araya Navarro" . "") (:url . ""))])
(secretaria . [(20191128 250) ((emacs (24 4)) (alert (1 2)) (s (1 12)) (f (0 20 0)) (org (9))) "A personal assistant based on org-mode" single ((:commit . "03986130a2ada1fa952d45e83536729f20230fcf") (:keywords "org" "convenience") (:authors ("Jorge Araya Navarro" . "")) (:maintainer "Jorge Araya Navarro" . "") (:url . ""))])
(seclusion-mode . [(20121118 2353) nil "Edit in seclusion. A Dark Room mode." single ((:commit . "9634e76c52bfb7200ff0f9f01404f743429e9ef0") (:authors (nil . "Daniel Leslie")) (:maintainer nil . "Daniel Leslie") (:url . ""))])
(searchq . [(20150829 1211) ((emacs (24 3))) "Framework of queued search tasks using GREP, ACK, AG and more." tar ((:commit . "dd510d55ad66a82c6ef022cfe7c4a73ad5365f82") (:authors ("boyw165")) (:maintainer "boyw165"))])
(search-web . [(20150312 1103) nil "Post web search queries using `browse-url'." single ((:commit . "c4ae86ac1acfc572b81f3d78764bd9a54034c331") (:authors ("Tomoya Otake" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomoya Otake" . ""))])
@ -851,7 +851,7 @@
(rich-minority . [(20190419 1136) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Clean-up and Beautify the list of minor-modes." single ((:commit . "a03e693f6f9232cf75363aaaf1cb041f21675c19") (:keywords "mode-line" "faces") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rib-mode . [(20170726 1448) ((emacs (24))) "RenderMan® Interface Bytestream (RIB) Major Mode" single ((:commit . "97470158784c3c212e22e2c20b8471ee65ba59af") (:authors ("Remik Ziemlinski and Daniel Blezek" . "")) (:maintainer "Remik Ziemlinski and Daniel Blezek" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rhtml-mode . [(20130422 1311) nil "major mode for editing RHTML files" tar ((:commit . "a6d71b38a3db867ccf82999c99805db1a3a33c33"))])
(rg . [(20191126 1938) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (25 1)) (s (1 10 0)) (transient (0 1 0)) (wgrep (2 1 10))) "A search tool based on ripgrep." tar ((:commit . "0cb31319fb553bf973782789ae50172b309247b6") (:keywords "matching" "tools") (:authors ("David Landell" . "") ("Roland McGrath" . "")) (:maintainer "David Landell" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rg . [(20191127 1848) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (25 1)) (s (1 10 0)) (transient (0 1 0)) (wgrep (2 1 10))) "A search tool based on ripgrep." tar ((:commit . "aea2a87f1aa9d19835c628db4065b4e3c16b2b42") (:keywords "matching" "tools") (:authors ("David Landell" . "") ("Roland McGrath" . "")) (:maintainer "David Landell" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rfc-mode . [(20190525 1910) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (3 2))) "RFC document browser and viewer" single ((:commit . "e7d9e2f4cb9ff302231efe57af6fdc201e5b48f0") (:authors ("Nicolas Martyanoff" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Martyanoff" . "") (:url . ""))])
(reykjavik-theme . [(20180823 1544) ((emacs (24))) "Theme with a dark background." single ((:commit . "2cd0043ae6d046f812a95bb26398ea23141beccc") (:authors ("martin haesler")) (:maintainer "martin haesler"))])
(review-mode . [(20190728 1435) nil "major mode for ReVIEW" single ((:commit . "3066beb9f3b7ef64da870b829bec8fe73e84b07c") (:authors ("Kenshi Muto" . "")) (:maintainer "Kenshi Muto" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -865,8 +865,8 @@
(resize-window . [(20180918 538) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "easily resize windows" single ((:commit . "72018aa4d2401b60120588199d4cedd0dc1fbcfb") (:keywords "window" "resize") (:authors ("Dan Sutton " . "")) (:maintainer "Dan Sutton " . "") (:url . ""))])
(requirejs-mode . [(20130215 2104) nil "Improved AMD module management" single ((:commit . "bbb0c09f8eb2d6a33c17319be8137f68bb16bc92") (:keywords "javascript" "amd" "requirejs") (:authors ("Marc-Olivier Ricard" . "")) (:maintainer "Marc-Olivier Ricard" . ""))])
(requirejs . [(20151204 719) ((js2-mode (20150713)) (popup (0 5 3)) (s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (yasnippet (20151011 1823))) "Requirejs import manipulation and source traversal." tar ((:commit . "4ea2a5fcbc76e4cbb6a7461e6f05f019b75865b1") (:keywords "javascript" "requirejs") (:authors ("Joe Heyming" . "")) (:maintainer "Joe Heyming" . "") (:url . ""))])
(request-deferred . [(20181129 317) ((deferred (0 3 1)) (request (0 2 0))) "Wrap request.el by deferred" single ((:commit . "dec3f22acde7a466068769dfec43724a729d6add") (:authors ("Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at>")) (:maintainer "Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at>") (:url . ""))])
(request . [(20191127 728) ((emacs (24 4))) "Compatible layer for URL request in Emacs" single ((:commit . "dec3f22acde7a466068769dfec43724a729d6add") (:authors ("Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at>")) (:maintainer "Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at>") (:url . ""))])
(request-deferred . [(20181129 317) ((deferred (0 3 1)) (request (0 2 0))) "Wrap request.el by deferred" single ((:commit . "7eff9e7cc2809f41be4d6b9f732e2b06adb42628") (:authors ("Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at>")) (:maintainer "Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at>") (:url . ""))])
(request . [(20191127 1554) ((emacs (24 4))) "Compatible layer for URL request in Emacs" single ((:commit . "7eff9e7cc2809f41be4d6b9f732e2b06adb42628") (:authors ("Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at>")) (:maintainer "Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at>") (:url . ""))])
(req-package . [(20180122 500) ((use-package (1 0)) (dash (2 7 0)) (log4e (0 2 0)) (ht (0))) "A use-package wrapper for package runtime dependencies management" tar ((:commit . "0c0ac7451149dac6bfda2adfe959d1df1c273de6") (:keywords "dotemacs" "startup" "speed" "config" "package") (:authors ("Edward Knyshov" . "")) (:maintainer "Edward Knyshov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(repo . [(20190326 1644) ((emacs (24 3))) "Running repo from Emacs" single ((:commit . "c53c06169dec4e556982fb06ca780ca4708dc436") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Damien Merenne")) (:maintainer "Damien Merenne") (:url . ""))])
(replace-with-inflections . [(20180831 635) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (string-inflection (1 0 10)) (inflections (1 1))) "Inflection aware `query-replace'" single ((:commit . "d9201e047856492f282da65459b28aba25998dbb") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Akinori MUSHA" . "")) (:maintainer "Akinori MUSHA" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -951,7 +951,7 @@
(railscasts-theme . [(20150219 1525) nil "Railscasts color theme for GNU Emacs." single ((:commit . "1340c3f6c2717761cab95617cf8dcbd962b1095b") (:keywords "railscasts" "color" "theme") (:authors ("Oleg Shaldybin")) (:maintainer "Oleg Shaldybin") (:url . ""))])
(railscasts-reloaded-theme . [(20190308 759) nil "Railscasts Reloaded color theme" single ((:commit . "c6a1cf13a164f22b026b0959527c3b98c2b1aa49") (:authors ("George Thomas" . "")) (:maintainer "George Thomas" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rails-log-mode . [(20140408 425) nil "Major mode for viewing Rails log files" single ((:commit . "ff440003ad7d47cb0ac3300f2a632f4cfd36a446") (:keywords "rails" "log") (:authors ("Anantha kumaran" . "")) (:maintainer "Anantha kumaran" . ""))])
(racket-mode . [(20191112 1417) ((emacs (24 3)) (faceup (0 0 2))) "Major mode for Racket language." tar ((:commit . "94096f40e5a11195974d614bb140c062b56038dc") (:authors ("Greg Hendershott")) (:maintainer "Greg Hendershott") (:url . ""))])
(racket-mode . [(20191123 1604) ((emacs (24 3)) (faceup (0 0 2))) "Major mode for Racket language." tar ((:commit . "914c73ecd1166c9bc4fa227bb7051c87ade0030b") (:authors ("Greg Hendershott")) (:maintainer "Greg Hendershott") (:url . ""))])
(racer . [(20191001 2344) ((emacs (25 1)) (rust-mode (0 2 0)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 18 2)) (pos-tip (0 4 6))) "code completion, goto-definition and docs browsing for Rust via racer" single ((:commit . "a0bdf778f01e8c4b8a92591447257422ac0b455b") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "matching" "rust" "tools") (:authors ("Phil Dawes")) (:maintainer "Phil Dawes") (:url . ""))])
(r-autoyas . [(20140101 1510) ((ess (0)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Provides automatically created yasnippets for R function argument lists." tar ((:commit . "b4020ee7f5f895e0065b8b26da8a49c51432d530") (:keywords "r" "yasnippet") (:authors ("Sven Hartenstein & Matthew Fidler")) (:maintainer "Matthew Fidler") (:url . ""))])
(quiz . [(20190525 1206) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (25))) "Multiple choice quiz game" single ((:commit . "570bf53926d89282cdb9653bd5aa8fe968f92bbd") (:keywords "games" "trivia" "quiz") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "")) (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -989,7 +989,7 @@
(pytest . [(20181005 1524) ((s (1 9 0))) "Easy Python test running in Emacs" single ((:commit . "1bfa7549001e61ecd59cd6eae7c6656a924d1ba4") (:keywords "pytest" "python" "testing") (:url . ""))])
(pyramid . [(20181212 1204) ((emacs (25 2)) (pythonic (0 1 1)) (tablist (0 70))) "Minor mode for working with pyramid projects" tar ((:commit . "05697e881a8b57c4f183344c42ae36662b180663") (:keywords "python" "pyramid" "pylons" "convenience" "tools" "processes") (:authors ("Daniel Kraus" . "")) (:maintainer "Daniel Kraus" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pynt . [(20180710 726) ((emacs (24 4)) (ein (0 13 1)) (epc (0 1 1)) (deferred (0 5 1))) "Generate and scroll EIN buffers from python code" single ((:commit . "86cf9ce78d34f92bfd0764c9cbb75427ebd429e6") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Edward Banner" . "")) (:maintainer "Edward Banner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pylint . [(20170402 1255) nil "minor mode for running `pylint'" single ((:commit . "01dfa522195d79217c43065d3d013e2ee31d47b7") (:keywords "languages" "python") (:authors ("Ian Eure" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Kotta" . ""))])
(pylint . [(20170402 1255) nil "minor mode for running `pylint'" single ((:commit . "04e72bc0f91c7085bfb2922bdf9afffde1286dff") (:keywords "languages" "python") (:authors ("Ian Eure" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Kotta" . ""))])
(pyimpsort . [(20160130 453) ((emacs (24 3))) "Sort python imports." tar ((:commit . "d5c61d70896b642646dfd3c809c06174ae086c1a") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pyimport . [(20180308 1752) ((dash (2 8 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (shut-up (0 3 2))) "Manage Python imports!" single ((:commit . "a6f63cf7ed93f0c0f7c207e6595813966f8852b9") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . ""))])
(pyim-wbdict . [(20190201 2300) ((pyim (1 0))) "Some wubi dicts for pyim" tar ((:commit . "9799b689643052078f53d69342a82315251490f4") (:keywords "convenience" "chinese" "pinyin" "input-method" "complete") (:authors ("Feng Shu" . "")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@
(psc-ide . [(20190326 2110) ((emacs (25)) (dash (2 13 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (company (0 8 7)) (s (1 10 0)) (flycheck (0 24)) (let-alist (1 0 4)) (seq (1 11))) "Minor mode for PureScript's psc-ide tool." tar ((:commit . "a10cc85565f330ee277698b27f3f715fef2e1ce2") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Erik Post" . "") ("Dmitry Bushenko" . "") ("Christoph Hegemann") ("Brian Sermons")) (:maintainer "Erik Post" . "") (:url . ""))])
(proxy-mode . [(20190130 8) ((emacs (25))) "A minor mode to toggle proxy." single ((:commit . "a6c55e97dbe4ec4df9dc21d234cabe806dce3a29") (:keywords "comm" "proxy") (:url . ""))])
(protocols . [(20170802 1132) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Protocol database access functions." single ((:commit . "d0f7c4acb05465f1a0d4be54363bbd2802647e77") (:keywords "convenience" "net" "protocols") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "")) (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(protobuf-mode . [(20170526 1650) nil "major mode for editing protocol buffers." single ((:commit . "058d5b0d716744054dc95788c58abf43954c266e") (:keywords "google" "protobuf" "languages") (:authors ("Alexandre Vassalotti" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexandre Vassalotti" . ""))])
(protobuf-mode . [(20170526 1650) nil "major mode for editing protocol buffers." single ((:commit . "e6c5a3b57d20384775950c4f85310e82a4f7a69b") (:keywords "google" "protobuf" "languages") (:authors ("Alexandre Vassalotti" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexandre Vassalotti" . ""))])
(prosjekt . [(20151127 1416) ((dash (2 8 0))) "a software project tool for emacs" tar ((:commit . "a864a8be5842223043702395f311e3350c28e9db") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "") (:url . ""))])
(proportional . [(20190806 1901) ((emacs (25 1))) "use a proportional font everywhere" single ((:commit . "f600b7ed2ab19a3072adad3f47048a5bbdb82703") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Johannes Goslar")) (:maintainer "Johannes Goslar") (:url . ""))])
(propfont-mixed . [(20150113 2211) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Use proportional fonts with space-based indentation." single ((:commit . "0b461ef4754a469610dba71874a34b6da42176bf") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Kirill Ignatiev <>")) (:maintainer "Kirill Ignatiev <>") (:url . ""))])
@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@
(projectile-git-autofetch . [(20191013 1806) ((emacs (25 1)) (projectile (0 14 0)) (alert (1 2))) "automatically fetch git repositories" single ((:commit . "4a3eba7658a52c6e955d5f7085cd3fd62b53b9c6") (:keywords "tools" "vc") (:authors ("Andreas Müller" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreas Müller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(projectile-direnv . [(20160306 138) ((emacs (24)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (projectile (0 13 0))) "Set environment variables from .envrc" single ((:commit . "d5d29e5228f840b7a25358a2fd50353ef2dc9b16") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Christian Romney" . "")) (:maintainer "Christian Romney" . "") (:url . ""))])
(projectile-codesearch . [(20180508 1522) ((codesearch (20171122 431)) (projectile (20150405 126))) "Integration of codesearch into projectile" single ((:commit . "f6eb96f034a925444412cfa03e45e0ccbbafe3f2") (:keywords "tools" "development" "search") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "") (:url . ""))])
(projectile . [(20191024 721) ((emacs (25 1)) (pkg-info (0 4))) "Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily" single ((:commit . "a9a4ce46c1d3ef24b6a6ea04bb206d9aa875328b") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(projectile . [(20191127 1829) ((emacs (25 1)) (pkg-info (0 4))) "Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily" single ((:commit . "520767bd5c21e172fd95bb42c5a7631b07f2ff9a") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(project-shells . [(20191123 914) ((emacs (24 3)) (seq (2 19))) "Manage the shell buffers of each project" single ((:commit . "5aea9ee0de93f2568afb3f18bb7b43a9715a9a2d") (:keywords "processes" "terminals") (:authors ("\"Huang, Ying\"" . "")) (:maintainer "\"Huang, Ying\"" . "") (:url . ""))])
(project-root . [(20110206 2030) nil "Define a project root and take actions based upon it." single ((:commit . "a49b1be864357683d9489074148b6d667f4ed23b") (:authors ("Philip Jackson" . "")) (:maintainer "Philip Jackson" . ""))])
(project-persist-drawer . [(20151108 1222) ((project-persist (0 3))) "Use a project drawer with project-persist." tar ((:commit . "35bbe132a4fab6a0fec15ce6c0fd2fe6a4aa9626"))])
@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@
(pov-mode . [(20161115 743) nil "Major mode for editing POV-Ray scene files." tar ((:commit . "9fc1db3aab7c27155674dd1a87ec62606035d074"))])
(postcss-sorting . [(20180211 956) ((emacs (24))) "postcss-sorting interface" single ((:commit . "deb0c935d2904c11a965758a9aee5a0e905f21fc") (:authors ("Peiwen Lu" . "")) (:maintainer "Peiwen Lu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(posframe . [(20191108 745) ((emacs (26))) "Pop a posframe (just a frame) at point" single ((:commit . "952089375b1cbe98217f5d5210bfef7b1bfd56f6") (:keywords "convenience" "tooltip") (:authors ("Feng Shu" . "")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pos-tip . [(20150318 1513) nil "Show tooltip at point" single ((:commit . "051e08fec5cf30b7574bdf439f79fef7d42d689d") (:keywords "tooltip") (:authors ("S. Irie")) (:maintainer "S. Irie"))])
(pos-tip . [(20191127 1028) nil "Show tooltip at point" single ((:commit . "c9ced6c485788a4556161f8e3b7893d230a49db2") (:keywords "tooltip") (:authors ("S. Irie")) (:maintainer "S. Irie"))])
(porthole . [(20190721 1428) ((emacs (26)) (elnode (0 9 9 8)) (f (0 19 0)) (json-rpc-server (0 1 2))) "RPC Servers in Emacs" single ((:commit . "0e73b8e527cfc9ecba2fa4f88382f588fb4a300d") (:keywords "comm" "rpc" "http" "json") (:authors ("GitHub user \"Jcaw\"")) (:maintainer "GitHub user \"Jcaw\"") (:url . ""))])
(portage-navi . [(20141208 1355) ((concurrent (0 3 1)) (ctable (0 1 2))) "portage viewer" single ((:commit . "8016c3e99fe6cef101d479a3d69185796b22ca2f") (:keywords "tools" "gentoo") (:authors ("<m.sakurai at>")) (:maintainer "<m.sakurai at>") (:url . ""))])
(popwin . [(20150315 1300) nil "Popup Window Manager." single ((:commit . "95dea14c60019d6cccf9a3b33e0dec4e1f22c304") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomohiro Matsuyama" . ""))])
@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@
(php-scratch . [(20161103 2217) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 11 0)) (php-mode (1 17 0))) "A scratch buffer to interactively evaluate php code" single ((:commit . "3aa66d1d53b84b779374edff7a7e6b5f2cd7575d") (:authors ("Tijs Mallaerts" . "")) (:maintainer "Tijs Mallaerts" . ""))])
(php-runtime . [(20181212 1825) ((emacs (25)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (f (0 20)) (s (1 7))) "Language binding bridge to PHP" single ((:commit . "017e0e70f07d6b25e37d5c5f4d271a914b677631") (:keywords "processes" "php") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
(php-refactor-mode . [(20171124 635) nil "Minor mode to quickly and safely perform common refactorings" single ((:commit . "7a794b0618df2882b1bd586fdd698dba0bc5130d") (:keywords "php" "refactor") (:authors ("Matthew M. Keeler" . "")) (:maintainer "Matthew M. Keeler" . "") (:url . ""))])
(php-mode . [(20191126 1544) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing PHP code" tar ((:commit . "09e0a25908a95ec5dbcb80a3b7bf071bad6d1a23") (:keywords "languages" "php") (:authors ("Eric James Michael Ritz")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
(php-mode . [(20191127 1348) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing PHP code" tar ((:commit . "282259368e036ace3b9da532e56a049992380007") (:keywords "languages" "php") (:authors ("Eric James Michael Ritz")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
(php-eldoc . [(20140202 1941) nil "eldoc backend for php" tar ((:commit . "df05064146b884d9081e10657e32dc480f070cfe") (:authors ("sabof")) (:maintainer "sabof") (:url . ""))])
(php-cs-fixer . [(20190207 1126) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "php-cs-fixer wrapper." single ((:commit . "6540006710daf2b2d47576968ea826a83a40a6bf") (:keywords "languages" "php") (:authors ("Philippe Ivaldi for OVYA")) (:maintainer "Philippe Ivaldi for OVYA") (:url . ""))])
(php-boris-minor-mode . [(20140209 1835) ((php-boris (0 0 1)) (highlight (0))) "a minor mode to evaluate PHP code in the Boris repl" single ((:commit . "c70e176dd6545f2d42ca3427e87b469635616d8a") (:keywords "php" "repl" "eval") (:authors ("steckerhalter")) (:maintainer "steckerhalter") (:url . ""))])
