;;; helm-types.el --- Helm types classes and methods. -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2015 ~ 2019 Thierry Volpiatto ;; Author: Thierry Volpiatto ;; URL: http://github.com/emacs-helm/helm ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Code: (require 'cl-lib) (require 'eieio) ;; Files (defclass helm-type-file (helm-source) () "A class to define helm type file.") (defmethod helm-source-get-action-from-type ((object helm-type-file)) (slot-value object 'action)) (defun helm-actions-from-type-file () (let ((source (make-instance 'helm-type-file))) (helm--setup-source source) (helm-source-get-action-from-type source))) (defvar helm-generic-files-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parent map helm-map) (define-key map (kbd "C-]") 'helm-ff-run-toggle-basename) (define-key map (kbd "C-s") 'helm-ff-run-grep) (define-key map (kbd "M-g s") 'helm-ff-run-grep) (define-key map (kbd "M-g z") 'helm-ff-run-zgrep) (define-key map (kbd "M-g p") 'helm-ff-run-pdfgrep) (define-key map (kbd "C-c g") 'helm-ff-run-gid) (define-key map (kbd "M-R") 'helm-ff-run-rename-file) (define-key map (kbd "M-C") 'helm-ff-run-copy-file) (define-key map (kbd "M-B") 'helm-ff-run-byte-compile-file) (define-key map (kbd "M-L") 'helm-ff-run-load-file) (define-key map (kbd "M-S") 'helm-ff-run-symlink-file) (define-key map (kbd "M-H") 'helm-ff-run-hardlink-file) (define-key map (kbd "M-D") 'helm-ff-run-delete-file) (define-key map (kbd "C-=") 'helm-ff-run-ediff-file) (define-key map (kbd "C-c =") 'helm-ff-run-ediff-merge-file) (define-key map (kbd "C-c o") 'helm-ff-run-switch-other-window) (define-key map (kbd "C-c r") 'helm-ff-run-find-file-as-root) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o") 'helm-ff-run-switch-other-frame) (define-key map (kbd "M-i") 'helm-ff-properties-persistent) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-x") 'helm-ff-run-open-file-externally) (define-key map (kbd "C-c X") 'helm-ff-run-open-file-with-default-tool) (define-key map (kbd "M-.") 'helm-ff-run-etags) (define-key map (kbd "C-c @") 'helm-ff-run-insert-org-link) (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-q") 'helm-ff-run-marked-files-in-dired) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-a") 'helm-ff-run-mail-attach-files) map) "Generic Keymap for files.") (defcustom helm-type-file-actions (helm-make-actions "Find file" 'helm-find-many-files "Find file as root" 'helm-find-file-as-root "Find file other window" 'helm-find-files-other-window "Find file other frame" 'find-file-other-frame "Open dired in file's directory" 'helm-open-dired "Attach file(s) to mail buffer `C-c C-a'" 'helm-ff-mail-attach-files "Marked files in dired" 'helm-marked-files-in-dired "Grep File(s) `C-u recurse'" 'helm-find-files-grep "Zgrep File(s) `C-u Recurse'" 'helm-ff-zgrep "Pdfgrep File(s)" 'helm-ff-pdfgrep "Insert as org link" 'helm-files-insert-as-org-link "Checksum File" 'helm-ff-checksum "Ediff File" 'helm-find-files-ediff-files "Ediff Merge File" 'helm-find-files-ediff-merge-files "Etags `M-., C-u reload tag file'" 'helm-ff-etags-select "View file" 'view-file "Insert file" 'insert-file "Add marked files to file-cache" 'helm-ff-cache-add-file "Delete file(s)" 'helm-ff-delete-files "Copy file(s) `M-C, C-u to follow'" 'helm-find-files-copy "Rename file(s) `M-R, C-u to follow'" 'helm-find-files-rename "Symlink files(s) `M-S, C-u to follow'" 'helm-find-files-symlink "Relsymlink file(s) `C-u to follow'" 'helm-find-files-relsymlink "Hardlink file(s) `M-H, C-u to follow'" 'helm-find-files-hardlink "Open file externally (C-u to choose)" 'helm-open-file-externally "Open file with default tool" 'helm-open-file-with-default-tool "Find file in hex dump" 'hexl-find-file) "Default actions for type files." :group 'helm-files :type '(alist :key-type string :value-type function)) (defmethod helm--setup-source :primary ((_source helm-type-file))) (defmethod helm--setup-source :before ((source helm-type-file)) (setf (slot-value source 'action) 'helm-type-file-actions) (setf (slot-value source 'persistent-help) "Show this file") (setf (slot-value source 'action-transformer) '(helm-transform-file-load-el helm-transform-file-browse-url helm-transform-file-cache)) (setf (slot-value source 'candidate-transformer) '(helm-skip-boring-files helm-w32-pathname-transformer)) (setf (slot-value source 'filtered-candidate-transformer) 'helm-highlight-files) (setf (slot-value source 'help-message) 'helm-generic-file-help-message) (setf (slot-value source 'mode-line) (list "File(s)" helm-mode-line-string)) (setf (slot-value source 'keymap) helm-generic-files-map) (setf (slot-value source 'group) 'helm-files)) ;; Bookmarks (defclass helm-type-bookmark (helm-source) () "A class to define type bookmarks.") (defcustom helm-type-bookmark-actions (helm-make-actions "Jump to bookmark" 'helm-bookmark-jump "Jump to BM other window" 'helm-bookmark-jump-other-window "Jump to BM other frame" 'helm-bookmark-jump-other-frame "Bookmark edit annotation" 'bookmark-edit-annotation "Bookmark show annotation" 'bookmark-show-annotation "Delete bookmark(s)" 'helm-delete-marked-bookmarks "Edit Bookmark" 'helm-bookmark-edit-bookmark "Rename bookmark" 'helm-bookmark-rename "Relocate bookmark" 'bookmark-relocate) "Default actions for type bookmarks." :group 'helm-bookmark :type '(alist :key-type string :value-type function)) (defmethod helm-source-get-action-from-type ((object helm-type-bookmark)) (slot-value object 'action)) (defmethod helm--setup-source :primary ((_source helm-type-bookmark))) (defmethod helm--setup-source :before ((source helm-type-bookmark)) (setf (slot-value source 'action) 'helm-type-bookmark-actions) (setf (slot-value source 'keymap) helm-bookmark-map) (setf (slot-value source 'mode-line) (list "Bookmark(s)" helm-mode-line-string)) (setf (slot-value source 'help-message) 'helm-bookmark-help-message) (setf (slot-value source 'migemo) t) (setf (slot-value source 'follow) 'never) (setf (slot-value source 'group) 'helm-bookmark)) ;; Buffers (defclass helm-type-buffer (helm-source) () "A class to define type buffer.") (defcustom helm-type-buffer-actions (helm-make-actions "Switch to buffer(s)" 'helm-buffer-switch-buffers "Switch to buffer(s) other window `C-c o'" 'helm-buffer-switch-buffers-other-window "Switch to buffer other frame `C-c C-o'" 'switch-to-buffer-other-frame (lambda () (and (fboundp 'tab-bar-mode) "Switch to buffer other tab `C-c C-t'")) 'switch-to-buffer-other-tab "Browse project `C-x C-d'" 'helm-buffers-browse-project "Query replace regexp `C-M-%'" 'helm-buffer-query-replace-regexp "Query replace `M-%'" 'helm-buffer-query-replace "View buffer" 'view-buffer "Display buffer" 'display-buffer "Rename buffer `M-R'" 'helm-buffers-rename-buffer "Grep buffer(s) `M-g s' (C-u grep all buffers)" 'helm-zgrep-buffers "Multi occur buffer(s) `C-s (C-u search also in current)'" 'helm-multi-occur-as-action "Revert buffer(s) `M-G'" 'helm-revert-marked-buffers "Insert buffer" 'insert-buffer "Kill buffer(s) `M-D'" 'helm-kill-marked-buffers "Diff with file `C-='" 'diff-buffer-with-file "Ediff Marked buffers `C-c ='" 'helm-ediff-marked-buffers "Ediff Merge marked buffers `M-='" (lambda (candidate) (helm-ediff-marked-buffers candidate t))) "Default actions for type buffers." :group 'helm-buffers :type '(alist :key-type string :value-type function)) (defmethod helm-source-get-action-from-type ((object helm-type-buffer)) (slot-value object 'action)) (defmethod helm--setup-source :primary ((_source helm-type-buffer))) (defmethod helm--setup-source :before ((source helm-type-buffer)) (setf (slot-value source 'action) 'helm-type-buffer-actions) (setf (slot-value source 'persistent-help) "Show this buffer") (setf (slot-value