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<span class="hidden">CLiki - bknr</span>
<div id="content"><div id="content-area"><div id="article-title">bknr</div><div id="article"><a href="http://bknr.net/">bknr</a> is a meta-projects containing an <a href="ObjectStore.html" class="internal">ObjectStore</a> (<a href="bknr-datastore.html" class="internal">bknr-datastore</a>), a template system, a <a href="web&#32;framework.html" class="category">web framework</a> and support for images, blogs, billboards, etc. Its name is the short form for baikonour, the soviet spacecraft launch platform. bknr is a software launch platform for LISP satellites.<p>BKNR is tested on SBCL, CCL and CMUCL on FreeBSD, Linux and Mac OS X.<p>It features a new MOP oriented datastore, a MOP based indexing layer,
and an XML import/export layer.<p>To get BKNR, browse to
<a href="http://bknr.net/html/getting.html">http://bknr.net/html/getting.html</a><p>The source code of BKNR is available through subversion at svn://bknr.net/svn<p><pre>
$ svn co svn://bknr.net/svn/trunk
</pre><p>Please note that the subversion repository contains all thirdparty Lisp packages we use in production systems. Our rationale is that we want easy deployment and repeatable configurations.<p>The slides of the talk about BKNR sputnik, presented at lisp-hh in
november 2004, are available at <a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20070406201354/http://bl0rg.net/~manuel/bknr-vortrag/">bl0rg.net</a> [snapshot link].<p>Slides of a talk about BKNR at ITA software are available at <a href="http://bknr.net/datastore-presentation.pdf">http://bknr.net/datastore-presentation.pdf</a>.<p><h2>Evaluation, 20100901</h2><p>A very brief assessment of all web frameworks listed in <b>cliki</b> was carried out in September 2010. This assessment comprised: check websites, download source if available, attempt to compile, review documentation. <p>BKNR was seen as not so much a web framework, more a persistent object framework
with some web stuff wrapped around it. Designed for relatively small datasets - the entire dataset is held in core, and only a transaction log (journal) is written to disk.<p>Documentation of the persistent object framework is reasonably good. However, there was very little documentation of the web framework.<p>Three example websites were listed, of which one was found to be broken, the other two not very impressive.</div></div>
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