;;; js2-refactor.el --- The beginnings of a JavaScript refactoring library in emacs. -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Magnar Sveen ;; Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Magnar Sveen and Nicolas Petton ;; Author: Magnar Sveen , ;; Nicolas Petton ;; Keywords: conveniences ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; This is a collection of small refactoring functions to further the idea of a ;; JavaScript IDE in Emacs that started with js2-mode. ;; ## Installation ;; Start by installing the dependencies: ;; * js2-mode https://github.com/mooz/js2-mode/ ;; * dash https://github.com/magnars/dash.el ;; * multiple-cursors https://github.com/magnars/multiple-cursors.el ;; It is also recommended to get ;; [expand-region](https://github.com/magnars/expand-region.el) to more easily mark ;; vars, method calls and functions for refactorings. ;; Then add this to your Emacs settings: ;; (require 'js2-refactor) ;; (add-hook 'js2-mode-hook #'js2-refactor-mode) ;; (js2r-add-keybindings-with-prefix "C-c C-m") ;; Note: I am working on a smoother installation path through package.el, ;; but I haven't had the time to whip this project into that sort of ;; structure - yet. ;; ## Usage ;; All refactorings start with `C-c C-m` and then a two-letter mnemonic shortcut. ;; * `ee` is `expand-node-at-point`: Expand bracketed list according to node type at point (array, object, function, call args). ;; * `cc` is `contract-node-at-point`: Contract bracketed list according to node type at point (array, object, function, call args). ;; * `ef` is `extract-function`: Extracts the marked expressions out into a new named function. ;; * `em` is `extract-method`: Extracts the marked expressions out into a new named method in an object literal. ;; * `tf` is `toggle-function-expression-and-declaration`: Toggle between function name() {} and var name = function (); ;; * `ta` is `toggle-arrow-function-and-expression`: Toggle between function expression to arrow function. ;; * `ts` is `toggle-function-async`: Toggle between an async and a regular function. ;; * `ip` is `introduce-parameter`: Changes the marked expression to a parameter in a local function. ;; * `lp` is `localize-parameter`: Changes a parameter to a local var in a local function. ;; * `wi` is `wrap-buffer-in-iife`: Wraps the entire buffer in an immediately invoked function expression ;; * `ig` is `inject-global-in-iife`: Creates a shortcut for a marked global by injecting it in the wrapping immediately invoked function expression ;; * `ag` is `add-to-globals-annotation`: Creates a `/*global */` annotation if it is missing, and adds the var at point to it. ;; * `ev` is `extract-var`: Takes a marked expression and replaces it with a var. ;; * `el` is `extract-var`: Takes a marked expression and replaces it with a let. ;; * `ec` is `extract-var`: Takes a marked expression and replaces it with a const. ;; * `iv` is `inline-var`: Replaces all instances of a variable with its initial value. ;; * `rv` is `rename-var`: Renames the variable on point and all occurrences in its lexical scope. ;; * `vt` is `var-to-this`: Changes local `var a` to be `this.a` instead. ;; * `ao` is `arguments-to-object`: Replaces arguments to a function call with an object literal of named arguments. ;; * `3i` is `ternary-to-if`: Converts ternary operator to if-statement. ;; * `sv` is `split-var-declaration`: Splits a `var` with multiple vars declared, into several `var` statements. ;; * `ss` is `split-string`: Splits a `string`. ;; * `st` is `string-to-template`: Converts a `string` into a template string. ;; * `uw` is `unwrap`: Replaces the parent statement with the selected region. ;; * `lt` is `log-this`: Adds a console.log() statement for what is at point (or region). With a prefix argument, use JSON pretty-printing. ;; * `dt` is `debug-this`: Adds a debug() statement for what is at point (or region). ;; * `sl` is `forward-slurp`: Moves the next statement into current function, if-statement, for-loop or while-loop. ;; * `ba` is `forward-barf`: Moves the last child out of current function, if-statement, for-loop or while-loop. ;; * `k` is `kill`: Kills to the end of the line, but does not cross semantic boundaries. ;; There are also some minor conveniences bundled: ;; * `C-S-down` and `C-S-up` moves the current line up or down. If the line is an ;; element in an object or array literal, it makes sure that the commas are ;; still correctly placed. ;; * `k` `kill-line`: Like `kill-line` but respecting the AST. ;; ## Todo ;; A list of some wanted improvements for the current refactorings. ;; * expand- and contract-array: should work recursively with nested object literals and nested arrays. ;; * expand- and contract-function: should deal better with nested object literals, array declarations, and statements terminated only by EOLs (without semicolons). ;; * wrap-buffer-in-iife: should skip comments and namespace initializations at buffer start. ;; * extract-variable: could end with a query-replace of the expression in its scope. ;; ## Contributions ;; * [Matt Briggs](https://github.com/mbriggs) contributed `js2r-add-to-globals-annotation` ;; * [Alex Chamberlain](https://github.com/apchamberlain) contributed contracting and expanding arrays and functions. ;; * [Nicolas Petton](https://github.com/NicolasPetton) contributed `js2r-kill` ;; Thanks! ;; ## Contribute ;; This project is still in its infancy, and everything isn't quite sorted out ;; yet. If you're eager to