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<span class="hidden">CLiki - FriedrichDominicus</span>
<div id="content"><div id="content-area"><div id="article-title">FriedrichDominicus</div><div id="article">I'm a <a href="Person.html" class="category">Person</a>, the homepage from my small company can be accessed at
<a href="http://www.q-software-solutions.de">Q Software Solutions</a>
and my personal hompage is at
<a href="http://www.q-software-solutions.de/~frido">My web home </a><p>My favourite languages are those which have stand the proof-of-time. I'm in the "backward-compatablity-preferred" camp, but can see also reasons why others won't follow. However I feel very unpleasant about libraries which change from one minor version to another in a incompatible way. <p>I've spend the last 10 years or so on languages development and my pets peeves are the so called 'non-mainstream' languages. The languages I like the most are currently<p>* C (see e.g my homepage)<p>* Common Lisp (well you guess that, I guess ;-)<p>* <a href="http://www.ruby-lang.org">Ruby</a><p>* <a href="http://www.squeak.org">Smalltalk</a><p>I do like also:
* <a href="http://caml.inria.fr">Ocaml</a><p>* <a href="http://haskell.org">Haskell</a><p>* <a href="http://www.erlang.org">Erlang</a><p>* and a few others ;-)<p>I have a dislike for
C++, Perl<p>I'm undecided about
Java, C# and maybe a thousands more (because I simple do not know them ;-)<p>
I've spend quite a few years and a bunch of money on developing a follow up language to Eiffel called <a href="http://www.q-software-solutions.de/q/index.shtml">Q</a>. It's a proof-of-concept it has not materialized really because it seems there is not market for development tools on Linux. <p>As you might think: I was once an enthusiastic Eiffel programmer, but political reasons from two of the major players <a href="http://www.eiffel.com">ISE</a> and the 'free' (beer) development team of <a href="http://smarteiffel.loria.fr/">Smart(ll)Eiffel</a> have driven me far away. <p>Feel free to visit new:comp.lang.eiffel or the Mailings list to get an idea about this stuff.<p><h1>Invitation</h1>
Well I would appreciate if you'd start working with me or with anyone else on
<a href="https://www.cliki.net/webDevelopmentExample" class="new">webDevelopmentExample</a>. <p><p><h1>An Essay about why</h1>
Gary King asked <a href="http://www.metabang.com/unclog/publisha/why.html">why?</a>The web application development tutorials
Maybe some of you have notices that I havn't wrote a line within a month. I'm a bit sorry about that, but I'm really running short on time and temper. As I wrote here:
<a href="http://lispandwebdev.infogami.com/Friedrich_Dominicus_response">Why answer</a><p>The comment from Daniel Barlow just stresses my point:
There I was thinking that the question was why Lisp hackers don't use it for web dev, but then it turns out from the comments that it's actually why people doing web dev aren't lisp hackers.<p>Lucky I didn't waste my time answering the wrong question, then ..."
From the Blog of http://www.metabang.com/unclog/publisha/why.html answers. <p>
<h1>Comparisons between the diverse Web Development Kits</h1><p>I spend a few hours to get into <a href="kpax.html" class="internal">kpax</a> and it seems that this framework lies in betweeen <a href="webactions.html" class="internal">webactions</a> and <a href="ucw.html" class="internal">ucw</a> in regards to functionality. IMHO it's complexity is in between also, but I've the impression that <a href="kpax.html" class="internal">kpax</a> is the best written from the the mentioned tools. However it may be that this is due to my growing knowledge. So maybe it looks a bit easier as it really is.<p>But one thing I found very interesting (or amusing) that's the way I wrote my extension for webactions<p><a href="Extension webactions.html" class="internal">Extension webactions</a></div></div>
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