@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@
(pg . [(20130731 2142) nil "Emacs Lisp interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS" single ((:commit . "4f6516ec3946d95dcef49abb6703cc89ecb5183d") (:keywords "data" "comm" "database" "postgresql") (:authors ("Eric Marsden" . "")) (:maintainer "Helmut Eller" . ""))])
(pfuture . [(20190505 1006) ((emacs (25 2))) "a simple wrapper around asynchronous processes" single ((:commit . "368254ee30692c709400db413c347e18e76a8a55") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(perspeen . [(20171203 1021) ((emacs (25 0)) (powerline (2 4))) "An package for multi-workspace" tar ((:commit . "edb70c530bda50ff3d1756e32a703d5fef5e5480") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Peng Li" . "")) (:maintainer "Peng Li" . "") (:url . ""))])
(perspective . [(20191126 958) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "switch between named \"perspectives\" of the editor" single ((:commit . "bd8c8346140748b2f685e951741e42c0bd71fd04") (:keywords "workspace" "convenience" "frames") (:authors ("Natalie Weizenbaum" . "")) (:maintainer "Natalie Weizenbaum" . "") (:url . ""))])
(perspective . [(20191127 1849) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "switch between named \"perspectives\" of the editor" single ((:commit . "085b1605afcdac4d7be6b965fc8b33a99b37ca27") (:keywords "workspace" "convenience" "frames") (:authors ("Natalie Weizenbaum" . "")) (:maintainer "Natalie Weizenbaum" . "") (:url . ""))])
(persp-projectile . [(20180616 1944) ((perspective (1 9)) (projectile (0 11 0)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "Perspective integration with Projectile" single ((:commit . "533808b3e4f8f95a1e3ed9c55d9aa720277ebd5f") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Daniel Wu")) (:maintainer "Daniel Wu"))])
(persp-mode-projectile-bridge . [(20170315 1120) ((persp-mode (2 9)) (projectile (0 13 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "persp-mode + projectile integration." single ((:commit . "f6453cd7b8b4352c06e771706f2c5b7e2cdff1ce") (:keywords "persp-mode" "projectile") (:authors ("Constantin Kulikov (Bad_ptr)" . "")) (:maintainer "Constantin Kulikov (Bad_ptr)" . "") (:url . ""))])
(persp-mode . [(20190511 1402) nil "windows/buffers sets shared among frames + save/load." single ((:commit . "e330e6240bbb82589077f30472b05b95d1ff430d") (:keywords "perspectives" "session" "workspace" "persistence" "windows" "buffers" "convenience") (:authors ("Constantin Kulikov (Bad_ptr)" . "")) (:maintainer "Constantin Kulikov (Bad_ptr)" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -1614,7 +1614,7 @@
(nova-theme . [(20191105 1829) ((emacs (24 3))) "A dark, pastel color theme" single ((:commit . "fc4ce3f420a7456a9ca4166d8d3038c10b61a53c") (:keywords "theme" "dark" "nova" "pastel" "faces") (:authors ("Muir Manders" . "")) (:maintainer "Muir Manders" . "") (:url . ""))])
(nov . [(20190821 1920) ((dash (2 12 0)) (esxml (0 3 3)) (emacs (24 4))) "Featureful EPUB reader mode" single ((:commit . "ecbdecc927a3b3f7e0927d225e6e6464c244c2ae") (:keywords "hypermedia" "multimedia" "epub") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(notmuch-labeler . [(20131230 1719) ((notmuch (0))) "Improve notmuch way of displaying labels" tar ((:commit . "d65d1129555d368243df4770ecc1e7ccb88efc58") (:keywords "emacs" "package" "elisp" "notmuch" "emails") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))])
(notmuch . [(20190525 1602) nil "run notmuch within emacs" tar ((:commit . "bb843f63fc0469c2660d5d0a7b49602fcfb2c879") (:url . ""))])
(notmuch . [(20190525 1602) nil "run notmuch within emacs" tar ((:commit . "dc2b5a031bb63cd71133237ca5d74ef1223a8925") (:url . ""))])
(nose . [(20140520 1648) nil "Easy Python test running in Emacs" single ((:commit . "194d7789bf797f31ea0adc45f08beb66ae9ea98e") (:keywords "nose" "python" "testing"))])
(northcode-theme . [(20180423 1649) ((emacs (24))) "A dark theme focused on blue and orange colors." single ((:commit . "4d3750461ba25ec45321318b5f1af4e8fdf16147") (:authors ("Andreas Larsen" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreas Larsen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(nordless-theme . [(20190802 725) ((colorless-themes (0 1))) "A colorless theme inspired by nord" single ((:commit . "12678144d17edf36d34e6bcdc5435593e191d96d") (:keywords "theme") (:authors ("Thomas Letan" . "")) (:maintainer "Thomas Letan" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -1895,7 +1895,7 @@
(magit-popup . [(20190223 2234) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9 2)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Define prefix-infix-suffix command combos" tar ((:commit . "4250c3a606011e3ff2477e3b5bbde2b493f3c85c") (:keywords "bindings") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit-p4 . [(20170414 1246) ((magit (2 1)) (magit-popup (2 1)) (p4 (12 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "git-p4 plug-in for Magit" single ((:commit . "cdc05f2d564409baac9ca15b1a2a0110a6ff12b7") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Damian T. Dobroczy\\\\'nski" . "")) (:maintainer "Aleksey Fedotov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit-org-todos . [(20180709 1950) ((magit (2 0 0)) (emacs (24))) "Add local todo items to the magit status buffer" single ((:commit . "9ffa3efb098434d837cab4bacd1601fdfc6fe999") (:keywords "org-mode" "magit" "tools") (:authors ("Daniel Ma")) (:maintainer "Daniel Ma") (:url . ""))])
(magit-libgit . [(20190419 1545) ((emacs (26 1)) (magit (0)) (libgit (0))) "Libgit functionality" single ((:commit . "d65f6c853b8f147b927989e97b71010bc245acce") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit-libgit . [(20190419 1545) ((emacs (26 1)) (magit (0)) (libgit (0))) "Libgit functionality" single ((:commit . "75018ac991b8ab4d07193a8b00210855a10b85e4") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit-lfs . [(20190831 118) ((emacs (24 4)) (magit (2 10 3)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Magit plugin for Git LFS" single ((:commit . "75bf6d3310eae24889589a09e96a4a855e1a11c4") (:keywords "magit" "git" "lfs" "tools" "vc") (:authors ("Junyoung Clare Jang" . "")) (:maintainer "Junyoung Clare Jang" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit-imerge . [(20191105 2245) ((emacs (24 4)) (magit (2 10 0))) "Magit extension for git-imerge" single ((:commit . "a7357ab87c89187234fe333bb869727c417638d1") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Kyle Meyer" . "")) (:maintainer "Kyle Meyer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit-gitflow . [(20170929 824) ((magit (2 1 0)) (magit-popup (2 2 0))) "gitflow extension for magit" single ((:commit . "cc41b561ec6eea947fe9a176349fb4f771ed865b") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Jan Tatarik" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Tatarik" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -1906,7 +1906,7 @@
(magit-diff-flycheck . [(20190524 551) ((magit (2)) (flycheck (31)) (seq (2)) (emacs (25 1))) "Report errors in diffs" single ((:commit . "28acf74f59e385865746cccf4b1e4c4025ae9433") (:keywords "convenience" "matching") (:authors ("Alex Ragone" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Ragone" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit-circleci . [(20190814 1723) ((dash (2 16 0)) (transient (0 1 0)) (magit (2 90 0)) (emacs (25 3))) "CircleCI integration for Magit" single ((:commit . "03101bd9cdbdfd779471a4c6d3d00ebadc8ca4a2") (:keywords "circleci" "continuous" "integration" "magit" "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Adrien Brochard")) (:maintainer "Adrien Brochard") (:url . ""))])
(magit-annex . [(20190421 241) ((cl-lib (0 3)) (magit (2 90 0))) "Control git-annex from Magit" single ((:commit . "d5d819c609256a3b7b11ccaf6664be61aa3597b6") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Kyle Meyer" . "") ("Rémi Vanicat" . "")) (:maintainer "Kyle Meyer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit . [(20191123 1420) ((emacs (25 1)) (async (20180527)) (dash (20180910)) (git-commit (20181104)) (transient (20190812)) (with-editor (20181103))) "A Git porcelain inside Emacs." tar ((:commit . "d65f6c853b8f147b927989e97b71010bc245acce") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc"))])
(magit . [(20191128 39) ((emacs (25 1)) (async (20180527)) (dash (20180910)) (git-commit (20181104)) (transient (20190812)) (with-editor (20181103))) "A Git porcelain inside Emacs." tar ((:commit . "75018ac991b8ab4d07193a8b00210855a10b85e4") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc"))])
(magik-mode . [(20191119 2050) nil "mode for editing Magik + some utils." tar ((:commit . "11ea02254f2bdfaecc12a75545c558fd37b98954") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))])
(magic-latex-buffer . [(20191106 241) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 3))) "Magically enhance LaTeX-mode font-locking for semi-WYSIWYG editing" single ((:commit . "8597f4db70732d6e479396e2f2a7e78742387253") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
(magic-filetype . [(20180219 1552) ((emacs (24)) (s (1 9 0))) "Enhance filetype major mode" single ((:commit . "019494add5ff02dd36cb3f500142fc51125522cc") (:keywords "emulations" "vim" "ft" "file" "magic-mode") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -1930,11 +1930,11 @@
(lsp-treemacs . [(20191121 1951) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (dash-functional (2 14 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (ht (2 0)) (treemacs (2 5)) (lsp-mode (6 0))) "LSP treemacs" tar ((:commit . "ee56c75ea342e6d5803518f7b577e0039c93e032") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Ivan Yonchovski")) (:maintainer "Ivan Yonchovski") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-sourcekit . [(20181216 1450) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (5))) "sourcekit-lsp client for lsp-mode" single ((:commit . "04d75b6a0be5894fea4a55fec0b2ccedf5b3be58") (:keywords "languages" "lsp" "swift" "objective-c" "c++") (:authors ("Daniel Martín")) (:maintainer "Daniel Martín") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-scala . [(20190604 1237) ((emacs (24 4)) (lsp-mode (5 0)) (sbt-mode (2 0))) "Scala support for lsp-mode" single ((:commit . "06f189aa5cafe93cecbdaa234bccd900def7bc68") (:keywords "languages" "tools" "scala" "lsp" "metals") (:authors ("Ross A. Baker" . "")) (:maintainer "Ross A. Baker" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-python-ms . [(20191119 1605) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (lsp-mode (6 0))) "The lsp-mode client for Microsoft python-language-server" single ((:commit . "d8fa9d9eea03a457eaf9944c6188107ff2ed342c") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Charl Botha")) (:maintainer "Andrew Christianson, Vincent Zhang") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-python-ms . [(20191127 1009) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (lsp-mode (6 0))) "The lsp-mode client for Microsoft python-language-server" single ((:commit . "acf05f1ec3d4a81dbe59a0cfe9c67adbcde5ce27") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Charl Botha")) (:maintainer "Andrew Christianson, Vincent Zhang") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-pyre . [(20190406 335) ((lsp-mode (6 0))) "lsp-mode client for python using pyre" single ((:commit . "e177b8f5efd1a955b5753aeb5d1894e6d21be35a") (:authors ("John Allen" . "")) (:maintainer "John Allen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-p4 . [(20190127 1049) ((lsp-mode (3 0))) "P4 support for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "54dd19d88cd561061ac3103dc452d6854e5899fa") (:keywords "lsp" "p4") (:authors ("Dmitri Makarov")) (:maintainer "Dmitri Makarov") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-origami . [(20190331 1723) ((origami (1 0)) (lsp-mode (20190326 522))) "origami.el support for lsp-mode" single ((:commit . "c7653602a2f2396b1a42d6053fd2be55fce8e0a2") (:keywords "languages" "lsp-mode") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-mode . [(20191126 739) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (dash-functional (2 14 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (ht (2 0)) (spinner (1 7 3)) (markdown-mode (2 3))) "LSP mode" tar ((:commit . "a6ec2006400518e5c7851c67ba11483de07709b5") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant, Fangrui Song, Ivan Yonchovski")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant, Fangrui Song, Ivan Yonchovski") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-mode . [(20191128 648) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (dash-functional (2 14 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (ht (2 0)) (spinner (1 7 3)) (markdown-mode (2 3))) "LSP mode" tar ((:commit . "68faced9e9dcee61efc3bb7eca07331df9206b6b") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant, Fangrui Song, Ivan Yonchovski")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant, Fangrui Song, Ivan Yonchovski") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-julia . [(20191011 1005) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (6 0)) (julia-mode (0 3))) "Julia support for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "da66e78eb601b1652c3a9096e0ceea6b852aa6a0") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Martin Wolke" . "") ("Adam Beckmeyer" . "") ("Guido Kraemer" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Beckmeyer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-javacomp . [(20190124 1755) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (3 0)) (s (1 2 0))) "Provide Java IDE features powered by JavaComp." single ((:commit . "82aa4ad6ca03a74565c35e855b318b1887bcd89b") (:keywords "java" "tools" "lsp") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-java . [(20191115 1712) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (6 0)) (markdown-mode (2 3)) (dash (2 14 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (ht (2 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (request (0 3 0)) (treemacs (2 5))) "Java support for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "df90761021e856ee40574601498afd0b4d478d66") (:keywords "java") (:url . ""))])
@ -1988,7 +1988,7 @@
(list-environment . [(20151227 256) nil "A tabulated process environment editor" single ((:commit . "b7ca30b05905047be2e55199a6475f8d98ce318b") (:keywords "processes" "unix") (:authors ("Charles L.G. Comstock" . "")) (:maintainer "Charles L.G. Comstock" . ""))])
(lispyville . [(20190719 141) ((lispy (0)) (evil (1 2 12)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 4))) "A minor mode for integrating evil with lispy." single ((:commit . "56198f1c4488a52a0d0512c717dff36e8b9fbfd0") (:keywords "vim" "evil" "lispy" "lisp" "parentheses") (:authors ("Fox Kiester" . "")) (:maintainer "Fox Kiester" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lispyscript-mode . [(20170720 1917) nil "Major mode for LispyScript code." single ((:commit . "def632e3335b0c481fbcf5a17f18b0a8c58dd12f") (:keywords "lisp" "languages") (:authors ("Kris Jenkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Kris Jenkins" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lispy . [(20191120 1054) ((emacs (24 3)) (ace-window (0 9 0)) (iedit (0 9 9)) (counsel (0 11 0)) (hydra (0 14 0)) (zoutline (0 1 0))) "vi-like Paredit" tar ((:commit . "1705e4931e8db8e43740a4dfc9ace104a6affc4f"))])
(lispy . [(20191127 1003) ((emacs (24 3)) (ace-window (0 9 0)) (iedit (0 9 9)) (counsel (0 11 0)) (hydra (0 14 0)) (zoutline (0 1 0))) "vi-like Paredit" tar ((:commit . "8055a42bb502c57923fc1435bc45209f2add6284"))])
(lispxmp . [(20170926 23) nil "Automagic emacs lisp code annotation" single ((:commit . "7ad077b4ee91ce8a42f84eeddb9fc7ea4eac7814") (:keywords "lisp" "convenience") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lisp-extra-font-lock . [(20181008 1921) nil "Highlight bound variables and quoted exprs." single ((:commit . "4605eccbe1a7fcbd3cacf5b71249435413b4db4f") (:keywords "languages" "faces") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:url . ""))])
(lisp-butt-mode . [(20191024 1229) ((emacs (25))) "Slim Lisp Butts" single ((:commit . "47007084d0893373731fabd828c4d4f28058f8e1") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Marco Wahl" . "")) (:maintainer "Marco Wahl" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -2127,7 +2127,7 @@
(jumblr . [(20170727 2043) ((s (1 8 0)) (dash (2 2 0))) "an anagram game for emacs" tar ((:commit . "34533dfb9db8538c005f4eaffafeff7ed193729f") (:keywords "anagram" "word game" "games") (:url . ""))])
(julia-shell . [(20161125 1910) ((julia-mode (0 3))) "Major mode for an inferior Julia shell" tar ((:commit . "583a0b2ca20461ab4356929fd0f2212c22341b69") (:authors ("Dennis Ogbe" . "")) (:maintainer "Dennis Ogbe" . ""))])
(julia-repl . [(20191124 1534) ((emacs (25)) (s (1 12))) "A minor mode for a Julia REPL" tar ((:commit . "f30dc29c4a9b08962f4f1264e35f6ba9a062c8e3") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Tamas Papp" . "")) (:maintainer "Tamas Papp" . "") (:url . ""))])
(julia-mode . [(20191108 1436) nil "Major mode for editing Julia source code" tar ((:commit . "addd3d461b21d83da13331b96f198e908cd9b95e") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))])
(julia-mode . [(20191108 1436) nil "Major mode for editing Julia source code" tar ((:commit . "61e22f681fa2c0984112f1ee17cf861b37d544e4") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))])
(jtags . [(20160211 2029) nil "enhanced tags functionality for Java development" tar ((:commit . "b50daa48510f71e74ce0ec2eb85030896a79cf96") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Alexander Baltatzis" . "") ("Johan Dykstrom" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Dykstrom" . "") (:url . ""))])
(jsx-mode . [(20191116 1044) nil "major mode for JSX, an altJS" single ((:commit . "e3f52e9c5ea2a61cbe288d8cd3525a335f5d3afd") (:authors ("Takeshi Arabiki (abicky)")) (:maintainer "Takeshi Arabiki (abicky)") (:url . ""))])
(jst . [(20150604 1138) ((s (1 9)) (f (0 17)) (dash (2 10)) (pcache (0 3)) (emacs (24 4))) "JS test mode" single ((:commit . "2a3fd16c992f7790dc67134ef06a814c3d20579c") (:keywords "js" "javascript" "jasmine" "coffee" "coffeescript") (:authors ("Cheung Hoi Yu" . "")) (:maintainer "Cheung Hoi Yu" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -2219,7 +2219,7 @@
(ivy-omni-org . [(20191112 2037) ((emacs (25 1)) (ivy (0 10)) (dash (2 12))) "Browse anything in Org mode" single ((:commit . "c93d34da3367fd15116ac24200afa3f653bf1949") (:keywords "outlines") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-mpdel . [(20190428 920) ((emacs (25 1)) (ivy (0 10 0)) (libmpdel (1 0 0)) (mpdel (1 0 0))) "Ivy interface to navigate MPD" single ((:commit . "a42dcc943914c71975c115195d38c739f25e475c") (:keywords "multimedia") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-lobsters . [(20171202 2041) ((ivy (0 8 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Browse stories with ivy." single ((:commit . "4364df4b3685fd1b50865ac9360fb948c0288dd1") (:authors ("Julien Blanchard <>")) (:maintainer "Julien Blanchard <>") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-hydra . [(20191018 1251) ((emacs (24 5)) (ivy (0 13 0)) (hydra (0 15 0))) "Additional key bindings for Ivy" single ((:commit . "657e6b4d3f2d9783dc87389f460e1145ce26fa70") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-hydra . [(20191018 1251) ((emacs (24 5)) (ivy (0 13 0)) (hydra (0 15 0))) "Additional key bindings for Ivy" single ((:commit . "4ba0944bec05c22d695fd5b89527160603649d62") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-historian . [(20190111 313) ((emacs (24 4)) (historian (20170111)) (ivy (0 8 0)) (flx (0 6 1))) "Persistently store selected minibuffer candidates" single ((:commit . "64f4ef8cd4e417dfa090138a2d4ea1e72fd4456a") (:keywords "convenience" "ivy") (:authors ("PythonNut" . "")) (:maintainer "PythonNut" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-gitlab . [(20181228 826) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 9 0)) (ivy (0 8 0)) (gitlab (0 8))) "Ivy interface to Gitlab" single ((:commit . "8c2324c02119500f094c2f92dfaba4c9977ce1ba") (:keywords "gitlab" "ivy") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-feedwrangler . [(20180618 1522) nil "No description available." single ((:commit . "051eac49cae32b16fab2e06ff0115cd8fb5dc499"))])