contribute, please add an issue here on github and we ;; can discuss your changes a little before diving into the elisp :-). ;; To fetch the test dependencies: ;; $ cd /path/to/multiple-cursors ;; $ git submodule init ;; $ git submodule update ;; Run the tests with: ;; $ ./util/ecukes/ecukes features ;;; Code: (require 'js2-mode) (require 'js2r-helpers) (require 'js2r-formatting) (require 'js2r-iife) (require 'js2r-vars) (require 'js2r-functions) (require 'js2r-wrapping) (require 'js2r-conditionals) (require 'js2r-conveniences) (require 'js2r-paredit) (defvar js2-refactor-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap) "Keymap for js2-refactor.") (defvar js2-refactor-keybinding-prefix nil "Store keybinding prefix used by js2-refactor.") ;;;###autoload (define-minor-mode js2-refactor-mode "Minor mode providing JavaScript refactorings." :lighter " js2r" :keymap js2-refactor-mode-map (when js2-refactor-mode (yas-minor-mode-on))) ;;; Settings ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defgroup js2-refactor nil "Minor mode providing JavaScript refactorings." :group 'tools :prefix "js2r-" :link '(url-link :tag "Repository" "https://github.com/magnars/js2-refactor.el")) (defcustom js2r-use-strict nil "When non-nil, js2r inserts strict declarations in IIFEs." :group 'js2-refactor :type 'boolean) (defcustom js2r-prefered-quote-type 1 "The prefered quote style for strings." :group 'js2-refactor :type '(choice (const :tag "Double" 1) (const :tag "Single" 2))) (defcustom js2r-always-insert-parens-around-arrow-function-params nil "When non-nil, js2r always inserts parenthesis around arrow function params. This only affects arrow functions with one parameter." :group 'js2-refactor :type 'boolean) (defcustom js2r-prefer-let-over-var nil "When non-nil, js2r uses let constructs over var when performing refactorings." :group 'js2-refactor :type 'boolean) (defcustom js2r-log-before-point nil "When non-nil, js2r inserts logging and debug statements before point. When nil, logging and debug statements are inserted after point, unless point is in a return statement." :group 'js2-refactor :type 'boolean) ;;; Keybindings ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun js2r--add-keybindings (key-fn) "Add js2r refactoring keybindings to `js2-mode-map' using KEY-FN to create each keybinding." (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "ee") #'js2r-expand-node-at-point) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "cc") #'js2r-contract-node-at-point) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "wi") #'js2r-wrap-buffer-in-iife) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "ig") #'js2r-inject-global-in-iife) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "ev") #'js2r-extract-var) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "el") #'js2r-extract-let) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "ec") #'js2r-extract-const) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "iv") #'js2r-inline-var) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "rv") #'js2r-rename-var) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "vt") #'js2r-var-to-this) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "ag") #'js2r-add-to-globals-annotation) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "sv") #'js2r-split-var-declaration) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "ss") #'js2r-split-string) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "st") #'js2r-string-to-template) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "ef") #'js2r-extract-function) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "em") #'js2r-extract-method) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "ip") #'js2r-introduce-parameter) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "lp") #'js2r-localize-parameter) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "tf") #'js2r-toggle-function-expression-and-declaration) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "ta") #'js2r-toggle-arrow-function-and-expression) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "ts") #'js2r-toggle-function-async) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "ao") #'js2r-arguments-to-object) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "uw") #'js2r-unwrap) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "wl") #'js2r-wrap-in-for-loop) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "3i") #'js2r-ternary-to-if) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "lt") #'js2r-log-this) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "dt") #'js2r-debug-this) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "sl") #'js2r-forward-slurp) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "ba") #'js2r-forward-barf) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (funcall key-fn "k") #'js2r-kill) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (kbd "") #'js2r-move-line-down) (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (kbd "") #'js2r-move-line-up)) ;;;###autoload (defun js2r-add-keybindings-with-prefix (prefix) "Add js2r keybindings using the prefix PREFIX." (setq js2-refactor-keybinding-prefix (read-kbd-macro prefix)) (js2r--add-keybindings (-partial #'js2r--key-pairs-with-prefix prefix))) ;;;###autoload (defun js2r-add-keybindings-with-modifier (modifier) "Add js2r keybindings using the modifier MODIFIER." (js2r--add-keybindings (-partial #'js2r--key-pairs-with-modifier modifier))) (provide 'js2-refactor) ;;; js2-refactor.el ends here