#lang typed/racket/no-check (require racket/syntax) ;; Generate lists for Racket keywords, builtins, and types. ;; ;; The question of what is a "keyword" and a "builtin" is not so ;; simple in Racket: ;; ;; 1. The distinction between the two is squishy, and from one point ;; of view Racket has 1400+ "primitives" (!). ;; ;; 2. As for "builtins", there are many, many "batteries included" ;; libraries in the main distribution. Where to draw the line? ;; ;; 3. More fundamentally, Racket is a language for making languages. ;; Ultimately the only way to be 100% correct is to do something ;; "live" with namespace-mapped-symbols. But I don't see that as ;; performant for Emacs font-lock. ;; ;; Here I'm saying that: ;; ;; (a) "keywords" are syntax (only) from racket/base ;; ;; (b) "builtins" are everything else provided by #lang racket and ;; #lang typed/racket (except the capitalized Types from typed/racket ;; go into their own list). Plus for modern macros, racket/syntax and ;; a few items from syntax/parse (but not its the syntax classes, ;; because `id` and `str` are too "generic" and too likely to be user ;; program identifiers). ;; ;; Is that somewhat arbitrary? Hell yes. It's my least-worst, ;; practical idea for now. Also, IMHO it's an improvement over getting ;; pull requests to add people's favorites, a few at a time. At least ;; this way is consistent, and can be regenerated programatically as ;; Racket evolves. (define (symbol<=? a b) (string<=? (symbol->string a) (symbol->string b))) (define (exports mod #:only-stx? [only-stx? #f]) (define (ids phases) (for*/list ([phase phases] [item (cdr phase)]) (car item))) (define-values (vars stxs) (module->exports mod)) (sort (remove-duplicates (append (ids stxs) (if only-stx? '() (ids vars))) eq?) symbol<=?)) (define (subtract xs ys) (for*/list ([x xs] #:when (not (memq x ys))) x)) (define base-stx (exports 'racket/base #:only-stx? #t)) (define rkt (append (exports 'racket) (exports 'racket/syntax) '(syntax-parse syntax-parser define-simple-macro))) (define rkt+ (subtract rkt base-stx)) (define tr (exports 'typed/racket)) (define tr+ (subtract tr rkt)) ;This includes Types, too (define Types (for/list ([x tr+] #:when (char-upper-case? (string-ref (symbol->string x) 0))) x)) ;;; The final lists (define keywords base-stx) (define builtins (sort (subtract (remove-duplicates (append rkt+ (subtract tr+ Types)) eq?) base-stx) symbol<=?)) ;; So many builtins, Emacs gives "regexp too long" error, so split into two: (define-values (builtins1 builtins2) (let ([mid (/ (length builtins) 2)]) (for/fold ([xs '()] [ys '()]) ([x builtins] [i (in-naturals)]) (cond [(< i mid) (values (cons x xs) ys)] [else (values xs (cons x ys))])))) (define types Types) (define (prn xs) (pretty-print (map symbol->string (sort xs symbol<=?)))) ;; Run these to print, copy and paste into racket-keywords-and-builtins.el ;; (prn types) ;; (prn keywords) ;; (prn builtins1) ;; (prn builtins2)