Merge branch 'main' of
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 45 additions and 6 deletions
@ -86,6 +86,8 @@
("" ux blog qda)
("" linux news blog)
("¬categories=No%20publish%7CArchived%7CAutoArchived%7Cdisputed&namespace=0&count=30&hourcount=124&ordermethod=categoryadd&stablepages=only" news)
("!p4608;rss/" left news newspaper)
("!p4610;rss/" left climate newspaper)
("" sbcl lisp)
elfeed-search-filter "@4-day-ago +unread"))
@ -19,10 +19,46 @@
(de "Welches ist der höchste Abschluss, den Sie erworben haben?"))
((en "")))
((en "")
(de "")
(fr "")
(it "")))))
((en "Can you give me an overview of your work?")
(de "Können Sie mir einen Überblick über Ihre Arbeit geben?")
(fr "Pouvez-vous me donner un aperçu de votre travail (exemple: activités quotidiennes) ?")
(it "Può darmi un visione generale del suo lavoro? (per exempio: attività giornaliere)"))
((en "What kind of training did you receive?")
(de "Welche Art von Ausbildung haben Sie erhalten?")
(fr "Quel type de formation avez-vous suivi ?")
(it "Che tipo di educazione ha ricevuto?"))
((en "What are your most important activities?")
(de "Was sind Ihre wichtigsten Aktivitäten?")
(fr "Quelles sont vos principales (importantes) activités ?")
(it "Quali sono le sue attività più importanti?"))
((en "What activities waste your time?")
(de "Welche Aktivitäten verschwenden Ihre Zeit?")
(fr "Quelles sont les activités qui vous font perdre votre temps ou ?")
(it "Quali sono le attività che ti fanno sprecare tempo?"))
((en "What information do you collect?")
(de "Welche Informationen sammeln Sie?")
(fr "Quelles informations collecter-vous ?")
(it "Quali informazioni raccoglie?"))
((en "What information do you need to make a decision?")
(de "Welche Informationen benötigen Sie, um eine Entscheidung zu treffen?")
(fr "De quelles informations avez-vous besoin pour prendre une décision ?")
(it "Di quali informazioni hai bisogno per prendere una decisione?"))
((en "Who do you provide information to?")
(de "Wem stellen Sie Informationen zur Verfügung?")
(fr "À qui fournissez-vous des informations ?")
(it "A chi fornisce informazioni?"))
((en "What device do you use?")
(de "Welches Gerät benutzen Sie?")
(fr "Quel appareil utilisez-vous ?")
(it "Quale dispositivo usa?"))
((en "Where do you do your work (Physical location)?")
(de "Wo üben Sie Ihre Tätigkeit aus (physischer Standort)?")
(fr "Où travaillez-vous (lieu physique) ?")
(it "Dove lavorate (luogo fisico)?"))
((en "How do you keep track of what you need to get done at work?")
(de "Wie behalten Sie den Überblick darüber, was Sie bei der Arbeit zu erledigen haben?")
(fr "Comment gardez-vous une trace de ce que vous avez à faire au travail")
(it "Come fa a tenere traccia di quello, che deve fare al lavoro?")))))
(defvar mk--qda/explain-codes
;; Describe codes used for thematic analysis.
@ -83,11 +83,12 @@
[224 108 117]
[152 195 121]
[198 120 221]
[86 182 194]]))
[86 182 194]])
'(warning-suppress-log-types '((comp))))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(font-lock-keyword-face ((t (:foreground "#81A1C1" :slant italic))))
'(variable-pitch ((t (:height 1.3 :family "Ubuntu Condensed")))))
'(variable-pitch ((t (:height 1.4 :family "Ubuntu Condensed")))))
Add table
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