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<span class="hidden">CLiki - cl-marshal</span>
<div id="content"><div id="content-area"><div id="article-title">cl-marshal</div><div id="article">Simple and fast marshalling of all kinds of Lisp data structures.
Convert any object into a s-expression, put it on a stream an revive it from there. Only minimal changes required to make your CLOS objects serializable. Actually you only need to add 1 method per baseclass.<p>Homepage: <a href="https://github.com/wlbr/cl-marshal">https://github.com/wlbr/cl-marshal</a><p>Dependencies: none (except asdf)<br>
License: MIT <br>
Author: <a href="Michael&#32;Wolber.html" class="internal">Michael Wolber</a><p><h2>Examples</h2><p><h4>Serialization of simple data:</h4>
$ (ms:marshal (list 1 2 3 &quot;Foo&quot; &quot;Bar&quot; (make-array &#039;(3) :initial-contents &#039;(a b c))))
--&gt; (:PCODE 1
(:LIST 1 1 2 3 (:SIMPLE-STRING 2 &quot;Foo&quot;) (:SIMPLE-STRING 3 &quot;Bar&quot;)
(:ARRAY 4 (3) T (A B C))))
$ (ms:unmarshal &#039;(:PCODE 1
(:LIST 1 1 2 3 (:SIMPLE-STRING 2 &quot;Foo&quot;) (:SIMPLE-STRING 3 &quot;Bar&quot;)
(:ARRAY 4 (3) T (A B C)))))
--&gt; (1 2 3 &quot;Foo&quot; &quot;Bar&quot; #(A B C))
</pre><p>That means that a
<pre>(ms:unmarshal (ms:marshal myobject))</pre>
returns a deep clone of myobject.<p>
<h4>Objects:A more complex example</h4>
(defclass ship ()
((name :initform &quot;&quot; :initarg :name :accessor name)
(dimensions :initform &#039;(:width 0 :length 0) :initarg :dimensions :accessor dimensions)
(course :initform 0 :initarg :course :accessor course)
(cruise :initform 0 :initarg :cruise :accessor cruise) ; shall be transient
(dinghy :initform NIL :initarg :dinghy :accessor dinghy :initarg :dinghy)) ; another ship -&gt; ref
(:documentation &quot;A democlass. Some &#039;persistant slots&#039;, one transient.
Some numbers, string, lists and object references.&quot;))
(defparameter ark (make-instance &#039;ship :name &quot;Ark&quot; :course 360
:dimensions &#039;(:width 30 :length 90)))
Nothing happens if we try to serialize this, as one important piece is missing:
$ (ms:marshal ark)
--&gt; (:PCODE 1 NIL)
</pre><p>For your classes you need to add one special method: <pre>ms:class-persistant-slots</pre> There you are going to define the slots that shall be serialized, so that you can have persistant and transient slots in your class.
(defmethod ms:class-persistant-slots ((self ship))
&#039;(name dimensions course dinghy))
Note that the slot cruise is not listed. Therefore it will not be serialized.<p><pre>
$ (ms:marshal ark)
--&gt; (:PCODE 1
(:OBJECT 1 SHIP (:SIMPLE-STRING 2 &quot;Ark&quot;) (:LIST 3 :WIDTH 30 :LENGTH 90) 360
(:LIST 4)))
</pre><p>Fine. Try a <pre>(ms:unmarshal (ms:marshal ark))</pre> and you will get a clone of the object ark.<p>The whole thing works with arrays, hashtables, lists, classes/objects, subclasses incl. multiple inheritance, all of this nested and with circular references. See <a href="https://github.com/wlbr/cl-marshal/blob/master/README.md">README.md</a> for more detailed examples.<p><a href="serialization.html" class="category">serialization</a> <a href="wire&#32;format.html" class="category">wire format</a></div></div>
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