50 lines
1.7 KiB
50 lines
1.7 KiB
#lang racket/base
(require racket/list
(only-in "../instrument.rkt" get-test-coverage-info))
(provide get-uncovered)
(define (get-uncovered file)
(for*/list ([x (in-list (get-test-coverage-info))]
[covered? (in-value (first x))]
#:when (not covered?)
[src (in-value (second x))]
#:when (equal? file src)
[pos (in-value (third x))]
[span (in-value (fourth x))])
(cons pos (+ pos span)))))
(define (consolidate-coverage-ranges xs)
(remove-duplicates (sort xs < #:key car)
(define (same? x y)
;; Is x a subset of y or vice versa?
(match-define (cons x/beg x/end) x)
(match-define (cons y/beg y/end) y)
(or (and (<= x/beg y/beg) (<= y/end x/end))
(and (<= y/beg x/beg) (<= x/end y/end))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-true (same? '(0 . 9) '(0 . 9)))
(check-true (same? '(0 . 9) '(4 . 5)))
(check-true (same? '(4 . 5) '(0 . 9)))
(check-false (same? '(0 . 1) '(1 . 2)))
(check-equal? (consolidate-coverage-ranges
'((10 . 20) (10 . 11) (19 . 20) (10 . 20)
(20 . 30) (20 . 21) (29 . 30) (20 . 30)))
'((10 . 20)
(20 . 30)))
;; This is a test of actual coverage data I got from one example,
;; where the maximal subsets were (164 . 197) and (214. 247).
'((164 . 197) (164 . 197) (164 . 197)
(173 . 180) (173 . 180) (173 . 180) (173 . 180) (173 . 180) (187 . 196)
(214 . 247) (214 . 247) (214 . 247)
(223 . 230) (223 . 230) (223 . 230) (223 . 230) (223 . 230) (237 . 246)))
'((164 . 197) (214 . 247))))