@ -2228,7 +2228,7 @@
(ivy-dired-history . [(20170626 556) ((ivy (0 9 0)) (counsel (0 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "use ivy to open recent directories" single ((:commit . "c9c67ea1ee5e68443f0e6006ba162d6c8d868b69") (:authors ("纪秀峰" . "")) (:maintainer "纪秀峰" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-clojuredocs . [(20190907 2053) ((edn (1 1 2)) (ivy (0 12 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Search for help in" single ((:commit . "dd33a25f1de4339f75f05689ed60fe1b1c97f554") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Wanderson Ferreira" . "")) (:maintainer "Wanderson Ferreira" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-bibtex . [(20191028 1313) ((swiper (0 7 0)) (parsebib (1 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 6 0)) (f (0 16 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (biblio (0 2))) "A bibliography manager based on Ivy" tar ((:commit . "d4471232be26793fbf56c0ac3690b5f537c378b9") (:authors ("Justin Burkett" . "")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . ""))])
(ivy . [(20191125 1409) ((emacs (24 5))) "Incremental Vertical completYon" tar ((:commit . "657e6b4d3f2d9783dc87389f460e1145ce26fa70") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy . [(20191125 1409) ((emacs (24 5))) "Incremental Vertical completYon" tar ((:commit . "4ba0944bec05c22d695fd5b89527160603649d62") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivs-edit . [(20170818 1441) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 6 0)) (cl-lib (1 0))) "IVS (Ideographic Variation Sequence) editing tool" tar ((:commit . "5db39c234aa7393b591168a4fd0a9a4cbbca347d") (:keywords "text") (:authors ("KAWABATA, Taichi <>")) (:maintainer "KAWABATA, Taichi <>") (:url . ""))])
(ivariants . [(20170823 224) ((emacs (24 3)) (ivs-edit (1 0))) "Ideographic variants editor and browser" tar ((:commit . "ca0b74d32b5d2d77a45cc6ad6edc00be0ee85284") (:keywords "i18n" "languages") (:authors ("KAWABATA, Taichi <>")) (:maintainer "KAWABATA, Taichi <>") (:url . ""))])
(iterator . [(20170207 838) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "A library to create and use elisp iterators objects." single ((:commit . "9da54f9aed945b46866782cdf962c9e530419297") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto <thierry dot volpiatto at gmail dot com>")) (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto <thierry dot volpiatto at gmail dot com>") (:url . ""))])
@ -2450,7 +2450,7 @@
(hercules . [(20190929 637) ((emacs (24 4)) (which-key (3 3 2))) "An auto-magical, which-key-based hydra banisher." single ((:commit . "031f8eec95240fc46481061f0f44822c0f7fe65e") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Uros Perisic")) (:maintainer "Uros Perisic") (:url . ""))])
(hemisu-theme . [(20130508 1844) nil "Hemisu for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "5c206561aa2c844ecdf3e3b672c3235e559ddd7f") (:authors ("Andrzej Sliwa")) (:maintainer "Andrzej Sliwa") (:url . "http://github/anrzejsliwa/django-theme"))])
(hemera-theme . [(20180916 924) ((emacs (24))) "Light theme" single ((:commit . "b67c902b210b37b00cac68726822404543147ba8") (:keywords "themes" "light-theme") (:authors ("Guido Schmidt")) (:maintainer "Guido Schmidt" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helpful . [(20191001 9) ((emacs (25)) (dash (2 12 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (f (0 20 0)) (elisp-refs (1 2))) "a better *help* buffer" single ((:commit . "e2609e4ae9e058bd8be6239681b2f22195628f28") (:keywords "help" "lisp") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helpful . [(20191001 9) ((emacs (25)) (dash (2 12 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (f (0 20 0)) (elisp-refs (1 2))) "a better *help* buffer" single ((:commit . "edddccbebd82dde0a18662a0995bfe930112458c") (:keywords "help" "lisp") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "") (:url . ""))])
(help-find-org-mode . [(20181204 234) ((emacs (24 4))) "Advise help to find org source over tangled code" single ((:commit . "aeda7f92c086dab9d8dfcd580fe80b332887a548") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Eric Crosson" . "")) (:maintainer "Eric Crosson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-zhihu-daily . [(20160625 1145) ((helm (1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 4))) "Helm interface for 知乎日报 (" single ((:commit . "be27dcc6be1eb97663b65581a9a5c0fc81cfaba7") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-z . [(20171204 325) ((helm (1 0))) "Show z directory list with helm.el support." single ((:commit . "37212220bebea8b9c238cb1bbacd8332b7f26c03") (:authors ("yynozk" . "")) (:maintainer "yynozk" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -2590,7 +2590,7 @@
(helm-ctest . [(20191031 1435) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 11 0)) (helm-core (1 7 4))) "Run ctest from within emacs" single ((:commit . "2a29cfb4ec583da247fa2ae7bac88790b1223e40") (:keywords "helm" "ctest") (:authors ("Dan LaManna" . "")) (:maintainer "Dan LaManna" . ""))])
(helm-css-scss . [(20140627 25) ((helm (1 0)) (emacs (24))) "CSS/SCSS/LESS Selectors with helm interface" single ((:commit . "ab8348aa98e0daa2f1b771e35bdb06bfacbe5016") (:keywords "scss" "css" "less" "selector" "helm") (:authors ("Shingo Fukuyama -")) (:maintainer "Shingo Fukuyama -") (:url . ""))])
(helm-cscope . [(20190615 41) ((xcscope (1 0)) (helm (1 6 7)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "Helm interface for xcscope.el." single ((:commit . "af1d9e7f4460a88d7400b5a74d5da68084089ac1") (:keywords "cscope" "helm") (:authors ("alpha22jp" . "")) (:maintainer "alpha22jp" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-core . [(20191127 455) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9 3))) "Development files for Helm" tar ((:commit . "e7e342ec2b2eb547b0c2c81230c6ec835b48d002") (:url . ""))])
(helm-core . [(20191127 455) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9 3))) "Development files for Helm" tar ((:commit . "e219f031209694936ff50ed4c9032b50770fd4ab") (:url . ""))])
(helm-company . [(20190812 1429) ((helm (1 5 9)) (company (0 6 13))) "Helm interface for company-mode" single ((:commit . "6eb5c2d730a60e394e005b47c1db018697094dde") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "")) (:maintainer "Daniel Ralston" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-commandlinefu . [(20150611 545) ((emacs (24 1)) (helm (1 7 0)) (json (1 3)) (let-alist (1 0 3))) "Search and browse from helm" single ((:commit . "9ee7e018c5db23ae9c8d1c8fa969876f15b7280d") (:keywords "") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-codesearch . [(20190412 1153) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (helm (1 7 7)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "helm interface for codesearch" single ((:commit . "72f1d1de746115ab7e861178b49fa3c0b6b58d90") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Youngjoo Lee" . "")) (:maintainer "Youngjoo Lee" . ""))])
@ -2623,7 +2623,7 @@
(helm-ad . [(20151209 1015) ((dash (2 8 0)) (helm (1 6 2))) "helm source for Active Directory" single ((:commit . "8ac044705d8620ee354a9cfa8cc1b865e83c0d55") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("Takahiro Noda" . "")) (:maintainer "Takahiro Noda" . ""))])
(helm-ack . [(20141030 1226) ((helm (1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Ack command with helm interface" single ((:commit . "889bc225318d14c6e3be80e73b1d9d6fb30e48c3") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-R . [(20120820 14) ((helm (20120517)) (ess (20120509))) "helm-sources and some utilities for GNU R." single ((:commit . "b0eb9d5f6a483a9dbe6eb6cf1f2024d4f5938bc2") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("myuhe <>")) (:maintainer "myuhe") (:url . ""))])
(helm . [(20191127 455) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9 3)) (popup (0 5 3)) (helm-core (3 0))) "Helm is an Emacs incremental and narrowing framework" tar ((:commit . "e7e342ec2b2eb547b0c2c81230c6ec835b48d002") (:url . ""))])
(helm . [(20191127 1336) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9 3)) (popup (0 5 3)) (helm-core (3 0))) "Helm is an Emacs incremental and narrowing framework" tar ((:commit . "e219f031209694936ff50ed4c9032b50770fd4ab") (:url . ""))])
(heaven-and-hell . [(20190713 1830) ((emacs (24 4))) "easy toggle light/dark themes" single ((:commit . "e1febfd60d060c110a1e43c5f093cd8537251308") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Valentin Ignatev" . "")) (:maintainer "Valentin Ignatev" . "") (:url . ""))])
(headlong . [(20150417 1526) nil "reckless completion" single ((:commit . "f6830f87f236eee88263cb6976125f72422abe72") (:keywords "completion") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(hcl-mode . [(20170107 827) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for Hashicorp" single ((:commit . "0f2c5ec7e7bcf77c8548e8cac8721ea935ca1b5e") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -2707,7 +2707,7 @@
(grab-mac-link . [(20190419 1307) ((emacs (24))) "Grab link from Mac Apps and insert it into Emacs" single ((:commit . "b52d29cd78a60cfe874667a8987ed10e8eb0f172") (:keywords "mac" "hyperlink") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang" . "")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang" . "") (:url . ""))])
(gpastel . [(20181229 1404) ((emacs (25 1))) "Integrates GPaste with the kill-ring" single ((:commit . "d5fc55bc825203f998537c5834718e665bb87c29") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))])
(govet . [(20170808 1724) nil "linter/problem finder for the Go source code" single ((:commit . "1c05817cf8b96589076c7ac4e52ee58a860a0cbf") (:url . ""))])
(govc . [(20180524 2023) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (1 5 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (magit-popup (2 0 50)) (json-mode (1 6 0))) "Interface to govc for managing VMware ESXi and vCenter" single ((:commit . "c49fab5ecbd5cd630b455f2630c10ac88962499d") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("The govc developers")) (:maintainer "The govc developers") (:url . ""))])
(govc . [(20180524 2023) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (1 5 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (magit-popup (2 0 50)) (json-mode (1 6 0))) "Interface to govc for managing VMware ESXi and vCenter" single ((:commit . "0008cf3862a7bbb382dc0f7e370cf9ec39782237") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("The govc developers")) (:maintainer "The govc developers") (:url . ""))])
(goto-line-preview . [(20190308 736) ((emacs (25))) "Preview line when executing `goto-line` command." single ((:commit . "772fb942777a321b4698add1b94cff157f23a93b") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "") (:url . ""))])
(goto-last-point . [(20190525 1855) ((emacs (24 3))) "Record and jump to the last point in the buffer." single ((:commit . "7ea191df18ff4774cf1dc568e1726143dd54ea02") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Manuel Uberti" . "")) (:maintainer "Manuel Uberti" . "") (:url . ""))])
(goto-last-change . [(20150109 1823) nil "Move point through buffer-undo-list positions" single ((:commit . "58b0928bc255b47aad318cd183a5dce8f62199cc") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Kevin Rodgers" . "")) (:maintainer "Kevin Rodgers" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -2821,7 +2821,7 @@
(git-gutter+ . [(20151204 1723) ((git-commit (0)) (dash (0))) "Manage Git hunks straight from the buffer" single ((:commit . "b7726997806d9a2da9fe84ff00ecf21d62b6f975") (:keywords "git" "vc") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(git-dwim . [(20170126 1214) nil "Context-aware git commands such as branch handling" single ((:commit . "485c732130686c2f28a026e385366006435394b9") (:keywords "git" "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "") (:url . ""))])
(git-commit-insert-issue . [(20191008 950) ((projectile (0)) (s (0)) (github-issues (0)) (gitlab (0)) (bitbucket (0))) "Get issues list when typing \"Fixes #\"" single ((:commit . "51c863d9ba21bf11f6681b54be19b4c04d50d1ba") (:keywords "git" "github" "gitlab" "bitbucket" "commit" "issues") (:authors ("Vindarel")) (:maintainer "Vindarel") (:url . ""))])
(git-commit . [(20191116 2035) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (20180910)) (with-editor (20181103))) "Edit Git commit messages" single ((:commit . "d65f6c853b8f147b927989e97b71010bc245acce") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(git-commit . [(20191116 2035) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (20180910)) (with-editor (20181103))) "Edit Git commit messages" single ((:commit . "75018ac991b8ab4d07193a8b00210855a10b85e4") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(git-command . [(20191028 333) ((term-run (0 1 4)) (with-editor (2 3 1))) "A Git Command-Line interface" single ((:commit . "a773d40da39dfb1c6ecf2b0758aa370ddea8f06d") (:keywords "utility" "git") (:authors ("10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>")) (:maintainer "10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>") (:url . ""))])
(git-blamed . [(20161028 1926) nil "Minor mode for incremental blame for Git" single ((:commit . "cef196abf398e2dd11f775d1e6cd8690567408aa") (:keywords "git" "version control" "release management"))])
(git-auto-commit-mode . [(20191008 429) nil "Emacs Minor mode to automatically commit and push" single ((:commit . "2f05046731330c8643fc21c40a6840d40d70fc26") (:keywords "vc") (:authors ("Tom Willemse" . "")) (:maintainer "Tom Willemse" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -3011,7 +3011,7 @@
(flycheck-mercury . [(20181118 1952) ((flycheck (0 22)) (s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 4 0))) "Mercury support in Flycheck" single ((:commit . "b6807a8db70981e21a91a93324c31e49de85c89f") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Matthias Güdemann" . "")) (:maintainer "Matthias Güdemann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flycheck-liquidhs . [(20170412 2326) ((flycheck (0 15))) "A flycheck checker for Haskell using liquid (i.e. liquidhaskell)" single ((:commit . "c27252ac24d77f4b6eec76a4ba9cd61761a3fba9") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Ranjit Jhala" . "")) (:maintainer "Ranjit Jhala" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flycheck-lilypond . [(20171203 1332) ((emacs (24 3)) (flycheck (0 22))) "LilyPond support in Flycheck" single ((:commit . "cc1b7677a932c42e5dab1661ad7b923d4aae744c") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "")) (:maintainer "Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flycheck-ledger . [(20180819 321) ((flycheck (0 15))) "Flycheck integration for ledger files" single ((:commit . "0fdb067ebbcc8bc1a3f9d2109e341049516b71da") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . ""))])
(flycheck-ledger . [(20191128 203) ((flycheck (0 15))) "Flycheck integration for ledger files" single ((:commit . "2065beab564c23e6ab380547d19bdb5a9b3b25fc") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . ""))])
(flycheck-kotlin . [(20190808 630) ((flycheck (0 20))) "Support kotlin in flycheck" single ((:commit . "5104ee9a3fdb7f0a0a3d3bcfd8dd3c45a9929310") (:authors ("Elric Milon" . "")) (:maintainer "Elric Milon" . ""))])
(flycheck-julia . [(20170729 2141) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (0 22))) "Julia support for Flycheck" single ((:commit . "213b60a5a9a1cb7887260e1d159b5bb27167cbb6") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "languages") (:authors ("Guido Kraemer" . "")) (:maintainer "Guido Kraemer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flycheck-joker . [(20180913 504) ((flycheck (0 18))) "Add Clojure syntax checker (via Joker) to flycheck" single ((:commit . "51e99e697761ee8dab863930910abdba7607c1bd") (:authors ("Roman Bataev" . "")) (:maintainer "Roman Bataev" . ""))])
@ -3093,7 +3093,7 @@
(fish-mode . [(20190921 526) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for fish shell scripts" single ((:commit . "688c82decad108029b0434e3bce6c3d129ede6f3") (:keywords "fish" "shell") (:authors ("Tony Wang" . "")) (:maintainer "Tony Wang" . ""))])
(fish-completion . [(20191103 1210) ((emacs (25 1))) "Fish completion for pcomplete (shell and Eshell)" single ((:commit . "10384881817b5ae38cf6197a077a663420090d2c") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "") (:url . ""))])
(firrtl-mode . [(20190224 344) ((emacs (24 3))) "mode for working with FIRRTL files" single ((:commit . "e55c555809037b7aaf2367ad2255f0a27addd23a") (:keywords "languages" "firrtl") (:authors ("Schuyler Eldridge" . "")) (:maintainer "Schuyler Eldridge" . "") (:url . ""))])
(firestarter . [(20161219 1323) nil "Execute (shell) commands on save" single ((:commit . "4d6b106f325ac1802eabce3c8a7cd0a4c7a32864") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(firestarter . [(20161219 1323) nil "Execute (shell) commands on save" single ((:commit . "f2fd47d9be0c53d63bae5c248d23874fab7e2d6d") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(fireplace . [(20181211 1927) nil "A cozy fireplace for emacs" single ((:commit . "571ffa7dd0ce46edca838df74d055aaa83da4d78") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("Johan Sivertsen" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Sivertsen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(firefox-controller . [(20160320 1847) ((moz (0)) (popwin (1 0 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "An improved Firefox controller" single ((:commit . "a8af8cbf70afaf6b89a26d6ac69af8e92afc181f") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(firecode-theme . [(20170808 1311) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme based on FireCode (tmTheme)" single ((:commit . "8b7b03ecdd41e70dab145b98906017e1392eaef4") (:authors ("Jason Milkins")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins") (:url . ""))])
@ -3103,7 +3103,7 @@
(find-things-fast . [(20150519 2226) nil "Find things fast, leveraging the power of git" single ((:commit . "efc7c189019ed65430e2f9e910e8e0a5ca9d2d03") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Elvio Toccalino and Elliot Glaysher and Phil Hagelberg and Doug Alcorn")) (:maintainer "Elvio Toccalino and Elliot Glaysher and Phil Hagelberg and Doug Alcorn"))])
(find-temp-file . [(20170107 1339) nil "Open quickly a temporary file" single ((:commit . "513005d19d72d71f34481ee00158dd57bd93206f") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Sylvain Rousseau <thisirs at gmail dot com>")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Rousseau <thisirs at gmail dot com>") (:url . ""))])
(find-file-in-repository . [(20190404 828) nil "Quickly find files in a git, mercurial or other repository" single ((:commit . "b44d78682082270dc6b59cdc911333d0d3e7edaa") (:keywords "files" "convenience" "repository" "project" "source control") (:authors ("Samuel Hoffstaetter" . "")) (:maintainer "Samuel Hoffstaetter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(find-file-in-project . [(20190914 524) ((ivy (0 10 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Find file/directory and review Diff/Patch/Commit efficiently everywhere" single ((:commit . "79baa7026803b3d877857493da3041ddf6eed050") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Phil Hagelberg, Doug Alcorn, and Will Farrington")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "") (:url . ""))])
