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<a name="The-Cacheing-Mechanism"></a>
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<h3 class="section">3.5 The Cacheing Mechanism</h3>
<p>In general, the cacheing mechanism works as follows: each class has an
associated wrapper, with some number of uniformly-distributed random
hash values associated with it; each cache has an associated index into
this pseudovector of random hash values. To look a value up from a
cache from a single class, the hash corresponding to the cache's index
is looked up and reduced to the size of the cache (by bitmasking, for
cache sizes of a power of two); then the entry at that index is looked
up and compared for indentity with the wrapper in question. If it
matches, this is a hit; otherwise the cache is walked sequentially from
this index, skipping the 0th entry. If the original index is reached,
the cache does not contain the value sought<a rel="footnote" href="The-Cacheing-Mechanism.html#fn-1" name="fnd-1"><sup>1</sup></a>.
<p>To add an entry to a cache, much the same computation is executed.
However, if there is a collision in hash values, before the cache is
grown, an attempt is made to fill the cache using a different index into
the wrappers' hash values.
<p>Wrappers are invalidated for caches by setting all of their hash values
to zero. (Additionally, they are invalidated by setting their
<code>depthoid</code> to -1, to communicate to structure type testers, and
their <code>invalid</code> to non-<code>nil</code>, communicating to
<p>The hash value for multiple dispatch is computed by summing all of the
individual hash values from each wrapper (excluding arguments for which
all methods have <code>t</code> specializers, for which no dispatch
computation needs to be done), jumping to the cache miss case if any
wrapper has a zero hash index.
<p>(FIXME: As of sbcl-0.9.x.y, the generality of multiple hash values per
wrapper was removed, as it appeared to do nothing in particular for
performance in real-world situations.)
<p>References (O for working BibTeX):
<p>The CLOS standards proposal
<p>Kiczales and Rodruigez
<div class="footnote">
<h4>Footnotes</h4><p class="footnote"><small>[<a name="fn-1" href="The-Cacheing-Mechanism.html#fnd-1">1</a>]</small> Actually, there's
some kind of scope for overflow.</p>