2020-02-22 12:54:34 +01:00

121 lines
4.3 KiB

#lang at-exp racket/base
(require racket/format
(define-runtime-path dot-dot "..")
(define-namespace-anchor nsa)
(parameterize ([current-namespace (namespace-anchor->namespace nsa)])
(define (not-0 v) (not (= 0 v)))
(define (not-1 v) (not (= 1 v)))
(check-equal? (find-definition "display")
(check-equal? (find-signature "display")
'("defined in #%kernel, signature unavailable"))
(check-match (find-definition "displayln")
(list (pregexp "/racket/private/misc\\.rkt$")
(? not-1)
(? not-0)))
(check-equal? (find-signature "displayln")
'((displayln v) (displayln v p))) ;case-lambda defn
;; Test a definer macro that (as of Racket 6.7) does not properly
;; set srcloc: Can we at least return a specfic location for its
;; parent syntax (as opposed to line 1 column 0)?
(check-match (find-definition "in-hash")
(list (pregexp "/racket/private/for.rkt$")
(? not-1)
(? not-0)))
;; Tests for specific locations in find-examples.rkt
(check-match (find-definition "plain")
(list (pregexp "find-examples.rkt$") 7 9))
(check-equal? (find-signature "plain")
'(plain x))
(check-match (find-definition "renamed")
(list (pregexp "find-examples.rkt$") 7 9))
(check-equal? (find-signature "renamed")
'(plain x))
(check-match (find-definition "contracted1")
(list (pregexp "find-examples.rkt$") 11 9))
(check-equal? (find-signature "contracted1")
'(contracted1 x))
(check-match (find-definition "contracted2")
(list (pregexp "find-examples.rkt$") 13 9))
(check-equal? (find-signature "contracted2")
'(contracted2 x))
(check-match (find-definition "contracted/renamed")
(list (pregexp "find-examples.rkt$") 16 9))
(check-equal? (find-signature "contracted/renamed")
'(c/r x))
(check-match (find-definition "plain-by-macro")
(list (pregexp "find-examples.rkt$") 23 15))
(check-false (find-signature "plain-by-macro"))
(check-match (find-definition "contracted-by-macro")
(list (pregexp "find-examples.rkt$") 29 20))
(check-false (find-signature "contracted-by-macro"))
(check-match (find-definition "sub")
(list (pregexp "find-examples.rkt$") 38 11))
(check-equal? (find-signature "sub")
'(sub x))
(check-match (find-definition "sub/renamed")
(list (pregexp "find-examples.rkt$") 38 11))
(check-equal? (find-signature "sub/renamed")
'(sub x))
(check-match (find-definition "foo")
(list (pregexp "find-examples.rkt$") 48 9))
(check-equal? (find-signature "foo")
'(foo x))
(check-match (find-definition "a-number")
(list (pregexp "find-examples.rkt$") 52 8))
(check-match (find-definition "a-parameter")
(list (pregexp "find-examples.rkt$") 54 8))
;; This is (roughly) a test of opening a Racket source file and
;; doing M-. on every non-list sexpr: Call find-definition on each
;; sexpr. Not-found (#f) is fine. But fail test for (list _ 1 0) --
;; i.e. the source file was found, but not the location within.
(define (check-non-bof-location file)
(define ht (make-hash))
(define (find k) ;memoized find-definition
(hash-ref ht k
(λ ()
(define v (find-definition (format "~a" k)))
(hash-set! ht k v)
(define (walk v)
(if (list? v)
(for-each walk v)
(match (find v)
[(list where 1 0)
(fail @~a{can't find definition of `@|v|` in @where})]
[_ (void)])))
;; Why read not read-syntax? Because we only care about the
;; sexprs as text: `find-definition` takes a string, because
;; `racket-visit-definition` takes text from an Emacs buffer.
(λ () (with-input-from-file file read)))))
(for ([file '("commands/requires.rkt"
(check-non-bof-location (build-path dot-dot file))))