(find-file-in-project . [(20191128 503) ((ivy (0 10 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Find file/directory and review Diff/Patch/Commit efficiently everywhere" single ((:commit . "c5865c22a999bbb93135b148802a9006948d8ce3") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Phil Hagelberg, Doug Alcorn, and Will Farrington")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "") (:url . ""))])
(find-by-pinyin-dired . [(20180210 218) ((pinyinlib (0 1 0))) "Find file by first PinYin character of Chinese Hanzi" single ((:commit . "3b4781148dddc84a701ad76c0934ed991ecd59d5") (:keywords "hanzi" "chinese" "dired" "find" "file" "pinyin") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "") (:url . ""))])
(finalize . [(20170418 1945) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-generic (0 3)) (cl-lib (0 3)) (eieio (1 4))) "finalizers for Emacs Lisp" tar ((:commit . "846731531e7d1d80451787992e07bfe7dedbe9ff"))])
(fillcode . [(20171029 1625) nil "Fill (wrap) function calls and expressions in source code" single ((:commit . "d0a9e20f5fcc24a786d09ea19bfb9237681ba823") (:authors ("Ryan Barrett" . "")) (:maintainer "Ryan Barrett" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -3184,7 +3184,7 @@
(evil-textobj-column . [(20170905 1905) ((names (0 5)) (emacs (24)) (evil (0))) "Provides column text objects." single ((:commit . "835d7036d0bc9a6e44fc9b7c54ccf2a7c01428cd") (:keywords "evil" "column" "text-object") (:authors ("Fox Kiester" . "")) (:maintainer "Fox Kiester" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-textobj-anyblock . [(20170905 1907) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (evil (1 1 0))) "Textobject for the closest user-defined blocks." single ((:commit . "ff00980f0634f95bf2ad9956b615a155ea8743be") (:keywords "evil") (:authors ("Fox Kiester" . "")) (:maintainer "Fox Kiester" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-text-object-python . [(20191010 1328) ((emacs (25)) (evil (1 2 14)) (dash (2 16 0))) "Python specific evil text objects" single ((:commit . "39d22fc524f0413763f291267eaab7f4e7984318") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Wouter Bolsterlee" . "")) (:maintainer "Wouter Bolsterlee" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-test-helpers . [(20190104 1026) ((evil (1 2 14))) "unit test helpers for Evil" single ((:commit . "56eb22ac71f10a5475945086ebb9ed45af0a6638") (:authors ("Vegard Øye <vegard_oye at>")) (:maintainer "Vegard Øye <vegard_oye at>"))])
(evil-test-helpers . [(20190104 1026) ((evil (1 2 14))) "unit test helpers for Evil" single ((:commit . "29a29e56046b9b5ec7cab268528851ceb21e4b07") (:authors ("Vegard Øye <vegard_oye at>")) (:maintainer "Vegard Øye <vegard_oye at>"))])
(evil-terminal-cursor-changer . [(20170401 842) ((evil (1 0 8))) "Change cursor shape and color by evil state in terminal" single ((:commit . "b49ca4393d2f3cc6014174950059b36a5cb22949") (:keywords "evil" "terminal" "cursor") (:authors ("7696122")) (:maintainer "7696122") (:url . ""))])
(evil-tabs . [(20160217 1520) ((evil (0 0 0)) (elscreen (0 0 0))) "Integrating Vim-style tabs for Evil mode users." single ((:commit . "53d3314a810017b6056ab6796aef671f5ea1c063") (:keywords "evil" "tab" "tabs" "vim") (:authors ("Kris Jenkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Kris Jenkins" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-swap-keys . [(20191105 1426) ((emacs (24 4))) "Intelligently swap keys on text input with evil" single ((:commit . "b5ef105499f998b5667da40da30c073229a213ea") (:keywords "convenience" "data" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Wouter Bolsterlee" . "")) (:maintainer "Wouter Bolsterlee" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -3223,7 +3223,7 @@
(evil-indent-textobject . [(20130831 2219) ((evil (0))) "evil textobjects based on indentation" single ((:commit . "70a1154a531b7cfdbb9a31d6922482791e20a3a7") (:keywords "convenience" "evil") (:authors ("Michael Markert" . "")) (:maintainer "Michael Markert" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-indent-plus . [(20151109 1906) ((evil (0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Evil textobjects based on indentation" single ((:commit . "0c7501e6efed661242c3a20e0a6c79a6455c2c40") (:keywords "convenience" "evil") (:authors ("Eivind Fonn" . "")) (:maintainer "Eivind Fonn" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-iedit-state . [(20180607 558) ((evil (1 0 9)) (iedit (0 97))) "Evil states to interface iedit mode." single ((:commit . "f75cff4ecbd5beaa9ca64a6c157c4105f078daec") (:keywords "convenience" "editing" "evil" "iedit" "mnemonic") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-goggles . [(20181123 1946) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 0 0))) "Add a visual hint to evil operations" single ((:commit . "78454a7e8bd609edf0d93cb0a7f9ed576dd33546") (:keywords "emulations" "evil" "vim" "visual") (:authors ("edkolev" . "")) (:maintainer "edkolev" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-goggles . [(20191127 1032) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 0 0))) "Add a visual hint to evil operations" single ((:commit . "1f8ca71acd540e33cc5efff949823dfc0fbdd4ac") (:keywords "emulations" "evil" "vim" "visual") (:authors ("edkolev" . "")) (:maintainer "edkolev" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-god-state . [(20141117 255) ((evil (1 0 8)) (god-mode (2 12 0))) "use god-mode keybindings in evil-mode" single ((:commit . "3d44197dc0a1fb40e7b7ff8717f8a8c339ce1d40") (:keywords "evil" "leader" "god-mode") (:authors ("Eric Seidel")) (:maintainer "Eric Seidel") (:url . ""))])
(evil-fringe-mark . [(20190320 453) ((emacs (24 3)) (evil (1 0 0)) (fringe-helper (0 1 1)) (goto-chg (1 6))) "Display evil-mode marks in the fringe" tar ((:commit . "a1689fddb7ee79aaa720a77aada1208b8afd5c20") (:authors ("Andrew Smith" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrew Smith" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-find-char-pinyin . [(20160514 2041) ((evil (1 2 12)) (pinyinlib (0 1 0))) "Evil's f/F/t/T/evil-snipe commands with Pinyin support" single ((:commit . "04e277946d658f1a73c68dcbbadea9c21097a31c") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . ""))])
@ -3246,11 +3246,11 @@
(evil-avy . [(20150908 748) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (avy (0 3 0)) (evil (1 2 3))) "set-based completion" single ((:commit . "2dd955cc3ecaa7ddeb67b295298abdc6d16dd3a5") (:keywords "point" "location" "evil" "vim") (:authors ("Yufan Lou" . "")) (:maintainer "Yufan Lou" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-args . [(20180908 2157) ((evil (1 0 8))) "Motions and text objects for delimited arguments in Evil." single ((:commit . "758ad5ae54ad34202064fec192c88151c08cb387") (:keywords "evil" "vim-emulation") (:authors ("Connor Smith" . "")) (:maintainer "Connor Smith" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-anzu . [(20170124 718) ((evil (1 0 0)) (anzu (0 46))) "anzu for evil-mode" single ((:commit . "9bca6ca14d865e7e005bc02a28a09b4ae74facc9") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") ("Fredrik Bergroth" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil . [(20191125 1525) ((emacs (24 1)) (undo-tree (0 6 3)) (goto-chg (1 6)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Extensible Vi layer for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "56eb22ac71f10a5475945086ebb9ed45af0a6638"))])
(evil . [(20191127 1543) ((emacs (24 1)) (undo-tree (0 6 3)) (goto-chg (1 6)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Extensible Vi layer for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "29a29e56046b9b5ec7cab268528851ceb21e4b07"))])
(eve-mode . [(20170822 2231) ((emacs (25)) (polymode (1 0)) (markdown-mode (2 0))) "Major mode for editing Eve documents." single ((:commit . "a4661114d9c18725691b76321d72167ca5a9070a") (:keywords "languages" "wp" "tools") (:authors ("Joshua Cole" . "")) (:maintainer "Joshua Cole" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evalator-clojure . [(20160208 2148) ((cider (0 10 0)) (evalator (1 0 0))) "Clojure evaluation context for evalator via CIDER." tar ((:commit . "caa4e0a137bdfada86593128a654e16aa617ad50") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "cider" "helm") (:authors ("Sean Irby")) (:maintainer "Sean Irby" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evalator . [(20160213 128) ((helm-core (1 9 1))) "Package for interactive transformation of data with helm" tar ((:commit . "f30da4da48c0b3f3cfa1fc1c7cfdb53ffe79df36") (:keywords "languages" "elisp" "helm") (:authors ("Sean Irby")) (:maintainer "Sean Irby" . "") (:url . ""))])
(eval-sexp-fu . [(20190109 809) ((cl-lib (0))) "Tiny functionality enhancements for evaluating sexps." single ((:commit . "e1d7165383c941b3f11c2715707adc3d91d129a0") (:keywords "lisp" "highlight" "convenience") (:authors ("Takeshi Banse" . "")) (:maintainer "Takeshi Banse" . ""))])
(eval-sexp-fu . [(20191128 825) ((cl-lib (0))) "Tiny functionality enhancements for evaluating sexps." single ((:commit . "36d2fe3bcf602e15ca10a7f487da103515ef391a") (:keywords "lisp" "highlight" "convenience") (:authors ("Takeshi Banse" . "")) (:maintainer "Takeshi Banse" . ""))])
(eval-in-repl . [(20191116 1107) ((dash (0 0 0)) (paredit (0 0 0)) (ace-window (0 0 0))) "Consistent ESS-like eval interface for various REPLs" tar ((:commit . "f545f5f65e09eff47629de2bd5ae4e2901258c77") (:url . ""))])
(eval-expr . [(20120619 647) nil "enhanced eval-expression command" single ((:commit . "a0e69e83de41df8dbccefc1962ab4f02206a3328") (:keywords "lisp" "extensions") (:authors ("Noah Friedman" . "")) (:maintainer nil . ""))])
(euslisp-mode . [(20170830 1929) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 9)) (exec-path-from-shell (0)) (helm-ag (0 58))) "Major mode for Euslisp-formatted text" single ((:commit . "db62a2d148482317794727982576494596365a55") (:keywords "euslisp" "euslisp" "github") (:authors ("iory" . "")) (:maintainer "iory" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -3277,7 +3277,7 @@
(eshell-up . [(20170425 1737) ((emacs (24))) "Quickly go to a specific parent directory in eshell" single ((:commit . "9c100bae5c3020e8d9307e4332d3b64e7dc28519") (:keywords "eshell") (:authors ("Peter W. V. Tran-Jørgensen" . "")) (:maintainer "Peter W. V. Tran-Jørgensen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(eshell-toggle . [(20190526 1452) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 11 0))) "Show/hide eshell under active window." single ((:commit . "70353f478e799ce2605e5842ff862e5f756b9bbd") (:keywords "processes") (:authors ("Dmitry Cherkassov" . "")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Cherkassov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(eshell-prompt-extras . [(20191104 1230) ((emacs (25))) "Display extra information for your eshell prompt." single ((:commit . "356a540f9365b2f37f8a8cfb9c0e0e1994d12f4a") (:keywords "eshell" "prompt") (:authors ("zwild" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(eshell-git-prompt . [(20170909 1452) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 11 0))) "Some Eshell prompt for Git users" single ((:commit . "b6bb2d7bd4e393b4170b29891cfefb72ae020aab") (:keywords "eshell" "git") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(eshell-git-prompt . [(20191128 330) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 11 0))) "Some Eshell prompt for Git users" single ((:commit . "19af3cf89b3d959ace2aeaf9b7d066d6b86eeb3b") (:keywords "eshell" "git") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(eshell-fringe-status . [(20170117 2316) nil "Show last status in fringe" single ((:commit . "adc6997c68e39c0d52a2af1b2fd5cf2057783797") (:authors ("Tom Willemse" . "")) (:maintainer "Tom Willemse" . "") (:url . ""))])
(eshell-fixed-prompt . [(20190111 2235) ((emacs (25)) (s (1 11 0))) "Restrict eshell to a single fixed prompt" single ((:commit . "2c860029354bf1f69edc1f12e4a0d9aeb9054f5d") (:authors ("Tijs Mallaerts" . "")) (:maintainer "Tijs Mallaerts" . ""))])
(eshell-did-you-mean . [(20150915 1952) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "command not found (\"did you mean…\" feature) in Eshell" single ((:commit . "7cb6ef8e2274d0a50a9e114d412307a6543533d5") (:keywords "eshell") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -3297,7 +3297,7 @@
(ert-async . [(20191126 2057) ((emacs (24 1))) "Async support for ERT" single ((:commit . "45013dc13d165ac98a94ddf7445e110ff76d47f5") (:keywords "lisp" "test") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(eros . [(20180415 618) ((emacs (24 4))) "Evaluation Result OverlayS for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "dd8910279226259e100dab798b073a52f9b4233a") (:keywords "convenience" "lisp") (:authors ("Tianxiang Xiong" . "")) (:maintainer "Tianxiang Xiong" . "") (:url . ""))])
(erlstack-mode . [(20190812 1117) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 12 0))) "Minor mode for analysing Erlang stacktraces" single ((:commit . "d0a67fb6f91cef02376e71b4b4669b071ebd9737") (:keywords "tools" "erlang") (:authors ("k32")) (:maintainer "k32") (:url . ""))])
(erlang . [(20191023 843) ((emacs (24 1))) "Erlang major mode" tar ((:commit . "d76542a7d606b911780c26f7608dc11f1e944d33"))])
(erlang . [(20191023 843) ((emacs (24 1))) "Erlang major mode" tar ((:commit . "563de0bcf9d0babdbb308647fdad3a3966f93147"))])
(ergoemacs-status . [(20160318 538) ((powerline (2 3)) (mode-icons (0 1 0))) "Adaptive Status Bar / Mode Line" single ((:commit . "d952cc2361adf6eb4d6af60950ad4ab699c81320") (:authors ("Matthew Fidler")) (:maintainer "Matthew Fidler"))])
(ergoemacs-mode . [(20190527 348) ((emacs (24 1)) (undo-tree (0 6 5)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Emacs mode based on common modern interface and ergonomics." tar ((:commit . "7d3656541a00cc04ba4cefa31c0d127adb5a260a") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Xah Lee" . "") ("David Capello" . "") ("Matthew L. Fidler" . "")) (:maintainer "Matthew L. Fidler" . "") (:url . ""))])
(erefactor . [(20160121 959) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Emacs-Lisp refactoring utilities" single ((:commit . "bf68085e5635eb94fd85709f8e1355c1f5534745") (:keywords "extensions" "tools" "maint") (:authors ("Masahiro Hayashi" . "")) (:maintainer "Masahiro Hayashi" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -3387,7 +3387,7 @@
(elsa . [(20191002 2030) ((trinary (1 0 0)) (emacs (25 1)) (f (0)) (dash (2 14)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "Emacs Lisp Static Analyser" tar ((:commit . "b43236e5e183249726b93f13e09c56a081817804"))])
(elquery . [(20180917 2217) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 13 0))) "The HTML library for elisp." single ((:commit . "eac429d8550fbf1582c57d5e16fed9f320d6eb30") (:keywords "html" "hypermedia" "tools" "webscale") (:authors ("Adam Niederer")) (:maintainer "Adam Niederer") (:url . ""))])
(elpygen . [(20171225 1736) ((emacs (25)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Generate a Python function/method using a symbol under point" single ((:commit . "21929c997a05968f9eefe52b85a76ceaab3b0d81") (:keywords "python" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Vladimir Kazanov" . "")) (:maintainer "Vladimir Kazanov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(elpy . [(20191124 2140) ((company (0 9 2)) (emacs (24 4)) (highlight-indentation (0 5 0)) (pyvenv (1 3)) (yasnippet (0 8 0)) (s (1 11 0))) "Emacs Python Development Environment" tar ((:commit . "f64f8e773c9d85f018fa4610ec92bf7e82fb2921"))])
(elpy . [(20191127 2230) ((company (0 9 2)) (emacs (24 4)) (highlight-indentation (0 5 0)) (pyvenv (1 3)) (yasnippet (0 8 0)) (s (1 11 0))) "Emacs Python Development Environment" tar ((:commit . "c98e52b7c82a4d48acf57ba7fc4808588299bfe9"))])
(elpl . [(20190704 1130) ((emacs (24 4))) "Emacs Lisp REPL" single ((:commit . "341dd89aa2a0315ec63d476d79057be8b5f5386f") (:keywords "lisp" "tool") (:authors ("Gong Qijian" . "")) (:maintainer "Gong Qijian" . "") (:url . ""))])
(elpher . [(20191117 2331) ((emacs (26))) "A friendly gopher client." tar ((:commit . "7f205dd22ad2a6212846ddf338b6503681495414") (:keywords "comm" "gopher") (:authors ("Tim Vaughan" . "")) (:maintainer "Tim Vaughan" . "") (:url . ""))])
(elpa-mirror . [(20190622 730) ((emacs (24 4))) "Create local package repository from installed packages" single ((:commit . "468adfff8dedb024b90af0e66434dc50de259714") (:keywords "maint" "tools") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -3455,12 +3455,12 @@
(ejc-sql . [(20191125 1443) ((emacs (26 3)) (clomacs (0 0 4)) (dash (2 16 0)) (auto-complete (1 5 1)) (spinner (1 7 3)) (direx (1 0 0))) "Emacs SQL client uses Clojure JDBC." tar ((:commit . "5267554c0c063267f583cf4371e89e9ab6228dfe") (:keywords "sql" "jdbc") (:authors ("Kostafey" . "")) (:maintainer "Kostafey" . "") (:url . ""))])
(eink-theme . [(20190219 858) nil "E Ink color theme" single ((:commit . "326b07523dcb076d6209cdbc7fdbb73df296dbdb") (:authors ("Marian Schubert" . "")) (:maintainer "Marian Schubert" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ein-mumamo . [(20150302 28) ((ein (0 4))) "Multiple major mode support for Emacs IPython Notebook" single ((:commit . "028fefec499598add1a87b92ed991891f38f0c7b") (:authors ("Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at>") (": John Miller <millejoh at>")) (:maintainer "Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at>"))])
(ein . [(20191125 1738) ((emacs (25)) (websocket (20191017 30)) (auto-complete (1 4 0)) (request (20190621 1622)) (deferred (0 5)) (polymode (20190426 1729)) (markdown-mode (20171116 756)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (skewer-mode (1 6 2))) "Emacs IPython Notebook" tar ((:commit . "8143321b87b0f29984bc0b6970fdc1756596345c"))])
(ein . [(20191127 1559) ((emacs (25)) (websocket (20191017 30)) (auto-complete (1 4 0)) (request (20190621 1622)) (deferred (0 5)) (polymode (20190426 1729)) (markdown-mode (20171116 756)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (skewer-mode (1 6 2))) "Emacs IPython Notebook" tar ((:commit . "f76edbbf42f7bac4b24d322f99a85a04cf86622d"))])
(eimp . [(20120826 2039) nil "Emacs Image Manipulation Package" single ((:commit . "2e7536fe6d8f7faf1bad7a8ae37faba0162c3b4f") (:keywords "files" "frames") (:authors ("Matthew P. Hodges" . "")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . ""))])
(eide . [(20191001 2003) nil "IDE interface" tar ((:commit . "eafa97e61383ef943bd6c3f8c7d50953257d4ae1"))])
(ego . [(20180301 104) ((emacs (24 5)) (ht (1 5)) (mustache (0 22)) (htmlize (1 47)) (org (8 0)) (dash (2 0 0)) (simple-httpd (1 4 5))) "a static site generator based on org mode, forked from org-page." tar ((:commit . "719809679c1a60887735db41abae53b61f08ef59"))])
(eglot . [(20191120 2255) ((emacs (26 1)) (jsonrpc (1 0 7)) (flymake (1 0 5))) "Client for Language Server Protocol (LSP) servers" single ((:commit . "02f71fdca9b06e8eae123db80527a1cb0fcc62bd") (:keywords "convenience" "languages") (:authors ("João Távora" . "")) (:maintainer "João Távora" . "") (:url . ""))])
(egison-mode . [(20190714 236) nil "Egison editing mode" single ((:commit . "89b6ff8178ab0d979764891645614a30f76277c1") (:authors ("Satoshi Egi" . "")) (:maintainer "Satoshi Egi" . "") (:url . ""))])
(egison-mode . [(20190714 236) nil "Egison editing mode" single ((:commit . "8e913ebc725e3522c00dd189000ae79889a21f49") (:authors ("Satoshi Egi" . "")) (:maintainer "Satoshi Egi" . "") (:url . ""))])
(egg . [(20181126 500) nil "Emacs Got Git - Emacs interface to Git" tar ((:commit . "00e768a78ac3d25f457eed667d02cac568480bf9") (:keywords "git" "version control" "release management") (:authors ("Bogolisk" . "")) (:maintainer "Bogolisk" . ""))])
(egalgo . [(20190706 1611) ((dash (2 14)) (emacs (24))) "Genetic algorithm for Emacs" single ((:commit . "d98524799f95c6c6bd972e52790e7e6b9003725c") (:keywords "data") (:authors ("ROCKTAKEY" . "")) (:maintainer "ROCKTAKEY" . "") (:url . ""))])
