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''Please check [[Comments on SiteMap]] before editing this SiteMap page, however.'' == How to use this site == * HowToNavigate -- how to find what you're looking for * HowToEdit -- how you can contribute to the site * ElispArea -- upload and download EmacsLisp source code * [EmacsWiki:CSS Appearance] -- how to change the way the site appears to you * WikiDownload -- how to get copies of the site * EmacsWikiAdministrators -- handling vandalism and spam on this site [:LearningEmacs] == Learning About Emacs == * [[ GNU Emacs Homepage]] official Emacs releases and documentation here. * EmacsNewbie -- basic concepts, vocabulary, notation used in documentation * [[CategoryDocumentation|Documentation]] -- learn why Emacs is called the self-documenting text editor. * [[CategoryHelp|Help]] -- online help from Emacs itself and its users * [[LearningEmacs|Learning Emacs]] -- there are many resources ways to learn Emacs, and lots of aids to learning * [[LearnEmacsLisp|Learn Emacs Lisp]] -- EmacsLisp is the heart and soul of Emacs. * [[CategoryDotEmacs|DotEmacs]] -- writing an [[init file]] to run EmacsLisp code at startup. * [[CategoryGlossary|Glossary]] -- Emacs terminology * [[EmacsNiftyTricks|Nifty Tricks]] -- some extra tips * RandomPage -- for serendipitous visitors * [[CategoryCommunity|Emacs Communities]] -- connect with other people who use Emacs [:GeneralUse] == Emacs Use In-Depth == * [[CategoryAccessibility|Accessibility]] -- how Emacs can make a computer more accessible; health issues * [[CategoryBookmarking|Bookmarking]] -- setting persistent locations and returning to them * [[CategoryBufferSwitching|BufferSwitching]] -- switching among different [[buffer|buffers]] * [[CategoryCommands|Commands]] -- invoking and defining Emacs [[command|commands]], `M-x' * [[CategoryComparing|Comparing]] -- Comparing, diffing and merging text, including code * [[CategoryCompletion|Completion]] -- completing text in the [[minibuffer]] or other[[buffer|buffers]] * [[CategoryDisplay|Display]] -- how emacs displays information ([[frame|frames]], [[face|faces]], fonts...) ** [[CategoryFaces|Faces]] -- text appearance: highlighting, colors, font-lock, syntax-driven highlighting ** [[CategoryFrames|Frames]] -- [EmacsWiki:frame frames] (what the OS would usually call "windows") ** [[CategoryWindows|Windows]] -- Emacs [EmacsWiki:window windows] (panes within a [[frame]] or a text terminal) * [[CategoryEditing|Editing]] -- general information about text editing, including ** [[CategoryAlignment|Alignment]] -- aligning text, columns, comments or other programming-language constructs ** [[CategoryIndentation|Indentation]] -- indenting text, including source code ** [[CategoryComments|Comments]] -- manipulating and using code comments ** [[CategoryFilling|Filling]] -- paragraph filling, justification, and line wrapping text ** [[CategoryParentheses|Parentheses]] -- showing parenthesis matches and mismatches ** [[CategoryRegion|Region]] -- selecting a [[region]] of text to act on it (copy, cut, paste, ...) ** [[CategorySpelling|Spelling]] -- spell-checking ** [[CategoryTemplates|Templates]] -- using boilerplate text and snippets (file headers, templates, forms) ** [[CategoryUndo|Undo]] -- undoing, redoing and finding changes * [[CategoryFiles|Files]] -- files and directories: local, remote, backup. (see also [[CategoryDirectories|Directories]] and DiredMode) * [[CategoryHideStuff|HideStuff]] -- hiding parts of a [[buffer]], including [[CategoryOutline|outlining]] and folding * [[CategoryInternationalization|Internationalization]] -- natural language support, character sets * [[CategoryKeys|Keys]] -- understanding and customizing [[key]] bindings ("hotkeys", aka."keyboard shortcuts") * [[CategoryMouse|Mouse]] -- mouse bindings and different uses of the mouse * [[CategoryModes|Modes]] -- various [[MajorMode|editing modes]] provided in Emacs ** [[CategoryESS|ESS]] -- Emacs Speaks Statistics: R, Julia, Stata, S, SAS ** [[CategoryHypermedia|Hypermedia]] -- creating and using hypertext: HTML, [[MarkdownMode|Markdown]], Emacs [[Info]], wikis ** [[CategoryTables|Tables]] -- working with tabular data ** [[CategoryTex|Tex]] -- !TeX and !LaTeX editing ** [[ProgrammingModes|Programming Modes]] programming modes (C-family, Python, Haskell, COBOL, [[BrainFuck|you name it!]]) ** [[CategoryXML|XML]] -- XML technologies * [[CategoryMenus|Menus]] -- Emacs menus, ([[menu bar]] and popup) * [[CategoryPaths|Paths]] -- how to specify OS paths in Emacs * [[CategoryPersistence|Persistence]] -- saving state between Emacs sessions * [[CategoryPrinting|Printing]] -- printing files, [[buffer|buffers]], the [[region]] ... * [[CategoryProject|Project