Update --mk

This commit is contained in:
Marcus Kammer 2022-05-16 14:26:01 +02:00
parent 549c60fd68
commit bea7216a0f

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@ -61,5 +61,20 @@
;; (add-hook 'after-init-hook (lambda () (org-agenda-list) (me/split-h3)))
;; (org-agenda-list))
(defvar mk/useful-websites
'(("https://regexr.com/" regex debug)
("https://regex101.com/" regex debug)
("https://www.regextester.com/" regex debug)
("https://extendsclass.com/regex-tester.html#python" regex debug)))
(defvar mk/mirror-website
"Locally mirror a website using `wget -mkEpnp <ur>`")
(defvar mk/useful-regex
'(("[\w\s]+:" "match any word or space that precede the :")
("\[.*\]" "search for anything in square brackets")
("[A-Za-z]+" "upper and lowercase english alphabet")
("[0-9]" "numbers from 0 to 9")
("[A-Za-z\-\.]" "upper and lowercase english alphabet, - and .")
("(a-z)" "a, - and z")
("(\s+|,)" "spaces or a comma")))