(eg . [(20170830 815) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 3))) "Norton Guide reader" single ((:commit . "1c7f1613d2aaae728ef540305f6ba030616f86bd") (:keywords "docs") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "")) (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -3522,9 +3522,9 @@
(dyalog-mode . [(20191002 1352) ((cl-lib (0 2)) (emacs (24))) "Major mode for editing Dyalog APL source code" tar ((:commit . "4e214c1804eefde07b1dcd2ea07b8e41f33d7ee7") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Joakim Hårsman" . "")) (:maintainer "Joakim Hårsman" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dut-mode . [(20170729 2111) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for the Dut programming language" single ((:commit . "9235c7acaa6690942e9de8b7acd1e4be0c859dc1") (:keywords "languages" "gut") (:authors ("The dut-mode Authors")) (:maintainer "The dut-mode Authors") (:url . ""))])
(duplicate-thing . [(20181031 1500) nil "Duplicate current line & selection" single ((:commit . "9d8fd05e3e5caa35d3f2a0c0032c92f0c0908e21") (:keywords "convenience" "command" "duplicate" "line" "selection") (:authors ("ongaeshi")) (:maintainer "ongaeshi") (:url . ""))])
(dune . [(20191016 1241) nil "Integration with the dune build system" tar ((:commit . "22d8adc026d619ab94f13f174dc9b03d4be3a223") (:url . ""))])
(dune . [(20191016 1241) nil "Integration with the dune build system" tar ((:commit . "cba9673d68f7ff127b68a3152fd592632ebe2f50") (:url . ""))])
(dummyparens . [(20141009 1024) nil "parenthesis auto-pairing and wrapping" single ((:commit . "9798ef1d0eaa24e4fe66f8aa6022a8c62714cc89") (:keywords "dummyparens" "auto-pair" "wrapping") (:authors ("Sergei Nosov <sergei.nosov [at]>")) (:maintainer "Sergei Nosov <sergei.nosov [at]>") (:url . ""))])
(dumb-jump . [(20191126 1948) ((emacs (24 3)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 9 0)) (popup (0 5 3))) "jump to definition for 40+ languages without configuration." single ((:commit . "4ffe72cb5cda4c5eb827034c6699c7e645d39007") (:keywords "programming") (:authors ("jack angers and contributors")) (:maintainer "jack angers and contributors"))])
(dumb-jump . [(20191128 607) ((emacs (24 3)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 9 0)) (popup (0 5 3))) "jump to definition for 40+ languages without configuration." single ((:commit . "e088ef3ffb5f23bc5f3713295e7da59f9a5e7793") (:keywords "programming") (:authors ("jack angers and contributors")) (:maintainer "jack angers and contributors"))])
(dumb-diff . [(20171211 2122) ((emacs (24 3))) "fast arbitrary diffs" single ((:commit . "1a2331d283049b71a07c1b06b1e0627a950d55f4") (:keywords "programming" "diff") (:authors ("jack angers")) (:maintainer "jack angers"))])
(ducpel . [(20140702 1154) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Logic game with sokoban elements" tar ((:commit . "b53b935ab95c02b82ccf38f63c89e39e99477a55") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dts-mode . [(20161103 1223) nil "Major mode for Devicetree source code" single ((:commit . "9ee0854446dcc6c53d2b8d2941051768dba50344") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Ben Gamari" . "")) (:maintainer "Ben Gamari" . ""))])
@ -3551,7 +3551,7 @@
(dotnet . [(20190415 1237) nil "Interact with dotnet CLI tool" single ((:commit . "932d776ed739d20d57dbd6ba49f61d1b450571fc") (:keywords ".net" "tools") (:authors ("Julien BLANCHARD" . "")) (:maintainer "Julien BLANCHARD" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dotenv-mode . [(20191027 2129) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for .env files" single ((:commit . "e3701bf739bde44f6484eb7753deadaf691b73fb") (:authors ("Preetpal S. Sohal")) (:maintainer "Preetpal S. Sohal") (:url . ""))])
(dot-mode . [(20180312 2300) ((emacs (24 3))) "minor mode to repeat typing or commands" single ((:commit . "6ca22b73bcdae2363ee9641b822a60685df16a3e") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Robert Wyrick" . "")) (:maintainer "Robert Wyrick" . "") (:url . ""))])
(doom-themes . [(20191127 358) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "an opinionated pack of modern color-themes" tar ((:commit . "cf0cd3d0d0cde246f3473327d7ee661f7858c89d") (:keywords "dark" "light" "blue" "atom" "one" "theme" "neotree" "icons" "faces" "nova") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner <http://github/hlissner>")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(doom-themes . [(20191128 649) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "an opinionated pack of modern color-themes" tar ((:commit . "088bfad9a6983c42016da33cd11b9ee855451dcb") (:keywords "dark" "light" "blue" "atom" "one" "theme" "neotree" "icons" "faces" "nova") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner <http://github/hlissner>")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(doom-modeline . [(20191127 729) ((emacs (25 1)) (all-the-icons (1 0 0)) (shrink-path (0 2 0)) (dash (2 11 0))) "A minimal and modern mode-line" tar ((:commit . "621edf5fb9d944b2628469b1af2b869e6d18c8a2") (:keywords "faces" "mode-line") (:authors ("Vincent Zhang" . "")) (:maintainer "Vincent Zhang" . "") (:url . ""))])
(doom . [(20180301 2308) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "DOM implementation and manipulation library" single ((:commit . "e59040aefc92dd9b3134eb623624307fb9e4327b") (:keywords "xml" "dom") (:authors ("Alex Schroeder" . "") ("Henrik.Motakef" . "") ("Katherine Whitlock" . "") ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Schroeder") (:url . ""))])
(doneburn-theme . [(20181110 1857) nil "A light theme based on Bozhidar Batsov's Zenburn" single ((:commit . "6421d9e28d57cb73212c61ab7304abfe6f950ec9") (:keywords "faces" "themes") (:authors ("Manuel Uberti" . "")) (:maintainer "Manuel Uberti" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -3609,7 +3609,7 @@
(dired-subtree . [(20180922 1615) ((dash (2 5 0)) (dired-hacks-utils (0 0 1))) "Insert subdirectories in a tree-like fashion" single ((:commit . "f49a8bbf95f70671a74a24f7f4de453b2686be46") (:keywords "files") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . ""))])
(dired-single . [(20180824 312) nil "Reuse the current dired buffer to visit a directory" single ((:commit . "b0ccca83df0542c5525c047ae283c0eadf500f5c") (:keywords "dired" "reuse" "buffer") (:authors ("Joe Casadonte" . "")) (:maintainer "crocket" . ""))])
(dired-sidebar . [(20191024 116) ((emacs (25 1)) (dired-subtree (0 0 1))) "Tree browser leveraging dired" single ((:commit . "21ccb6723bea69f2e2ca25998268d8a039f904cc") (:keywords "dired" "files" "tools") (:authors ("James Nguyen" . "")) (:maintainer "James Nguyen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dired-rsync . [(20191110 1115) ((s (1 12 0)) (dash (2 0 0)) (emacs (24))) "Allow rsync from dired buffers" tar ((:commit . "707f527a5448f8fd881321f1d60e49821d3efe60") (:authors ("Alex Bennée" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Bennée" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dired-rsync . [(20191110 1115) ((s (1 12 0)) (dash (2 0 0)) (emacs (24))) "Allow rsync from dired buffers" tar ((:commit . "3eb1ff3ded8e2881606459cf6e64cf28d8062b64") (:authors ("Alex Bennée" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Bennée" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dired-rmjunk . [(20191007 1232) nil "A home directory cleanup utility for Dired." single ((:commit . "92af5fcc2bd0bc3826f4ce238a850e9a362533a4") (:keywords "files" "matching") (:authors ("Jakob L. Kreuze" . "")) (:maintainer "Jakob L. Kreuze" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dired-rifle . [(20181012 2131) nil "Call rifle(1) from dired" single ((:commit . "a4f7b1e798397688b9c00d3507fcd395ece17a40") (:keywords "files" "convenience") (:authors ("Wojciech Siewierski <wojciech dot siewierski at onet dot pl>")) (:maintainer "Wojciech Siewierski <wojciech dot siewierski at onet dot pl>") (:url . ""))])
(dired-recent . [(20191004 1500) ((emacs (24))) "Dired visited paths history" single ((:commit . "5c799f96da08a0a3200cb5f609baf6c184f558ea") (:keywords "files") (:authors ("Wojciech Siewierski <wojciech dot siewierski at onet dot pl>")) (:maintainer "Wojciech Siewierski <wojciech dot siewierski at onet dot pl>") (:url . ""))])
@ -3637,7 +3637,7 @@
(dionysos . [(20160810 1056) ((libmpdee (2 1 0)) (alert (1 2)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 12 1)) (pkg-info (0 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Dionysos, a music player for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "0aac21caadabc5a7f09e18a9dcb02f3dec26588b") (:keywords "music") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dimmer . [(20191120 39) ((emacs (25))) "visually highlight the selected buffer" single ((:commit . "78e6e56a3a119a16a55b9f00a5cc00d66db06e9c") (:keywords "faces" "editing") (:authors ("Neil Okamoto")) (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto") (:url . ""))])
(diminish-buffer . [(20190921 1647) ((emacs (24 4))) "Diminish (hide) buffers from buffer-menu." single ((:commit . "e137baa5e258a7938c713253fc9cc63f8674f841") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "") (:url . ""))])
(diminish . [(20191127 624) nil "Diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display" single ((:commit . "8bed521dbd10c009ca76f5efbf95966fc186465f") (:keywords "extensions" "diminish" "minor" "codeprose") (:authors ("Will Mengarini" . "")) (:maintainer "Martin Yrjölä" . "") (:url . ""))])
(diminish . [(20191127 1326) ((emacs (24 3))) "Diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display" single ((:commit . "96b47cf90360e4bd19138fe82dc59bfa86c7bf7d") (:keywords "extensions" "diminish" "minor" "codeprose") (:authors ("Will Mengarini" . "")) (:maintainer "Martin Yrjölä" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dim-autoload . [(20191110 2013) nil "dim or hide autoload cookie lines" single ((:commit . "0826046a4d523567801c17e20ecdabc27b936035") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dim . [(20160818 949) ((emacs (24 4))) "Change mode-line names of major/minor modes" single ((:commit . "79b81724b951fedffdd3113f473c18990af837a9") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "") (:url . ""))])
(digitalocean-helm . [(20180610 746) ((emacs (24 3)) (helm (2 5)) (digitalocean (0 1))) "Create and manipulate digitalocean droplets" single ((:commit . "b125c9882eded7d73ec109d152b26625f333440b") (:keywords "processes" "tools") (:authors ("Oliver Marks" . "")) (:maintainer "Oliver Marks" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -3788,7 +3788,7 @@
(counsel-css . [(20191031 345) ((emacs (24 4)) (counsel (0 7 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "stylesheet-selector-aware swiper" single ((:commit . "61a38c9d50fa9d1e38b2fa550d07130eb9322524") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "counsel" "swiper" "selector" "css" "less" "scss") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner <http://github/hlissner>")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(counsel-codesearch . [(20180925 803) ((codesearch (1)) (counsel (0 10 0)) (emacs (24)) (ivy (0 10 0))) "Counsel interface for codesearch.el" single ((:commit . "b7989fad3e06f301c31d5e896c42b6cc549a0e0c") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "") (:url . ""))])
(counsel-bbdb . [(20181128 1320) ((ivy (0 8 0)) (emacs (24 3))) "Quick search&input email from BBDB based on ivy" single ((:commit . "df2890deb73b09f8055243bd91942ea887d9b7a1") (:keywords "mail" "abbrev" "convenience" "matching") (:authors ("Chen Bin < AT gmail>")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin < AT gmail>") (:url . ""))])
(counsel . [(20191118 1350) ((emacs (24 5)) (swiper (0 13 0))) "Various completion functions using Ivy" single ((:commit . "657e6b4d3f2d9783dc87389f460e1145ce26fa70") (:keywords "convenience" "matching" "tools") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(counsel . [(20191127 1040) ((emacs (24 5)) (swiper (0 13 0))) "Various completion functions using Ivy" single ((:commit . "4ba0944bec05c22d695fd5b89527160603649d62") (:keywords "convenience" "matching" "tools") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(cosmo . [(20170922 744) ((emacs (24 4))) "Cosmological Calculator" single ((:commit . "dd83b09a49a2843606b28279b674b2207040b36b") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Francesco Montanari" . "")) (:maintainer "Francesco Montanari" . "") (:url . ""))])
(corral . [(20160502 701) nil "Quickly surround text with delimiters" single ((:commit . "e7ab6aa118e46b93d4933d1364bc273f57cd6911") (:authors ("Kevin Liu" . "")) (:maintainer "Kevin Liu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(coq-commenter . [(20170822 2309) ((dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Coq commenting minor mode for proof" single ((:commit . "7fe9a2cc0ebdb0b1e54a24eb7971d757fb588ac3") (:keywords "comment" "coq" "proof") (:authors ("Junyoung Clare Jang" . "")) (:maintainer "Junyoung Clare Jang" . "") (:url . ""))])
@ -3922,7 +3922,7 @@
(cmm-mode . [(20150225 746) nil "Major mode for C-- source code" single ((:commit . "c3ad514dff3eb30434f6b20d953276d4c00de1ee"))])
(cmd-to-echo . [(20161203 2133) ((emacs (24 4)) (s (1 11 0)) (shell-split-string (20151224 208))) "Show the output of long-running commands in the echo area" single ((:commit . "e0e874fc0e1ad6d291e39ed76023445297ad438a") (:authors ("Tijs Mallaerts" . "")) (:maintainer "Tijs Mallaerts" . ""))])
(cmake-project . [(20171121 1115) nil "Integrates CMake build process with Emacs" single ((:commit . "d3f408f226eff3f77f7e00dd519f4efc78fd292d") (:keywords "c" "cmake" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Alexander Lamaison" . "alexander.lamaison@gmail")) (:maintainer "Alexander Lamaison" . "alexander.lamaison@gmail") (:url . ""))])
(cmake-mode . [(20190710 1319) ((emacs (24 1))) "major-mode for editing CMake sources" single ((:commit . "7046a5219893436cbe19b6973ac13fb489199601"))])
(cmake-mode . [(20190710 1319) ((emacs (24 1))) "major-mode for editing CMake sources" single ((:commit . "7fe99b813c6772f056fddc2c6ea7f73ccb3d3e1c"))])
(cmake-ide . [(20190731 1009) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (seq (1 11)) (levenshtein (0)) (s (1 11 0))) "Calls CMake to find out include paths and other compiler flags" single ((:commit . "e3aa1ded10c079337826b40586111df7114f6379") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Atila Neves" . "")) (:maintainer "Atila Neves" . "") (:url . ""))])
(cmake-font-lock . [(20190728 1901) ((cmake-mode (0 0))) "Advanced, type aware, highlight support for CMake" single ((:commit . "e0ceaaae19c13b66f781512e3295bfc6707b56f4") (:keywords "faces" "languages") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:url . ""))])
(cm-mode . [(20170203 2107) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Minor mode for CriticMarkup" single ((:commit . "276d49c859822265070ae5dfbb403fd7d8d06436") (:keywords "text" "markdown") (:authors ("Joost Kremers" . "")) (:maintainer "Joost Kremers" . ""))])
@ -4093,7 +4093,7 @@
(boron-theme . [(20170808 1308) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme based on Boron (tmTheme)" single ((:commit . "87ae1a765e07429fec25d2f29b004f84b52d2e0a") (:authors ("Jason Milkins")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins") (:url . ""))])
(borland-blue-theme . [(20160117 1321) ((emacs (24 1))) "Blue/yellow theme based on old DOS Borland/Turbo C IDE" single ((:commit . "db74eefebbc89d3c62575f8f50b319e87b4a3470") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Alexey Veretennikov <alexey dot veretennikov at gmail dot com>")) (:maintainer "Alexey Veretennikov <alexey dot veretennikov at gmail dot com>") (:url . ""))])
(borg . [(20190902 1510) ((emacs (26)) (dash (2 14 1)) (epkg (3 1 1)) (magit (2 13 0))) "assimilate Emacs packages as Git submodules" tar ((:commit . "e4a53ec687a1e2f75276c2f2c2b568266887fe10") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(boon . [(20191120 944) ((emacs (25 1)) (expand-region (0 10 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (multiple-cursors (1 3 0))) "Ergonomic Command Mode for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "7f9e237aa487435302ec1b3cb3f2f2fb17b58ab7"))])
(boon . [(20191128 820) ((emacs (25 1)) (expand-region (0 10 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (multiple-cursors (1 3 0))) "Ergonomic Command Mode for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "ed8bc8bbc4ea13f68bd2aec6a59c4765b49fc610"))])
(bool-flip . [(20161215 1539) ((emacs (24 3))) "flip the boolean under the point" single ((:commit . "f58a9a7b9ab875bcfbd57c8262697ae404eb4485") (:keywords "boolean" "convenience" "usability") (:authors ("Michael Brandt" . "")) (:maintainer "Michael Brandt" . "") (:url . ""))])
(boogie-friends . [(20190909 1432) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 10 0)) (flycheck (0 23)) (yasnippet (0 9 0 1)) (company (0 8 12))) "A collection of programming modes for Boogie, Dafny, and Z3 (SMTLIB v2)." tar ((:commit . "45ee305eba1cce63f89e49daef9eaeaa90e34265"))])
(bonjourmadame . [(20170919 1134) nil "Say \"Hello ma'am!\"" single ((:commit . "d3df185fce78aefa689fded8e56a654f0fde4ac0"))])
@ -4307,7 +4307,7 @@
(all-the-icons-ivy . [(20190508 1803) ((emacs (24 4)) (all-the-icons (2 4 0)) (ivy (0 8 0))) "Shows icons while using ivy and counsel" single ((:commit . "babea626db20773de4c408acb2788e2b9c8277e3") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("asok")) (:maintainer "asok"))])
(all-the-icons-gnus . [(20180511 654) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12 0)) (all-the-icons (3 1 0))) "Shows icons for in Gnus" single ((:commit . "27f78996da0725943bcfb2d18038e6f7bddfa9c7") (:keywords "mail" "tools") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . ""))])
(all-the-icons-dired . [(20170418 2131) ((emacs (24 4)) (all-the-icons (2 2 0))) "Shows icons for each file in dired mode" single ((:commit . "980b7747d6c4a7992a1ec56afad908956db0a519") (:keywords "files" "icons" "dired") (:authors ("jtbm37")) (:maintainer "jtbm37"))])
(all-the-icons . [(20191126 2308) ((emacs (24 3)) (memoize (1 0 1))) "A library for inserting Developer icons" tar ((:commit . "14d0e82245019de2795a829fd4dc6fcada095dd4") (:keywords "convenient" "lisp") (:authors ("Dominic Charlesworth" . "")) (:maintainer "Dominic Charlesworth" . "") (:url . ""))])
(all-the-icons . [(20191127 1123) ((emacs (24 3)) (memoize (1 0 1))) "A library for inserting Developer icons" tar ((:commit . "1416f37984486a44c6c0cbe0a2c985e82f965b6b") (:keywords "convenient" "lisp") (:authors ("Dominic Charlesworth" . "")) (:maintainer "Dominic Charlesworth" . "") (:url . ""))])
(all-ext . [(20170115 205) ((all (1 0))) "M-x all with helm-swoop/anything/multiple-cursors/line-number" single ((:commit . "9f4ef84a147cf4e0af6ef45826d6cb3558db6b88") (:keywords "all" "search" "replace" "anything" "helm" "helm-swoop" "occur") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "") (:url . ""))])
(align-cljlet . [(20160112 2101) ((clojure-mode (1 11 5))) "Space align various Clojure forms" single ((:commit . "602d72a7ad52788a0265e3c6da519464a98166b8") (:url . ""))])
(alert-termux . [(20181119 951) ((emacs (24 4))) "alert.el notifications on Termux" single ((:commit . "47c414285c2f5971f3be52aaf0a4066ea6989238") (:keywords "terminals") (:authors ("Gergely Polonkai" . "")) (:maintainer "Gergely Polonkai" . "") (:url . ""))])
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,990 @@
;;; leuven-theme.el --- Awesome Emacs color theme on dark background
;; Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Fabrice Niessen <(concat "fniessen" at-sign "")>
;; URL:
;; Version: 20170101.1105
;; Keywords: color theme
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; This elegant Org-enhancing color theme "leuven" ROCKS!