Organization]] -- navigating, visualizing, managing software projects * [[CategoryProgramming|Programming]] -- using Emacs as a development environment * [[CategoryRegexp|Regexp]] -- defining and using [[regular expression|regular expressions]] * [[CategorySearchAndReplace|SearchAndReplace]] - searching and replacing text, including [[regexp]] search * [[CategoryWriting|Writing]] -- using Emacs as a prose text editor, including resources related to personal journaling, notes, task and information management [:EmacsApplications] == Applications within Emacs == * [[CategoryArtificialIntelligence|ArtificialIntelligence]] -- Emacs-based AI and expert systems. * [[CategoryCalculators|Calculators]] -- math operations ** [[CategoryFinancial|Financial]] -- money management and accounting * [[CategoryCalendar|Calendar]] -- calendar, diary, task and appointment reminders ** [[CategoryTodo|Todo]] -- maintaining to-do lists ** [[CategoryTimeTracking|TimeTracking]] -- tracking your time spent * [[CategoryCryptography|Cryptography]] -- encrypt and decrypt files you edit * [[CategoryDatabase|Databases]] -- databases in Emacs * [[CategoryEducation|Education]] -- learn something new, use a dictionary, or grade students * [[CategoryEmulation|Emulation]] -- emulating environments of other systems and software in Emacs * [[CategoryExternalUtilities|ExternalUtilities]] -- using external utilities other than programming * [[CategoryGames|Games]] -- play in Emacs * [[CategoryGopher|Gopher]] -- browsing Gopher sites * [[CategoryInterface|Interface]] -- accessing web services ** [[CategoryChatClient|ChatClient]] -- using Emacs for chatting ** [[CategoryJournaling|Journaling]] -- Emacs interfaces to blogs * [[CategoryMail|Mail]] -- reading email in Emacs ** [[Rmail]] -- the default mail reader ** [[CategoryGnus|Gnus]] -- an Emacs reader of news and mail ** [[CategoryMailAddons|MailAddons]] -- mail-handling add-ons (not Gnus-related). ** [[CategoryViewMail|View Mail]] -- an alternative to [[Rmail]] ** [[WanderLust|WanderLust]] -- another Emacs news and mail reader ** [[mu4e]] -- another Emacs based mail program. * [[CategoryPersonalInformationManager|PersonalInformationManager]] -- PIM functionalities ** [[CategoryBbdb|Bbdb]] -- "Big Brother <nowiki>DataBase</nowiki>": maintaining phone numbers, mail addresses * [[CategoryProgrammerUtils|ProgrammerUtils]] -- tools for programmers (e.g. code browsers) * [[CategoryRelated|Related]] -- Emacs environments run in other programs (browsers, terminal emulators,...) * [[CategoryRemoteEmacs|RemoteEmacs]] -- running Emacs on a remote host * [[CategoryShell|Shell]] -- interact with a shell inside Emacs, including [[CategoryEshell|eshell]], a cross-platform shell implemented in EmacsLisp * [[CategoryVersionControl|VersionControl]] -- using version-control systems in Emacs (Git, Mercurial, SVN...) * [[CategoryWebBrowser|WebBrowser]] -- browsing Web files and sites [:Customization] == Customizing Emacs == * [[CategoryCustomize|Customize]] -- customizing Emacs with the "easy customizing" feature `Customize' * [[CategoryDotEmacs|DotEmacs]] -- writing an [[init file]] to run EmacsLisp code at startup. * [[CategoryPackaging|Packages]] -- Emacs package management * [[CategoryWThirtyTwo|Emacs on Windows]] -- configuring Emacs for MS Windows * [[ Starter Kits]] -- get Emacs going quickly with an existing custom configuration. [:ProgrammingEmacs] == Programming Emacs in Lisp and C == * [[CategoryCode|Code]] -- EmacsLisp coding tips * [[CategoryDebug|Debug]] -- debugging Emacs, debugging with Emacs, debugging EmacsLisp * [[CategoryPatches|Patches]] -- patches to Emacs, mostly for C-level extensions * [[CategoryExtensionLanguage|ExtensionLanguage]] -- extending Emacs using other languages besides EmacsLisp: Guile, Erlang, Python [:CustomInstallations] == Installing Custom Emacs Builds == * [[CategoryBuilding|Building]] -- building Emacs from source code * [[CategoryPorts|Ports]] -- binaries for MS Windows, Mac, GNU/Linux and the free BSDs [:Bugs] == Emacs Bugs == * EmacsBugs -- how to report bugs and where to find a list of those already reported * [[CategoryWishList|WishList]] -- "Emacs isn't perfect already?" * [[Proposals|Proposals]] -- Formal proposals for improvements to Emacs. [:EmacsInfo] == Other Emacs-related information == * EmacsImplementations -- a list of Emacsen and their impersonators * EmacsMerchandise -- physical Emacs-related swag you can buy * [[CategoryHistory|History]] -- history of Emacs * [[ResearchAboutEmacs]] –– academic, published research about Emacs * [[CategoryHumor|Humor]] -- what's funny about Emacs and Emacs users? * EmacsStories -- Stories about Emacs use in the wild ---- CategoryEmacsWikiSite
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