We recommend trivia for pattern matching, that is a drop-in replacement for optima. For unification, see unification.
- bind - Bind combines let*, destructuring-bind and multiple-value-bind into a single form
- bpm2 - bpm2 is a pattern matching language originally designed for doing code transformation [ie, writing compilers]
- cartesian-product-switch - cartesian-product-switch is a macro for choosing the appropriate form to execute according to the combined results of multiple tests
- cl-unification - Provides unification (as used in Prolog) over fairly arbitrary Common Lisp objects
- cl-xmlspam - XML Stream PAttern Matcher - concise, regexp-like pattern matching on streaming XML
- let-plus - LET+ extends let* with destructuring forms, slot access, hash table elements and various other constructs with a consistent interface
- MCPat - MCPat is a meta-circular pattern matching library
- screamer - Screamer adds support for nondeterministic and constraint programming, including backtracking and undoable side-effects
- spath - SPath is a library for running search queries against s-expressions, intended to match parts of them that the user needs
- Toadstool - Toadstool is a library for pattern matching
- Trivia - Trivial pattern matching compiler
- type-r - The complete collection of accessor functions and patterns to access the elements in a compound type specifier
See also:
- destructuring-bind can be used to bind variables to components of a tree, but does not provide for multiple alternative patterns.
- typecase can be used to test structures against a pattern (type), but does not destructure.
- cl-phonetic — phonetical pattern matcher (work in progress)