;; ... and not just for Org mode.
;; To use it, put the following in your Emacs configuration file:
;; (load-theme 'leuven t)
;; Requirements: Emacs 24.
;; NOTE -- Would you like implement a version of this for dark backgrounds,
;; please do so! I'm willing to integrate it...
;;; Code:
;;; Options.
(defgroup leuven nil
"Leuven theme options.
The theme has to be reloaded after changing anything in this group."
:group 'faces)
(defcustom leuven-scale-outline-headlines t
"Scale `outline' (and `org') level-1 headlines."
:type 'boolean
:group 'leuven)
;;; Theme Faces.
(deftheme leuven-dark
"Face colors with a light background.
Basic, Font Lock, Isearch, Gnus, Message, Org mode, Diff, Ediff,
Flyspell, Semantic, and Ansi-Color faces are included -- and much
(let ((class '((class color) (min-colors 89)))
;; Leuven generic colors.
(cancel '(:slant italic :strike-through t :foreground "#292929"))
(clock-line '(:box (:line-width 1 :color "#436ab7") :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#161100"))
(code-block '(:foreground "#af8b124" :background "#000000"))
(code-inline '(:foreground "#388e2e" :background "#000000"))
(column '(:height 1.0 :weight normal :slant normal :underline nil :strike-through nil :foreground "#2c1200" :background "#030100"))
(completion-selected-candidate '(:weight bold :foreground "#000000" :background "#4a77d1"))
(completion-other-candidates '(:weight bold :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#000307"))
(completion-inline '(:weight normal :foreground "#1a1a1a" :inherit hl-line)) ; Like Google.
(diff-added '(:background "#000300"))
(diff-changed '(:foreground "#6845138" :background "#000919"))
(diff-header '(:foreground "#c15138" :background "#000100"))
(diff-hunk-header '(:foreground "#9d159c" :background "#050005"))
(diff-none '(:foreground "#737373"))
(diff-refine-added '(:background "#001300"))
(diff-refine-removed '(:background "#270007"))
(diff-removed '(:background "#080002"))
(directory '(:weight bold :foreground "#6845138" :background "#000000"))
(file '(:foreground "#fffefe"))
(highlight-blue '(:background "#000508"))
(highlight-gray '(:background "#080807"))
(highlight-green '(:background "#000900"))
(highlight-red '(:background "#1b0004"))
(highlight-yellow '(:underline "#000200" :background "#000100"))
(link '(:weight normal :underline t :foreground "#006aab"))
(link-no-underline '(:weight normal :foreground "#006aab"))
(mail-header-name '(:family "Sans Serif" :weight normal :foreground "#2d2d2c"))
(mail-header-other '(:family "Sans Serif" :slant normal :foreground "#606060"))
(mail-read '(:foreground "#292929"))
(mail-read-high '(:foreground "#484848"))
(mail-ticked '(:foreground "#8b0000"))
(mail-to '(:family "Sans Serif" :underline nil :foreground "#006aab"))
(mail-unread '(:foreground "#0b67be"))
(mail-unread-high '(:foreground "#457eae"))
(marked-line '(:foreground "#ad130a" :background "#300005"))
(match '(:weight bold :background "#060900")) ; occur patterns
(ol1 `(,@(when leuven-scale-outline-headlines (list :height 1.3)) :weight bold :overline "#2a2a2a" :foreground "#8f8f8f" :background "#030303"))
(ol2 '(:height 1.0 :weight bold :overline "#84a1cb" :foreground "#84a1cb" :background "#000407"))
(ol3 '(:height 1.0 :weight bold :foreground "#4c9a5a" :background "#000100"))
(ol4 '(:height 1.0 :weight bold :slant normal :foreground "#690000"))
(ol5 '(:height 1.0 :weight bold :slant normal :foreground "#870042"))
(ol6 '(:height 1.0 :weight bold :slant italic :foreground "#005eae"))
(ol7 '(:height 1.0 :weight bold :slant italic :foreground "#004e00"))
(ol8 '(:height 1.0 :weight bold :slant italic :foreground "#4f0000"))
(paren-matched '(:background "#001000")) ; Or take that green for region?
(paren-unmatched '(:weight bold :underline "#850000" :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#0e0002"))
(region '(:background "#001e3a"))
(shadow '(:foreground "#494949"))
(string '(:foreground "#007600")) ; or #8d0000
(subject '(:family "Sans Serif" :weight bold :foreground "#fffefe"))
(symlink '(:foreground "#005291"))
(tab '(:foreground "#060606" :background "#000000"))
(volatile-highlight '(:underline nil :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#2a1100")) ; flash-region
(vc-branch '(:box (:line-width 1 :color "#003a00") :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#000b00"))
(xml-attribute '(:foreground "#670000"))
(xml-tag '(:foreground "#950082"))
(highlight-current-tag '(:background "#00050e")) ; #010304 or #020700
`(default ((,class (:foreground "#9b9b9b" :background "#000000"))))
`(bold ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(bold-italic ((,class (:weight bold :slant italic :foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(italic ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#c0c0c0"))))
`(underline ((,class (:underline t))))
`(cursor ((,class (:background "#003668"))))
;; Highlighting faces.
`(fringe ((,class (:foreground "#0a0900" :background "#000000"))))
`(highlight ((,class ,highlight-blue)))
`(region ((,class ,region)))
`(secondary-selection ((,class ,match))) ; Used by Org-mode for highlighting matched entries and keywords.
`(isearch ((,class (:weight bold :underline "#3e0000" :foreground nil :background "#200600"))))
`(isearch-fail ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#3d0004"))))
`(lazy-highlight ((,class (:underline "#3e0000" :background "#000200")))) ; isearch others
`(trailing-whitespace ((,class (:foreground "#222222" :background "#000100"))))
`(query-replace ((,class (:inherit isearch))))
`(whitespace-hspace ((,class (:foreground "#101010")))) ; see also `nobreak-space'
`(whitespace-indentation ((,class ,tab)))
`(whitespace-line ((,class (:foreground "#9d0000" :background "#000100"))))
`(whitespace-tab ((,class ,tab)))
`(whitespace-trailing ((,class (:foreground "#222222" :background "#000100"))))
;; Mode line faces.
`(mode-line ((,class (:box (:line-width 1 :color "#91a1d3") :foreground "#002237" :background "#436ab7"))))
`(mode-line-inactive ((,class (:box (:line-width 1 :color "#7a7a78") :foreground "#030303" :background "#32332f"))))
`(mode-line-buffer-id ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#000000"))))
`(mode-line-emphasis ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#000000"))))
`(mode-line-highlight ((,class (:foreground "#000200"))))
;; Escape and prompt faces.
`(minibuffer-prompt ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#0e0a00"))))
`(minibuffer-noticeable-prompt ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#0e0a00"))))
`(escape-glyph ((,class (:foreground "#00538f"))))
`(error ((,class (:foreground "#850000"))))
`(warning ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#320000"))))
`(success ((,class (:foreground "#001800"))))
;; Font lock faces.
`(font-lock-builtin-face ((,class (:foreground "#005ac6"))))
`(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face ((,class (:foreground "#3f3f37")))) ; #5d5d5d
`(font-lock-comment-face ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#3f3f37")))) ; #5d5d5d
`(font-lock-constant-face ((,class (:foreground "#8d0000"))))
`(font-lock-doc-face ((,class (:foreground "#2f8926"))))
;; `(font-lock-doc-string-face ((,class (:foreground "#007600")))) ; XEmacs only, but is used for HTML exports from org2html (and not interactively)
`(font-lock-function-name-face ((,class (:weight normal :foreground "#2773a8"))))
`(font-lock-keyword-face ((,class (:bold nil :foreground "#6845138")))) ; #3e59e2
`(font-lock-preprocessor-face ((,class (:foreground "#484848"))))
`(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash ((,class (:weight bold :inherit nil))))
`(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct ((,class (:weight bold :inherit nil))))
`(font-lock-string-face ((,class ,string)))
`(font-lock-type-face ((,class (:weight normal :foreground "#8855ca"))))
`(font-lock-variable-name-face ((,class (:weight normal :foreground "#860074")))) ; #a942a8
`(font-lock-warning-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#850000"))))
;; Button and link faces.
`(link ((,class ,link)))
`(link-visited ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#590006"))))
`(button ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#006aab"))))
`(header-line ((,class (:weight bold :underline "#320068" :overline "#320068" :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#00050e"))))
;; Gnus faces.
`(gnus-button ((,class (:weight normal))))
`(gnus-cite-attribution-face ((,class (:foreground "#615fc2"))))
`(gnus-cite-face-1 ((,class (:foreground "#615fc2" :background "#010101"))))
`(gnus-cite-face-2 ((,class (:foreground "#b662b5" :background "#010101"))))
`(gnus-cite-face-3 ((,class (:foreground "#007272" :background "#010101"))))
`(gnus-cite-face-4 ((,class (:foreground "#b53320" :background "#010101"))))
`(gnus-cite-face-5 ((,class (:foreground "#a680128" :background "#010101"))))
`(gnus-cite-face-6 ((,class (:foreground "#6e2700" :background "#010101"))))
`(gnus-cite-face-7 ((,class (:foreground "#615fc2" :background "#010101"))))
`(gnus-cite-face-8 ((,class (:foreground "#b662b5" :background "#010101"))))
`(gnus-cite-face-9 ((,class (:foreground "#007272" :background "#010101"))))
`(gnus-cite-face-10 ((,class (:foreground "#b53320" :background "#010101"))))
`(gnus-emphasis-bold ((,class (:weight bold))))
`(gnus-emphasis-highlight-words ((,class (:foreground "#000200" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(gnus-group-mail-1 ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#6b0035"))))
`(gnus-group-mail-1-empty ((,class (:foreground "#615fc2"))))
`(gnus-group-mail-2 ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#840014"))))
`(gnus-group-mail-2-empty ((,class (:foreground "#b662b5"))))
`(gnus-group-mail-3 ((,class ,mail-unread)))
`(gnus-group-mail-3-empty ((,class ,mail-read)))
`(gnus-group-mail-low ((,class ,cancel)))
`(gnus-group-mail-low-empty ((,class ,cancel)))
`(gnus-group-news-1 ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#6b0035"))))
`(gnus-group-news-1-empty ((,class (:foreground "#615fc2"))))
`(gnus-group-news-2 ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#840014"))))
`(gnus-group-news-2-empty ((,class (:foreground "#b662b5"))))
`(gnus-group-news-3 ((,class ,mail-unread)))
`(gnus-group-news-3-empty ((,class ,mail-read)))
`(gnus-group-news-4 ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#850000"))))
`(gnus-group-news-4-empty ((,class (:foreground "#b53320"))))
`(gnus-group-news-5 ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#810036"))))
`(gnus-group-news-5-empty ((,class (:foreground "#a680128"))))
`(gnus-group-news-6 ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#494949"))))
`(gnus-group-news-6-empty ((,class (:foreground "#484848"))))
`(gnus-header-content ((,class ,mail-header-other)))
`(gnus-header-from ((,class (:family "Sans Serif" :foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(gnus-header-name ((,class ,mail-header-name)))
`(gnus-header-newsgroups ((,class (:family "Sans Serif" :foreground "#004c78"))))
`(gnus-header-subject ((,class ,subject)))
`(gnus-picon ((,class (:foreground "#000200" :background "#000000"))))
`(gnus-picon-xbm ((,class (:foreground "#000200" :background "#000000"))))
`(gnus-server-closed ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#6845138" :background "#000000"))))
`(gnus-server-denied ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#850000" :background "#000000"))))
`(gnus-server-opened ((,class (:family "Sans Serif" :foreground "#000000" :foreground "#2154ba"))))
`(gnus-signature ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#3d3e3f"))))
`(gnus-splash ((,class (:foreground "#460000"))))
`(gnus-summary-cancelled ((,class ,cancel)))
`(gnus-summary-high-ancient ((,class ,mail-unread-high)))
`(gnus-summary-high-read ((,class ,mail-read-high)))
`(gnus-summary-high-ticked ((,class ,mail-ticked)))
`(gnus-summary-high-unread ((,class ,mail-unread-high)))
`(gnus-summary-low-ancient ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(gnus-summary-low-read ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#343434" :background "#0a0a0a"))))
`(gnus-summary-low-ticked ((,class ,mail-ticked)))
`(gnus-summary-low-unread ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(gnus-summary-normal-ancient ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#0061b2"))))
`(gnus-summary-normal-read ((,class ,mail-read)))
`(gnus-summary-normal-ticked ((,class ,mail-ticked)))
`(gnus-summary-normal-unread ((,class ,mail-unread)))
`(gnus-summary-selected ((,class (:foreground "#000000" :background "#005395"))))
`(gnus-x-face ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe" :background "#000000"))))
;; Message faces.
`(message-header-name ((,class ,mail-header-name)))
`(message-header-cc ((,class ,mail-to)))
`(message-header-other ((,class ,mail-header-other)))
`(message-header-subject ((,class ,subject)))
`(message-header-to ((,class ,mail-to)))
`(message-cited-text ((,class (:foreground "#615fc2" :background "#010101"))))
`(message-separator ((,class (:family "Sans Serif" :weight normal :foreground "#171a1d"))))
`(message-header-newsgroups ((,class (:family "Sans Serif" :foreground "#004c78"))))
`(message-header-xheader ((,class ,mail-header-other)))
`(message-mml ((,class (:foreground "#006a00"))))
;; Diff.
`(diff-added ((,class ,diff-added)))
`(diff-changed ((,class ,diff-changed)))
`(diff-context ((,class ,diff-none)))
`(diff-file-header ((,class ,diff-header)))
`(diff-file1-hunk-header ((,class (:foreground "#a332a3" :background "#000405"))))
`(diff-file2-hunk-header ((,class (:foreground "#1f7221" :background "#000405"))))
`(diff-function ((,class (:foreground "darkgray"))))
`(diff-header ((,class ,diff-header)))
`(diff-hunk-header ((,class ,diff-hunk-header)))
`(diff-index ((,class ,diff-header)))
`(diff-indicator-added ((,class (:foreground "#005b00" :background "#000400"))))
`(diff-indicator-changed ((,class (:background "#10319a"))))
`(diff-indicator-removed ((,class (:foreground "#900004" :background "#0e0002"))))
`(diff-refine-added ((,class ,diff-refine-added)))
`(diff-refine-change ((,class (:background "#000919"))))
`(diff-refine-removed ((,class ,diff-refine-removed)))
`(diff-removed ((,class ,diff-removed)))
;; SMerge.
`(smerge-refined-change ((,class (:background "#001e58"))))
;; Ediff.
`(ediff-current-diff-A ((,class (:background "#0e0002"))))
`(ediff-current-diff-B ((,class (:background "#000300"))))
`(ediff-current-diff-C ((,class (:background "#001220"))))
`(ediff-even-diff-A ((,class (:background "#101010"))))
`(ediff-even-diff-B ((,class (:background "#101010"))))
`(ediff-fine-diff-A ((,class (:background "#300005"))))
`(ediff-fine-diff-B ((,class (:background "#001500"))))
`(ediff-odd-diff-A ((,class (:background "#101010"))))
`(ediff-odd-diff-B ((,class (:background "#101010"))))
;; Flyspell.
(if (version< emacs-version "24.4")
`(flyspell-duplicate ((,class (:underline "#007600" :inherit nil))))
`(flyspell-duplicate ((,class (:underline (:style wave :color "#007600") :inherit nil)))))
(if (version< emacs-version "24.4")
`(flyspell-incorrect ((,class (:underline "#850000" :inherit nil))))
`(flyspell-incorrect ((,class (:underline (:style wave :color "#850000") :inherit nil)))))
;; ;; Semantic faces.
;; `(semantic-decoration-on-includes ((,class (:underline ,cham-4))))
;; `(semantic-decoration-on-private-members-face ((,class (:background ,alum-2))))
;; `(semantic-decoration-on-protected-members-face ((,class (:background ,alum-2))))
;; `(semantic-decoration-on-unknown-includes ((,class (:background ,choc-3))))
;; `(semantic-decoration-on-unparsed-includes ((,class (:underline ,orange-3))))
`(semantic-highlight-func-current-tag-face ((,class ,highlight-current-tag)))
`(semantic-tag-boundary-face ((,class (:overline "#320068"))))
;; `(semantic-unmatched-syntax-face ((,class (:underline ,red-1))))
`(Info-title-1-face ((,class ,ol1)))
`(Info-title-2-face ((,class ,ol2)))
`(Info-title-3-face ((,class ,ol3)))
`(Info-title-4-face ((,class ,ol4)))
`(ace-jump-face-foreground ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#320000"))))
`(ahs-face ((,class (:background "#070902")))) ; #002141 (blue).
`(ahs-definition-face ((,class (:background "#09000a"))))
`(ahs-plugin-defalt-face ((,class (:background "#070902")))) ; #27000c (rose) = current.
`(anzu-match-1 ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe" :background "#000e06"))))
`(anzu-match-2 ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe" :background "springgreen"))))
`(anzu-match-3 ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe" :background "#850000"))))
`(anzu-mode-line ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe" :background "#001000"))))
`(anzu-replace-highlight ((,class (:inherit query-replace))))
`(anzu-replace-to ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#6d00a9" :background "#200600"))))
`(auto-dim-other-buffers-face ((,class (:background "#010101"))))
`(avy-background-face ((,class (:background "#292929"))))
`(avy-lead-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#320000"))))
`(bbdb-company ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#005683"))))
`(bbdb-field-name ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#005683"))))
`(bbdb-field-value ((,class (:foreground "#005683"))))
`(bbdb-name ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#620000"))))
`(bmkp-light-fringe-autonamed ((,class (:foreground "#6d6d6d" :background "#0f0f0f"))))
`(bmkp-light-autonamed ((,class (:background "#030303"))))
`(bmkp-light-fringe-non-autonamed ((,class (:foreground "#000000" :background "#00121f")))) ; default
`(bmkp-light-non-autonamed ((,class (:background "#00060a"))))
`(browse-kill-ring-separator-face ((,class (:foreground "#850000"))))
`(calendar-month-header ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#837d6e" :background "#000000"))))
`(calendar-today ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#837d6e" :background "#000000"))))
`(calendar-weekday-header ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#2c6dbc"))))
`(calendar-weekend-header ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#7a7a7a"))))
`(cfw:face-annotation ((,class (:foreground "#001800" :background "#850000"))))
`(cfw:face-day-title ((,class (:foreground "#151515"))))
`(cfw:face-default-content ((,class (:foreground "#5272ca"))))
`(cfw:face-default-day ((,class (:weight bold))))
`(cfw:face-disable ((,class (:foreground "#292929"))))
`(cfw:face-grid ((,class (:foreground "#0b0b0b"))))
`(cfw:face-header ((,class (:foreground "#2c6dbc" :background "#000000" :weight bold))))
`(cfw:face-holiday ((,class (:foreground "#505050" :background "#00060d"))))
`(cfw:face-periods ((,class (:foreground "#000000" :background "#004282" :slant italic))))
`(cfw:face-saturday ((,class (:foreground "#7a7a7a" :background "#000000" :weight bold))))
`(cfw:face-select ((,class (:foreground "#00448b" :background "#000306"))))
`(cfw:face-sunday ((,class (:foreground "#7a7a7a" :background "#000000" :weight bold))))
`(cfw:face-title ((,class (:height 2.0 :foreground "#5f5f5f" :weight bold :inherit variable-pitch))))
`(cfw:face-today ((,class (:foreground "#837d6e" :background "#000000"))))
`(cfw:face-today-title ((,class (:foreground "#000000" :background "#226bb7"))))
`(cfw:face-toolbar ((,class (:background "#000000"))))
`(cfw:face-toolbar-button-off ((,class (:foreground "#121212" :background "#000000"))))
`(cfw:face-toolbar-button-on ((,class (:foreground "#686868" :background "#010101"))))
`(change-log-date ((,class (:foreground "#7800c5"))))
`(change-log-file ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#00548e"))))
`(change-log-list ((,class (:box (:line-width 1) :foreground "#00323a"))))
`(change-log-name ((,class (:foreground "#007600"))))
`(circe-highlight-all-nicks-face ((,class (:foreground "#6845138" :background "#030303")))) ; other nick names
`(circe-highlight-nick-face ((,class (:foreground "#006700" :background "#030303")))) ; messages with my nick cited
`(circe-my-message-face ((,class (:foreground "#3f3f3f" :background "#030303"))))
`(circe-originator-face ((,class (:foreground "#6845138"))))
`(circe-prompt-face ((,class (:foreground "#850000"))))
`(circe-server-face ((,class (:foreground "#002032"))))
`(comint-highlight-input ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#6845138" :inherit nil))))
;; `(comint-highlight-prompt ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#0e0a00"))))
`(comint-highlight-prompt ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#6845138" :inherit nil))))
;; `(ac-selection-face ((,class ,completion-selected-candidate)))
`(ac-selection-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#000000" :background "#320000")))) ; TEMP For diff'ing AC from Comp.