source 'mode-line) (list "Buffer(s)" helm-mode-line-string)) (setf (slot-value source 'filtered-candidate-transformer) '(helm-skip-boring-buffers helm-buffers-sort-transformer helm-highlight-buffers)) (setf (slot-value source 'group) 'helm-buffers)) ;; Functions (defclass helm-type-function (helm-source) () "A class to define helm type function.") (defcustom helm-type-function-actions (helm-make-actions "Describe command" 'helm-describe-function "Add command to kill ring" 'helm-kill-new "Go to command's definition" 'find-function "Debug on entry" 'debug-on-entry "Cancel debug on entry" 'cancel-debug-on-entry "Trace function" 'trace-function "Trace function (background)" 'trace-function-background "Untrace function" 'untrace-function) "Default actions for type functions." :group 'helm-elisp :type '(alist :key-type string :value-type function)) (defmethod helm-source-get-action-from-type ((object helm-type-function)) (slot-value object 'action)) (defun helm-actions-from-type-function () (let ((source (make-instance 'helm-type-function))) (helm--setup-source source) (helm-source-get-action-from-type source))) (defmethod helm--setup-source :primary ((_source helm-type-function))) (defmethod helm--setup-source :before ((source helm-type-function)) (setf (slot-value source 'action) 'helm-type-function-actions) (setf (slot-value source 'action-transformer) 'helm-transform-function-call-interactively) (setf (slot-value source 'candidate-transformer) 'helm-mark-interactive-functions) (setf (slot-value source 'coerce) 'helm-symbolify)) ;; Commands (defclass helm-type-command (helm-source) () "A class to define helm type command.") (defun helm-actions-from-type-command () (let ((source (make-instance 'helm-type-command))) (helm--setup-source source) (helm-source-get-action-from-type source))) (defcustom helm-type-command-actions (append (helm-make-actions "Call interactively" 'helm-call-interactively) (symbol-value (helm-actions-from-type-function))) "Default actions for type command." :group 'helm-command :type '(alist :key-type string :value-type function)) (defmethod helm--setup-source :primary ((_source helm-type-command))) (defmethod helm--setup-source :before ((source helm-type-command)) (setf (slot-value source 'action) 'helm-type-command-actions) (setf (slot-value source 'coerce) 'helm-symbolify) (setf (slot-value source 'persistent-action) 'describe-function) (setf (slot-value source 'group) 'helm-command)) ;; Timers (defclass helm-type-timers (helm-source) () "A class to define helm type timers.") (defcustom helm-type-timers-actions '(("Cancel Timer" . (lambda (_timer) (let ((mkd (helm-marked-candidates))) (cl-loop for timer in mkd do (cancel-timer timer))))) ("Describe Function" . (lambda (tm) (describe-function (timer--function tm)))) ("Find Function" . (lambda (tm) (helm-aif (timer--function tm) (if (byte-code-function-p it) (message "Can't find anonymous function `%s'" it) (find-function it)))))) "Default actions for type timers." :group 'helm-elisp :type '(alist :key-type string :value-type function)) (defmethod helm--setup-source :primary ((_source helm-type-timers))) (defmethod helm--setup-source :before ((source helm-type-timers)) (setf (slot-value source 'action) 'helm-type-timers-actions) (setf (slot-value source 'persistent-action) (lambda (tm) (describe-function (timer--function tm)))) (setf (slot-value source 'persistent-help) "Describe Function") (setf (slot-value source 'group) 'helm-elisp)) ;; Builders. (defun helm-build-type-file () (helm-make-type 'helm-type-file)) (defun helm-build-type-function () (helm-make-type 'helm-type-function)) (defun helm-build-type-command () (helm-make-type 'helm-type-command)) (provide 'helm-types) ;; Local Variables: ;; byte-compile-warnings: (not obsolete) ;; coding: utf-8 ;; indent-tabs-mode: nil ;; End: ;;; helm-types.el ends here