Content creation
If you can edit HTML, you can create CLiki pages. Heck, if you can edit text you stand a fair chance. Before plunging in, read and absorb the CLiki Content and CLiki Style guidelines, and the Text Formatting rules. You may want to play in the CLiki Sandbox to get the hang of it before venturing out on the road.
Before contributing text to CLiki, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Privacy Statement.
CLiki the web application
CLiki2 is a free collaborative hypertext authoring program, written in Common Lisp. Modelled on Wiki, it is Free Software distributed under the terms of the Affero GPL license. Information about obtaining and installing CLiki2 is available on the CLiki2 project page: Information about the old software behind, called simply "CLiki," is available on the page The Old Cliki. CLiki2 was written by Andrey Moskvitin and Vladimir Sedach, with graphic design by Anastasiya Sterh.
Bugs in CLiki can be reported via the GitLab issue tracker (, or by emailing the CLiki2 maintainer (currently, Vladimir Sedach <>).
Pages related to CLiki content
- CLiki Bugs - Bugs in CLiki can be reported via the GitLab issue tracker (, or by emailing the CLiki2 maintainer (currently, Vladimir Sedach
- CLiki Content - CLiki exists to provide high-quality content for the Common Lisp community
- CLiki Style - A typical CLiki page consists of an article, ideally in Inverted Pyramid style, followed optionally by comments (emphasized with the <em> tag) separated by <hr /> tags
- Daniel Barlow - Daniel Barlow is a Person, using the term in a fairly broad sense
- FAQ - Use this topic marker to tag any CLiki pages that answer Frequently Asked Questions
- Free Software - Free Software, for the purposes of the CLiki site, is software that complies with the Debian Free Software Guidelines
- Keeping up with CLiki - It's easy to follow changes made to CLiki
- Other CLikis - If you're running a web site based on CLiki, feel free to add a link to it here
- Privacy Statement - In normal operation, CLiki and the webserver it runs on will collect information about the people browsing and contributing to it
- SBCL Internals - SBCL Internals was another CLiki installation for SBCL hackers to document bits of the internals of said CL implementation
- Spam Reversion - If you notice that some CLiki page has been vandalized by spammers, you can revert the page to a previous non-spam revision, or delete it if it was created by a spammer
- StudlyCaps - Please don't use StudlyCaps for page names
- Text Formatting - CLiki pages consist of a whitelisted subset of HTML markup with a small set of special markup rules for CLiki-specific features
- TODO List - Things that need doing, and bugs that need fixing, in the CLiki software
- topic markers - A Topic Marker(s) declares a CLiki page to be relevant to a given topic