`(ac-candidate-face ((,class ,completion-other-candidates)))
`(ac-completion-face ((,class ,completion-inline)))
`(ac-candidate-mouse-face ((,class (:inherit highlight))))
`(popup-scroll-bar-background-face ((,class (:background "#000307"))))
`(popup-scroll-bar-foreground-face ((,class (:background "#080e13")))) ; Scrollbar (visible).
`(company-tooltip-common-selection ((,class (:weight normal :foreground "#050400" :inherit company-tooltip-selection)))) ; Prefix + common part in tooltip (for selection).
`(company-tooltip-selection ((,class ,completion-selected-candidate))) ; Suffix in tooltip (for selection).
`(company-tooltip-annotation-selection ((,class (:weight normal :foreground "#050400")))) ; Annotation (for selection).
`(company-tooltip-common ((,class (:weight normal :foreground "#920092" :inherit company-tooltip)))) ; Prefix + common part in tooltip.
`(company-tooltip ((,class ,completion-other-candidates))) ; Suffix in tooltip.
`(company-tooltip-annotation ((,class (:weight normal :foreground "#654312f")))) ; Annotation.
`(company-preview-common ((,class ,completion-inline)))
`(company-scrollbar-bg ((,class (:background "#000307"))))
`(company-scrollbar-fg ((,class (:background "#080e13")))) ; Scrollbar (visible).
`(compare-windows ((,class (:background "#000200"))))
;; `(completions-common-part ((,class (:foreground "#850000" :weight bold))))
;; `(completions-first-difference ((,class (:foreground "#001800" :weight bold))))
`(compilation-error ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#850000")))) ; Used for grep error messages.
`(compilation-info ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#6376d6")))) ; Used for grep hits.
`(compilation-line-number ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#86008f"))))
`(compilation-warning ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#320000"))))
`(compilation-mode-line-exit ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#001800")))) ; :exit[matched]
`(compilation-mode-line-fail ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#470049")))) ; :exit[no match]
`(compilation-mode-line-run ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#320000")))) ; :run
`(css-property ((,class (:foreground "#005400"))))
`(css-selector ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#6845138"))))
`(custom-button ((,class (:box (:line-width 2 :style released-button) :foreground "#fffefe" :background "lightgrey"))))
`(custom-button-mouse ((,class (:box (:line-width 2 :style released-button) :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#070707"))))
`(custom-button-pressed ((,class (:box (:line-width 2 :style pressed-button) :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#101010"))))
`(custom-button-pressed-unraised ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#a332a3"))))
`(custom-button-unraised ((,class (:underline t))))
`(custom-changed ((,class (:foreground "#000000" :background "#6845138"))))
`(custom-comment ((,class (:background "#0d0d0d"))))
`(custom-comment-tag ((,class (:foreground "#ad89125"))))
`(custom-documentation ((,class (nil))))
`(custom-face-tag ((,class (:family "Sans Serif" :height 1.2 :weight bold))))
`(custom-group-tag ((,class (:height 1.2 :weight bold :foreground "#6845138"))))
`(custom-group-tag-1 ((,class (:family "Sans Serif" :height 1.2 :weight bold :foreground "#850000"))))
`(custom-invalid ((,class (:foreground "#000200" :background "#850000"))))
`(custom-link ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#6845138"))))
`(custom-modified ((,class (:foreground "#000000" :background "#6845138"))))
`(custom-rogue ((,class (:foreground "#200009" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(custom-saved ((,class (:underline t))))
`(custom-set ((,class (:foreground "#6845138" :background "#000000"))))
`(custom-state ((,class (:foreground "#006d00"))))
`(custom-themed ((,class (:foreground "#000000" :background "#6845138"))))
`(custom-variable-button ((,class (:weight bold :underline t))))
`(custom-variable-tag ((,class (:family "Sans Serif" :height 1.2 :weight bold :foreground "#6845138"))))
`(custom-visibility ((,class ,link)))
`(diff-hl-change ((,class (:foreground "#8962130" :inherit diff-changed))))
`(diff-hl-delete ((,class (:foreground "#9d0000" :inherit diff-removed))))
`(diff-hl-dired-change ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#340000"))))
`(diff-hl-dired-delete ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#8a0000"))))
`(diff-hl-dired-ignored ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#000000" :background "#1f1d13"))))
`(diff-hl-dired-insert ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#1e1e1f"))))
`(diff-hl-dired-unknown ((,class (:foreground "#000000" :background "#7365ea"))))
`(diff-hl-insert ((,class (:foreground "#006d00" :inherit diff-added))))
`(diff-hl-unknown ((,class (:foreground "#000000" :background "#7365ea"))))
`(diary-face ((,class (:foreground "#002344"))))
`(dircolors-face-asm ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(dircolors-face-backup ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(dircolors-face-compress ((,class (:foreground "#850000"))))
`(dircolors-face-dir ((,class ,directory)))
`(dircolors-face-doc ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(dircolors-face-dos ((,class (:foreground "#006a00"))))
`(dircolors-face-emacs ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(dircolors-face-exec ((,class (:foreground "#006a00"))))
`(dircolors-face-html ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(dircolors-face-img ((,class (:foreground "#840086"))))
`(dircolors-face-lang ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(dircolors-face-lang-interface ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(dircolors-face-make ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(dircolors-face-objet ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(dircolors-face-package ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(dircolors-face-paddb ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(dircolors-face-ps ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(dircolors-face-sound ((,class (:foreground "#003567"))))
`(dircolors-face-tar ((,class (:foreground "#850000"))))
`(dircolors-face-text ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(dircolors-face-yacc ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(dired-directory ((,class ,directory)))
`(dired-header ((,class ,directory)))
`(dired-ignored ((,class (:strike-through t :foreground "#850000"))))
`(dired-mark ((,class ,marked-line)))
`(dired-marked ((,class ,marked-line)))
`(dired-symlink ((,class ,symlink)))
`(diredp-compressed-file-suffix ((,class (:foreground "#850000"))))
`(diredp-date-time ((,class (:foreground "#7800c5"))))
`(diredp-dir-heading ((,class ,directory)))
`(diredp-dir-name ((,class ,directory)))
`(diredp-dir-priv ((,class ,directory)))
`(diredp-exec-priv ((,class (:background "#004200"))))
`(diredp-executable-tag ((,class (:foreground "#006a00" :background "#000000"))))
`(diredp-file-name ((,class ,file)))
`(diredp-file-suffix ((,class (:foreground "#1a1a1a"))))
`(diredp-flag-mark-line ((,class ,marked-line)))
`(diredp-ignored-file-name ((,class ,shadow)))
`(diredp-read-priv ((,class (:background "#00469a"))))
`(diredp-write-priv ((,class (:foreground "#000000" :background "#770000"))))
`(elfeed-search-filter-face ((,class (:foreground "#1b1b1b"))))
;; `(eww-form-checkbox ((,class ())))
;; `(eww-form-select ((,class ())))
;; `(eww-form-submit ((,class ())))
`(eww-form-text ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#5f7890" :background "#001b31"))))
;; `(eww-form-textarea ((,class ())))
`(file-name-shadow ((,class ,shadow)))
`(font-latex-bold-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(fancy-narrow-blocked-face ((,class (:foreground "#34333c"))))
`(flycheck-color-mode-line-error-face ((, class (:background "#780000"))))
`(flycheck-color-mode-line-warning-face ((, class (:background "#320000"))))
`(flycheck-color-mode-line-info-face ((, class (:background "#000200"))))
`(font-latex-italic-face ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#c0c0c0"))))
`(font-latex-math-face ((,class (:foreground "#6845138"))))
`(font-latex-sectioning-1-face ((,class (:family "Sans Serif" :height 2.7 :weight bold :foreground "#003d83"))))
`(font-latex-sectioning-2-face ((,class ,ol1)))
`(font-latex-sectioning-3-face ((,class ,ol2)))
`(font-latex-sectioning-4-face ((,class ,ol3)))
`(font-latex-sectioning-5-face ((,class ,ol4)))
`(font-latex-sedate-face ((,class (:foreground "#6d0000"))))
`(font-latex-string-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#0051e2"))))
`(font-latex-verbatim-face ((,class (:foreground "#af8b124" :background "#000000" :inherit nil))))
`(git-commit-summary-face ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(git-commit-comment-face ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#5d5d5d"))))
`(google-translate-text-face ((,class (:foreground "#505050" :background "#020202"))))
`(google-translate-phonetic-face ((,class (:inherit shadow))))
`(google-translate-translation-face ((,class (:weight normal :foreground "#0050b9" :background "#02070a"))))
`(google-translate-suggestion-label-face ((,class (:foreground "#850000"))))
`(google-translate-suggestion-face ((,class (:slant italic :underline t))))
`(google-translate-listen-button-face ((,class (:height 0.8))))
`(helm-action ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(helm-bookmark-file ((,class ,file)))
`(helm-bookmarks-su-face ((,class (:foreground "#850000"))))
`(helm-buffer-directory ((,class ,directory)))
`(helm-buffer-process ((,class (:foreground "#007400"))))
`(helm-candidate-number ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe" :background "#000200"))))
`(helm-dir-heading ((,class (:foreground "#6845138" :background "#200009"))))
`(helm-dir-priv ((,class (:foreground "#bc442d" :background "#101010"))))
`(helm-ff-directory ((,class ,directory)))
`(helm-ff-dotted-directory ((,class ,directory)))
`(helm-ff-executable ((,class (:foreground "#003900" :background "#000000"))))
`(helm-ff-file ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(helm-ff-invalid-symlink ((,class (:foreground "#000200" :background "#850000"))))
`(helm-ff-symlink ((,class ,symlink)))
`(helm-file-name ((,class (:foreground "#6845138"))))
`(helm-gentoo-match-face ((,class (:foreground "#850000"))))
`(helm-grep-lineno ((,class ,shadow)))
`(helm-grep-match ((,class ,match)))
`(helm-grep-running ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#000000"))))
`(helm-isearch-match ((,class (:background "#000600"))))
`(helm-lisp-show-completion ((,class ,volatile-highlight))) ; See `helm-dabbrev'.
;; `(helm-ls-git-added-copied-face ((,class (:foreground ""))))
;; `(helm-ls-git-added-modified-face ((,class (:foreground ""))))
;; `(helm-ls-git-conflict-face ((,class (:foreground ""))))
;; `(helm-ls-git-deleted-and-staged-face ((,class (:foreground ""))))
;; `(helm-ls-git-deleted-not-staged-face ((,class (:foreground ""))))
;; `(helm-ls-git-modified-and-staged-face ((,class (:foreground ""))))
`(helm-ls-git-modified-not-staged-face ((,class (:foreground "#860074"))))
;; `(helm-ls-git-renamed-modified-face ((,class (:foreground ""))))
;; `(helm-ls-git-untracked-face ((,class (:foreground ""))))
`(helm-match ((,class ,match)))
`(helm-moccur-buffer ((,class (:foreground "#0063c8"))))
`(helm-selection ((,class ,highlight-blue)))
`(helm-selection-line ((,class ,highlight-gray)))
`(helm-separator ((,class (:foreground "#850000"))))
`(helm-source-header ((,class ,ol1)))
`(helm-swoop-target-line-block-face ((,class (:background "#0e1b00" :foreground "#b3b3b3"))))
`(helm-swoop-target-line-face ((,class ,volatile-highlight)))
`(helm-swoop-target-word-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground nil :background "#200600"))))
`(helm-visible-mark ((,class ,marked-line)))
`(helm-w3m-bookmarks-face ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#001220"))))
`(highlight-changes ((,class (:foreground nil)))) ;; blue "#966811d"
`(highlight-changes-delete ((,class (:strike-through nil :foreground nil)))) ;; red "#a60024"
`(highlight-symbol-face ((,class (:background "#000100"))))
`(hl-line ((,class ,highlight-green))) ; Highlight current line.
`(hl-tags-face ((,class ,highlight-current-tag))) ; ~ Pair highlighting (matching tags).
`(holiday-face ((,class (:foreground "#505050" :background "#00060d"))))
`(html-helper-bold-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(html-helper-italic-face ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(html-helper-underline-face ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(html-tag-face ((,class (:foreground "#6845138"))))
`(ilog-non-change-face ((,class (:height 2.0 :foreground "#8855ca"))))
`(ilog-change-face ((,class (:height 2.0 :foreground "#007400"))))
`(ilog-echo-face ((,class (:height 2.0 :foreground "#005ac6"))))
`(ilog-load-face ((,class (:foreground "#860074"))))
`(ilog-message-face ((,class (:foreground "#484848"))))
`(indent-guide-face ((,class (:foreground "#101010"))))
`(info-file ((,class (:family "Sans Serif" :height 1.8 :weight bold :box (:line-width 1 :color "#8a63130") :foreground "#003d83" :background "#000d1c"))))
`(info-header-node ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#320000")))) ; nodes in header
`(info-header-xref ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#0048a5")))) ; cross references in header
`(info-index-match ((,class (:weight bold :foreground nil :background "#200600")))) ; when using `i'
`(info-menu-header ((,class ,ol2))) ; menu titles (headers) -- major topics
`(info-menu-star ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe")))) ; every 3rd menu item
`(info-node ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#6845138")))) ; node names
`(info-quoted-name ((,class ,code-inline)))
`(info-string ((,class ,string)))
`(info-title-1 ((,class ,ol1)))
`(info-xref ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#006aab")))) ; unvisited cross-references
`(info-xref-visited ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#a332a3")))) ; previously visited cross-references
;; js2-highlight-vars-face (~ auto-highlight-symbol)
`(js2-function-param ((,class (:foreground "#0a0c00"))))
`(js2-error ((,class (:box (:line-width 1 :color "#7b0000") :background "#0c0002")))) ; DONE.
`(js2-external-variable ((,class (:foreground "#850000")))) ; DONE.
`(js2-function-param ((,class (:foreground "#006537"))))
`(js2-instance-member ((,class (:foreground "#7f00b0"))))
`(js2-jsdoc-html-tag-delimiter ((,class (:foreground "#001800"))))
`(js2-jsdoc-html-tag-name ((,class (:foreground "#000200"))))
`(js2-jsdoc-tag ((,class (:foreground "#3f4e5c"))))
`(js2-jsdoc-type ((,class (:foreground "#005683"))))
`(js2-jsdoc-value ((,class (:foreground "#2b1a0a"))))
`(js2-magic-paren ((,class (:underline t))))
`(js2-private-function-call ((,class (:foreground "#321b00"))))
`(js2-private-member ((,class (:foreground "#2b1a0a"))))
`(js2-warning ((,class (:underline "#320000"))))
;; Org non-standard faces.
`(leuven-org-deadline-overdue ((,class (:foreground "#850011"))))
`(leuven-org-deadline-today ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#837d6e" :background "#000000"))))
`(leuven-org-deadline-tomorrow ((,class (:foreground "#005100"))))
`(leuven-org-deadline-future ((,class (:foreground "#005100"))))
`(leuven-gnus-unseen ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#5a0000"))))
`(leuven-gnus-date ((,class (:foreground "#4d0026"))))
`(leuven-gnus-size ((,class (:foreground "#003000"))))
`(light-symbol-face ((,class (:background "#000100"))))
`(linum ((,class (:foreground "#333333" :background "#040404"))))
`(log-view-file ((,class (:foreground "#8a63130" :background "#000405"))))
`(log-view-message ((,class (:foreground "#0e1b00"))))
`(lui-button-face ((,class ,link)))
`(lui-highlight-face ((,class (:box '(:line-width 1 :color "#9d0000") :foreground "#9d0000" :background "#000100")))) ; my nickname
`(lui-time-stamp-face ((,class (:foreground "#7800c5"))))
`(magit-blame-header ((,class (:inherit magit-diff-file-header))))
`(magit-blame-heading ((,class (:overline "#2a2a2a" :foreground "#850000" :background "#070707"))))
`(magit-blame-hash ((,class (:overline "#2a2a2a" :foreground "#850000" :background "#070707"))))
`(magit-blame-name ((,class (:overline "#2a2a2a" :foreground "#2f8926" :background "#070707"))))
`(magit-blame-date ((,class (:overline "#2a2a2a" :foreground "#6845138" :background "#070707"))))
`(magit-blame-summary ((,class (:overline "#2a2a2a" :weight bold :foreground "#575757" :background "#070707"))))
`(magit-branch ((,class ,vc-branch)))
`(magit-diff-add ((,class ,diff-added)))
`(magit-diff-del ((,class ,diff-removed)))
`(magit-diff-file-header ((,class (:height 1.1 :weight bold :foreground "#00548e"))))
`(magit-diff-hunk-header ((,class ,diff-hunk-header)))
`(magit-diff-none ((,class ,diff-none)))
`(magit-header ((,class (:foreground "#000000" :background "#770000"))))
`(magit-item-highlight ((,class (:background "#000405"))))
`(magit-item-mark ((,class ,marked-line)))
`(magit-log-head-label ((,class (:box (:line-width 1 :color "#6845138" :style nil)))))
`(magit-log-tag-label ((,class (:box (:line-width 1 :color "#003a00" :style nil)))))
`(magit-section-title ((,class (:family "Sans Serif" :height 1.8 :weight bold :foreground "#003d83" :inherit nil))))
`(makefile-space-face ((,class (:background "#5d002c"))))
`(makefile-targets ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#6845138"))))
;; `(markdown-blockquote-face ((,class ())))
`(markdown-bold-face ((,class (:inherit bold))))
;; `(markdown-comment-face ((,class ())))
;; `(markdown-footnote-face ((,class ())))
;; `(markdown-header-delimiter-face ((,class ())))
;; `(markdown-header-face ((,class ())))
`(markdown-header-face-1 ((,class ,ol1)))
`(markdown-header-face-2 ((,class ,ol2)))
`(markdown-header-face-3 ((,class ,ol3)))
`(markdown-header-face-4 ((,class ,ol4)))
`(markdown-header-face-5 ((,class ,ol5)))
`(markdown-header-face-6 ((,class ,ol6)))
;; `(markdown-header-rule-face ((,class ())))
`(markdown-inline-code-face ((,class ,code-inline)))
`(markdown-italic-face ((,class (:inherit italic))))
;; `(markdown-language-keyword-face ((,class ())))
;; `(markdown-line-break-face ((,class ())))
`(markdown-link-face ((,class ,link-no-underline)))
;; `(markdown-link-title-face ((,class ())))
;; `(markdown-list-face ((,class ())))
;; `(markdown-math-face ((,class ())))
;; `(markdown-metadata-key-face ((,class ())))
;; `(markdown-metadata-value-face ((,class ())))
;; `(markdown-missing-link-face ((,class ())))
;; `(markdown-pre-face ((,class ())))
;; `(markdown-reference-face ((,class ())))
;; `(markdown-strike-through-face ((,class ())))
`(markdown-url-face ((,class ,link)))
`(match ((,class ,match))) ; Used for grep matches.
`(mc/cursor-bar-face ((,class (:height 1.0 :foreground "#000000" :background "#1b65c6"))))
`(mc/cursor-face ((,class (:inverse-video t))))
`(mc/region-face ((,class (:inherit region))))
`(mm-uu-extract ((,class ,code-block)))
`(moccur-current-line-face ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe" :background "#000000"))))
`(moccur-face ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe" :background "#000100"))))
`(next-error ((,class ,volatile-highlight)))
`(nobreak-space ((,class (:background "#000b12"))))
`(nxml-attribute-local-name-face ((,class ,xml-attribute)))
`(nxml-attribute-value-delimiter-face ((,class (:foreground "#006d00"))))
`(nxml-attribute-value-face ((,class (:foreground "#006d00"))))
`(nxml-comment-content-face ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#850000"))))
`(nxml-comment-delimiter-face ((,class (:foreground "#850000"))))
`(nxml-element-local-name ((,class ,xml-tag)))
`(nxml-element-local-name-face ((,class (:foreground "#6845138"))))
`(nxml-processing-instruction-target-face ((,class (:foreground "#6b00cb"))))
`(nxml-tag-delimiter-face ((,class (:foreground "#6845138"))))
`(nxml-tag-slash-face ((,class (:foreground "#6845138"))))
`(org-agenda-block-count ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#2b2b2c"))))
`(org-agenda-calendar-event ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#0059ab" :background "#00060d"))))
`(org-agenda-calendar-sexp ((,class (:foreground "#0058a4" :background "#000203"))))
`(org-agenda-clocking ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe" :background "#161100"))))
`(org-agenda-column-dateline ((,class ,column)))
`(org-agenda-current-time ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#2c6dbc"))))
`(org-agenda-date ((,class (:height 1.6 :weight bold :foreground "#2c6dbc"))))
`(org-agenda-date-today ((,class (:height 1.6 :weight bold :foreground "#837d6e" :background "#000000"))))
`(org-agenda-date-weekend ((,class (:height 1.6 :weight bold :foreground "#7a7a7a"))))
`(org-agenda-diary ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#006d00" :background "#001720"))))
`(org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face ((,class (:foreground "#161100"))))
`(org-agenda-done ((,class (:foreground "#727272"))))
`(org-agenda-filter-category ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#320000"))))
`(org-agenda-filter-tags ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#320000"))))
`(org-agenda-restriction-lock ((,class (:background "#550000"))))
`(org-agenda-structure ((,class (:height 1.6 :weight bold :foreground "#005291"))))
`(org-archived ((,class (:foreground "#222222"))))
`(org-beamer-tag ((,class (:box (:line-width 1 :color "#210a00") :foreground "#a4a4a4" :background "#000100"))))
`(org-block ((,class ,code-block)))
`(org-block-background ((,class (:background "#000000")))) ;; :inherit fixed-pitch))))
`(org-block-begin-line ((,class (:underline "#2b2a2d" :foreground "#727272" :background "#0a0a04"))))
`(org-block-end-line ((,class (:overline "#2b2a2d" :foreground "#727272" :background "#0a0a04"))))
`(org-checkbox ((,class (:weight bold :box (:line-width 1 :style pressed-button) :foreground "#868686" :background "#2d2d2d"))))
`(org-clock-overlay ((,class (:foreground "#000000" :background "#3e647e"))))
`(org-code ((,class ,code-inline)))
`(org-column ((,class ,column)))
`(org-column-title ((,class ,column)))
`(org-date ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#607ce3"))))
`(org-default ((,class (:foreground "#9b9b9b" :background "#000000"))))
`(org-dim ((,class (:foreground "#282828"))))
`(org-document-info ((,class (:foreground "#818181"))))
`(org-document-info-keyword ((,class (:foreground "#00538f" :background "#00040d"))))
`(org-document-title ((,class (:family "Sans Serif" :height 1.8 :weight bold :foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(org-done ((,class (:weight bold :box (:line-width 1 :color "#1d1d1d") :foreground "#1d1d1d" :background "#030303"))))
`(org-drawer ((,class (:foreground "#00213e"))))
`(org-ellipsis ((,class (:underline nil :box (:line-width 1 :color "#343434") :foreground "#343434" :background "#000200")))) ; #010600
`(org-example ((,class (:foreground "#6845138" :background "#000200"))))
`(org-footnote ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#00538f"))))
`(org-formula ((,class (:foreground "#500000"))))
`(org-headline-done ((,class (:height 1.0 :weight normal :strike-through t :foreground "#262626"))))
`(org-hide ((,class (:foreground "#090909"))))
`(org-inlinetask ((,class (:box (:line-width 1 :color "#050505") :foreground "#505050" :background "#000000"))))
`(org-latex-and-related ((,class (:foreground "#3a6ca0" :background "#000000"))))
`(org-level-1 ((,class ,ol1)))
`(org-level-2 ((,class ,ol2)))
`(org-level-3 ((,class ,ol3)))
`(org-level-4 ((,class ,ol4)))
`(org-level-5 ((,class ,ol5)))
`(org-level-6 ((,class ,ol6)))
`(org-level-7 ((,class ,ol7)))
`(org-level-8 ((,class ,ol8)))
`(org-link ((,class ,link)))
`(org-list-dt ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#436ab7"))))
`(org-macro ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#231100"))))
`(org-meta-line ((,class (:slant normal :foreground "#00538f" :background "#00040d"))))
`(org-mode-line-clock ((,class (:box (:line-width 1 :color "#436ab7") :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#340000"))))
`(org-mode-line-clock-overrun ((,class (:weight bold :box (:line-width 1 :color "#436ab7") :foreground "#000000" :background "#770000"))))
`(org-number-of-items ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#000000" :background "#00360a"))))
`(org-property-value ((,class (:foreground "#005c00"))))
`(org-quote ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#5d5d5d" :background "#000000"))))
`(org-scheduled ((,class (:foreground "#9b9b9b"))))
`(org-scheduled-previously ((,class (:foreground "#0d64c4"))))
`(org-scheduled-today ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#837d6e" :background "#000000"))))
`(org-sexp-date ((,class (:foreground "#0059ab"))))
`(org-special-keyword ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#004700" :background "#000200"))))
`(org-table ((,class (:foreground "#388e2e" :background "#000200")))) ;; :inherit fixed-pitch))))
`(org-tag ((,class (:weight normal :slant italic :foreground "#2e3135" :background "#000000"))))
`(org-target ((,class (:foreground "#5b0027"))))
`(org-time-grid ((,class (:foreground "#121212"))))
`(org-todo ((,class (:weight bold :box (:line-width 1 :color "#2f1113") :foreground "#2f1113" :background "#090001"))))
`(org-upcoming-deadline ((,class (:foreground "#6c0000"))))
`(org-verbatim ((,class (:foreground "#0063c8" :background "#000001"))))
`(org-verse ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#5d5d5d" :background "#040404"))))
`(org-warning ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#000b17"))))
`(outline-1 ((,class ,ol1)))
`(outline-2 ((,class ,ol2)))
`(outline-3 ((,class ,ol3)))
`(outline-4 ((,class ,ol4)))
`(outline-5 ((,class ,ol5)))
`(outline-6 ((,class ,ol6)))
`(outline-7 ((,class ,ol7)))
`(outline-8 ((,class ,ol8)))
`(pabbrev-debug-display-label-face ((,class (:background "#001200"))))
`(pabbrev-suggestions-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#000000" :background "#850000"))))
`(pabbrev-suggestions-label-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#000000" :background "#7800c5"))))
`(paren-face-match ((,class ,paren-matched)))
`(paren-face-mismatch ((,class ,paren-unmatched)))
`(paren-face-no-match ((,class ,paren-unmatched)))
`(persp-selected-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#000306"))))
`(powerline-active1 ((,class (:foreground "#002237" :background "#949494" :inherit mode-line))))
`(powerline-active2 ((,class (:foreground "#002237" :background "#285ea0" :inherit mode-line))))
`(powerline-inactive1 ((,class (:foreground "#030303" :background "#5e5e5e" :inherit mode-line-inactive))))
`(powerline-inactive2 ((,class (:foreground "#030303" :background "#292929" :inherit mode-line-inactive))))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face ((,class (:foreground "#535464"))))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face ((,class (:foreground "#1d3f7f"))))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face ((,class (:foreground "#3b3c31"))))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face ((,class (:foreground "#29492a"))))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face ((,class (:foreground "#5c4343"))))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face ((,class (:foreground "#374f8c"))))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face ((,class (:foreground "#454541"))))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face ((,class (:foreground "#1e3c1f"))))
`(rainbow-delimiters-depth-9-face ((,class (:foreground "#5e4849"))))
`(rainbow-delimiters-mismatched-face ((,class ,paren-unmatched)))
`(rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face ((,class ,paren-unmatched)))
`(recover-this-file ((,class (:weight bold :background "#780000"))))
`(rng-error ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#850000" :background "#0a0003"))))
`(sh-heredoc ((,class (:foreground "#6845138" :background "#000306"))))
`(sh-quoted-exec ((,class (:foreground "#800031"))))
`(shadow ((,class ,shadow))) ; Used for grep context lines.
`(shell-option-face ((,class (:foreground "#006a00"))))
`(shell-output-2-face ((,class (:foreground "#6845138"))))
`(shell-output-3-face ((,class (:foreground "#7800c5"))))
`(shell-output-face ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe"))))
;; `(shell-prompt-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#000200"))))
`(shm-current-face ((,class (:background "#070600"))))
`(shm-quarantine-face ((,class (:background "lemonchiffon"))))
`(show-paren-match ((,class ,paren-matched)))
`(show-paren-mismatch ((,class ,paren-unmatched)))
`(sml-modeline-end-face ((,class (:background "#003369")))) ; #436ab7
`(sml-modeline-vis-face ((,class (:background "#005da8"))))
;; `(sp-pair-overlay-face
;; `(sp-show-pair-enclosing
;; `(sp-show-pair-match-face ; ~ Pair highlighting (matching tags).
;; `(sp-show-pair-mismatch-face
;; `(sp-wrap-overlay-closing-pair
;; `(sp-wrap-overlay-face
;; `(sp-wrap-overlay-opening-pair
;; `(sp-wrap-tag-overlay-face
`(speedbar-button-face ((,class (:foreground "#006d00"))))
`(speedbar-directory-face ((,class (:foreground "#ad89125"))))
`(speedbar-file-face ((,class (:foreground "#006264"))))
`(speedbar-highlight-face ((,class ,volatile-highlight)))
`(speedbar-selected-face ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#850000"))))
`(speedbar-tag-face ((,class (:foreground "#a32829"))))
`(svn-status-directory-face ((,class ,directory)))
`(svn-status-filename-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#00548e"))))
`(svn-status-locked-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#850000"))))
`(svn-status-marked-face ((,class ,marked-line)))
`(svn-status-marked-popup-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#003900"))))
`(svn-status-switched-face ((,class (:slant italic :foreground "#3e3e3e"))))
`(svn-status-symlink-face ((,class ,symlink)))
`(svn-status-update-available-face ((,class (:foreground "#320000"))))
`(tex-verbatim ((,class (:foreground "#6845138"))))
`(tool-bar ((,class (:box (:line-width 1 :style released-button) :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#1b1b1b"))))
`(tooltip ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe" :background "#000000"))))
`(trailing-whitespace ((,class (:background "#050009"))))
`(traverse-match-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#790dcf"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-3F3FFF ((,class (:foreground "#4844106" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-3F6CFF ((,class (:foreground "#4844106" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-3F99FF ((,class (:foreground "#004193" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-3FC6FF ((,class (:foreground "#004193" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-3FF3FF ((,class (:foreground "#001729" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-3FFF56 ((,class (:foreground "#001600" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-3FFF83 ((,class (:foreground "#001400" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-3FFFB0 ((,class (:foreground "#001400" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-3FFFDD ((,class (:foreground "#001729" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-56FF3F ((,class (:foreground "#001600" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-83FF3F ((,class (:foreground "#000c00" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-B0FF3F ((,class (:foreground "#000c00" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-DDFF3F ((,class (:foreground "#000500" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-F6FFCC ((,class (:foreground "#fffefe" :background "#000100"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-FF3F3F ((,class (:foreground "#780000" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-FF6C3F ((,class (:foreground "#780000" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-FF993F ((,class (:foreground "#3c0000" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-FFC63F ((,class (:foreground "#3c0000" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vc-annotate-face-FFF33F ((,class (:foreground "#000500" :background "#fffefe"))))
`(vhl/default-face ((,class ,volatile-highlight))) ; `volatile-highlights.el'.
`(w3m-anchor ((,class ,link)))
`(w3m-arrived-anchor ((,class (:foreground "#6b00cb"))))
`(w3m-bitmap-image-face ((,class (:foreground "#e0e0df" :background "#001800"))))
`(w3m-bold ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#fffefe"))))
`(w3m-current-anchor ((,class (:weight bold :underline t :foreground "#6845138"))))
`(w3m-form ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#330000"))))
`(w3m-form-button-face ((,class (:weight bold :underline t :foreground "#e0e0df" :background "#101010"))))
`(w3m-form-button-mouse-face ((,class (:underline t :foreground "#101010" :background "#1f7221"))))
`(w3m-form-button-pressed-face ((,class (:weight bold :underline t :foreground "#e0e0df" :background "#101010"))))
`(w3m-header-line-location-content-face ((,class (:foreground "#494949":background "#010101"))))
`(w3m-header-line-location-title-face ((,class (:foreground "#4b6bcd" :background "#010101"))))
`(w3m-history-current-url-face ((,class (:foreground "#000100"))))
`(w3m-image-face ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#001000"))))
`(w3m-link-numbering ((,class (:foreground "#00192e")))) ; mouseless browsing
`(w3m-strike-through-face ((,class (:strike-through t))))
`(w3m-underline-face ((,class (:underline t))))
;; `(web-mode-block-attr-name-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-block-attr-value-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-block-comment-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-block-control-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-block-delimiter-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-block-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-block-string-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-bold-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-builtin-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-comment-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-comment-keyword-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-constant-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-css-at-rule-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-css-color-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-css-comment-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-css-function-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-css-priority-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-css-property-name-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-css-pseudo-class-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-css-selector-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-css-string-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-css-variable-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-current-column-highlight-face ((,class ())))
`(web-mode-current-element-highlight-face ((,class (:background "#320068")))) ; #020500
;; `(web-mode-doctype-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-error-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-filter-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-folded-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-function-call-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-function-name-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-html-attr-custom-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-html-attr-engine-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-html-attr-equal-face ((,class ())))
`(web-mode-html-attr-name-face ((,class ,xml-attribute)))
;; `(web-mode-html-attr-value-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-html-entity-face ((,class ())))
`(web-mode-html-tag-bracket-face ((,class ,xml-tag)))
;; `(web-mode-html-tag-custom-face ((,class ())))
`(web-mode-html-tag-face ((,class ,xml-tag)))
;; `(web-mode-html-tag-namespaced-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-inlay-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-italic-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-javascript-comment-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-javascript-string-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-json-comment-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-json-context-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-json-key-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-json-string-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-jsx-depth-1-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-jsx-depth-2-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-jsx-depth-3-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-jsx-depth-4-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-keyword-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-param-name-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-part-comment-face ((,class ())))
`(web-mode-part-face ((,class (:background "#000000"))))
;; `(web-mode-part-string-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-preprocessor-face ((,class ())))
`(web-mode-script-face ((,class (:background "#030304"))))
;; `(web-mode-sql-keyword-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-string-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-style-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-symbol-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-type-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-underline-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-variable-name-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-warning-face ((,class ())))
;; `(web-mode-whitespace-face ((,class ())))
`(which-func ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#000000"))))
;; `(which-key-command-description-face)
;; `(which-key-group-description-face)
;; `(which-key-highlighted-command-face)
;; `(which-key-key-face)
`(which-key-local-map-description-face ((,class (:weight bold :background "#000203" :inherit which-key-command-description-face))))
;; `(which-key-note-face)
;; `(which-key-separator-face)
;; `(which-key-special-key-face)
`(widget-button ((,class ,link)))
`(widget-button-pressed ((,class (:foreground "#850000"))))
`(widget-documentation ((,class (:foreground "#006d00"))))
`(widget-field ((,class (:background "#0d0d0d"))))
`(widget-inactive ((,class (:foreground "#5d5d5d"))))
`(widget-single-line-field ((,class (:background "#0d0d0d"))))
`(woman-bold ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#7e0000"))))
`(woman-italic ((,class (:weight bold :slant italic :foreground "#004000"))))
`(woman-symbol ((,class (:weight bold :foreground "#7800c5"))))
`(yas-field-debug-face ((,class (:background "#850000"))))
`(yas-field-highlight-face ((,class (:box (:line-width 1 :color "#464646") :foreground "#fffefe" :background "#0a0e0c"))))
(custom-theme-set-variables 'leuven
;; highlight-sexp-mode.
'(hl-sexp-background-color "#060404")
[default default default italic underline success warning error])
;; Colors used in Shell mode.
["#fffefe" "#9d0000" "#006a00" "#0e1b00" "#6845138" "#840086" "#003567" "#494949"])
(when (and (boundp 'custom-theme-load-path)
;; Add theme folder to `custom-theme-load-path' when installing over MELPA.
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
(file-name-as-directory (file-name-directory load-file-name))))
(when (string-match "/etc/themes/$"
(file-name-directory (or load-file-name (buffer-file-name))))
(message "To stay up-to-date, you should better install and use leuven-theme from MELPA.")
(sit-for 2))
(provide-theme 'leuven-dark)
;; This is for the sake of Emacs.
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; time-stamp-end: "$"
;; time-stamp-format: "%:y%02m%02d.%02H%02M"
;; time-stamp-start: "Version: "
;; End:
;;; leuven-theme.el ends here
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
;;; leuven-theme-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name
(or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil "leuven-dark-theme" "leuven-dark-theme.el"
;;;;;; (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from leuven-dark-theme.el
(when (and (boundp 'custom-theme-load-path) load-file-name) (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path (file-name-as-directory (file-name-directory load-file-name))))
(when (string-match "/etc/themes/$" (file-name-directory (or load-file-name (buffer-file-name)))) (message "To stay up-to-date, you should better install and use leuven-theme from MELPA.") (sit-for 2))
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "leuven-dark-theme" '("leuven-")))
;;;### (autoloads nil "leuven-theme" "leuven-theme.el" (0 0 0 0))
;;; Generated autoloads from leuven-theme.el
(when (and (boundp 'custom-theme-load-path) load-file-name) (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path (file-name-as-directory (file-name-directory load-file-name))))
(when (string-match "/etc/themes/$" (file-name-directory (or load-file-name (buffer-file-name)))) (message "To stay up-to-date, you should better install and use leuven-theme from MELPA.") (sit-for 2))
(if (fboundp 'register-definition-prefixes) (register-definition-prefixes "leuven-theme" '("leuven")))
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("leuven-theme-pkg.el") (0 0 0 0))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; coding: utf-8
;; End:
;;; leuven-theme-autoloads.el ends here
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
(define-package "leuven-theme" "20190831.1008" "Awesome Emacs color theme on white background" 'nil :keywords
'("color" "theme")
'(("Fabrice Niessen <(concat \"fniessen\" at-sign \"\")>"))
'("Fabrice Niessen <(concat \"fniessen\" at-sign \"\")>")
:url "")
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End:
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ There are two things you can do about this warning:
(when (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)
(load-theme 'nord))
(unless (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)
(load-theme 'berrys))
(load-theme 'leuven))
;; Load my custom bundles
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/bundle"))
Add table
Reference in a new issue